Christopher video 1 - talking to Dr Brownstien about his experiences with Covid-19 Coronavirus
When Christopher thought he has Covid -19 with a high fever, couching, hewas told there is no theropy -just to go home and isolate .....
Christopher was told do what you can to self medicate and do not come into he hospital or the doctor ..... only if you get very sick with trouble breathing

Deep Down the Virus Rabbit Hole – Question Everything April 1, 2020 By Makia Freeman
Watch out! The killer virus is coming!

Watch out! The killer virus is coming!

Well … maybe not. Behind any pandemic, there are always a long set of assumptions that underpin the medical reports and subsequent political and legal decisions. These assumptions are barely recognizable since they are routinely reported as facts. However, to truly justify everything that’s happening all over the world right now – social distancing, surveillance, censorship, lockdowns, quarantine, medical martial law, economic crashes, new digital currencies, governmental emergency powers – with mandatory vaccinations and human microchipping slated to come – those in charge at the Department of Propaganda have to convince you that those assumptions are facts. So, we’re going to take a journey down the rabbit hole to ask some fundamental questions not only about the coronavirus but also the mysterious entity of the virus itself. What is a virus? Can a virus cross from animal to human? Can it cross from human to human? Did you know the CDC admitted that their beloved PCR test is essentially useless, as it doesn’t tell you whether a virus is causing disease? Is it 100% proven that viruses cause disease in humans anyway? How do the competing theories of germ theory and host theory/terrain theory play into this? So, buckle up, open your mind and get prepared for a ride.

What Is a Virus? 
Mainstream Western Medicine (allopathy) developed due to the influence of the Rockefellers who created it to help sell their petroleum drugs which became the basis for today’s Big Pharma medicines. The Rockefellers and other NWO (New World Order) central banking bloodline families overtook the schools and curricula for Medicine, and shut down competition like homeopathy, via the Flexner Report.

The Rockefellers made sure that allopathy would be purely focused on pharmaceuticals and blocked proper nutritional knowledge from doctors.

This is the same mainstream medical system that sets the definitions for things like viruses, so let’s begin with a healthy dose of skepticism. This is also the same Rockefeller family that funded the UN (and donated land for its HQ in New York), whose Rockefeller Foundation has co-opted education and whose Rockefeller Foundation released a 2010 paper analyzing how governments could/should react to a pandemic scenario..

 Rockefeller Foundation released a 2010 paper analyzing how governments could/should react to a pandemic scenario..
​According to this mainstream scientific mindset, viruses are entities composed of DNA or RNA fragments (genetic material) and encased in a protein cover and/or lipid (fat) envelope. They are not technically alive, requiring a cell host to replicate. They are tiny – far tinier than a bacterium – and unlike a bacterium they are not a cell, so they don’t have a respiratory, circulatory or nervous system. The virus is said to be right on the border of the living and the non-living.

However, there is an important alternative view of the virus.

The late primal diet/raw meat advocate Aajonus Vonderplanitz (who died in 2013) gave this fascinating interview during the swine flu hoax of 2009, when everyone was freaking out (not as much as with the coronavirus, but in a similar vein to the hyped ebola and zika outbreaks). He claimed the following:
– viruses are created by the body to clean itself when friendly bacteria can no longer break down all the waste;
– all viruses are good viruses, being necessary cellular responses;
– viruses are like a solvent or soap, made by cells to help dissolve and eliminate toxins (a solvent is something that will make the solute [the thing to be dissolved] turn into a solution [liquid]);
– viruses are specific to the cell that created them;
– viruses cannot cross species;
– viruses don’t exist outside of bodies; and
– that the only way that a virus can cross species is if it’s made in a factory and injected, i.e. extracted, kept in a lab, genetically altered and modified, weaponized, then made into vaccines and bioweapons.

Dormant viruses and latent viruses can exist in our bodies all the time without causing disease. The mere presence of a virus in an organism doesn’t tell you anything about the health of that organism. It is quite possible that due to all the toxicity in our world (junk food, GMO crops, chlorinated and fluoridated water, poisoned skies), our body has to make a solvent to help us get rid of the toxins.
Interestingly, the main points in the interview with Aajonus are also explained in this recent video by Australian Tom Barnett.

​What if the body is producing viruses in response to toxicity?
What if their apparent spreading and replication is due to the body making many of them to clean up a mess
​French scientist Antoine Bechamp (more on him below) did experiments that led him to discover tiny particles which he called microzymas and which others have called protids, somatids or exosomes. These tiny particles are pleomorphic (taking on many shapes) and may well go through a life cycle where they begin as ‘buds’ (which is what the word ‘germ’ means etymologically) or offshoots, and later develop into viruses or bacteria. The fact that microbes can be pleomorphic is a very important concept to understand. This idea is also relevant when it comes to understanding what cancer is and how to heal it naturally. In an earlier article Inner Terrain vs. Outer Terrain: Which Do You Emphasize for Good Health?, I explained:
“Bechamp theorized that germs were actually the chemical byproducts, dead tissue and degenerative aspects of a body’s unbalanced state. He stated living entities called microzymas (tiny enzymes) created bacteria in response to host and environmental factors.
“Claiming discovery that the “molecular granulations” in biological fluids were actually the elementary units of life, Béchamp named them microzymas—that is, “tiny enzymes”—and credited them with producing enzymes and were the builders of cells while “evolving” amid favorable conditions into bacteria. Denying that bacteria could invade a healthy animal and cause disease, Béchamp claimed instead that unfavorable host and environmental conditions destabilize the host’s native microzymas, whereupon they decompose host tissue by producing pathogenic bacteria.””

James Hildreth MD from Johns Hopkins University declared:
“The virus is fully an exosome in every sense of the word.”

Piezoelectrical Repair Crews
This video which highlights aspects of the fake coronavirus pandemic also talks of viruses as entities created by the body that do not do any harm and are designed to carry waste. The video creator refers to viruses as a “piezoelectrical repair crew”, with a polysaccharide coating on their heads, who can travel to a damaged cell and facilitate glycolysis (the conversion of sugar into energy). In other words, they go to a cell needing a repair and give it energy (sugar) and electricity (a kind of jump start). According to this viewpoint, blaming a virus for damage is like blaming an innocent helper at the scene of the crime; just because someone saw a crime and came to help does not mean they caused the crime. The situation is similar to the demonization of cholesterol which I have discussed elsewhere; it turns out that cholesterol is an essential nutrient and at the scene of bodily damage to repair it, not because it caused it. By the way, around 8 years ago Berkeley scientists turned harmless viruses into piezoelectric generators.

The Flawed PCR Test; You Might Have the Virus – But So What? That Doesn’t Mean You’re Sick
Even if you strongly believe in germ theory (more on this below), there are some serious problems with the generally accepted method of testing for a virus. It’s called the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test. The PCR test amplifies a specific region of a DNA strand (the DNA target). It is qualitative not quantitative; in other words, it can tell you if a virus is present or not, but it can’t tell you in what quantities, and it can’t make any accurate assessment about whether the presence of that virus or not is enough to cause disease. As I pointed out in my article 6 Solid, Scientific Reasons to Assuage Your Coronavirus Panic, the CDC (US Center for Disease Control) itself admits that a positive coronavirus COVID-19 test (using the PCR method) doesn’t mean the virus is causing the disease/symptoms you may have! These are the actual words of the CDC:
“Positive [test] results are indicative of active infection with 2019-nCoV but do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease.”

Is it 100% Proven That Viruses Cause Disease in Humans?
Amazingly, no – it is not. Germ theory is just that: a theory. For those wanting a more technical explanation of this alternative understanding of viruses, check out Dr. Thomas Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman and especially Dr. Stefan Lanka. Kaufman has given some recent interviews with Crrow777 and Richie from Boston where he elaborates upon the idea that viruses have never been proven to cause disease. Both Cowan and Kaufman discuss the tests that were done after the 1918 Spanish Flu (an outbreak which it turns out was caused by EMFs/electrification and/or vaccines) where they had sick people breathe into healthy people’s mouths. The healthy people didn’t get sick. Likewise, they had sick horses sneeze and cough mucus, fluids, droplets, etc. into a bag, put food in that bag, then gave that food to healthy horses. They were unable to make the healthy horses sick.
Dr. Stefan Lanka is the king in this area. He is a German biologist and virologist who came to understand we have been lied to on a grand scale regarding the nature of the virus. He offered a reward of €100,000 for anyone who could scientifically prove that measles was a virus. That case that went all the way to the German Supreme Court where he won. Paul Fassa reports:
“At first it appeared he had lost. But Dr. Lanka took his loss to a higher court with more experts and the backing of two independent laboratories. He wound up not having to pay. It turned out that the “proof” provided was a composite of several different electron microscope images. And the composite involved different components of damaged cells. The composite could not be duplicated. The German Federal Supreme Court confirmed that there was not enough evidence to prove the existence of the measles virus.”

Dave Mihalovic reports in the article Biologist Proves Measles Isn’t A Virus, Wins Supreme Court Case Against Doctor:
“In a recent ruling, judges at the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) confirmed that the measles virus does not exist. Furthermore, there is not a single scientific study in the world which could prove the existence of the virus in any scientific literature. This raises the question of what was actually injected into millions over the past few decades. Not a single scientist, immunologist, infectious disease specialist or medical doctor has ever been able to establish a scientific foundation, not only for the vaccination of measles but any vaccination for infants, pregnant women, the elderly and even many adult subgroups.”
Lanka has spoken out against similar viral epidemics or pandemics, such as the H5N1 bird flu scare (which was being hyped in 2005). Finally, there are even other prominent virologists like professor Peter Duesberg who have stated with solid evidence that HIV does not cause AIDS. Here are some more quotes from Lanka (who speaks German, so translated into English):

“What viruses are there at all, then, and what are they doing?

Structures which you can characterize as viruses there are in many species of bacteria and in simple life forms, similar to the bacteria. They are elements of together-living of different cells in a common cell type which have remained independent

This is called a symbiosis, an endosymbiosis, which has arisen in the course of the process of different cell types’ and structures’ combining, an endosymbiosis which has brought forth the present cell type, that type of cells of which humans, animals and plants consist … Very important: Viruses are component parts of very simple organisms, for instance of the confervacea type of algae, a particular species of a one-celled chlorella alga and of very many bacteria. As existing there, these viral component parts are called phages. In complex organisms however, in particular in humans, or in animals or plants, such structures which you might call viruses have never been seen.

In contrast to the bacteria in our cells, the mitochondria, or the bacteria in every plant, the chloroplasts, which cannot leave the common cell, since they are dependent on the metabolism of the common cell, viruses can leave the cell, since they are not carrying out any survival-vital tasks within the cell.

Viruses, thus, are component parts of the cell which have turned their entire metabolism over to the common cell and therefore can leave the cell. Outside the common cell, they are helping other cells, in that they are transferring construction and energy substances. Any other function of theirs has never been observed.

Those actual viruses which have been scientifically demonstrated to exist are performing, in the very complex processes of interactions of different cells, a helping, a supporting and in no case a destructive function.

Also in the case of diseases, actually neither in the diseased organism nor in a bodily fluid has any structure which you could characterize as a virus ever been seen or isolated. The proposition that there is any sick-making virus whatsoever is a transparent swindle, a fatal lie with dramatic consequences.”

Lanka also drops this bombshell:
“Why then are disease-causing viruses still being maintained to exist?

The school medicine protagonists/practitioners need the paralysing, stupid-making and destructive fear of disease causing phantom viruses as a central basis for their existence:

Firstly, in order to harm many people with vaccinations, in order to build up for themselves a clientele of chronically ill and ailing objects who will put up with anything being done to them.

Secondly, in order not to have to admit that they are failing totally in their treatment of chronical illnesses and have killed and are killing more people than all wars so far have made possible. Every school medicine practitioner is conscious of this, but only very few dare to speak about it. Therefore it’s no wonder either that among professional groups, it is that of the school medicine practitioners that has the highest suicide rate, far surpassing other professional groups.

Thirdly, the school medicine practitioners need the paralysing and stupid-making fear of diabolical viruses, in order to conceal their historical origin as an oppression and killing instrument of the Vatican’s when it was struggling to rise in the world, having developed out of the usurping West Roman army.”

To understand all this, we have to revisit germ theory and terrain theory.
Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory
In the aforementioned article Inner Terrain vs. Outer Terrain: Which Do You Emphasize for Good Health?, there have been 2 competing theories which have influenced thought in many fields (medicine, biology and many more): germ theory and terrain theory/host theory. This started in the 1800s in France when Louis Pasteur championed the germ theory (the world is full of pathogenic germs, microbes, bacteria, etc. which can infect you if you are unlucky enough) and Antoine Bechamp and Claude Bernard championed the terrain theory (microbes can change from one type to another according to the blood or tissue where they reside). The quote attributed to 1 or more of these 3 men is “the germ is nothing, the inner terrain is everything.”

Pasteur (the same man after which pasteurization is named) won out and germ theory became the more dominant philosophy of the two. This has had the unfortunate effect of making people more scared of their environment and more susceptible to propaganda by Big Pharma (we’re here to protect you; just take your drugs and vaccines and everything will be OK). It has also led people to take less responsibility for their inner terrain, via poor dietary and lifestyle choices, meaning a weakened host and lowered immune system – thus becoming more susceptible to disease. But what if we had it wrong? What if it is far more important to emphasize your own strength, health and terrain than to worry about possible germs floating around everywhere that could kill you? What if this whole coronavirus crisis is making everyone OCD, scared of every surface, scared of basic and natural human contact, forgetful of their internal strength and forgetful of the power of their gut microbiome and immune system?

Can a Virus Cross from Animal to Human, or Human to Human?
According to the people quoted above, the answer is no.

A virus is made specifically by your body for the purpose of healing via excretion and clean-up of toxins.
According to this new way of understanding, a virus is made specifically for a cell, group of cells or organ, so viruses don’t even cross organs, let alone from one human body to another.
Where is a Real Picture of the Virus Causing COVID-19?
In a world where everything – literally everything – is photographed and video-recorded, why are there no actual pictures of the virus, the actual coronavirus supposedly causing all this mayhem? It shouldn’t be that hard to get an electron microscope and take a picture. Why are we only given CGIs (computer generated images)?

The Importance of Iodine and Oxygen Amidst the Coronavirus Crisis

On another note, given all the panic and fear surrounding COVID-19, it is important to revisit some health fundamentals right now – specifically iodine and oxygen.
Iodine is a very important mineral, the only halogen that the body needs. However, if you don’t have enough, the body grabs chemically similar elements (the other halogens: fluorine, chlorine and bromine), all of which are toxic. If you have too much of these, you will get sick. Have you noticed how some nations are spraying chloride bleach on everything in reaction to the supposed killer virus, thus exposing you to more chloride? Also, the 6 GHz frequency (used in many wireless phones, routers and other devices) affects your iodine absorption. One symptom of iodine deficiency is respiratory distress (also a symptom of COVID-19). Iodine deficiency is also implicated in cancer.

5G is undeniably connected to the coronavirus, but we still don’t exactly understand how. 5G was first rolled out in Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the outbreak.

. However, not everyone around 5G is getting sick. One possible cause is the new frequency band it will be using (60 GHz or WiGig which is the new name for 60GHz Wi-Fi). Just as the 6 GHz frequency affects iodine absorption, the 60 GHz frequency affects oxygen absorption. In fact, the 60 GHz frequency attenuates or weakens the oxygen molecule. This can lead to O2 molecules not binding so easily to hemoglobin – meaning you don’t take in as much oxygen. This leads to under-oxygenation or hypoxia, the forerunner to disease. Again, just as with iodine, a symptom of oxygen deficiency is respiratory distress (also a symptom of COVID-19).
Hmm … it’s almost as if this virus is providing the perfect excuse and acting as a scapegoat for the toxic chemicals and EMF which are damaging us long-term all the time …

If Viruses Can’t Cross Species, Bodies or Be ‘Caught’,
Then What Happens When One Person Appears to ‘Catch’ the Flu from Someone Else?

This is the key question.
If viruses really are completely different than what almost all of us have been taught to believe, how can we explain apparent viral contagions or viral infections?
Are they real?
Well, certainly many people have experienced getting sick right after being around other people who were sick

The real issue is how?
One possible answer is that the terrain of the recipient was lowered at the point of infection, whether because they were worried or anxious they would get sick (fear lowers the immune system), had the thought they would get sick (and unconsciously gave that thought power) or developed some kind of emotional entrainment or frequency match with the sick person. It’s all about creating a frequency lock. In life, we all have strong and weak moments; in those weaker moments we become more susceptible to disease. The great genius Nikola Tesla said that
 “The day that science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” He also said that “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Is catching disease not about “evil germs out to infect us” but rather about our mental and emotional state, our immune system, our microbiome and our susceptibility?

Conclusion: Use This Crisis as an Opportunity to Look at Viruses in a Different Way
It would be wise amidst all the fear over the coronavirus COVID-19 if were to all remember that germ theory is just that – a theory – and that we have the power to take charge of our own health. We can strengthen our immune system with healthy food choices, enough sunshine (vitamin D), sufficient exercise and adequate sleep. We can choose to reduce or eliminate exposure to toxins like fluoride, chlorine, aluminum, mercury and EMF wireless radiation. We can supplement with things that boost our immunity – like vitamin C, antioxidants, iodine and oxygen – and natural anti-viral medicine like olive leaf extract, medicinal mushrooms and oregano oil.
It is a maxim of life that knowledge decreases fear. What if the real conspiracy here is the exploitation of the mass ignorance regarding the true nature of the virus? What if there is no such thing as a killer virus? What if the real virus here is fear itself – fear of the virus, fear of the unknown and fear of death? It hardly bares stating that the NWO controllers are master manipulators who intimately understand how to exploit human psychology. Now is the time for people to dive in and question everything they thought they knew. It is an opportunity to gain new levels of comprehension, understanding and knowledge – so that we may remain free.
After all, we cannot be free if we continue to remain ignorant, else our ignorance will continue to be exploited.
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at Makia is on Steemit and FB.


#LondonReal #Motivation #TransformYourself - London Real

Coronavirus Australia: Explosive developments in Ruby Princess cruise ship saga
Duncan McNab
Sunday, 5 April 2020

The cruise ship the ruby Princess sits of coast of Sydney, Sunday, April 5, 2020. Credit: JOEL CARRETT/AAPIMAGE
Passengers from the Ruby Princess cruise ship disembarked on March 19. Credit: AAP
Of the 3711 passengers and crew members on board the Diamond Princess, 705 became infected. Credit: AP
A CDC worker takes a swab for virus testing from a woman returning from Hubei province in China. (File) Credit: Barcroft Media via Getty Images
Travellers at the Sydney International Airport pictured on March 27, 2020. (File) Credit: JAMES GOURLEY/AAPIMAGE
Kevin Rudd addressing attendees during CEDA's 2020 Economic and Political Overview on February 12, 2020. (File) NO ARCHIVING Credit: JOEL CARRETT/AAPIMAGE
"We have to maintain our vigilance. We are at a very critical phase," Gladys Berejiklian says. Credit: AAP
NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard has called on the public to support healthcare workers. Credit: AAP
When the luxurious Ruby Princess cruise liner entered Sydney Heads in the early hours of March 19, most were unaware it was a viral bomb poised to detonate in the heart of Australia’s largest city.
As of April 5, 660 passengers from this voyage have tested positive for COVID 19 and 11 have died.
As 7NEWS uncovered during a special investigation, the warning signs were there.
Some chose to ignore them.

Warning signs
An email, obtained by 7NEWS from the highest echelon of the NSW Government, speaks of deep concerns when the ship arrived in Sydney on March 8, 2020 – before 2,700 new passengers joined over 1,000 crew members who’d remained on board, for a cruise to New Zealand.
The sobering email, dated March 13, was from Sarah Marshall, a senior executive of the Port Authority of NSW to her colleagues.
It said the Ruby Princess had arrived in the port on March 8 with ‘158 people who were sick and 13 of whom had a temperature. NSW Health arrived at the OPT [Overseas Passenger Terminal] to screen the sick passengers. This was when Port Authority were alerted to the situation.’
NSW Health, based on those figures, had determined the ship presented a ‘medium risk’ and acted.
Nine of those who were ill were tested for COVID-19 and returned a negative result.
The email noted the ship had advised the Authority’s Vessel Traffic Services [VTS] that they had no ill passengers or crew on board, despite reporting through MARS [the Federal Department of Agriculture’s Maritime Arrivals Reporting System] the numbers of ill mentioned above.
Ms Marshall wrote ‘It has been important for management to review this incident this week to determine what happened, why it happened and how can we avoid this.’
But it was already too late.
In the early hours of March 19, the Ruby Princess slipped back into Circular Quay - the gateway to Australia according to NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard.
The viral epicentre that was the Ruby Princess made its way into the heart of a city of over five million people, and the thoroughfare of the nation.
History repeating
The fate of the passengers on the liner’s sister ship the Diamond Princess should have been fresh in the mind of the operators, Carnival Australia and both the NSW and federal authorities
The Diamond Princess was quarantined in the Port of Yokohama on February 4, 2020 after 10 people on board were diagnosed with COVD-19.
Over 700 of the nearly 4,000 onboard tested positive for COVID-19 and 12 have since died.
Carnival’s Chief Medical Officer Dr Grant Tarling took to the media in late February to reassure crew and future passengers ‘we’ve learned from our recent experiences,’ and the measures would in part ‘enhance the cruising experience so it continues to be an exceptional and safe way to travel.’
The mounting toll of infection and death from the Ruby Princess’s March 19 return to Sydney tells a starkly different story.
A few days before that return, a liner entered Victoria’s Port Phillip Bay.
Onboard were a few passengers with flu-like symptoms.
Michael Outram, the Border Force Commissioner told a press conference, “Victoria Health asked for the passengers and crew to be held onboard while they took swabs. When their results came back negative, everyone was allowed to disembark.”
Outram said the handling was “a very fine example.”

Back on the Ruby Princess
What the passengers who boarded the Ruby Princess on the afternoon of March 8 didn’t know was the ship for their ‘holiday of a lifetime’ was a petri dish of infection.
They boarded blithely unaware of the peril they were about to face.
On March 15, the ship was in Napier, New Zealand when the passengers got the worst news they’d hear on their voyage - because of weather issues, they’d be heading back to Sydney.

One crew member, which wants to remain anonymous, told 7NEWS that explanation was a sham.
“Fortunately, there was a nasty storm conveniently brewing on our intended route so officially, we blamed this,” the crew member said.
There was no mention of the escalating risk of COVID-19 on board.
Closer to Sydney, the ship advised the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment that: ‘128 persons had reported as ill in the previous 14 days.
The symptoms declared by the vessel include 24 persons with temperature over 38 degrees Celsius, 6 persons with muscle aches, diarrhoea, severe headaches or vomiting.’
The federal department passed that information on to NSW Health for the next step.
According to Commissioner Outram of Border Force, NSW Health requested more medical information from the ship’s doctors on March 17.
The next morning they were told a few swabs had been taken for flu.
NSW Health then requested passengers or crew with flu-like symptoms should be isolated, given hand rubs and masks and that announcement be made.
Passenger Bill Beerens told a different story.
“The only thing they done was keep their mouths shut,” Beerens told 7NEWS.
“Not one word was said about anyone on board having the virus and everything was A-OK. The only thing they did say was if you are feeling sick, if you’ve got a temperature or if you’ve got a cough go and see the doctor during business hours.”
The ship sailed on – good food, good cheer, and plenty of booze.
The green light
Commissioner Outram said that when a cruise liner arrives at an Australian port, there three red lights – customs, migration and human biosecurity – that need to go green before passengers can disembark.
On the morning of the March 18, the Ruby Princess told NSW Health they’d collected the swabs and also needed an ambulance for one passenger.
Just after 5pm on that day, NSW Health told the Ruby Princess that an onboard health assessment wasn’t needed – the ship was ‘low risk’ and “you are free to disembark tomorrow”.
NSW Health advised that all passengers should go into self-isolation for 14 days after.
The final greenlight had illuminated.
Farewell Ruby
The passengers – all 2,700 of them left the ship on the morning of March 19.
Bill Beerens recalled social distancing wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
“We were just rushed off like sheep, really it was absolutely terrible, and there was no indication of anybody being sick what-so-ever...nobody,” he said.
The passengers scattered from the terminal by bus, car and public transport to their homes.
Many headed to the airport to fly both nationally and internationally.
Isolation started when they got home, but in transit, some were unknowing incubators and spreaders of COVID-19.
Elisa McCafferty went to the airport and then boarded a long flight on a crowded plane to London.
“If my travelling home infected someone else and they infected someone else...if I’ve helped perpetuate this horrible virus, that’s something I’m going to have to live with,” McCafferty said.
Meantime, Bill Beerens is now at home in Sydney’s west.

He’s slowly recovering from his bout of COVID-19, but his wife Mary is still desperately ill.
His son, Danny, also caught the disease from a brief encounter with his parents on their return.
The blame game
The blame game started shortly after the media reports began.
Pictures of a massive crowd being herded off the ship and into an already quietened city had a dramatic result.
Someone needed to be accountable for the debacle and the choices were NSW Health, Carnival Australia (who own Princess Cruises and operate the Ruby Princess) and Border Force.
Border Force’s Commissioner Michael Outram held a press conference and he lobbed the blame squarely back at NSW Health.
Outram made his point clear – the responsibility for the health issues of the Ruby Princess passengers and crew rested solely with NSW Health.
Avoiding a deadly debacle
As an island nation with around five passenger terminals for cruise lines and around six major international airports, Australia has a long history of successfully defending our biosecurity.
That reputation took a massive dent when the 2,700 passengers were allowed to disembark from the Ruby Princess.
Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd weighed in on what should have happened at Circular Quay on March 19, 2020.
“At a minimum, we should have applied mandatory testing for all 3,000 plus people on board,” Rudd told 7NEWS.
“That’s the only way you’ll know the truth. And then those with the virus are automatically put into a strict quarantine.
“The rest to be in mandated self-isolation with their transportation separately organised so they didn’t put anyone else at risk so that they didn’t put anyone else at risk.”
Staying silent
In preparing the documentary Ruby Princess: Outbreak Unleashed, 7NEWS repeatedly requested interviews with NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian, NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard and executives of Carnival Australia.
Neither the Premier nor her Minister responded.
Carnival Australia declined an on-camera interview, but provided a statement via email.
As of Sunday, March 5, the numbers of those infected on the Ruby Princess is at 660 and increasing - 11 passengers who boarded that ship have since died.
The NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller announced a criminal investigation into this fatal cruise late Sunday afternoon.
Watch the full Ruby Princess: Outbreak Unleashed documentary on 7plus.

As the Morrison government announced an unprecedented degree of direct state support for the private sector, largely targeted at wage support, the Victorian and NSW state governments brought down a series of legal restrictions on everyday social life that can only be described as totalitarian.
Quite possibly it is a rational totalitarianism, but totalitarianism it is. The coincident moves have brought support and praise from the most unlikely places.
The state governments’ measures — which have been asserted, rather than argued or extensively justified — have been praised as firm and decisive, often as a sort of love letter to nu-style hard man Dan Andrews
The federal subsidy/stimulus scheme, meanwhile, got giddy calls that socialism was here, and that neoliberal economics was dead and buried for ever.
Let’s pull that all up a bit. As your correspondent noted a fortnight/a hundred years ago, the nature of the crisis tilts towards a socialist conception of society, and an acknowledgement of such.

China’s Silent Takeover While America's Elite Slept
Former Brigadier General Robert Spalding full interview with Patrick Bet-David. Read Stealth War China’s Silent Takeover While Americas Elite Slept. Share your thoughts with Patrick Bet-David by texting 310.340.1132 or send a tweet to About Robert Spalding: Brig. Gen. Robert S. Spalding III assumed the duties of Special Assistant to the U.S. Air Force Vice Chief of Staff in February 2018

Telstra 5G Network Coverage: What we know so far  03 April 2020  
By Alex Choros

5G in Perth, Western Australia coverage map, Australia
5G  seem to be mainly in the city of Perth and Leederville
Gingin would be be safer away from the dangerous 5G radiation network

Telstra is hard at work building its 5G network, with it now covering 46 towns and cities. This includes parts of Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Hobart, Launceston, Toowoomba, the Gold Coast, and more. 
In addition, Telstra's first consumer ready 5G devices - the HTC 5G Hub, the Galaxy S20 family, the Galaxy S10 5G, the Galaxy Note 10+ 5G, the Galaxy A90 5G, the OPPO Reno 5G, and the LG V50 ThinQ are available now. 
So what is 5G?
5G is the next major evolution in mobile network technology. As with 4G before it, 5G is focused on mobile data. 5G will promise three major improvements:
Faster network speeds: 5G networks will be capable of download speeds as fast as 20Gbps. The exact speeds an individual user will get will depend on how the network has been configured, the number of devices on the network, and the device in their hands. The 5G specification states that individual users should see a minimum download speed of 100Mbps. That's the fastest NBN speed as a minimum.
Lower latency: In plain terms, latency is perhaps best described as the time it takes information to get from your phone to the wider internet and back again. The typical latency for a 4G network is around 60 milliseconds, whereas 5G could decrease this to as low as 1 millisecond. This massive decrease in latency will be vital for technology such as self-driving cars, where every millisecond could make a difference in preventing a crash.
More simultaneous connections: 5G will allow more devices to connect to the network at the same time. While smartphone usage continues to grow, this is especially important because 5G is set to facilitate new developments in autonomous cars, connected machinery, and Internet of Things devices.
These improvements mean you could almost call 5G "Fibre to the Phone". The aforementioned have historically been the domain of fixed line networks, which are far less flexible due to the need for a physical link to the internet.

While 5G will succeed 4G, it will not replace it. 4G and 5G networks will exist simultaneously, and Australian telcos intend to keep 3G networks around until at least 2020. 

Why do we need 5G?

There's been plenty of ink spilled about how 5G could change self-driving cars, manufacturing, medicine, and more, but what about you and me? What will 5G mean on a day-to-day basis in terms of your smartphone and internet connection? Right now, there's three popular answers:
More reliable video streaming at a higher quality
Faster fixed wireless internet
"Uh, let's wait and see"
While the potential of 5G is almost limitless right now - we're talking about things like a surgeon operating on a patient thousands of kilometres away using a virtual reality headset and a robot - there's currently no killer app that's guaranteed to drive adoption. But that's okay. We saw the same story unfold with 4G, with plenty of doubt about whether we'd need internet speeds ~this fast~ on a mobile network. 
As 5G networks go live around the world, we'll see people trying to take advantage of ultra-fast connectivity with new applications and technologies. And in the same way that 4G helped bring about real-time video streaming tools like Facebook Live and instant video sharing apps like Snapchat, we'll surely see plenty of weird and wonderful technology brought to life by 5G.
To get excited about the possibilities, read our guide on how 5G might change life in Australia as well as what upgrading to 5G could mean for you.

Van Allen Belt  
A Van Allen radiation belt is a zone of energetic charged particles, most of which originate from the solar wind, that are captured by and held around a planet by that planet's magnetic field. Earth has two such belts and sometimes others may be temporarily created.  
A Van Allen radiation belt is a zone of nergetic charged particles, most of which originate from the solar wind, that are captured by and held around a planet by that planet's magnetic field. Earth has two such belts and sometimes others may be temporarily created. The discovery of the belts is credited to James Van Allen, and as a result, Earth's belts are known as the Van Allen belts. Earth's two main belts extend from an altitude of about 640 to 58,000 km (400 to 36,040 mi)[1] above the surface in which region radiation levels vary. Most of the particles that form the belts are thought to come from solar wind and other particles by cosmic rays.[2] By trapping the solar wind, the magnetic field deflects those energetic particles and protects the atmosphere from destruction
The belts are located in the inner region of Earth's magnetosphere. The belts trap energetic electrons and protons. Other nuclei, such as alpha particles, are less prevalent. The belts endanger satellites, which must have their sensitive components protected with adequate shielding if they spend significant time near that zone. In 2013, NASA reported that the Van Allen Probes had discovered a transient, third radiation belt, which was observed for four weeks until it was destroyed by a powerful, interplanetary shock wave from the Sun.[3]
Kristian Birkeland, Carl Størmer, and Nicholas Christofilos had investigated the possibility of trapped charged particles before the Space Age.[4] Explorer 1 and Explorer 3 confirmed the existence of the belt in early 1958 under James Van Allen at the University of Iowa. The trapped radiation was first mapped by Explorer 4, Pioneer 3 and Luna 1.
The term Van Allen belts refers specifically to the radiation belts surrounding Earth; however, similar radiation belts have been discovered around other planets. The Sun does not support long-term radiation belts, as it lacks a stable, global, dipole field. The Earth's atmosphere limits the belts' particles to regions above 200–1,000 km,[5] (124–620 miles) while the belts do not extend past 8 Earth radii RE.[5] The belts are confined to a volume which extends about 65°[5] on either side of the celestial equator.
The NASA Van Allen Probes mission aims at understanding (to the point of predictability) how populations of relativistic electrons and ions in space form or change in response to changes in solar activity and the solar wind. NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts–funded studies have proposed magnetic scoops to collect antimatter that naturally occurs in the Van Allen belts of Earth, although only about 10 micrograms of antiprotons are estimated to exist in the entire belt.[6]
The Van Allen Probes mission successfully launched on August 30, 2012.[7] The primary mission is scheduled to last two years with expendables expected to last four. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center manages the Living With a Star program of which the Van Allen Probes is a project, along with Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). The Applied Physics Laboratory is responsible for the implementation and instrument management for the Van Allen Probes.[8]
Radiation belts exist around other planets and moons in the solar system that have magnetic fields powerful enough to sustain them. To date, most of these radiation belts have been poorly mapped. The Voyager Program (namely Voyager 2) only nominally confirmed the existence of similar belts around Uranus and Neptune.
The inner Van Allen Belt  
The inner Van Allen Belt extends typically from an altitude of 0.2 to 2 Earth radii (L values of 1 to 3) or 1,000 km (620 mi) to 12,000 km (7,500 mi) above the Earth.[2][9] In certain cases when solar activity is stronger or in geographical areas such as the South Atlantic Anomaly, the inner boundary may decline to roughly 200 kilometers[10] above the Earth's surface. The inner belt contains high concentrations of electrons in the range of hundreds of keV and energetic protons with energies exceeding 100 MeV, trapped by the strong (relative to the outer belts) magnetic fields in the region.[11]
It is believed that proton energies exceeding 50 MeV in the lower belts at lower altitudes are the result of the beta decay of neutrons created by cosmic ray collisions with nuclei of the upper atmosphere. The source of lower energy protons is believed to be proton diffusion due to changes in the magnetic field during geomagnetic storms.[12]
Due to the slight offset of the belts from Earth's geometric center, the inner Van Allen belt makes its closest approach to the surface at the South Atlantic Anomaly.[13] [14]
On March 2014, a pattern resembling "zebra stripes" was observed in the radiation belts by the Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE) onboard Van Allen Probes. The initial theory proposed in 2014 was that due to the tilt in Earth's magnetic field axis, the planet's rotation generated an oscillating, weak electric field that permeates through the entire inner radiation belt.[15] A 2016 study instead concluded that the zebra stripes were an imprint of ionospheric winds on radiation belts.[16]
 The outer Van Allen Belt  
The outer belt consists mainly of high energy (0.1–10 MeV) electrons trapped by the Earth's magnetosphere. It is more variable than the inner belt as it is more easily influenced by solar activity. It is almost toroidal in shape, beginning at an altitude of three and extending to ten Earth radii (RE), 13,000 to 60,000 kilometres (8,100 to 37,300 mi) above the Earth's surface. Its greatest intensity is usually around 4–5 RE. The outer electron radiation belt is mostly produced by the inward radial diffusion[17][18] and local acceleration[19] due to transfer of energy from whistler-mode plasma waves to radiation belt electrons. Radiation belt electrons are also constantly removed by collisions with Earth's atmosphere,[19] losses to the magnetopause, and their outward radial diffusion. The gyroradii of energetic protons would be large enough to bring them into contact with the Earth's atmosphere. Within this belt, the electrons have a high flux and at the outer edge (close to the magnetopause), where geomagnetic field lines open into the geomagnetic "tail", the flux of energetic electrons can drop to the low interplanetary levels within about 100 km (62 mi), a decrease by a factor of 1,000.
In 2014 it was discovered that the inner edge of the outer belt is characterized by a very sharp transition, below which highly relativistic electrons (> 5MeV) cannot penetrate.[20] The reason for this shield-like behavior is not well understood.
The trapped particle population of the outer belt is varied, containing electrons and various ions. Most of the ions are in the form of energetic protons, but a certain percentage are alpha particles and O+ oxygen ions, similar to those in the ionosphere but are much more energetic. This mixture of ions suggests that ring current particles probably come from more than one source.
The outer belt is larger than the inner belt and its particle population fluctuates widely. Energetic (radiation) particle fluxes can increase and decrease dramatically in response to geomagnetic storms, which are themselves triggered by magnetic field and plasma disturbances produced by the Sun. The increases are due to storm-related injections and acceleration of particles from the tail of the magnetosphere.

On February 28, 2013, a third radiation belt, consisting of high-energy ultrarelativistic charged particles, was reported to be discovered. In a news conference by NASA's Van Allen Probe team, it was stated that this third belt is a product of coronal mass ejection from the Sun. It has been represented as a separate creation which splits the Outer Belt, like a knife, on its outer side, and exists separately as a storage container of particles for a month's time, before merging once again with the Outer Belt.[21]
The unusual stability of this third, transient belt has been explained as due to a 'trapping' by the Earth's magnetic field of ultrarelativistic particles as they are lost from the second, traditional outer belt. While the outer zone, which forms and disappears over a day, is highly variable due to interactions with the atmosphere, the ultrarelativistic particles of the third belt are thought to not scatter into the atmosphere, as they are too energetic to interact with atmospheric waves at low latitudes.[22] This absence of scattering and the trapping allows them to persist for a long time, finally only being destroyed by an unusual event, such as the shock wave from the Sun.
Flux values
In the belts, at a given point, the flux of particles of a given energy decreases sharply with energy.
At the magnetic equator, electrons of energies exceeding 5000 keV (resp. 5 MeV) have omnidirectional fluxes ranging from 1.2×106 (resp. 3.7×104) up to 9.4×109 (resp. 2×107) particles per square centimeter per second.
The proton belts contain protons with kinetic energies ranging from about 100 keV, which can penetrate 0.6 µm of lead, to over 400 MeV, which can penetrate 143 mm of lead.[23]
Most published flux values for the inner and outer belts may not show the maximum probable flux densities that are possible in the belts. There is a reason for this discrepancy: the flux density and the location of the peak flux is variable, depending primarily on solar activity, and the number of spacecraft with instruments observing the belt in real time has been limited. The Earth has not experienced a solar storm of Carrington event intensity and duration, while spacecraft with the proper instruments have been available to observe the event.
Radiation levels in the belts would be dangerous to humans if they were exposed for an extended period of time. The Apollo missions minimised hazards for astronauts by sending spacecraft at high speeds through the thinner areas of the upper belts, bypassing inner belts completely, except for the Apollo 14 mission where the spacecraft traveled through the heart of the trapped radiation belts.[13][24][25][26]
Antimatter confinement
In 2011, a study confirmed earlier speculation that the Van Allen belt could confine antiparticles. The Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics (PAMELA) experiment detected levels of antiprotons orders of magnitude higher than are expected from normal particle decays while passing through the South Atlantic Anomaly. This suggests the Van Allen belts confine a significant flux of antiprotons produced by the interaction of the Earth's upper atmosphere with cosmic rays.[27] The energy of the antiprotons has been measured in the range from 60–750 MeV.
Research funded by the NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts concluded that harnessing these antiprotons for spacecraft propulsion would be feasible. Researchers believed that this approach would have advantages over antiproton generation at CERN, because collecting the particles in situ eliminates transportation losses and costs. Jupiter and Saturn are also possible sources, but the Earth belt is the most productive. Jupiter is less productive than might be expected due to magnetic shielding from cosmic rays of much of its atmosphere. In 2019 CMS announced, that the construction of a device that would be capable of collecting these particles has already begun[dubious – discuss]. NASA will use this device to collect these particles and transport them to institutes all around the world for further examination. These so-called "antimatter-containers" could be used for industrial purpose as well in the future.[28]
Implications for space travel
Spacecraft travelling beyond low Earth orbit enter the zone of radiation of the Van Allen belts. Beyond the belts, they face additional hazards from cosmic rays and solar particle events. A region between the inner and outer Van Allen belts lies at two to four Earth radii and is sometimes referred to as the "safe zone".[29][30]
Solar cells, integrated circuits, and sensors can be damaged by radiation. Geomagnetic storms occasionally damage electronic components on spacecraft. Miniaturization and digitization of electronics and logic circuits have made satellites more vulnerable to radiation, as the total electric charge in these circuits is now small enough so as to be comparable with the charge of incoming ions. Electronics on satellites must be hardened against radiation to operate reliably. The Hubble Space Telescope, among other satellites, often has its sensors turned off when passing through regions of intense radiation.[31] A satellite shielded by 3 mm of aluminium in an elliptic orbit (200 by 20,000 miles (320 by 32,190 km)) passing the radiation belts will receive about 2,500 rem (25 Sv) per year (for comparison, a full-body dose of 5 Sv is deadly). Almost all radiation will be received while passing the inner belt.[32]
The Apollo missions marked the first event where humans traveled through the Van Allen belts, which was one of several radiation hazards known by mission planners.[33] The astronauts had low exposure in the Van Allen belts due to the short period of time spent flying through them. Apollo flight trajectories bypassed the inner belts completely, passing through the thinner areas of the outer belts.[25][34]
Astronauts' overall exposure was actually dominated by solar particles once outside Earth's magnetic field. The total radiation received by the astronauts varied from mission to mission but was measured to be between 0.16 and 1.14 rads (1.6 and 11.4 mGy), much less than the standard of 5 rem (50 mSv)[c] per year set by the United States Atomic Energy Commission for people who work with radioactivity.[33]
It is generally understood that the inner and outer Van Allen belts result from different processes. The inner belt, consisting mainly of energetic protons, is the product of the decay of so-called "albedo" neutrons which are themselves the result of cosmic ray collisions in the upper atmosphere. The outer belt consists mainly of electrons. They are injected from the geomagnetic tail following geomagnetic storms, and are subsequently energized through wave-particle interactions.
In the inner belt, particles that originate from the Sun are trapped in the Earth's magnetic field. Particles spiral along the magnetic lines of flux as they move "longitudinally" along those lines. As particles move toward the poles, the magnetic field line density increases and their "longitudinal" velocity is slowed and can be reversed, reflecting the particle and causing them to bounce back and forth between the Earth's poles.[35] In addition to the spiral about and motion along the flux lines, the electrons move slowly in an eastward direction, while the ions move westward.
A gap between the inner and outer Van Allen belts, sometimes called safe zone or safe slot, is caused by the Very Low Frequency (VLF) waves which scatter particles in pitch angle which results in the gain of particles to the atmosphere. Solar outbursts can pump particles into the gap but they drain again in a matter of days. The radio waves were originally thought to be generated by turbulence in the radiation belts, but recent work by James L. Green of the Goddard Space Flight Center comparing maps of lightning activity collected by the Microlab 1 spacecraft with data on radio waves in the radiation-belt gap from the IMAGE spacecraft suggests that they are actually generated by lightning within Earth's atmosphere. The radio waves that generate strike the ionosphere at the correct angle to pass through only at high latitudes, where the lower ends of the gap approach the upper atmosphere. These results are still under scientific debate.

French gendarmes control a vehicle in Ustaritz, southwestern France, Thursday, March 19, 2020.   -   Copyright  AP Photo/Bob Edme

Kevin Rudd, Former Prime Minister weighed in on what should have happened at Circular Quay on March 19, 2020.
“At a minimum, we should have applied mandatory testing for all 3,000 plus people on board,” Rudd told 7NEWS.
“That’s the only way you’ll know the truth. And then those with the virus are automatically put into a strict quarantine.
“The rest to be in mandated self-isolation with their transportation separately organised so they didn’t put anyone else at risk so that they didn’t put anyone else at risk.”

Put a woman in charge - the song - Ken Mo and Rossanne Cash

Conscious Sounds 432Hz

On March 15, the ship was in Napier, New Zealand when the passengers got the worst news they’d hear on their voyage - because of weather issues, they’d be heading back to Sydney.
One crew member, which wants to remain anonymous, told 7NEWS that explanation was a sham. “Fortunately, there was a nasty storm conveniently brewing on our intended route so officially, we blamed this,” the crew member said. There was no mention of the escalating risk of COVID-19 on board.
Closer to Sydney, the ship advised the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment that: ‘128 persons had reported as ill in the previous 14 days.
The symptoms declared by the vessel include 24 persons with temperature over 38 degrees Celsius, 6 persons with muscle aches, diarrhoea, severe headaches or vomiting.’ The federal department passed that information on to NSW Health for the next step. According to Commissioner Outram of Border Force, NSW Health requested more medical information from the ship’s doctors on March 17. The next morning they were told a few swabs had been taken for flu.
NSW Health then requested passengers or crew with flu-like symptoms should be isolated, given hand rubs and masks and that announcement be made.
Passenger Bill Beerens told a different story.
“The only thing they done was keep their mouths shut,” Beerens told 7NEWS.
“Not one word was said about anyone on board having the virus and everything was A-OK. The only thing they did say was if you are feeling sick, if you’ve got a temperature or if you’ve got a cough go and see the doctor during business hours.” 
The ship sailed on – good food, good cheer, and plenty of booze.

Supporters of George Pell had long argued that he was not guilty

David Icke's Visa cancelled by the Australian Government to stop David Icke from speakin glive in Australia 

Sweden is holding firm over its coronavirus strategy  -  Andres Kudacki/AP Photo

Pandemic sends Australia lurching towards authoritarianism
The government's response to the coronavirus crisis has, coincidentally, all the central features of fascism.
MAR 31, 2020

Garry Kirstenfeldt Queensland man is the youngest man so far to have died after testing positive to Covid-19

Ray Daniels, 73, Perth -FacebookTwitterPinterest

Dr. Wolf Explains: 5G Rollout NOW in 30 US Cities. Scientific Studies Claim Huge Health Hazard

How much longer before President Trump finally addresses this?=

How many Australian workers are battling COVID-19 without leave?
Casual workers without leave are some of the hardest-hit by the coronavirus crisis as businesses are forced to close the country. But just how many are there?
MAR 31, 2020

As the world struggles to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, workers without paid leave entitlements are clearly among the most vulnerable in the sudden economic downturn.
Many thousands have already lost their jobs, while others face the prospect of unpaid time off should they need to self-isolate or become sick, can no longer work from home or their places of work are shuttered in response to increasingly strict bans on gatherings.

But how many such workers are there in Australia?
The ACTU has repeatedly said 3.3 million Australians, or one in three workers, are “casuals, contractors, labour hire and gig workers”, a number repeated by Labor politicians such as Tanya Plibersek, Tony Burke and Linda Burney.
Others, such as Labor’s Stephen Jones and Attorney General Christian Porter, have suggested the proportion of the workforce made up of casual workers is closer to one in four.
So, which count is correct? In this fact file, RMIT ABC Fact Check takes a look at casual workers and others without paid leave — how their work is defined, how many there are, and what their entitlements include.

Defining and measuring casual employment

As Fact Check has previously pointed out, there is no formal legal definition of casual employment.
Rather, casual employment “has generally been regarded as employment in which there is an absence of entitlement to paid annual leave or sick leave”, according to a guide published by the Australian Parliamentary Library.
This is the definition used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics as its primary measure of casual employment, data for which is contained in the bureau’s annual publication Characteristics of Employment.
“An employee with paid leave entitlements has access to either paid holiday leave or paid sick leave, or both,” the ABS says.
“An employee is considered to be without leave entitlements if they identify as not having access to both paid sick leave and holiday leave, or did not know their entitlements.
“This is an objective measure that can be collected consistently.”

Along with a lack of paid leave, casual employees generally have no guaranteed hours of work, work irregular hours and can have their employment ended without notice, according to the Fair Work Ombudsman.
To compensate, casual workers receive a higher hourly rate of pay that includes a so-called casual loading, usually amounting to an additional 25%.

Casuals are also entitled to some unpaid leave, such as two days of carer’s or compassionate leave per occasion, and 5 days’ unpaid family and domestic violence leave within a 12-month period.

How many casuals are there in Australia?

According to the latest Characteristics of Employment figures from the ABS, there were 2.6 million employees in Australia without paid leave entitlements in August 2019, compared to 8.1 million employees with paid leave entitlements.
That puts the rate of casual work at 24%, in line with the proportion cited by Porter and Jones.
It’s important to note that this rate only includes employees and not all workers — self-employed Australians and the owners of businesses with employees are not included in this measure.
As a proportion of all workers in Australia — of which there are around 12.8 million — casual workers make up 20%, or one in five.

Casual employment over time
In April 2018, Fact Check found that a claim, made by then workplace and deregulation minister Craig Laundy, that the rate of casualisation of the Australian workforce had remained steady at 25% over the past 20 years, checked out.
“The lie is that the rate of insecure work in this country is lifting,” Laundy said. “It’s not. It’s completely where it was 20 years ago.”
In checking Laundy’s claim, Fact Check found that since 1997 around 24 to 25% of all employees were employed on a casual basis, according to ABS data.
The same sources of data used in checking that claim have now been updated to include 2018 and 2019, showing employees without paid leave entitlements continued to account for around 24% of all employees.
But while the rate of casualisation has remained steady for the past couple of decades, experts have previously pointed to a marked increase that occurred in the late 1980s and early 90s.
John Quiggin, from the School of Economics at the University of Queensland, said the impact of recession and weakening of unions explained the growth and eventual stabilisation of the extent of casual employment.
“In general, the period from the 1980s to the mid-1990s was one in which workers lost ground over working conditions,” he said.
“The prevalence of long working hours, unpaid overtime and casualisation all increased.

“This reflected the combined effects of two major recessions and the weakening of unions, both of which weakened workers’ bargaining power. The gradual improvement in the labour market since the mid-1990s has led to a stabilisation, but no improvement [in casualisation rates].”

Other workers without leave entitlements

It’s not just casual workers who are likely to be forced to take leave without pay as coronavirus takes hold: self-employed Australians also lack the paid-leave entitlements available to employees on part-time or full-time contracts.
A Grattan Institute blog post authored by the director of its Household Finances Program, Brendan Coates, and senior associate Matt Cowgill, put the number of self-employed Australians at 2.2 million.
Cowgill told Fact Check this number included “people whose status in employment is either owner-manager of incorporated business, or owner-manager of unincorporated business” and would generally include those working in the gig economy, such as Uber drivers.
He added that international guidelines for classifying employment had been revised in a way that would make it easier to separately identify people in the gig economy.
“These classification guidelines have not yet been adopted in Australia,” he said.

So how many workers don’t have paid leave entitlements?
The ACTU’s claim that 3.3 million Australian workers were without paid leave entitlements is likely an understatement.
Combining the estimated number of self-employed workers with those in casual employment would suggest as many as 4.8 million Australian workers, or 37% of the national workforce, did not have access to paid leave entitlements in the lead-up to the coronavirus outbreak.
The University of Melbourne’s Jeff Borland told Fact Check that combining these figures “seems like a sensible approach” and the method was “a good way to calculate the total number of workers who don’t have paid leave in their main job”.
Professor Borland, who researches labour markets in Australia, added: “There shouldn’t be any overlap as they are mutually exclusive categories in the ABS data collection for that survey.”
The figure includes labour hire workers, contractors and workers in the gig economy as referenced in claims made by the ACTU and Labor politicians such as Tanya Plibersek, and more closely aligns with claims that one in three workers have no paid leave.

Characteristics of workers without paid leave
According to a statistical snapshot published by the Parliamentary Library in 2018, casual employees are likely to be younger and work in the hospitality and retail industries.
“Young workers aged 15 to 24 years are much more likely to be contracted on a casual basis compared with people aged 25 to 64 years,” the snapshot says.
“Some industries such as hospitality and retail trade have very high concentrations of casual workers, while others such as the finance sector have much lower rates.”

The Grattan Institute blog post concurs.

“Young people are disproportionately likely to be in casual work and not have paid leave,” Coates and Cowgill say.
“But casual work is not just for young people who are putting themselves through university. More than a quarter of people in their 30s, 40s and 50s do not have paid sick leave — either because they’re casual workers or they’re self-employed.”

Coates and Cowgill found that most workers without paid leave were in industries “especially vulnerable to shutdown” such as cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services.
“Not many of the 20 industries with the largest number of workers without paid leave entitlements are likely to be able to continue as normal over a period of widespread self-isolation,” they said.

Principal researcher: Ellen McCutchan

· Australian Unions, Twitter, March 9, 2020
· Australian Unions, Twitter, March 9, 2020 (2)
· Australian Unions, Twitter, March 12, 2020
· Tanya Plibersek, Twitter, March 16, 2020
· Tony Burke and Linda Burney, Media release: Casuals need support sooner rather than later, March 10, 2020
· Stephen Jones, Twitter, March 12, 2020
· Christian Porter, ABC Radio National, March 10, 2020
· RMIT ABC Fact Check, Fact check: Has the rate of casualisation in the workforce remained steady for the last 20 years?, April 17, 2018
· Australian Parliamentary Library, Casual Employment in Australia: A quick guide, January 20, 2015
· Australian Bureau of Statistics, Characteristics of Employment, August 2019
· Australian Bureau of Statistics, Labour Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods, February, 2018
· Fair Work Ombudsman, Casual Employees
· Australian Parliamentary Library, Statistical Snapshot: Characteristics and use of casual employees in Australia, January 19, 2018
· Brendan Coates and Matt Cowgill, COVID-19: Our most vulnerable workers need more help, Grattan Institute, March 17, 2020

The first documentary movie on CCP virus, Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus - 2,158,502 views - NTD
As the world is gripped by the ongoing pandemic, many questions remain about the origin of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) virus—commonly known as the novel coronavirus. Join Epoch Times senior investigative reporter Joshua Philipp as he explores the known facts surrounding the CCP virus and the global pandemic it caused.

We tried to look at this video you sent with David Icke speaking about the cononavirus pandemic and the lockdown tactics by the Ruling Elite ..... however a message came up saying ..... 
"This video has been removed for violating You Tube's Terms of Service"
It may be certain people do not want people to hear what David Icke has to say on tthe cononavirus pandemic and the lockdown tactics by the Ruling Elite because David Icke has a very large following.
NYT Cononavirus Corvid-19-Pandemic Investigation Team 

David Icke

English Professional Conspiracy Theorist 

“Today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s nut that held its ground.”
As one of the world’s pre-eminent professional conspiracy theorists, David Icke has been a regular guest on London Real, discussing topics as diverse as 5G, 9/11 and censorship.
Often described as a maverick or a renegade, David is a unique voice in the space, propounding a number of predictions around his post-Orwellian vision of society and the future.
Since his spiritual awakening in 1990, David enjoys a sizable global following, regularly speaking for up to 10 hours at venues such as Wembley Arena to audiences of thousands of people.
As well as public speaking, David is an acclaimed author having written over 20 books including The Robots’ Rebellion (1994), And The Truth Shall Set You Free (1995), The Biggest Secret (1999) and Children of the Matrix (2001), in which he developed his worldview of New Age thinking.
With a mission to wake up society and free our minds from what governments and mainstream media are trying to make us do, his credentials make him one of the most influential thinkers and catalysts for change.
In this interview, David talks extensively about the Coronavirus (Covid-19), how governments manipulate their citizens and the wider agenda behind social control and a Surveillance Society; in a wide-ranging session, watch London Real’s founder and host Brian Rose and David engaging across a range of conspiracy-related themes.
Offering more than meets the eye on first glance, David Icke is a man with serious credentials and a challenging perspective on our species and planet.Watch more David Icke episodes today! 

#LondonReal #Motivation #TransformYourself

London Real




LATEST EPISODE: Watch the full episode for FREE here: 

David Icke, is an English writer and public speaker, known since the 1990s as a professional conspiracy theorist, calling himself a "full-time investigator into WHO and WHAT is really controlling the world." He is the author of over 21 books and 10 DVDs and has lectured in over 25 countries, speaking live for up to 10 HOURS to huge audiences, filling stadiums like Wembley Arena. David joins us today to talk about the CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC, the worldwide COVID-19 LOCKDOWN, the looming global economic crash & why the CORONAVIRUS is taking a toll on countries such as China, Italy & Spain. FREE FULL EPISODES: SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE: London Real Academy: BUSINESS ACCELERATOR: LIFE ACCELERATOR: BROADCAST YOURSELF: SPEAK TO INSPIRE: TRIBE: Join a community of high-achievers on a mission to transform themselves and the world! #LondonReal #Motivation #TransformYourself
Category: Entertainment

Joe Rogan Experience #1439 - Michael Osterholm

Michael Osterholm is an internationally recognized expert in infectious disease epidemiology. He is Regents Professor, McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in Public Health, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, a professor in the Technological Leadership Institute, College of Science and Engineering, and an adjunct professor in the Medical School, all at the University of Minnesota. Look for his book "Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Deadly Germs" for more info.
CategoryPeople & Blogs

Muscle aches, extreme fatigue: Coronavirus symptoms go beyond fever and cough
Fever, cough, shortness of breath.

Those are the three symptoms prominently listed on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's website under coronavirus symptoms.
But as case counts continue to rise in the United States and across the world, it's clear that COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, causes a much wider range of symptoms. The more detailed descriptions of the illness that are emerging show how doctors and researchers are still learning about the disease, which was first reported just three months ago, in real time.

COVID-19 can begin in similar ways among patients, regardless of a person's age or health status. 
Very often, extreme fatigue hits first.

Hedy Bauman, 74, was so weak she could barely make it home from a short walk to the store. Reading a few pages of the newspaper was exhausting.
"My bathroom is maybe 15 steps from my bed," Bauman, of Silver Spring, Maryland, told NBC News. "I wasn't sure I could get from the bathroom to my bed." She developed chills, but no fever.
Bauman's doctor said her symptoms were consistent with what physicians are learning about other coronavirus cases, though they are still waiting for the results from Bauman's COVID-19 test.
Brendan McLaughlin, 28, felt lightheaded and weak before the fever, chills and body aches began.
McLaughlin went to the emergency room at Holy Name Medical Center in Teaneck, New Jersey, where he works as a security guard, thinking maybe he had the flu.
That test was negative, but a test for the coronavirus was positive. McLaughlin said he'd never felt so sick in his life.
"I'd been healthy," McLaughlin said. "I try to eat right. I take care of myself."
One of the first major reports on coronavirus symptoms was published by the World Health Organization in February, following their mission to China. That report, based on nearly 56,000 cases there, found the most common symptoms were fever (88 percent) and dry cough (68 percent). Nearly 40 percent of those patients experienced fatigue. Shortness of breath, stomach issues and weakness were less common. 
Since that report, other symptoms related to COVID-19 have emerged.
Many patients who've either tested positive for the coronavirus, or have been told by their physicians to assume they have it, also develop a headache and sore throat. Others become sick to their stomach with nausea or diarrhea.
Some patients say they have no interest in eating. Many report they're losing their senses of taste and smell, the British Rhinological Society said recently.
Just this week, a small study published in JAMA Ophthalmology added another potential COVID-19 warning sign: pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis. A third of the 38 patients in the report had the inflammatory eye condition.
But it's also becoming more clear that some infected people spreading the virus don't have any symptoms at all
Contagious before symptoms
Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the CDC, told NPR this week that as many as a quarter of patients are asymptomatic. And a report published by the CDC Wednesday found evidence that infected people can spread the virus before they develop symptoms, although it seems to be rare.
The phenomenon is called "presymptomatic transmission," which is also a known way that the flu spreads.
The CDC report was based on 243 coronavirus cases in Singapore. Researchers there carefully traced all of individuals that patients had been in contact with before becoming ill.

They ultimately determined 6.4 percent of transmissions in the study were from presymptomatic patients.
More from NBC News:
One nursing home offers grim advice: Take your loved ones home
Deal is done: Cruise ship with sick passengers, sister ship allowed to dock in Florida
WHO concerned by 'rapid escalation' of coronavirus, as U.S. death toll nears 5,000

Coronavirus: Sweden stands firm over its controversial COVID-19 approach

By Matthew Holroyd with AFP- 07/04/2020

Laughing couples in open restaurants and friends socialising in city parks - Sweden's approach to the coronavirus pandemic is almost unique in Europe.
The Scandinavian country has raised questions for its handling of the global health crisis, with the government favouring a strategy of mitigation - allowing COVID-19 to spread slowly without overwhelming the health system.
Prime minister, Stefan Löfven, has urged the country's citizens to behave “as adults” and not to spread “panic or rumours”.
The authorities have been accused in recent weeks, both internationally and nationally, of endangering the lives of citizens because they have not taken strict enough measures.
A study published in the medical journal, The Lancet, indicated that "the initial slowness of reaction from countries such as the UK, the US and Sweden now appears to be increasingly unwelcome".
The UK has since abandoned the "flexible" approach it had also initially adopted in response to the pandemic.

On Saturday, Swedish media had reported that the country's government were seeking more powers to implement a lockdown and change its containment status.
But the country's public health authority, holding a press conference on Monday, did not impose any further restrictions.
State epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, reiterated the the spread of infection to elderly residents in Sweden is a major problem, adding that "when I talk to my Nordic colleagues, they do not have the same problem there".
Sweden's public health authority has identified particular risk groups of COVID-19, including those aged over 70, and those with underlying illnesses.
But the authority added that "since the virus is new, we still do not know enough about which groups are at risk of severe illness".
In a statement to Euronews, the World Health Organization (WHO) said that they recommend a range of measures for countries to follow during the COVID-19 pandemic.

These include "testing, physical distancing, isolation of positive cases and quality hospital care for those who need it."
"Each country decides what actions to take based on their own situation and the different stages of the outbreak they are facing," said a WHO spokesperson for Europe.
"These decisions must take into account many factors including resources and capacities as well as community engagement and trust."

Business as usual?
Sweden, unlike many neighbouring European countries, has not imposed quarantine on its population.
Instead the government has called on citizens to "take responsibility" and follow the recommendations of the health authorities.
"We are not doing business as usual in Sweden," health minister Lena Hallengren told an international press conference on Thursday.
People over the age of 70 and those deemed "at risk" are encouraged to stay at home, and high schools and universities, which have been closed since mid-March, are being encouraged to offer distance learning courses.

On Monday, Anders Tegnell said that working conditions in Sweden should allow staff the opportunity to work from home "if they have the slightest symptoms".
The authorities have repeatedly recommended that people with symptoms of the virus should isolate themselves.
Among the strictest measures so far are a ban on gatherings of more than 50 people and a ban on visits to retirement homes.
Per Bergfors Nyberg told Good Morning Europe that "the government's response has been focused on trying to limit the spread to elderly people".
"Sweden does not want a general lockdown because they would lose 20-25% of general healthcare workers, who are so badly needed”.
"This has meant many people have returned to Sweden from foreign countries to live a somewhat-normal life".
Sweden has so far reported more than 7,200 cases of COVID-19, and at least 475 deaths, according to the country’s public health ministry.
However, the number of diagnosed cases may reflect only a fraction of the actual number of infections, as Sweden tests only serious cases and health workers.

The trial gripped Australia but coronavirus meant scenes like these were absent for the final hearing


Tehranis Get a Glimpse of 5G Technology
Economy, Sci & Tech - October 18, 2016

Tehran’s Milad Tower hosted Iran’s first conference on 5G on October 17 with industry professionals and international experts in attendance.

Iran’s mobile communications market is growing exponentially and high-speed Internet is finally being accepted as an advantage to local business. Hence, 5G internet is likely to boost this further.
At the same event, several telecommunications standards were introduced to the market by industry players from Europe and Asia discussing the progress.
A survey on the event’s Twitter account asked Internet users whether 3G or 4G was better, and unsurprisingly the newer technology was voted as not having as strong a signal as 3G.

5G or the fifth generation of mobile networks denotes the proposed next major phase of mobile telecommunications standards beyond the current 4G standards.
Rather than faster peak Internet connection speeds, 5G planning aims at a higher capacity than current 4G, allowing a greater number of mobile broadband users per area unit, and allowing consumption of higher or unlimited data quantities in gigabyte per minute and user.

The new broadcast standard would make it feasible for a significant portion of the population to consume high-quality streaming media many hours per day on their mobile devices, also when out of reach of Wi-Fi hotspots.
At the opening of the event, Ata Malekitabar, the head of Presidential Office’s Information and Communications Technology Bureau, outlined the preliminary steps that the state and the private sector are to take in this industry.
Werner Mohr, the head of research at Nokia-Siemens Networks, said at the event, “One of the main obstacles in the way of Internet of Things is extensive energy consumption, and 5G removes this barrier.”
The new generation is to decrease costs, battery consumption and latency compared with 4G equipment, while also helping media connections.
Hamid Reza Nikoufar, deputy managing director of Mobile Communications Company of Iran (MCI), said at the event, “MCI has been ranked 22nd among national telecoms companies around the world.”
He noted that MCI is going to offer 5G services as soon as possible.
Nikoufar also addressed the topic of self-driving vehicles, which has recently gained momentum throughout the media.
“To enable people to use self-driving cars, vehicles will be equipped with 5G technology,” he added.

Another speaker at the event, Javan Erfanian from the Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN) Alliance spoke about the technical hurdles.
NGMN is an international mobile telecommunications association of mobile operators, vendors, manufacturers and research institutes.
Erfanian said, “5G will open the doors to the new digital era. The fifth generation of mobile communications would revolutionize all aspects of human life, from healthcare to economics and industries”.
Minou Abedi, a senior analyst and network economist of Deutsche Telekom, said, “To keep pace with the market, apart from applying cutting edge business models, companies should invest in new technologies like 5G.”
According to Abedi, unlike previous generations, 5G is exclusively designed to respond to the needs of the market and is based on the latest business models.
Also at the same event, Ericsson conducted a test using the company’s 5G technology, which was able to transfer 15 gigabits of data per second per user, with a response time of fewer than three milliseconds.
The new record surpasses the maximum 4G-networks of more than 40 times.
The next 5G conference will be held in Tehran in 2017, according to the event’s organizers.

Wikipedia Exposed Media - WEM


Coronavirus in Australia: Western Australia records 17 more cases of COVID-19
Elizabeth Daoud
Sunday, 5 April 2020
Premier of Western Australia Mark McGowan. Credit: AAP

Western Australia has recorded a jump in confirmed cases of coronavirus, bringing the state’s total to 453.
17 more cases have been diagnosed in the state, a small rise from the extra 14 recorded on Saturday.

The age of the new cases ranges from 26 to 78-years-old.
Premier Mark McGowan said that nine of them are related to overseas travel.
He also explained that three were related to cruise ships, including one from the Ruby Princess.
Another three people were close contacts of other confirmed cases and five are still under investigation.
The new cases come just hours before the state closes its borders in a bid to stop the spread of the virus.
During the week, McGowan urged all West Australians to return home before Sunday’s 11.59pm cut-off.
“It won’t be a smooth transition and it will be messy at times. I ask for people’s understanding ... I need everyone to work together on this,” he said on Friday.
Coronavirus death toll rises in Australia as 11th Ruby Princess passenger dies
Lucy Quaggin
Sunday, 5 April 2020 
The hospital. Credit: File image/Google Maps
An 11th passenger from the Ruby Princess cruise ship has become Australia’s 35th coronavirus victim.
The 78-year-old man passed away at Prince Charles Hospital in Brisbane.
The man reportedly had underlying medical conditions.
He’s the fifth death in Australia to be announced on Sunday, the other four victims passed away in NSW.
Four out of the five deaths had been passengers on the cruise ship.
A criminal investigation will be launched into how the cruise line operator Carnival Australia was allowed to disembark the Ruby Princess in Sydney.
NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller announced the investigation on Sunday.
“The only way I can get to the bottom of whether our national biosecurity laws and our state laws were broken is through a criminal investigation,” he said.
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UK’s coronavirus death toll surges by hundreds in just one day

Trillions in coronavirus spending could explode deficits to World War II levels
Capitol Report Published: April 1, 2020

By  Jeffry Bartash
The U.S. could add $5 trillion in deficit spending in the fight vs. COVID-19

The U.S. could add $5 trillion in deficit spending in the fight vs. COVID-19
The ever-rising national debt is set to soar again during the coronavirus crisis, perhaps to levels last seen during the second world war. Getty Images

The trillions of dollars Washington is spending to combat the COVID-19 epidemic are likely to push annual fiscal deficits relative to the size of the U.S. economy close to levels last seen during World War II.
President Donald Trump last weekend signed a $2.2 trillion bipartisan financial-rescue package, but he and congressional leaders are already talking about another huge spending bill to keep the economy on life support.

Read:Trump, Pelosi eye ‘Phase 4’ coronavirus package
Even before the coronavirus crisis exploded, the U.S. was on track in fiscal 2020 to post a deficit of slightly over $1 trillion for the first time since 2012, according to the most recent government estimate. The current fiscal year runs from Oct. 1, 2019, to Sept. 30, 2020.
Now there’s no telling just how high the deficit will go.
A new study by Morgan Stanley estimates the deficit will total at least $3.7 trillion in calender year 2020 and an additional $3 trillion in calendar year 2021. That suggests nearly $5 trillion in extra deficit spending in the next two years, financed by the sale of Treasurys, largely to the Federal Reserve.
Altogether, deficit spending in the next two years could drive the national debt to around $29 trillion from an estimated $23.6 trillion right now. Previously the U.S. was not expected to reach that mark until 2025.
Just as firefighters don’t care how much water they use in putting out a fire, governments don’t fret about how much they spend to fight a once-in-a-lifetime crisis like a deadly global pandemic. Democrats and Republicans in Washington are virtually united in the belief that they should spend whatever they need to and worry about how to pay for the coronavirus bailout later.

Read:‘I am scared of losing my income, my shop and my home’ — businesses fear for future

Asked how the Trump administration could spend so much money without raising taxes, White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said on ABC’s “This Week that “we’re not raising taxes right now — we’re cutting taxes right now.”

Not a single major Democrat has disagreed, though the two parties have quibbled over which taxes should be cut.

To put deficits in perspective, economists like to measure them against the size of the economy based on gross domestic product. The federal budget deficit in the current fiscal year is set to easily exceed the postwar record of 9.8% of gross domestic product in fiscal 2009.
Read:Why Friday’s jobs report for March won’t tell the full story of a plummeting economy
Assuming the economy actually shrinks in the current fiscal year, the fiscal deficit relative to the size of the economy could even approach 15% to 20%. The last time the U.S. saw numbers like that was during World War II.
The deficit-to-GDP ratio topped 20% from 1943 to 1945 — when the U.S. became the “arsenal of democracy” — and peaked at almost 27% in 1943.
Someday there will be a reckoning, economists say, but not for quite some time. Big spending cuts or sharply higher taxes simply aren’t on the near-term horizon in the U.S., or countries in Europe and elsewhere contending with the effects of the pandemic.

“Fiscal deficits will rise sharply in the coming years,” said Agathe Demarais, global forecasting director at London-based Economist Intelligence Unit, but “another decade of austerity to curb mounting fiscal deficits might not be feasible politically or socially.”

Australian Parliament-2019-Budget-

AT least Mussolini made the trains run on time.

7th April 2020 Location of 
5G Radiatiom Contamination Code Named CORVID-19 

Countries with no or low 5G Technology Access have little or no deaths

from 5G Radiatiom Contamination Code Named CORVID-19 

                                  Confirmed         Recovered             Deaths
Worldwide             1,363,365              292,425                76,420
Ireland                       5,364                       25                      174
United States          368,844                  19,940                  1,033
Spain                      140,511                  43,208                 13,897
Italy                        132,547                   22,837                16,523
Germany                 104,199                   28,238                1,842
China                      81,740                    77,167                 3,331
France                     74,390                  17,250                   8,911
Iran                        62,589                  27,039                  3,872
United Kingdom     51,608                      -                         5,373
Turkey                   30,217                    1,326                       649
Belgium                 22,194                       4,157                  2,035
Switzerland           21,758                     8,056                    778
Netherlands          19,580                        -                     2,101
Canada                 16,653                    3,613                     323
Austria                 12,519                   4,046                     243
Portugal               12,442                       184                    345
Brazil                  12,240                   127                      566
South Korea        10,331                   6,694                    19

Israel                  9,006                        683                  60
Sweden              7,693                       219                   591
Russia                7,497                      494                    58
Australia             5,908                    2,432                  48
Norway                5,865                         -                      85
Denmark            4,978                    1,491                 203
Czechia              4,828                     127                 80
Chile                  4,815                    728                    37
India                   4,789                   353                  124
Poland                4,532                     191                 111
Romania              4,417                   460                  184
Pakistan               4,005                  429                  54
Malaysia               3,963                1,321                  63
Japan                   3,817                   592                  80
Philippines            3,764                    84                177
Ecuador                  3,747                 100                 191
Luxembourg           2,843                  253                41
Saudi Arabia         2,752                    551                38
Indonesia             2,738                      
204             221
Peru                     2,561                       997            92
Mexico                 2,439                      633           125
Finland                2,308                      -                 34
Thailand              2,258                    824             27
Serbia                2,200                      118              58
Panama             2,100                         13              55
United Arab

Emirates           2,076                      167               11
Qatar                  1,832                     131              4

Republic            1,828                         17             86
Greece               1,755                     269              81
South Africa      1,749                      45               13

Argentina          1,628                    266              53
Iceland              1,586                    559               6
Colombia          1,579                     88              46
Ukraine             1,462                    28              45
Algeria              1,423                    90            173
Singapore         1,375                   344             6
Egypt               1,322                    259           85
Croatia             1,282                   167            18
Estonia              1,149                   69              21
Morocco             1,141                  88              83
Iraq                   1,031                344              64
Slovenia            1,021                102              30
Moldova             965                  40               21
New Zealand      943                 241                1
Hong Kong        936                 236               4
Lithuania          880                  8                  15
Belarus              861                54                   13
Armenia            853                87                  8
Hungary            817                 71                  47
Bahrain             756                458                 4
Bosnia and

Herzegovina      747                   68              33
Kuwait              743                  105              1
Azerbaijan         717                  44               8
Kazakhstan       685                50               6
Cameroon            658              17               9

Macedonia        599              30             26
Tunisia             596              5                22
Bulgaria           565              42                 22
Latvia               548              16                 2
541              60               19
Slovakia            534              8                  2
Andorra            526             31                 21
Uzbekistan         504           
30                 2
Costa Rica          467           16                2
Cyprus              455            37               14
Afghanistan        423          18               11
Uruguay              415           93              5
Albania               383           131           22
Taiwan               376           61             5
Oman                 371           67              2
Burkina Faso      364          108            18
Cuba                  350            18             9
Jordan                349         126             6
Réunion             349            40            0
Côte d'Ivoire      323             41            3
Honduras         298              6            22
Malta               293              5            0
Ghana              287              3          5
San Marino         279             40          34
Palestine           260              24           1
Niger                 253             26         10
Vietnam            249           122          0
Mauritius           244            -             7
Montenegro        239           -             2
Nigeria              238         35            5
Kyrgyzstan        228        23           4
Senegal             226         92           2
Georgia            195          
45          3
Bolivia               194          2          14
Sri Lanka          185         42          6
Faroe Islands     183       107        0
Kenya               172          7         6
Mayotte           171          22         2
Jersey              170            -         3
Kosovo            170          24         4
Guernsey         166          34         
Venezuela       165         65          7
Bangladesh     164        33         17


of the

Congo            161        5         18
Martinique    151       50        4
Isle of Man    150      73         1
Guadeloupe    139     31         7
Brunei            135    75         1
Guinea          128     5         0
Cambodia     115    58       0
Paraguay      115    15     5
Gibraltar       109     52     0
Rwanda        105     4        0


Tobago         105      1         7

Cyprus          91     29        2
Djibouti         90       9         0

Madagascar   82      2        0
El Salvador    
78      5       4
Liechtenstein  77     0        1
Monaco          77     3         1
74    17        3

Guiana          72     34       0
Aruba           71       2       0
Barbados     60       6       
Jamaica       59      8       3
Togo           58       
23     3
Ethiopia      52      4       2
Uganda       52     0      0
Mali             47    9       5

of the

Congo          45      0       5
Macao         44      10     0

Polynesia     42     0       0
Bermuda      39     17     2

Islands         39      1       1
Zambia         39       3        1

Maarten        37     1        6

Bissau          33     0          0

Bahamas        33    5      5
Saint Martin  32     7     2
Eritrea           31    0    0
Gabon          30     1     1
Guyana       29     0     4
Benin          26      5     1
Haiti           24      -     1

(Burma)       22      -      1
Tanzania      22    3     1
Libya             19     1     1
Maldives         19    13   0
Syria             19     2    2

Caledonia       18     1   0
Angola           16   
2     2

Guinea           16       1     0
Namibia         16     2      0


Barbuda           15    0     0
Fiji                  15    0      0
Dominica         14    0    0
Mongolia          14    2    0

Lucia              14       0      0
Curaçao          13      5   1
Liberia           13    0    3
Grenada        12    0    0
Laos              12     0    0
Sudan            12      2    2
Greenland       11   
4     0
Seychelles       11    0    0
Eswatini          10    4    0
Mozambique    10   
0    0
Saint Kitts

and Nevis        10   0    0
Suriname        10    3     1
Zimbabwe       10    1     1
9     0     0
Nepal                     9       1     0

Islands                  9      0     0


Republic                 8    0     0
Malawi                  8    0     1



Islands                    8    -     1
Belize                     7    0    1

Verde                      7     0    1
Somalia=                   7     1    0

City                          7      -    0
Botswana                  6     0         1
Mauritania                6    2        1
Montserrat               6     0       0
Nicaragua                 6     2       1

Barthélemy              6      1        0
Sierra Leone             6      0       0
Bhutan                     5        2      0
São Tomé

and Príncipe             4     0     0
The Gambia             4     2      1
Anguilla                   3      0      0
British Virgin

Islands                     3       0     0
Burundi                     3     0     0
Falkland Islands

(Islas Malvinas)         2     0      0
Papua New Guinea     2     0     0
Saint Pierre and

Miquelon                   1        0    0
South Sudan              1        0    0
Timor-Leste              1       0      0

Interference China’s covert political influence campaign
 in Australia Four Corners(日本語字幕)CI Research & Studies
Uploaded on Apr 9, 2019

A joint investigation by Four Corners, The Age and Sydney Morning Herald reveals fresh and compelling evidence of covert Beijing-backed political activity taking place in Australia. (Four Corners、The Age、Sydney Morning Heraldとの共同調査の結果、オーストラリアおける北京が背後にある政治活動の新たな圧倒的な証拠を明らかにしました) (現動画の場所) - Category: News & Politics

A CDC worker takes a swab for virus testing from a woman returning from Hubei province in China. (File) Credit: Barcroft Media via Getty Images

​​​​Dr. Rashaid Buttar speaks out about the background of the Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic


Australia’s coronavirus toll: Covid-19 related deaths across the country
As the number of cases rises, so does the number of those who have died. Here is a state-by-state list of virus-related fatalities
Guardian staff
Sun 29 Mar 2020

 Western Australia’s James Kwan, Queensland’s Garry Kirstenfeldt and WA’s Ray Daniels were all diagnosed with Covid-19 after being on cruise ships and later died
 Queensland man Garry Kirstenfeldt, is the youngest man so far to have died after testing positive to Covid-19
Sixteen people have died of Covid-19 related illnesses in Australia since the outbreak began.

This story will be updated as further deaths are confirmed.
Coronavirus outbreak
Guardian staff  - Sun 29 Mar 2020 00
Western Australia (2)

James Kwan, 78, Perth

James Kwan was the first person in Australia to die after being diagnosed with Covid-19. The 78-year-old Perth man was a passenger on board the Dimond Princess, a cruise ship that was forced to quarantine in the Japanese port of Yokohama in February.
He and his wife were among the 150 Australians who were isolated on board.
He was transported home to Australia on a government-chartered Qantas flight and was diagnosed while isolating in Howard Springs, Northern Territory. He was then moved to a Perth hospital where died in the early hours of 1 March.
Kwan has been remembered as a tourism pioneer, establishing Perth’s first inbound tourism company, Wel-Travel in 1988. He was a founding member of the Western Australian Tour Operators Association, now known as the Australian Tourism Export Council.

Ray Daniels, 73, Perth

 Western Australia man Ray Daniels died from coronavirus after travelling on the Celebrity Solstice cruise ship
On 26 March a second WA man, Ray Daniels died at the Joondalup Health Campus after being diagnosed with Covid-19.
“We as a family are completely devastated by the sudden death of our father, husband and grandfather. He was a very fit, healthy and active man with no known underlying health issues. He showed no real significant signs of being unwell until he collapsed at home on Wednesday morning. He died within 48 hours,” his family said in a statement.
“Clearly this virus does not discriminate and we never believed for one second that it would take him from us.”
He disembarked from the Celebrity Solstice cruise ship in Sydney earlier in the week.

Queensland (2)

Garry Kirstenfeldt, 68, Toowoomba
Garry Kirstenfeldt is so far the youngest person in Australia to die after testing positive to Covid-19. He was the second Queensland victim, and the first to die in Queensland.
The 68-year-old died on 25 March in Toowoomba, after recently disembarking from the Voyager of the Seas cruise ship in Sydney.
His family say he was an avid traveller.
“Our father was a man with much more life in him,” his children said in a statement.
“He had been on 16 cruise ships and loved to relax with family or worry about activities to keep us entertained … We never expected his 17th cruise to be his last or no one to be at his side for the last moments of his life. As his family, this was the first time he had been in hospital and we were not at his side.”

The Queensland Department of Health said he had a serious underlying medical condition before contracting the virus
His wife Jennifer and other members of his family are now in self-isolation.

A 75-year-old woman who was a passenger on the Ruby Princess died on 29 March at Caboolture hospital.

New South Wales (8)
The Dorothy Henderson Lodge cluster

Four NSW Covid-19 deaths were elderly residents of the Dorothy Henderson Lodge aged care facility in Macquarie Park. A 95-year-old woman died on 3 March, followed by an 82-year-old man on 9 March, a 90-year-old woman on 14 March and a 91-year-old woman on 28 March.
A number of other residents and staff members have tested positive for Covid-19.

Ruby Princess
On 24 March a woman in her 70s died after disembarking from the Ruby Princess earlier in the week. She was transported directly to the hospital from the ship.
The NSW Health Department said she was one of the initial three passengers who were confirmed to have tested positive on board the ship.
At least 162 Covid-19 cases have been associated with the cruise in NSW alone.
Other NSW Covid-19 related deaths include an 86-year-old man on 18 March and an 81-year-old woman on 20 March.


A 77-year-old woman from the Sunshine Coast died after her health deteriorated on a flight to Sydney on 13 March. She was taken to a Sydney hospital but could not be resuscitated. It was later confirmed she had Covid-19. She is believed to have had an underlying medical condition.

Victoria (4)

Three men, all in their 70s, died on 26 March after being diagnosed with Covid-19. The death of a fourth man, in his 80s, was reported on 29 March.

Australians overseas
A 36-year-old Australian man diagnosed with Covid-19 died in Iceland.
However, doctors said the man’s symptoms were atypical and although he had the illness they were continuing to investigate the cause of his death
However, doctors said the man’s symptoms were atypical and although he had the illness they were continuing to investigate the cause of his death
NYT Covid-19 Investigation Team Comments of the Australian Deaths mentioned in this article
It is noted that the above mentioned people seemed to have already ill for others reasons, other than Covid-19, and the fact there are reports that they tested positive to Covid-19  before their death ... does no in any way mean that they actually died of Covid-19 ..

The above examples of these mentioned deaths in Australia help support the arguements and claims by The Insider Account from Julian Rose .. that 
The COVID-19 coronavirus is a scam

The COVID-19 coronavirus scam
The COVID-19 coronavirus scam has been exposed. Massive hat tip to activist Julian Rose, whose work I have followed for years. Julian’s account was just posted here at I will reproduce it in full below. I believe it explains much of how the numbers were inflated and how this whole coronavirus crisis – make that coronavirus psy op – was pulled off. As someone wrote on a YouTube video comment recently, coronavirus = crowning achievement of the government’s psychological warfare operation (corona = crown). Make no mistake – this is a massive psychological operation. The entire alternative media and conspiracy research community – and the whole world – owe deep respect and gratitude to those have seen this coronavirus scam for what it is: people such as Jamie Lee (A Plane Truth), Jon Rappaport (, David Icke ( and others.
Now the job remains to inform and alert people as much as possible so together we can end this ridiculous shutdown and lockdown fiasco. Meanwhile, it remains as important as ever to watch Bill Gates (and all the other NWO manipulators who pulled this outrageous stunt) very, very closely.

Which European countries are under lockdown, and for how long?
WORLD Coronavirus:

By Alice Tidey  & Alasdair Sandford with AFP, AP - 07/04/2020

French gendarmes control a vehicle in Ustaritz, southwestern France, Thursday, March 19, 2020.   -   Copyright  AP Photo/Bob Edme
Most European countries have imposed lockdowns to various degrees to combat the spread of the potentially deadly COVID-19 virus.

The list that began with Italy on March 8 has grown as more countries acted to confine people to their homes for all but essential reasons.
Other nations across the continent have also imposed drastic measures to restrict public gatherings and freedom of movement, while stopping short of legal confinement.
In most cases lockdowns involve a ban on people going out -- apart from travelling to and from work unless this can't be done from home, buying essential supplies of food and medicine, helping others in need, and getting some brief exercise.
Europe became the epicentre after the disease spread from China and other countries in Asia, with Italy and Spain particularly badly affected. Western European countries have reported more deaths than elsewhere, and more confirmed cases of the virus with the exception of the United States.
However early April has brought hope that a peak may be being reached, as infection rates slowed in countries where lockdowns had been put in place.
Here is a look at measures implemented in a selection of European countries.

Austria has announced a path towards the partial lifting of its lockdown, three weeks after the restrictive measures were put in place.
Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said on April 6 that some shops would reopen after Easter, at the beginning of a long, phased return to normal life.
Small shops and garden centres would be the first to be allowed to open doors to customers from April 14, he said.
It was hoped that all other shops, and hairdressing salons, would be able to follow suit on May 1 -- but restaurants and hotels would remain closed until at least mid-May. Events would remain banned until the end of June, the chancellor said.
"We have acted more quickly and more drastically" than other countries and "have prevented the worst", Kurz said. But he warned that an "emergency brake" could be imposed if coronavirus cases started risking again.

Belgium's nationwide self-isolation policy kicked in on March 18 and has now been prolonged until April 19. Residents must stay at home unless they need to go to work, supermarkets, health facilities or visit people in need. They are also allowed to step out for physical activity.
"Authorities rely on the sense of duty of each Belgian and the respect towards these decisions taken to protect them, their relatives and loved ones. Only the personal commitment of each and everyone will allow these measures to have a real impact on the situation," the government said.

Czech Republic
The Czech Republic has imposed a nationwide lockdown. All public events are banned and schools have been closed.
However the government is considering allowing small stores to open again after Easter. At the same time the interior minister is proposing to scrap a ban on Czechs travelling abroad, from April 14.

Denmark has imposed no national lockdown, but schools, restaurants and many shops have closed.
Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen declared an extension to coronavirus restrictions, until April 13 -- but later announced a gradual lifting of restrictions would begin after Easter.
Until then, gatherings of more than 10 people have been banned, public sector workers in non-critical posts have been told to stay home, while public venues have been closed.

The lockdown in France was announced by French President Emmanuel Macron on March 17 for an initial period of 15 days. It was later extended to April 15.
Prime Minister Edouard Philippe on March 23 announced further restrictions aimed at halting the spread of the new coronavirus, including closing open fresh food markets.
In addition to closing the markets, Philippe said people would only be able to go out near their houses and for one hour, once a day and only for essential trips such as keeping fit, buying food or going to the doctor.
French people are being asked to justify their movements with a form they must present to authorities. Failure to do so or if they're deemed further away from home than strictly necessary can result in a fine of €135 -- rising to €1,500 or even €3,700 and even a prison term for repeat offenders.
More than 4,000 such fines were dished out on the first day of verbalisation, according to the interior minister.
The national health advisory board, meanwhile, has advocated for the lockdown to be extended by another four weeks.

Berlin has so far eschewed a federal lockdown. It has warned that curfews could otherwise be imposed.
Chancellor Angela Merkel said on March 22 that all gatherings of more than two people would be banned in Germany "for at least two weeks" to stop the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.
German citizens are asked to stand 1.5 metres apart while restaurants and hairdressing salons will be closed, she said.
Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer also announced earlier that 2,300 reservists and 900 "health reservists" had been mobilised.
But Bavaria became the first of the country's 16 states to introduce a lockdown on Friday with restrictions similar to the ones introduced in Belgium and France, including the closure of all restaurants and bars except those offering delivery services.

The Greek government introduced a lockdown across the country on March 23.
Exemptions include going to work, visiting the doctor, shopping for groceries and medicines, going out for exercise, and walking the dog.
Failure to comply comes with a fine of €150.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban ordered a 15-day lockdown on March 27 to kick in the following day.
Hungarians will only be allowed out to exercises or for essential trips such as buying medicine or food with food stores and pharmacies restricted to those over the age of 65 in the morning.

Ireland became one of the latest countries to impose a major shutdown on Tuesday March 24.
Taoiseach Leo Varadkar announced "unprecedented actions" to curb the spread of the virus. Non-essential shops are being closed, along with public venues both indoors and outdoors, hotels, cafes and restaurants.
Social distancing is being strongly encouraged, with people urged to avoid all non-essential visits.

Italy was the first EU member state to introduce lockdowns. Northern regions were the first to be concerned by confinement measures which were extended across the country.
Schools, universities and non-essential businesses are closed. Supermarkets and banks remain open, along with pharmacies and post offices. Gatherings and events are banned.
As in France, people must fill out a form if they leave their homes, giving a valid reason. Travelling around the country is banned for non-urgent reasons.
The lockdown is expected to be extended beyond Easter, perhaps for a considerable time.

The worst affected country in Europe after Italy, Spain moved to drastically restrict people's movement as casualty numbers began to soar.
Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced a state of emergency on March 14, confining people to their homes other than for specific reasons.
These are essential shopping, travelling to and from work, medical needs, to visit those in need, or to get money. People are allowed to walk dogs, but not go out running. Fines for offenders start at €100 and can go much higher.

Sweden has been singled out for not imposing a full lockdown in the way many other European countries have done.
People can move freely, schools, bars and restaurants remain open, and outdoor activities are allowed. However there are some restrictions on international travel.
But gatherings of more than 50 people are banned and some social distancing measures have been implemented.

The Swiss government issued a fresh call on March 24 for people to remain at home. It followed a move last Friday to ban gatherings of more than five people, and force people in any group to keep two metres apart. Anyone flouting the measures can be fined.
The measures will remain in place until April 19. People are strongly advised to stay at home other than for essential reasons similar to those in some other European countries. Other restrictions have also been brought in.
However, the government prefers not to talk of "confinement". The interior minister has criticised tough measures taken in neighbouring Italy and France as a "political spectacle".
Swiss health authorities estimated the number of dead from coronavirus at 86 on March 24, with more than 8,800 infections. The figures are slightly below estimates from the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center in the US.

United Kingdom
Boris Johnson announced a major clampdown on movement on March 23. People can only leave home for "very limited purposes", namely essential shopping and travelling to work if "absolutely necessary", for medical needs or helping others in need, or to take exercise.
Most shops and public venues have been closed, and gatherings of more than two people are banned, other than with those they live with.
The measures will be in place for at least three weeks, the British prime minister said. At the end of last week he announced that cafés, pubs and restaurants had to close to try to offset the spread of COVID-19.
But repeated messages urging people to stay at home have until now fallen on deaf ears in many cases.
Authorities have also been in debate over enforcement amid concerns that the police may not have the means to control freedom of movement effectively.
COVID-19: Vulnerable Britons must stay at home for 12 weeks, says PM Johnson
Coronavirus: 'stay at home and save lives' says Boris Johnson as UK enters tighter lockdown


Coronavirus: Sweden stands firm over its controversial COVID-19 approach
Coronavirus: Italy and France's daily death tolls increase again
Coronavirus: Worldwide cases top 420,000 as more nations impose lockdowns

The ever-rising of the USA's national debt is set to soar again during the coronavirus crisis, perhaps to levels last seen during the second world war. Getty Images


My response to Dr Judy Mikovits Video Banned by YouTube 

Supporters of George Pell had long argued that he was not guilty

Wireless wake-up call | Jeromy Johnson | TEDxBerkeley
TEDx Talks
A Silicon-valley engineer turned technology health advocate, Jeromy Johnson discusses our attachment to technology and the health hazards such an addiction may hold. [AV and event video provided by]. Jeromy Johnson is an expert in mitigating the negative impacts of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) exposure. He has a leading website on the topic and consults with individuals, families and organizations around the world to implement solutions that reduce and eliminate EMF pollution. Jeromy has an advanced degree in Civil Engineering and has worked in Silicon Valley for 15 years. After becoming what medical doctors call “Electro-hypersensitive” (EHS) in 2011 after extensive exposure to EMF radiation, he embarked on a journey of regaining his own health and educating others to critically evaluate theirs. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Category: Nonprofits & Activism

Biggest Deception On The Whole World EndGame Plan
 This amazing video that tells the truth as to what is really happening and why..
Kristian Shane Dickerson is on Facebook

Out of 145.93 million people in Russia there are only 47 reorted deaths from Coronavirus.. these may be older people who were sick woith other illnesses and did not actually die of Coronavirus even though they may have tested positive to a Corona type Virus…
Last updated: April 06, 2020, 21:01 GMT
Coronavirus Cases: 6,343
Deaths: 47
Recovered: 406

The Biggest Deception On The Whole World End Game Plan
Cororavirus is not the problem .....
what were are seeing is the symptoms of a virus
Our bodies are reacting to radio spectrum radiation
or radio frequency radiation
Globally I was the head of Vodaphone 2013-to 2015
I was privy to the 5G technology
which is dangerous to humans
With the introduction of AI, they are all going to be on a smart grid using 5G technology
in the form of a matrix
Vodaphone are in partnership with Huawei, which is a leading global provider of information

and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices.
The frequency they are using..
external signal from satellites into building..
Previous different radio frequency..
Causing cell poisoning which is effectively radiation
The body will create a virus to help erradiate these viruses
5G is reacting to human cells...
we are seeing cell poisoning..
the body are trying to 
All the is ocuring in the world
is the reaction of the human bodies
this is the largest global cover up in human history
what is happening is not the Corona Virus ....that is what is killing people
 Wuhan China is where they rolled out 5G radio frequency which poisonous to the cells
and it has a flue type characteristic..... so they are using the Coronavirus as a ruse..
to blame it on the Coronavirus..
Places like London where they have a lot of 5G Towers and strong 5G network signals..
Italy has more deaths than other countries because Italy is heavily saturated with 5G..signals..
The older generation doe snot have the immune system to fight against it..
Italy has rolled 5G out,,
Spain has rolled 5Gout...
Most major cities have rolled it out around the world..
and countries such as the UK,,
London is one of the biggest CCT centres in the world..
they are in the process of rolling out 5G
it is not the Coronavirus that is killing humans..
it is   categorically  ...  unequivocally ... killing the people..
Why are they allowing it?
Because if multiple agendas...
primarily because 5G is the only Internet network with the speed to handle the future and where we are going..
rapidly ... they are creating a world run by AI.. Artificial Intelligence..
The Internet of things where everything is interconnected on the Internet ...
including a new global currency that is coming out...
That is why I have been pushing what I have been pushing for the last five years in Africa......
with our own digital currency ... to combat what was coming...
In addition to that there will l be driver-less cars...
There will be a number of different things...
They can not reverse the implementation of this technology...
and they are happy for the sacrifice of millions of lives around the world...
Just to prove the point further..
the cruise ships were installed with 5G...
so the people that were quarantined on the crew ships.. they were cruise ships that had 5G..
and that is why the people were getting sick..
Hospitals have 5G...
Major cities have 5G
so these are places where people will automatically get sick where people are exposed to inordinate levels of radiation..
through radio spectrum  and poisoning...
ok let me move on...
we've had three pandemics in the last 120 years...
The first pandemic was in 1918...
which was called the Spanish Flue Pandemic...
This is when they introduced and invented radio waves globally..
and increased electrification of our universe...
Guess what happened...?  
Millions of people died six months later.... 
with a pandemic they called the Spanish Flue Pandemic ...
Roll on a number of  years.... 
World War Two .. just after that another pandemic ...
which was caused by the implementation of radar equipment globally..
satellites went up circling plant earth ..
a mirage of different satellites went up into what they call the Van Allen belt ..
basically is where they store and send satellites ...
so when that was implemented .. again .....
the last major pandemic was in 1968..
which was called the Hog Kong Flue...
Guess what they did then..
they rolled out another level of satellite penetration in the Van Allen radiation belt ..
over 100,000 satellites.... that were transmitting radar signals .... radar filed in the cosmos 
these were satellites that were pushing telecommunication and radar communications..
So we had radio waves first at the beginning of the century...
they implemented radar and telecommunication satellites ...
These causes pandemics that killed multiple millions of people 
the last one was in 1968 ...
So guess what's happening now..
they are rolling out 5G ..
and this impacting people's lives... killing people around the world ...
they are covering it up in the name of Cororavirus ...
That is a fact .. please and do your study.... study 5G .. the implications of the implementation of 5G..
Just to help you further... one of the countries which is a huge country that had... millions of people
a huge country with cold weather .. Russia.. has had no fatalities in the area of coronavirus..
Because they have not implemented 5G on a public usage yet... they have only implemented for exclusive use by the military... 
hence why they have  no fatalities in the area of coronavirus..   
just to explain further...
In the news now... people without underlying health issues... are dying ..even young people are dying...
the radiation does not compromise ... young or old... you will Succumb  to the power of radiation ....
This is the fact that is really ocuring ...
this is their strategy... because of the importance of 5G to those in control of planet earth...
and this 5G roll out is a global  phenomenon  that can not be reversed..
There is a lot more information I can give you.... in 17 minutes... 
please trust me .. do some research...
There are some scholarly articles out there on the impact of 5G .. like the Boston Health Group that investigated contagions
and they basically said that one of the viruses the Spanish  Flue and even this one.. is not a contagent ...
what they ate doing is spreading it to people by the testing .. so when you are tested they are giving you a virus to cover up what the 5G radiation is causing 
Three new strategies
1, Vaccines to give you disease
and chemicals that will light you up and respond more effective to the signal
they are buying time to build up the hospital as mortuaries ... 
Our nervous system is an electric circuit of wiring in our body..
we react to frequencies .. vibrations ,, gamma rays, ex-rays , infra red,,
ultra violet light invisible light
 frequencies  effect out sense of well being..
how can be combat this... because all of us emit frequencies out heart ...
the electromagnetic power of our heart...
we do omit  frequencies..
we do not use these terms in bible terms
Fire of God-- Spirit .. all of these things can be scientifically proven.. as electrification of our beings..
Either we generate it or atmosphere ... 
when we get together and have worship  and prayer .. we call it spiritual energy..
we call it the holy is physical energy that can be felt..
so the game plan of the New World Order..
Unfortunately it is the era of The New World Order has commenced..
this is why in the last five year I was pushing my economic model with presidents throughout Africa...
to give them an alternative ,,,to the digital currency and the economic model that will sustain them independent of the world bank and independent of this New World Order.. controlled by the 1% of the 1% Ruling Elite...
Now ... what are they doing .. you will see in the news today...
there is announcement of the vaccine that will come ...
as I said there will be three developments
1, Vaccines  which will come which will have catastrophic impact on our physical being...and help use be more exposed to the radiation
2. Secondly ... the vaccines will come with a tracking device called a RFI Chip ... which is a micro ship which will be inserted at the same time as the vaccines... 
This will give them the ability to track...
" In The Name of ...who has had a Vaccine and who has not had a Vaccine"..
that these people are no longer a treat to humanity...based  upon this spurious extensible notion of the coronavirus..
which is a big fallacy .. it doesn't exist.. in the context of what is killing us all ..

3. The third is the implementation of digital currency..and digital asset ...
A Global Digital Currency .. it will start with the US ...and it will roll out around the world..
and this is why I have developed our own block chain platform with our own digital currency pegged to minerals in the ground..
So Africa can have it's own independence and so Africa can have it's own position to other currencies that would be strong in trading against other currencies...and capital and financial markets.. that is what your paster has been working on behind the scenes besides preaching in the ministry 
Let me say .. this is hailed a new era of the mark of the beast ...
It is here.... it is real ... it is now .. it is expediting rapidly because they realise there is a level of esoterical  enlightenment going through the earth .. there is a level of technology that will fast track other people's agenda that is in opposition to their agenda. .. and the ruling elite will want to shut it down ...
So what are they doing systematically .. systemically ... and simultaneously .. they are shutting global economies down ... because they want to introduce ... two things:
(a) A new level of monopoly... or oligopolies... these are 4 of 5 five key multi national companies ...
Amazon will be the first
Google is obviously one
there will be others... that will manage the supply chain of everything that we purchase,,,, 
where everything will be streamlined .. economics -- the flow of money ..everything..
(b) the second they are doing with this new system  .. other than creating these oligopolies...
they are shutting the Global markets down for that ...
they want to make as many people as possible unemployed..
Please do not believe everything they are telling you that they are talking about stipens and 
grants of payment to help the self employed ... for people who have been made redundant..
to any degree that is going to effect the livelihood of people .
we are heading for the largest global recession the world has every seen...
because they are changing the game...
So what they are bringing now .. they are bringing in The New System...
The new block chain global digital currency ... 
which we will not have access to unless we can prove we are no longer any harm to humanity...
by having the vaccines which will be mandatory .. they will enforce them on us ..
secondly...they will insist that we have to take the chips which is part of simultaneous process...
Why are they shutting Global Economies down..?
Because they want to take control back from  entrepreneurs
and take control back from family offices .. family businesses..
They want to completely disrupt the  fabric of society as we know it.... education ... employment..
everything will be completely different... in a matter of months .. not even years...
So this is the strategy of the ruling elite..
to ultimately control in terms of visibility of technology such as 5G Internet and all that gives them access to in terms of 
things... and the control of money .. if you control money .. you control gold and the power ..
So that is their agenda... and obviously they also want to control the population.
Bill Gates .. has  resigned from his position as chairman of Microsoft ... 
and as the chairman of the Belinda Gates Foundation he is now pushing the vaccine agenda 
Bill Gates has developed technology  ... he has been responsible for a lot of this ...
So ,, please .. those who have held Bill Gates as an innovator .. Bill Gates in innovating for the demise of humanity...
Vaccines have always been a danger to humanity. ...
Vaccines contain pathogens that are harmful to our human body...

The Sperm problem
Sperm swim straight however with 5G radiation sperm swims  around in circles and no particular direction ...
CDC: Serious Birth Defect on Rise in U.S.

What does the Body of Christ Do Now?
What do we do?
Firstly .. the Body of Christ is Changing..

It is the changing of the guard ,,, it is the time of the Kingdom Remant to come to the fore who have been prepared for such a time as this...
This is the time for the people who have not fitted into churchy normal restrictions who have got thoughts of assignments and mandates beyond the Church... 
This is the time that God is going to re-position them ... basically .. we are up next .. it is our time now...
It is a defining moment for the Kingdom to rectify some of the things that are going wrong...
So that is one thing you will see around the world ....
there will be a Collaboration of Kingdom People who will come together ...
combine resources .. Collaborate effect change and create an alternative system ....
I have been working on this for five years...with people around the world that are doing the same ...
Secondly you'll see a change of Church...
one of the reasons why .. and it is the last point i''l make is this...
that there has been a ubiquitous shut down of worship and prayer and congregating of religion ..
of religious organisations because they are making way spiritually ...for the presentation of the Anti-Christ
When we pray corporately ... we create a frequency .... we create vibrations .. we create a move ..
the Fire of God... we call it the Power of God... we call it the Spirit of God...
but effectively what it is ..we as  Spirit Field ... 
Clean living beings are generators of Spiritual Energy .. Spiritual Power... Spiritual Might..
Let me use terms that will not scare you ... power ..  anointing .. these are powerful frequencies that iminate from us...
when we worship and pray .... it literally heals our body...
so when we are in the presence of God... this is why we have healing as a bi-product of that .. because what we are exposed to.. we  physically heals ourselves.. this why he said
I am the  Lord thy God that Healith ,,,, his presence alone  heals..
people get healed in worship services....
Prophesies are other communication frequencies and other communication flows greater when we are corporately worshiping ...
when we are praying corporately...
and so the ruling elite have deliberately shut all that down and tried to shut down our spiritual network ....
for what of a better term so they can pay the way for the Anti Christ .. to come to the the fore..
otherwise we would have been restricted and held by  the Universal Concept of Prayers and Worship of God's People...
and so this is what is happening ... it is deliberate ... it is not the coronavirus that is  contagious.. or contangent .. so we can not congregate ... because they systematically they have dismantled ... for the first time in human history the corporate gathering of religious people to pray and worship ... because it changes the spiritual atmosphere so they can have more power ..
I would not doubt that there are sacrifices and different things going on behind the scenes as well to impact their power..
and trust me.. they are moving at lightening speed...
within a matter of weeks we are going to be shocked by the revelations ... and implementation of the things that they will be doing....
the Vaccines will be a matter of months away .... if not days.... 
the new currency will be a matter of days away or at the max ..... months away ....
the whole new economic system .. which I have created one... that I am going to implement regardless  as a strategy to counter what is happening .. I have been prophesying this for 1 5 years ... that the Kingdom of God needs it's own economic system ... while you all have been having happy clappy church .. some of us have been strategising on the Blue print of God to be able to advance his Kingdom to save as much souls as possible that are still alive and preserve a prosperity ...
Anyway .. because of time..
let me conclude here..
The best thing that we can do right now it to raise our frequency...
Live clean ... live righteously ... remove and detox our bodies from anything that would effect the flow of God's anointing on our lives...
The only counter we have is prayer and worship...
prayer and worship... creates it's own force field of energy ... and  force field of frequency.. Heavens Frequency will protect you to some degree ... whilst God is going to work on the strategy that he is going to implement... I pray this is helps somebody.... share with somebody,,, forward this to somebody .. as many people as possible .. so the world can understand that we can come together .. strategize as a Kingdom Remant because God said ... that he doesn't get involved with the affairs of man.. because he gave dominion to man is Genesis Chapter One .... that is why so many heinous and terrible things happen in our world .. because God is not running the world .... God works and influences the good men and good women .. Evil prevails when Good Men say nothing ... 
So what God is attempting to do is influence people who live right and live clean ... pure hands .. clean heart .... so vanity .. no searing to secrecy with lies ... not manipulating people to gain .. true people of God that God can speak and work through ... so God can have an impact on the Earth ...  but what God has said from my time in prayers that this now has forced his hand and that God is going to move as God .... God has to intervene as God ... and I think that as we ubiquitously raise up our prayers and our fasting .... which helps our electromagnetic flow ..
Intermittent fasting strengthens our immune system ..strengthens our electromagnetic flow ,, our electric  electromagnetic system likes lime which thought was spiritual but is actually scientific ... they improve our body and strengthens us ... so Olive Oil and different things have components that have electro-light elements in it that strengthen our physical body ... fasting does that ... it helps our immune system immensely ... so we can ... fight against the corona .. fight against these radiations of the frequency ...  but more importantly create a heavenly sound ... that will combat what the enemies have planned up to now ...  God Bless You .. We Love You ... This is a whole new era that God has been talking about .. but thank God that his Kingdom he will give to none other .. this will be hued out of the mountain without hands ... that will drive away all the other other Dispensational  Kingdoms like chaff in the wind... so this is our time to embrace what God is doing .. and it is a time when we need to be furthered in Spirit ... serving the Lord .. It Is Now ... I encourage you .. I Indore you . I really plead with you .. let's be unified ... let's be righteous .... let's spend time in prayer ... and last;y we need to use this time lastly ... to re-set-- we need to use this time to reset our priorities .. to reset our routine ... to reset our reinvestment within ourselves... ready ourselves as to what is coming ... if we have to in line with God's purpose .... we have to reach out to other people .. we need to share this information that the unbelievers will now believe what we have been saying about revelation 13 for hundreds of years .... 200 years precisely which is when the Bible was translated ... we need to re-establish ourselves .. like we have never before ...we must not waist time on entertainment .. spend tie reading  ... studying .... pertinent information .. the word of God ..
God Bless You ... I know this is incredibly long... this information is just too important to give you a 30 second overview ... 
Pray about it.. submit it to your prophets .. submit it to your leaders ... submit to whoever .. but this is the reality of what is happening .. but I promise you .. God is going to raise up a remnant ... with God's own Kingdom Currency . with  God's own Kingdom Economy ... with   God's own Kingdom banking systems ...  with  God's own Kingdom Information Highway ... with a new type of church that the world has not seen ... I have been  prophesying   this for years .. I've been working behind the scenes with a few other like minded nobility members to effect this change ... that we knew was coming ... God Bless You All .. 
Stay Strong and share this information

Dr. Steven Gundry
Dr. Steven Gundry - Why People Are Dying From COVID-19 & How To Protect Yourself From Coronavirus  
Author Of Four New York Times Best Sellers
Dr. Steven R. Gundry is an American doctor and author. He is a former cardiac surgeon and currently runs his own clinic, investigating the impact of diet on health. Dr. Gundry conducted cardiac surgery research in the 1990s and was a pioneer in infant heart transplant surgery, and is a New York Times best-selling author of books such as The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in “Healthy” Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain.
He is best known for his disputed claims that lectins, a type of plant protein found in numerous foods, cause inflammation resulting in many modern diseases. The Plant Paradox diet suggests avoiding all foods containing lectins.

Socialism? You’re kidding. The PM is using the state to save capitalism
The notion that the government's wage subsidy represents any kind of radical philosophical shift needs to be knocked on the head, writes Guy Rundle.
MAR 31, 2020

Well, this is all happening very fast. And pretty much simultaneously. As the Morrison government announced an unprecedented degree of direct state support for the private sector, largely targeted at wage support, the Victorian and NSW state governments brought down a series of legal restrictions on everyday social life that can only be described as totalitarian.
Quite possibly it is a rational totalitarianism, but totalitarianism it is. The coincident moves have brought support and praise from the most unlikely places.
The state governments’ measures — which have been asserted, rather than argued or extensively justified — have been praised as firm and decisive, often as a sort of love letter to nu-style hard man Dan Andrews
The federal subsidy/stimulus scheme, meanwhile, got giddy calls that socialism was here, and that neoliberal economics was dead and buried for ever.
Let’s pull that all up a bit. As your correspondent noted a fortnight/a hundred years ago, the nature of the crisis tilts towards a socialist conception of society, and an acknowledgement of such.
But the purpose of the government’s new initiative is not to further that, but to hold it off at all costs — by using enormous amounts of money to preserve capitalist socio-economic relations in as static a form as possible. The switch from no wage subsidy to an overwhelming one is simply a switch of method brought about by a rapid change of circumstances.
One would presume that came about because on the weekend, both Qantas and Virgin told the government that they were more or less cactus, and half a dozen other major franchises and groups made the same throat-clearings about their viability. They possibly also got a message from the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) and Labor that the show of national unity was soon to be wrapped up, and politics would recommence.
The government had been relying on hopes and prayers all last week, hoping that consumer capitalism could wheeze along until we flattened the COVID curve, and some modicum of their “have a go, get a go” ideology — the idea that capitalism has some logic of fairness, reward and punishment buried deep within — could be preserved.
So having held it off for as long as possible, it clearly made sense to go superbig, to make it very simple and comprehensive. But both the notion that this is some form of socialism, and that it has retired “neoliberal economics” for ever, needs to be knocked on the head.
This is state capitalism on a vast scale: public money pumped into private corporations with absolutely zero concessions — or even demands — on changes to the share of capital, control of money and the workplace, conditions of work, etc.
Such a move has a contradictory effect. It’s true that in certain circumstances it makes actual economic-nationalist/socialist solutions, for industries which are both essential, but no longer have a viable market, such as airlines. But it also holds off any sort of crisis that would force a change in social and production relations in a genuinely post-capitalist direction.
Thus, the Morrison government has insisted on — and the ACTU appears to have acquiesced in — payment of the wage subsidy via private companies, rather than as a direct payment to workers.
Sure, there are safeguards in place to ensure that companies don’t take the money and sack people anyway (though this will happen). But there aren’t any to ensure that companies don’t take the wage subsidy and use money that would otherwise have gone to wages for other purposes, such as labour-reducing automation.
Without a change in the way the economy is managed, wage subsidy in this form remains a socialisation of capital’s losses, and an abolition of its risk.
Nor should left-Keynesians conclude that this move has blown “neoliberal” economics of deficit reduction and austerity out of the water. Such economists repeatedly fail to understand the persistence of such a mindset among the general public.
The paradox of economics is that while the microeconomic myth that a national economy is just a household economy writ large is wrong, it looks right to most people, and corresponds to deep-seated notions of reward and punishment. And while the macroeconomic approach of managing aggregate demand and money supply is right, it looks nuts — a weird Escher picture world in which you can create money you’ll never have to pay back because the growth that money created winnows the capital sum to an amount of no importance.

That is weird and screwy to many people who don’t work in abstract intellectual milieux, and that’s part of the persistence of centre-right political dominance for decades.

People and classes who would benefit from such policies recoil from them because they appear to annihilate personal responsibility and hand control of life to technocrats. Such policies could persist in the post-war period from the ’40s to the ’70s, because people weren’t voting on the policy mechanism per se; it was a left-right struggle over ownership of production, not over the abstract methods by which it is managed.
So in that respect, and absent countervailing political force, a state capitalist initiative such as wage subsidies — indeed, it barely reaches the conditions of state capitalism; it remains subsidised neoliberalism — is a downpayment on a return of moralising virtue economics and a new round of austerity in future years.
Left-Keynesians, MMT enthusiasts and Labo(u)r’s tame intellectuals may point out that, in principle, the principle never needs to be repaid. But global money markets don’t see it that way, and like to use government debt as a pretext for manipulation, even in times of cheap money.
If there’s a global credit crunch in the future — and I mean, what are the chances that the world could change radically over a matter of weeks, I know, crazy, right? — then a peripheral state like Australia will be in the same squeeze as Greece. Global capitalist politics will then determine global capitalist economics, not vice versa.
Furthermore, as we come out of the COVID crisis, class economic divisions relations will re-emerge, between the high-waged and low-waged/precarious/benefit dependent, and those with property/investment/super and those without.
The restarting of a consumer/service/entertainment capitalism, via a post-depression/recession raised profit rate will only occur, within current frameworks, by driving down wages and conditions, and creating a reserve pool of labour by the slashing of benefits. Don’t be surprised if many of the “all in this together” crowd vote for a new austerity to this end, the top 65% or so ganging up against the lower third.
The radical possibilities of this moment are not to be found in initiatives which reinforce a commodity economy in its existing relations, but ones in which decommodified forms of relation and production are introduced and new forms of social authority of capital along with them. Debt and mortgage reduction, rent relief and other such measures are more radical in this regard — one reason, perhaps, why some Laboristas have been so sluggish to push for them.
Something as simple as a six-month eviction suspension is, in that respect, genuinely communist (genuinely communist, not vote-for-Joe-Biden communist) on a small scale, because it abolishes, for a time, some property rights. More to say on the strange twists all this might take later in the week, but the short take is that unless we can push unions, Labor and other groups to demand a qualitative transformation of work, economy and social relations, this opportunity is going to be lost. Ha! As if there were any other type of opportunity.
Here there is only space to observe the paradox we are in. As the federal government pulls out all stops to preserve the capitalist content of social relations, state governments are using their powers to draw the basic form of social relations — basic sociality — into direct state control, via capricious and under-legislated policing.
Whatever the arguable necessities of such, it is also obvious that this is performative politics to make up for the sluggish application of more moderate regimes earlier on — the lack of testing and contact tracing, and the dozens or more avoidable deaths that will result from the Ruby Princess disaster.
What is disconcerting is how many in the political/media elite and the wider knowledge class have supported these measures utterly uncritically, and without a demand for scrutiny of state reasonings. Indeed, support of totalitarian state response has become a counterfeit form of solidarity — supplanting the anti-state, anti-market solidarity we will need in this crisis.
Still ‘n all, whichever one of you had the nationalisation of Qantas by Thursday in the sweep is looking pretty good right now…

Guy Rundle is correspondent-at-large for Crikey. He's a former editor of Arena Magazine and contributes to a variety of publications in Australia and the United Kingdom.

Brisbane Northside Emergency Hospital

Deep Down the Virus Rabbit Hole – Question Everything April 1, 2020 By Makia Freeman
Watch out! The killer virus is coming!
Watch out! The killer virus is coming!
Well … maybe not. Behind any pandemic, there are always a long set of assumptions that underpin the medical reports and subsequent political and legal decisions. These assumptions are barely recognizable since they are routinely reported as facts. However, to truly justify everything that’s happening all over the world right now – social distancing, surveillance, censorship, lockdowns, quarantine, medical martial law, economic crashes, new digital currencies, governmental emergency powers – with mandatory vaccinations and human microchipping slated to come – those in charge at the Department of Propaganda have to convince you that those assumptions are facts. The late primal diet/raw meat advocate Aajonus Vonderplanitz (who died in 2013) gave this fascinating interview during the swine flu hoax of 2009, when everyone was freaking out (not as much as with the coronavirus, but in a similar vein to the hyped ebola and zika outbreaks). He claimed the following:
– viruses are created by the body to clean itself when friendly bacteria can no longer break down all the waste;
– all viruses are good viruses, being necessary cellular responses;
– viruses are like a solvent or soap, made by cells to help dissolve and eliminate toxins (a solvent is something that will make the solute [the thing to be dissolved] turn into a solution [liquid]);
– viruses are specific to the cell that created them;
– viruses cannot cross species;
– viruses don’t exist outside of bodies; and
– that the only way that a virus can cross species is if it’s made in a factory and injected, i.e. extracted, kept in a lab, genetically altered and modified, weaponized, then made into vaccines and bioweapons.

James Hildreth MD from Johns Hopkins University declared:
“The virus is fully an exosome in every sense of the word.”
Piezoelectrical Repair Crews
This video which highlights aspects of the fake coronavirus pandemic also talks of viruses as entities created by the body that do not do any harm and are designed to carry waste. The video creator refers to viruses as a “piezoelectrical repair crew”, with a polysaccharide coating on their heads, who can travel to a damaged cell and facilitate glycolysis (the conversion of sugar into energy). In other words, they go to a cell needing a repair and give it energy (sugar) and electricity (a kind of jump start). According to this viewpoint, blaming a virus for damage is like blaming an innocent helper at the scene of the crime; just because someone saw a crime and came to help does not mean they caused the crime. The situation is similar to the demonization of cholesterol which I have discussed elsewhere; it turns out that cholesterol is an essential nutrient and at the scene of bodily damage to repair it, not because it caused it. By the way, around 8 years ago Berkeley scientists turned harmless viruses into piezoelectric generators.- 
Please take the time to read this full aricles further down this webpage

Western Australia’s James Kwan, Queensland’s Garry Kirstenfeldt and WA’s Ray Daniels were all diagnosed with
Covid-19 after being on cruise ships and later died

Conscious Sounds 432Hz

We found this audio interview with David Icke 
RYPTO EVENT - 5 Coins To $5 Million:

David Icke, is an English writer and public speaker, known since the 1990s as a professional conspiracy theorist, calling himself a "full-time investigator into WHO and WHAT is really controlling the world."
He is the author of over 21 books and 10 DVDs and has lectured in over 25 countries, speaking live for up to 10 HOURS to huge audiences, filling stadiums like Wembley Arena.
David joins us today to talk about the CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC, the worldwide COVID-19 LOCKDOWN, the looming global economic crash & why the CORONAVIRUS is taking a toll on countries such as China, Italy & Spain.
London Real Academy:
TRIBE: Join a community of high-achievers on a mission to transform themselves and the world!
#LondonReal #Motivation #TransformYourself

A criminal investigation will be launched into how the cruise line operator Carnival Australia was allowed to disembark the Ruby Princess in Sydney.

An 11th passenger from the Ruby Princess cruise ship has become Australia’s 35th coronavirus victim.
The 78-year-old man passed away at Prince Charles Hospital in Brisbane.
The man reportedly had underlying medical conditions.
He’s the fifth death in Australia to be announced on Sunday, the other four victims passed away in NSW.
Four out of the five deaths had been passengers on the cruise ship.
A criminal investigation will be launched into how the cruise line operator Carnival Australia was allowed to disembark the Ruby Princess in Sydney.
NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller announced the investigation on Sunday.
“The only way I can get to the bottom of whether our national biosecurity laws and our state laws were broken is through a criminal investigation,” he said.

The world is confronting some radical notions-firstly, that society does exist

​Former AIDS Scientist Judy Mikovits PHD Exposes Dr FAUCI ,Dr BIRX HIV & Cancer Trailer

The Australian government has finally released the modelling. Here's what it means
The government has finally released the modelling. Here’s what it means
The federal government has released its coronavirus modelling. We spoke to the experts to find out whether it matters.

APR 08, 2020 

Yesterday, the government finally did what many scientists, journalists and commentators had been pressuring them to do for weeks, and release some of the modelling that had underpinned their response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  
The government finally did what many scientists, journalists and commentators have been pressuring it for weeks: it released some of the modification that has underpinned Australia's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The modelling, by Melbourne's Doherty Institute, paints a stark picture of what Australia's worst case scenario could look like. But experts and policymakers are constantly stressed that it does not have a concrete prediction about what our fight against the pandemic might look like. Read more…

A big day in Canberra
Parliament is preparing to vote through the $ 130 billion JobKeeper package today.
Scott Morrison has addressed Parliament saying , "Our sovereignty is enabled by having a vibrant market economy that underpins our standard of living, that gives all Australians the opportunity to fulfill their potential, and we will not surrender this. ”
AAP reports that Labor leader Anthony Albanese is confident the upper house will establish a Senate select committee to scrutinize the spending. Labor will also push for increased support for casuals.
However, Industrial Relations Minister Christian Porter, as AAP explains in the expanded rundown of ACTU-Coalition employment concessions, remains firm on locking out any casuals under 12 months' service.

State of the up
Unions around the country are seeing a rise in membership and increasing levels of interest as Australians grapple with the largest economic upheaval in a generation.
The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) told Crikey it's got 1500 new members in the last few weeks, taking its membership to the highest level it's ever been.
The pandemic is a critical moment for up. Not only are they attracting members, the economic crisis has given them an important seat at the policy-making table. It is unclear how the coalition and the upright will last.

The Secret Behind 5G Technology – YouTube

Revisionist History: Vaccines and the "Spanish Flu" of 1918-19
The 1918-19 bacterial vaccine experiment may have killed 50-100 million people
by Keven Barry,  President 
First Freedoms, Inc.. November 7, 2018

Part 1 of a 5 part series

The  "Spanish Flu" kills an estimated 50-100 million people during a pandemic in 1918-19. 
What is the story we have told about this pandemic isn't true?

What if, the killer infection was neither the flu not Spanish in origin?
Newly analyzed  documents reveal that the "Spanish Flu" may have been a military vaccine experiment gone awry. In looking back on the 100th anniversary of the end of World War 1, we need to delve deeper to solve this mystery.

The reason modern technology has not been able to pinpoint the killer influenza strain from this pandemic is because influenza was not the killer.
More soldiers died during WWI from disease than from bullets.
The pandemic was not flue. An estimated 95%9 or higher) of the deaths were caused by bacterial pneumonia, not influenza/a virus.
The pandemic was not Spanish. The first cases of bacterial pneumonia in 1918 trace back to military base in Fort Riley, Kansas.
From January 21-June 4, 1918, an experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine cultured in horses by Rockefella Institute got Medical Research in New York was injected into soldiers at Fort Riley.
During the remainder of 1918 as those soldiers - often living and traveling under poor sanitary conditions- were sent to Europe to fight they spread bacterial at every stop between Kansas and the front line trenches  in France.

One study describes soldiers "with active infections (who) were aerosolizing the bacteria that colonized outposts their noses and throats, while others -often, in the same "breathing spaces" - were profoundly susceptible to invasion and rapid spread through their lungs by their own or others' colonizing bacteria." (1)

The  "Spanish Flu" attacked healthy people in their prime. Bacterial pneumonia attacks people in their prime. Flu attacks the young, old and immune compromised.
During WWI, the Rockefeller Institute also sent the antimeningococcic serum to England, France, Belgium, Italy and other countries, helping spread the pandemic worldwide.

During the pandemic  of 1918-19, the so-called  "Spanish Flu" killed 50-100 million people, including many soldiers. many people do not realize that disease killed far more soldiers on all sides than macine guns or mustard gas or anything else typically associated with WWI.

I have personal connection to the  "Spanish Flu". Among those killed by disease in 1918-19 are members of my parents' families. In my father's side, his grandmother Sadie Hoyt died from  pneumonia in 1918. Sadie's sister Marian also joined the Navy. She dies from "the influenza" in 1919. On my mother's side, two of her father's sisters died in childhood. All of the family members who died lived in new York City. I suspect many American families, and many families worldwide, were impacted in similar ways by the mysterious  "Spanish Flu"..

In 1918, "influenza" or flu was a catchall term for disease of unknown origin. It didn't carry the specific meaning it does today. It meant some mystery disease which dropped out of the sky. In fact,  influenza is from the Medieval Latin "influential" in an astrological sense, meaning a visitation under the influence of the stars.
Why Is What Happened 100 Years Ago Important Now?
Between 1900-1920, there were enormous efforts underway in the industrial world to build a better society. I will use New York as an example to discuss three major changes to society which occurred in NY during that time and their impact on mortality from infectious diseases.

This is completely debatable if we take a larger view of what society is and what society should be...and what there cities are designed to do which is... herding people into an unnatural environment which is unnatural and disconnecting people from their natural design ,,,"
One has to question whether the creation of city was really creating a better society ... 
" by herding people into an unnatural environment of unnatural design".

1. Clean Water and Sanitation
In the late 19th century through the early 20th Century, New York built an extraordinary system to bring clean water to the city from the Catskills, a system still in use today. New York City also built over 6000 miles of sewer to take away and treat waster, which protects the drinking water. The World Health Organization acknowledges the importance of clean water and sanitation in combating infectious diseases. (2)

2. Electricity
In the late 19th century through the early 20th century, New York built a power grid and wired the city so  power was available in every home. Electricity allows for refrigeration. Refrigeration is an unsung hero as a public health benefit. When food is refrigerated from farm to table, the public is protected from potential infectious diseases. Cheap renewable energy is important for many reasons, including combating infectious diseases.

3. Pharmaceutical
In the late 19th century through the early 20th century, New York became the home of the Rockefeller Institute for medical Research (now Rockefeller University). the Institute is where the modern pharmaceutical industry was born, The Institute pioneered many of the approaches the pharmaceutical industry used today. including the preparation of vaccine serum, for better or worse. the vaccine used in the Fort Rile experiment on soldiers was made in horses.
US Mortality Rates data from the turn on the 20th Century to 1965 clearly indicates that clean water, flushing toilets, effective sewer systems and refrigerated foods all combined to effectively deduce mortality from infectious diseases BEFORE vaccines for those diseases became available.
Have doctors and the pharmaceutical manufacturers taken credit for reducing mortality from infectious diseases which rightfully belongs to sandhogs, plumbers, electricians and engineers?
If hubris at the Rockefeller Institute in 1918 led to a pandemic disease which killed millions of people, what lessons can we learn and apply to 2018

The Disease Was Not Spanish
While watching an episode of American Experience on PBS a few months ago, I was surprised to hear that the first cases of 
" "Spanish Flu" occurred at Fort Riley, Kansas in 1918. I thought, how is it possible this historically important event could be so badly misnamed 100 years ago and never corrected?

Why "Spanish?".
Spain was one of a few countries not involved in World War 1. Most of the countries involved in the was censored their press. Fee from censorship concerns, the earliest press reports of people dying from disease in large numbers came from Spain. the warring countries did not want to additionally frighten the troops, so they were content to scapegoat Spain. Soldiers on all sides would be asked to cross no man's land into machine gun fire, which was frightening enough without knowing that the trenches were a disease breeding ground.
One hundred years later, it's long past time to drop "Spanish" from all discussion of this pandemic. If the flue started at a United States military base in Kansas, then the disease could and should be more aptly named. In order to present future disasters, the US (and the rest of the world) must take a hard look at what really caused the pandemic.
It is possible that one of the reasons the Spanish Flu never corrected is that it helps disguise the origon of the pandemic. If the origin of the pandemic involved a vaccine experiment on US may prefer calling it Spanish Flue instead of The Fort Riley Bacteria of 1918, or something similar. The Spanish Flu instead of The Fort Riley Bacteria of 1918, or something similar. The Spanish Flu started at the location this experiment bacterial vaccine was given making it the prime suspect as the source of thebacterial infections which killed so many.
It would be much more difficult to maintain the marketing mantra of “vaccines saves lived” if a vaccine experiment originating in the United States during the years of primitive manufacturing caused the deaths of 50-100 million people.
“Vaccines save lives …. except we may have killed 50-100 million people in 1918-19” is a far less effective sales slogan than the overly simplistic “vaccines saves lives”.

The Disease Which Killed So Many Was Not Flue Or A Virus. It Was Bacterial
During the mid-2000’s there was much talk about “pandemic preparedness”. Influenza vaccine manufacturers in the United State received billions of taxpayer dollars to develop vaccines tomake sure we don’t have another lethal pandemic “flue”, like the one in 1918-19.
Capitalizing on the “flue” part of “Spanish” flu helped vaccine manufacturers procure billion dollar checks from governments, even though scientists knew at the time that bacterial pneumonia was the the real killer. It was not my opinion that bacterial pneumonia was the killer - thousands of autopsies confirm this fact. According to a 2008 National Institute paper, bacterial pneumonia was the killer in a minimum of 93/7% of the 1918-19 autopsies reviewed. It is likely higher than 92.7%. The researchers looked at more than 9000 autopsies, and “there were no negative (bacterial) lung culture results.”

One hundred years later, it's long past time to drop "Spanish" from all discussion of this pamdemic. If the flue started at a United States military base in kansas, then the disease could and should be more aptly named. In order to present future disasters, the US (and the rest of the world) must take a hard look at what really caused the pandemic.

Have doctors and the phareceuical manufacturers taken credit for reducing mortality from infectious diseases which rightfullt belongs to sandhogs, plumbers, electricians and engineers?
If hubris at the Rockefeller Institute in 1918 led to a pandemic disease which killed millions of people, what lessons can we learn and apply to 2018? 

The Disease was not Spanish
CalcifiedLies *Correction* For whatever reason I mistakenly read FIVE-HUNDRED to 100 million instead of the correct FIFTY to 100.

The world is confronting some radical notions: firstly, that society does exist…
World responses to economic slowdown have demonstrated how the real nature of production is inherently social — and how most classical-liberal justifications are fantasies about how the world works.
GUY RUNDLE - MAR 18, 2020
The sensation of suddenly feeling one is in a dystopian science fiction is fairly common these days, but it really got a workout last Friday in the US when Donald Trump appeared for a press conference with a crack anti-virus team.

China: Power and Prosperity -- Watch the full documentary

Protestors in Hong Kong who are protesting against the Chinese Control of Hong Kong..
Chinese use AI Computer technology with the help of 5G Technology to recognise who the protestors are ....   even though the protesters are where facial masks to try and hide their Identitiy because the fear reprisals and arreste by the Chinese Authorities

China: Power and Prosperity -- Watch the full documentary
PBS NewsHour
As China has risen in prosperity, influence and military strength, what are the social, economic and political forces at play? Come along with PBS NewsHour as we travel around the globe to explore the emerging superpower and its relationship with the United States. "China: Power and Prosperity" covers the country’s powerful leader, his signature foreign policy, U.S.-China trade and technology wars, how Chinese technology helps stifle dissent, and more. A collaboration with the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, PBS NewsHour conducted more than 70 on-camera interviews in eight Chinese cities and across eight countries.
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New York City Saturated with 5G Radiation – People/Pets Becoming Ill – Naomi Wolf Reports Her Illness

Naomi Wolf on Saturday
A comment about 5G: Amelia Immel: “ It is being errected in our area … we are being fried nightly and unable to sleep in our bedroom with the windows covered. Electical sensations, tingling numbness, extreme nausea, headaches, ears burning and ringing. Have been hospitalised twice for severe dehydration from sweating ( signs of electro hypersensitive) and temps of 103 without infections found, Literally cooking my organs inside out. Please read in depth the physical symptoms of being in too close contact. Our home is up for sale and surprisingly 4 other homes as well on the msrket in my streeta alone. Very unusual, This is a nightmare which cost last month $1,100 of hotel expenses. This is devastating our lives. My pets can barely walk as well.

Regardless, “The Precautionary Principle” regarding exposure to all cell phone and wireless WiFi technology has been completely ignored for 20+ years.  Outdated legislation has made this possible.
The reality is that there have never been “safety” standards for digital and wireless products – only guidelines.   In fact, no “safe” level of exposure has yet been scientifically determined for children or pregnant women.
Dr. Naomi Wolf and other New Yorkers (as well as their pets) are now experiencing the horrors of new 5G wireless exposure first hand.
Some of Dr. Wolf’s recent comments on her Facebook and Twitter pages can be read below:
Wireless WiFi radiation has never been magic even though marketing has always made it seem that way. 
Research has already confirmed that exposure can:
1. Worsen pre-existing conditions even when it didn’t cause them
2. Disrupt the blood-brain barrier which can cause it to leak
3. Cause a cumulative toxic effect when combined with other toxins
4. Harm pets, nature, and wildlife
5. Increase cancer risk
Last week The Natural Resources Defense Council and Center of Biological Diversity asked public and organizational comments be submitted to them in order to fight widespread 5G installation as well.
People everywhere are fighting the installation of 4G and 5G towers in their communities.
U.S. broadcast stations have also been reporting about harm caused by exposure to WiFi and other sources of electrical pollution (Electrosmog) as well.
This doesn’t seem to matter to the Federal Communications Commission – particularly Chairman Ajit Pai and Commissioners Michael O’Rielly and Brendan Carr.
5G was also pushed by former FCC Chairman, Tom Wheeler (appointed by Obama).  He currently works (again) for The Telecom Industry promoting 5G.
Many U.S. state and federal elected officials are also forcing this risky technology on Americans.
Samsung has already designed a 5G router that can be installed inside businesses and homes for those who want to use it – despite the health risks.  This should be enough to stop “the powers that be” from forcing this harmful technology on Americans and everyone else.

The Disease Was Not Spanish
While watching an episode of American Experience on PBS a few months ago, I was surprised to hear that the first cases of 
" "Spanish Flu" occurred at Fort Riley, Kansas in 1918. I thought, how is it possible this historically important event could be so badly misnamed 100 years ago and never corrected?
Why "Spanish?".
Spain was one of a few countries not involved in World War 1. Most of the countries involved in the was censored their press. Fee from censorship concerns, the earliest press reports of people dying from disease in large numbers came from Spain. the waring countries did not want to additionally frighten the troops, so they were content to scapegoat Spain. Soldiers on all sides would be asked to cross no man's land into machine gun fire, which was frightening enough without knowing that the trenches were a disease breeding ground.

One hundred years later, it's long past time to drop "Spanish" from all discussion of this pandemic. If the flue started at a United States military base in Kansas, then the disease could and should be more aptly named. In order to present future disasters, the US (and the rest of the world) must take a hard look at what really caused the pandemic.
It is possible that one of the reasons the Spanish Flu never corrected is that it helps disguise the origon of the pandemic. If the origin of the pandemic involved a vaccine experiment on US may prefer calling it Spanish Flue instead of The Fort Riley Bacteria of 1918, or something similar. The Spanish Flu instead of The Fort Riley Bacteria of 1918, or something similar. The Spanish Flu started at the location this experiment bacterial vaccine was given making it the prime suspect as the source of the bacterial infections which killed so many.
It would be much more difficult to maintain the marketing mantra of “vaccines saves lived” if a vaccine experiment originating in the United States during the years of primitive manufacturing caused the deaths of 50-100 million people.
“Vaccines save lives …. except we may have killed 50-100 million people in 1918-19” is a far less effective sales slogan than the overly simplistic “vaccines saves lives”.

The Disease Which Killed So Many Was Not Flue Or A Virus. It Was Bacterial
During the mid-2000’s there was much talk about “pandemic preparedness”. Influenza vaccine manufacturers in the United State received billions of taxpayer dollars to develop vaccines to make sure we don’t have another lethal pandemic “flue”, like the one in 1918-19.

Capitalizing on the “flue” part of “Spanish” flu helped vaccine manufacturers procure billion dollar checks from governments, even though scientists knew at the time that bacterial pneumonia was the the real killer. It was not my opinion that bacterial pneumonia was the killer - thousands of autopsies confirm this fact. According to a 2008 National Institute paper, bacterial pneumonia was the killer in a minimum of 93/7% of the 1918-19 autopsies reviewed. It is likely higher than 92.7%. The researchers looked at more than 9000 autopsies, and “there were no negative (bacterial) lung culture results.”

“... In the 68 higher-quality autopsy series, in which the possibility of unreported negative cultures could be excluded, 92.7% of autopsy lung cultures were positive for 1 Bacterum …. in one study of approximately 9000 subjects who were followed from clinical presentation with influenza to resolution or autopsy, researches obtained, with sterile technique, cultures of either pneumococci or streptococci from 164 of 167 lung tissue samples. There were 89 pure cultures of pneumococci, 19 cultures from which only streptococci were recovered;
34 that yielded mixtures of pneumococci and/or streptococci; 22 that yielded a mixture of pneumococci, streptococci and other organisms (prominently pneumococci, and nonhemolytic streptococci), and 3 that yielded  nonhemolytic streptococci alone. There were no negative lung culture results.” (3)

Pneumococci or streptococci were found in “164 of (the) 167 lung tissue samples” autopsied. That is 98.2% bacteria was the killer.

Where Did The Spanish Flue Bacterial Pneumonia of 1918-19 Originate?
When the United States declared war in April 1917, the fledgling Pharmaceutical industry had something they have never had before - a large supply of human subjects in the form of the US military’s first draft. Pre-war in 1917, the US Army was 286,000 men. Post-war in 1920, the US army disbanded, and had 296,000 men. During the war years 1918-19, the US Army ballooned to 6,000,000 men with 2,000,000 men being sent overseas. The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research took advantage of this new pool of human guinea pigs to conduct vaccine experiments.
A Report On Antimeningitis Vaccination and Observations On Agglutinnins In The Blood of Chronic Meningococcus Carriers

Frederic L. Gates
From the Base Hospital, Fort Riley, Kansas, and The Rockerfeller Institute for Medical Research, New York.
Received July 200th, 1919.

Author’s note: Please read the Fort Riley paper in its entirety so you can appreciate the carelessness of the experiments conducted on these troops.)
Between January 21st and June 4th, 1918. Dr Gates reports on an experiment where soldiers were given 3 does of a bacterial meningitis vaccine. Those conducting the experiments on the soldiers were just spitballing dosages of a vaccine serum made in horses.
The vaccination regime was designed to be 3 doses. 4792 men received the first done, but only 4,257 got the 2nd dose (down 11%), and only 3,702 received all three doses (down 22.7%). A total of 1,090 men were not there for the 3rd dose.

What happened to these soldiers?
Where they shipped Est by train from Kansas to board a ship to Europe?
Were they in the Fort Riley hospital?
Dr Gates’s report doesn’t tell us.

An article accompanying the American Experience broadcast I watched sheds some light on where these 1,090 men might be. Gates began his experiments in January 1918. By March of that year. “ 100 men a day” were entering the infirmary at Fort Riley. Are some of these the men missing from Dr. Gates’ report - the ones who did not get the 2nd or 3rd dose?
Shortly before breakfast on Monday, March 11, the first domino would fall signaling the commencement  of the first wave of the 1918 influenza. Company cook Albert Gitchell reported to the camp infirmary with complaints of a “bad cold”. Right behind him came Corporal W. Drake voicing similar complaints. By noon, camp surgeon Edward R. Schreiner had over 100 sick men on his hands all apparently suffering from the same malady …” (5)
Gates does report that several of the men in the experiment had flu like symptoms: coughs, vomiting and diarrhea after receiving the vaccine. These symptoms are a disaster for men living in barracks, travelling on trains to the Atlantic Coast, sailing to Europe, and living and fighting in trenches. The unsanitary conditions at each step of the journey are an ideal environment for a contagious disease like bacterial pneumonia to spread.

From Dr. Gates’s report
“ …. Reactions …. Several cases of looseness of the bowels or transient diarrhea were noted. This symptom had not been encounteres before. Careful inquiry in individual cases often elicited the information that men who complained of the effects of vaccination were suffering from mild coryza, bronchitis at the time of injection …”
 “Sometime the reaction was initiated by a chill or chilly sensation, and a number of men complained of fever  or feverish sensations during the following night. Next in frequency came nausea (occasionally vomiting), dizziness, and general “aches and lains” in the joints and musles, which is a few instances were especially localized in the neck or lumbar region, causing stiff neck or stiff back. A few injections were followed by diarrhea. The reactions, therefore, occasionally simulated the onset of epidemic meningitis and several vaccinated men were sent as suspects to the Base Hospital for diagnosis.” (4)
According to Gates they injected random dosages of an experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine into soldiers. Afterwards, some of the soldiers had symptoms which “simulated” meningitis, but Dr. Gates advances the fantastical claim that it wasn’t actual meningitis.
The soldiers developed flu-like symptoms. Bacterial meningitis, then and now, is known to mimic flue-like symptoms. (6) Perhaps the similarity of early symptoms of bacterial meningitis and bacterial pneumonia to symptoms of flu is why the vaccine experiments at Fort Riley have been able to escape scrutiny as a potential cause of the Spanish Flu for 100 years and counting.

How Did The “Spanish Flu”Spread So Widely So Quickly?
There is an element of a perfect storm in how Gates bateria spread. WWI ended only 10 months after the first injections. Unfortunately for the 50-100 million who dies, those soldiers injected with horse-infused bacterial moved quickly during those 10 months. An article from 2008 on the CDC’s website describes how sick WWI soldiers could pass along the bacteria to others by becoming “cloud adults.”
“Finally, for brief periods and to varying degrees, affected hosts became “cloud adults” who increased the aerosolization of colonizing strains of bacteria, particularly pneumococci, hemolytic streptococci, H, influence, and S. aurens. For several days during local epidemics - particularly in crowed settings such as hospital wards, military camps, troop ships, and mines (and trenches) - some persons were immunogically susceptible to, infected with, or recovering from infections with influenza virus. Persons with active infections were aerosolizing the bacteria that colonized their noses and throats, while others often in the same “breathing spaces” - were profoundly susceptible to invasion of and rapid spread through their lungs by their own or other’s colonizing bacteria. (1)
Three times in his report on the Fort Riley vaccine experiment, Dr. Gates states that some soldiers had a “severe reaction” indicating “an unusual individual susceptibility to the vaccine.” While the vaccine made many sick, it only killed those who were susceptible to it. Those who became sick and survived became “cloud adults” who spread the bacteria to others, which created into cloud adults, spreading to others where it killed the susceptible, repeating the cycle until there were no longer wartime unsanitary conditions, and there were no longer millions of soldiers to experiment on.
The toll on US troops was enormous and it is well documented. Dr. Carol Byerly describes how the “influenza” travelled like wildfire through the US military (substitute “bacteria” for Dr. Byerly’s “influenza” or “virus”):
…. Before any travel ban could be imposed, a contingent of replacement troops departed camp Devens (outside of Boston) for Camp Upton, Long Island, the Army’s debarkation point for France, and took influenza with them. Medical officers at Upton said it arrived “ abruptly on September 13, 1918 with 38 hospital admissions, followed by 86 the next day, and 193 the next. Hospital admissions peaked on October 4th with 483 and 40 days, camp Upton sent 6,131 men to the hospital for influenza. Some developed pneumonia so quickly that physicians diagnosed it simply by observing the patient rather than listening to the lungs …..(7)
The United States was not the only country in possession of the Rockefeller Institute’s experimental bacterial vaccine. A 1919 report from the Institute states: “References should be made that before the United States entered the war (in April 1917) the Institute had resumed the preparation of antimenigococcic serum, in order to meet the requests of Englanf, France, Belgium, Italy and other countries.” The same report states: “In order to meet the suddenly increased demand for the curative serums worked out at the Institute a special stable for horses was quickly erected “ (8)
An experiment antimeningoccic serum made in horses and injected into soldiers who would be entering the cramped and unsanitary living conditions of wat …what could possibly go wrong?
Is the bacterial serum made in horses at the Rockefeller Institute which was injected into the US soldiers and distributed to numerous other countries responsible for the 50-10 million people killed by bacterial lung infections in 1918-19?
The Institute says it distributed the bacterial serum to England, France, Belgium, Italy and other countries during WWI. Not enough is known about how these countries experimented on their soldiers. I hop independent researches will take an honest look at these questions.

The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions
I do not believe that anyone involved in these vaccine experiments was trying to harm anyone. Some will see the name Rockefeller and yell, “Illuminati” or “culling the herd” .
I do not believe that’s what happened. I believe standard medical hubris is responsible -doctor “playing God” …thinking they can tame nature without creating unanticipated problems. With medical hubris, I do not think the situation has changed materially over the past 100 years.

What Now?
Article 3- Human Dignity and Human Rights
In Part 1, I asked if medical products made in horses may have played a role in the new disease which killed millions worldwide in the panemic of 1918-1919.
The December 1917 issue of Popular Mechanics Magazine (3) sheds light on the vaccine manufacturing process of 100 years ago. The feature article. “How New York City’s Health Department Makes Serums and Vaccines for the United States Army” describes processes in place in 1917.
“ After the horse has been inoculated with the disease poison in gradually increasing does he is bled and his serum is found to be antitoxin. This is administered to human beings and renders them immune to the disease …. Some horses give more antitoxin serum than others. The same horse may be used at several different times for the preparation of distinctly different antitoxins … Horses are used in the preparation of diphtheria, tetanus antitoxin and antimeningococcus serum.”
It is difficult to believe that they the same horses to make mutiple disease serums, but they did. If safely had been a concern, perhaps certain horses would have been dedicated to procuring serum for one disease (or “poisen” as contaminated serums were then given to soldiers (an to the public).
Species Jump?
Were pathogens transferred from horses to humans in mass quantities in ways they had never transferred before?
Humans and horses had interacted closely for centuries, but horse serum had no been injected into humans in that way before, by passing the human immune system.
Is it possible that this new method of exposure caused the bacterial pneumonias which ripped human lungs apart in ways never seen before?
Could pathogens relatively harmless to horse lungs make a species-jump and destroy human lungs?
In 1919, a Dutch military veterinarian named Captain Emile Bemelmans “ developed an extensive theory on the relation betweem human and animal influenza … In 1919, he argued that ‘the human ‘flu’ and the so called ‘infectious disease of the breast’ of horror are exactly identical in aetiological, bacterriological and epidemiological senses’.
IN her 2014 paper   “Spanish flue and army horses: what historians and biologists can learn from a history of animals with flue during the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic”. Dr. Floor Haalboom describes Bemelman’s work:
“In 1919, Bemelman’s argument on the identical nature of human and horse influenza in the Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskundae (the Dutch medical journal) was reviewed in the veterinary journal,
…in 1914 he extended his theory on horse flue to several human and animal infectious diseases in an article in the Dutch medical journal. Bemelmans listed human influenza as an example amoung many other animal and human diseases which he thought were accompanied by(deadly) infections of streptococci. Although he did not yet argue that human and horse flue were exactly equal, he did explicitly note their similarities: ‘Also between the human influenza and the so called breast disease in horses peculiar similarities exist’…
…in these papers, Bemelmans addressed the nature of influenza) although he still preferred the name ‘flu’) of both humans and horses. He opposed the ideas that Pfeiffer’s bacterium or a filterable virus caused the disease, but thought toxins made by the bacterial streptococci were responsible for its deadly secondary complications.” (4)
Dr, Bemelmans’s contemporaneous observations have largely been lost to history, in part because of the self important attitude of the medical community. The hubris of the medical community prevented them from listening to a lowly veterinarian. However, Dr. Bemelman’s observations and persistence in getting them published are extraordinarily valuable. His awareness at the time that bateria was the killer of both humans and horses in the pandemic of 1918-19 put him decades ahead if his contemporaries. The NIN paper describinh bacteria as the predominant killer was published in 2008. (5)
If Dr, Bemelmans was correct that horses and humans were suffering from an identical disease, are there diseases identical (or very similar) in both horses and humans?
Do any of those diseases target the lungs?
“Animal Models - A Neglected Medical Resource”.

Cornelious, CE, DVM, Ph.D,
N. Engl J Med 1969; 282:934-944(6)
In a 1969 paper Kansas State University veterinarian Dr Charles Cornelius compiled a list of diseases which were very similar or identical in humans and various other species. Among the diseases identical/very similar humans and horses is pulmonary emphysema, which targets the lungs.
Did a pathogen which causes pulmonary emphysems “species-jump” from horses to humans in these serums and vaccines?
The vaccines were obviously manufactured in primative, unavoidably unsafe conditions and then given to WWI soldiers as an experiment.
What exactly was in the serums and vaccines made in the horses at the Rockefeller Institute - espcially considering that the same individual horses were used for variety of serums for multiple diseases?
Recall from Part 1 that Streptococci bateria were commonly found in the tissue samples from the autopsies of those who dies in 1918-19 (5).
Cornelius said human and horse pu;monary emphysema are identical. Bemelmans reported that humans and horses were suffering from the same disease.
Did doctors treating soldiers suffering from “Spanish Flu” report on encountering a new killer type of pulmonary emphysema, causing lung damage that they had never seen before?
Pulmonary Emphysema At Camp Hancock Georgia
Acute Pulmonary Emphysema Observed During the Epidemic if Influenzal Pneumonia at Camp Hancock, Georgia” …Robert G.Torrey
American Journal of the Medical Sciences 1919. p. 170-181 (7)
 Captain Dr. Torrey served at Camp Hancock, just outside of Augusta, GA, The soldiers who came through Camp Hancock were likely on their way to Charleson, SC to board ships to France, but many of them would not survive to get to the front. Thousands died at Camp Hancock. Some who survived the illness likely made it to the ships, potentially passing the infections bacteria to other soldiers in the unsanitary conditions which were rampant during WWI.
From Dr, Torrey’s Report:
….Certain conditions were invariably present, including an intense bronchitis and peribronchitis similar to that found in a previous epidemic of pure hemolytic streptococcus infection (Scarlet Fever). There was also present from the first a destructive softening of the lung parenchyma. In addition to this there was always an early and persisting generalized pulmonary emphysema which frequently was the main factor in causing death by interference with the mass movement of venous blood. These conditions were found in every case examined at autopsy. Except for frequent otitis media ( ear infection) there were almost no complications or sequelae outside of the chest.
The pulmonary emphysema, with consequent venous statis, accounted for the cyanosis (turning blue/purple color), epistaxis (nosebleeds) and fixation of the chest in the phase of extreme inspiration (inhaling), with low stand of the diaphram, which characterized these cases, and also accounted for the paradoxical physical signs ( paradoxical breathing) in which fluid developed in the chest.”
Torry describes what happened to these soldiers as they died. They were coughing, becoming “cloud adults” (8)(as described in Part 1) it looked like a bacterial infection to him. Autopsies showed tissue had been damaged, which restricted blood flow, turning the dying a bluish/purple color, due to lack of oxygen. When the patients tried to inhale, their diaphrams constricted instead of explanded, the opposite of what diagragms are supposed to do. (9)
Fluids then filled their lungs, and many di dnot survive, literally the fluid in their lungs strangling the soldiers to death.

Fluid In The Lungs Strangled The Human Victims of Spanish Flue - Strangles?

There is a highly contagious horse respiratory infection called Strangles (or Distemper). If these disease can kill horse, what would it do to human lungs if introduced into humans, via injection and therefore bypassing the immune system, on a mass scale?

“Strangles is a highly contagious upper respiratory infection of horses cause by the bacteria Streptococcus equi subspecies equi (S. equi). It is transmitted by inhilation or direct contact with contaminated surfaces ( for example horses sharing water buckets).” (10)

Did streptococcus equi contaminate the serums and vaccines made in horses produced at the Rockefeller Institute and injected into soldiers in a vaccine experiment?
Was streptococcus equi in the medical serums given to the soldiers as treatments?
Was it some other pathogen which species jumped?
Did medical hubris lead to a mistake which caused a species jump which killed 50-100 million people years ago?
What Now?

The vaccine industry is always looking for human test subjects. They have the most success when they are able to find populations who are not in a position to refuse. Soldiers  (9), infants, the disables, prisoners, those in developing nations - anyone not in a position to refuse.
Vaccine experimentation on vulnerable populations is not an issue of the past. Watch this video clip of Dr. Stanley Plotkin where he describes using experimental vaccines on orphans, the mentally retarded, prisoners, and those under colonial rule. The deposition was in January 2018. The hubris of the medical community is the same or worse now than it was 100 years ago. Watch as Dr Plotkin admits to writing. “The question is whether we are to have experiments performed on fully functioning adults and on children who are potentially contributors to society or to perform initial studies in children and adults who are human in form but not in social potential.” Please watch the horrifying video clip. (10)
 In part because the global community is well aware of medical hubris and well aware of the poor record of medical ethics, the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights developed international standards regarding the right to informed consent to preventative medical procedures like vacinaton. The international community is well aware that the pharmaceutical industry makes mistakes and is always on the lookout for human test subjects. The Declaration states that individuals have the human right to consent to any preventative medical intervention like vaccination.
This all happened right through WWI so that all these soldiers that were vaccinated with this bacterial horse which included a highly contagious horse respiratory infection called Strangles (or Distemper), would go on to cause the infection and death of 50 to 100 million people on planet earth… which was way more than actually died during WWI of gun fire…

​Technology-enabled disinformation is corrosive to democratic processes and institutions. There is no way to put the genie back in the bottle – increasingly we may be unable to have shared understandings of the world – or trust that videos, photos, audio recordings, ‘scientific’ studies or legal documents are authentic. Civility in civic discourse and integrity are increasingly quaint notions. Authoritarians will weaken checks and balances, turn courts into extensions of those in power and thus undermine representative democracy – enabled by the manipulation of digital media to stoke fear and mask inconvenient truths. We’re already at a point when even educated citizens in first-world societies are unable to distinguish fact from fiction. 

Passengers from the Ruby Princess cruise ship disembarked on March 19. Credit: AAP - Staying silent
In preparing the documentary Ruby Princess: Outbreak Unleashed, 7NEWS repeatedly requested interviews with NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian, NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard and executives of Carnival Australia.
Neither the Premier nor her Minister responded.
Carnival Australia declined an on-camera interview, but provided a statement via email.
As of Sunday, March 5, the numbers of those infected on the Ruby Princess is at 660 and increasing - 11 passengers who boarded that ship have since died

​NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard has called on the public to support healthcare workers. Credit: AAP

The late former colonel Leroy Fletcher Prouty stated that AIDs was created by the CIA as a biological Weapon and was not a natural mutation 
The major question that needs to be asked and answered by US President Donald Trump 
Was the Cororavirus Pendemic deliberately started by either  the CIA/MI6  and/or China as a biological weapon. in the light that  the late former colonel Leroy Fletcher Prouty stated that AIDs was created by the CIA as a biological Weapon and was not a natural mutation?
It is noted that the late former colonel Leroy Fletcher Prouty (January 24, 1917 – June 5, 2001) worked for the CIA and served as Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President John F. Kennedy. and was a  former colonel in the United States Air Force.

George Pell: Court quashes cardinal's sexual abuse conviction

The father of the deceased choir boy was in shock at the decision, his lawyer said.
"He says he no longer has faith in our country's criminal justice system," said Lisa Flynn.

7th April 2020 BBC 

Cardinal George Pell has been freed from jail after Australia's highest court overturned his conviction for child sexual abuse.

The former Vatican treasurer, 78, was the most senior Catholic figure ever jailed for such crimes.
In 2018, a jury found he abused two boys in Melbourne in the 1990s.
But the High Court of Australia quashed that verdict on Tuesday, bringing an immediate end to Cardinal Pell's six-year jail sentence.
The Australian cleric had maintained his innocence since he was charged by police in June 2017.

His case rocked the Catholic Church, where he had been one of the Pope's most senior advisers.
A full bench of seven judges ruled unanimously in Cardinal Pell's favour, finding the jury had not properly considered all the evidence presented at the trial.
t was the cardinal's final legal challenge, after his conviction was upheld by a lower court last year.
"I have consistently maintained my innocence while suffering from a serious injustice," Cardinal Pell said in a statement after the decision. He had served more than 400 days of his sentence and cannot be retried on the charges.
He was released from Victoria's Barwon Prison shortly after midday local time (02:00 GMT) and driven to a Carmelite Monastery in Melbourne, local media said.

Why was Pell jailed?

In December 2018, a jury found him guilty of sexually abusing two 13-year-old choir boys in private rooms of St Patrick's Cathedral in the mid-90s - when the cleric was Archbishop of Melbourne.
The convictions included one count of sexual penetration and four counts of committing indecent acts.
The trial heard testimony from a man alleged to be the sole surviving victim. Dozens of other witnesses provided alibis and other evidence.
Cardinal Pell appealed against the verdict in Victoria's Court of Appeal last year, but three judges upheld the decision by a 2-1 majority.

Why did his appeal succeed this time?
The cardinal argued that the jury, and previous appeal judges, had relied too heavily on the "compelling" evidence of the alleged victim.
The cleric's lawyers didn't seek to discredit that testimony, but rather argued that the jury had not properly considered other evidence.
The High Court agreed, ruling that other testimonies had introduced "a reasonable possibility that the offending had not taken place".
"The jury, acting rationally on the whole of the evidence, ought to have entertained a doubt as to the applicant's guilt," said the court in its summary judgement.

Analysis by Simon Atkinson, BBC News, Sydney
There had been scrums outside court on the biggest days of George Pell's trial, from his first appearance to the sentencing. Police had to keep back camera crews and fend off angry campaigners.

Once inside, the courtrooms were always packed to the rafters.
But on perhaps the biggest day of all - barely anybody was there to witness it.
Covid-19 restrictions meant just three people were allowed into the public gallery of the courtroom in Brisbane, the home town of the chief justice where the High Court sat.

While it was quiet inside, the decision to quash Cardinal Pell's conviction brought jeers, tears and some cheers across Australia as this massive case drew to a close.
What's the reaction been?
Cardinal Pell said an injustice had been "remedied", and said he held "no ill will to my accuser".
"I do not want my acquittal to add to the hurt and bitterness so many feel; there is certainly hurt and bitterness enough," he said in a statement.
"However my trial was not a referendum on the Catholic Church; nor a referendum on how Church authorities in Australia dealt with the crime of paedophilia in the Church."

The father of the deceased choir boy was in shock at the decision, his lawyer said.
"He says he no longer has faith in our country's criminal justice system," said Lisa Flynn.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said: "The High Court has made its decision and that must be respected."
He added his "thoughts [were] always with" survivors of abuse, for whom "mere discussion of these topics brings back great hurt".
Victoria Police said it remained "committed to investigating sexual assault offences and providing justice for victims no matter how many years have passed".

What now for Pell and the Church?

The Vatican will be relieved at the quashing of Cardinal Pell's guilty verdict.
On Tuesday, just hours after the court upheld the appeal, Pope Francis offered his morning mass for those suffering from unjust sentences, although he did not mention the cardinal by name.
He had refrained from stripping George Pell of his clerical titles while all legal avenues had not been exhausted.
But it remains unclear whether Cardinal Pell will return to his post as Vatican treasurer.
Before he went to trial he had started to institute reforms. He opened up the Vatican's sprawling finances to a degree of scrutiny never seen before and this was met with resistance from vested interests within the Church.

 The outer Van Allen Belt  

EU 5G Appeal – Scientists warn of potential serious health effects of 5G 

In an appeal to the European Union, more than 180 scientists and doctors from 36 countries warn about the danger of 5G, which will lead to a massive increase in involuntary exposure to electromagnetic radiation. The scientists urge the EU to follow Resolution 1815 of the Council of Europe, asking for an independent task force to reassess the health effects.

“We, the undersigned scientists, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, for telecommunication until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry. 5G will substantially increase exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) on top of the 2G, 3G, 4G, WiFi etc. for telecommunications already in place. RF-EMF has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.”

One of the initiators is Dr. L. Hardell, Professor of Oncology at Örebro University in Sweden. He states: “The telecom industry is trying to roll out technology that may have very real, unintended harmful consequences. Scientific studies, both recently and over many years, have identified harmful effects on health when testing wireless products under realistic conditions. We are very concerned that the increase in radiation exposure by 5G leads to damage that cannot be reversed”.
Hardell: “The fifth generation (5G) of radio frequency radiation is now being developed. This is done without dosimetric determination or study of the possible health effects. The media praise in particular all the possibilities that this technology promises to offer, such as the self-propelled car and Internet of Things (IoT). The consequences for the health of humans, plants and animals are not discussed at all. Politicians, governments and the media are responsible for unbalanced information. Ordinary people are not informed of conflicting opinions about this technological development. Health effects from radio frequency radiation are a non issue in the media, at least in Sweden, but also in most other countries”.
PDF document by Martin L. Pall, PhD, one of the initiators: 5G: Great risk for EU, US and international health – Compelling evidence for eight distinct types of great harm caused by EMF exposures and the mechanism that causes them

EU Reflex study shows DNA damage caused by radiation from wireless devices and mobile phones

5G Network
The expansion of the 5G network, intended to enable faster wireless transmission of larger amounts of data, requires the installation of many more antennas in urban areas. In this way, the scientists argue, there is no longer anyone escaping the potentially harmful effects of radiation. After all, we are already exposed to 2G, 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi radiation.

Industry’s influence on studies and safety limits
It has been shown that studies on the health impact of electromagnetic radiation in the past have often been influenced by industry. The scientists insist that independent studies on the effects of 5G radiation “to ensure the safety of the population” should now be carried out. They therefore ask the European Commission to postpone the expansion of the 5G network “until the potential risks to human health and the environment have been thoroughly investigated by scientists independent of industry”.

Problems with official ICNIRP exposure limits for electromagnetic radiation
“In conclusion, this article demonstrates that the EU has given mandate to a 13‑member, non‑governmental private group, the ICNIRP, to decide upon the RF radiation guidelines. The ICNIRP, as well as SCENIHR, are well shown not to use the sound evaluation of science on the detrimental effects of RF radiation, which is documented in the research … These two small organizations are producing reports which seem to deny the existence of scientific published reports on the related risks.” – Appeals that matter or not on a moratorium on the deployment of the fifth generation, 5G, for microwave radiation, L. Hardell & R. Nyberg, MOLECULAR AND CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 3 Jan 2020.

How much is safe?

Radiation authorities rely on controversial group for safety advice – Investigate Europe
FCC: Captured Agency

Response of the European Commission
In question E-003975/2018, Nicola Caputo (S&D) asked the European Commission whether it intends to set up a European task force of independent and impartial scientists on electromagnetic fields to examine the health risks. In her reply the European Commission states that ‘under Article 168 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the primary responsibility for protecting the public from potential harmful effects of electromagnetic fields remains with the Member States, including the choice of measures to be adopted based on age and health status.’

In question P-001526-19 Michèle Rivasi (Verts/ALE) asked for an assessment of biological and health impact of 5G: “The 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership project (5G PPP) is the world’s largest project of its kind, with EUR 700 million in EU funding. The rollout of 5G will expose people to increased microwave and radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation. … Will the 5G PPP fund any study on the biological impact of 5G radiation? Will the Commission conduct any prior impact assessment on the launching of 5G in the EU, in particular as regards human health? Could it explain how an impact assessment would be conducted, or if one has already taken place, could it provide details on how it was done?”

Insurance companies

Insurer Swiss Re: electromagnetic radiation highest risk category
Major Austrian insurer AUVA finds effects of cell phones on DNA, EEG and human proteins
Lloyd’s insurance company does not cover health damage caused by electromagnetic radiation
Slovenia halts 5G to Investigate Health and Safety
“Slovenia stops the introduction of 5G technology: We do not know if it is dangerous to humans”. In Slovenia 5G had been halted, officials take more time to investigate health effects of the new technology. A letter from Minister Rudi Medved states they will reopen the debate on potential health risks.
Netherlands: Parliament asks for independent investigation on 5G health risks

In the Netherlands, the Parliament is concerned about the health risks of radiation from the new 5G network. Political parties urgently want to know what the state of affairs is regarding possible dangers before masts are installed on a large scale. GroenLinks urged the Health Council of the Netherlands to carry out an independent investigation into 5G radiation. Member of parliament Laura Bromet: We still do not know about the dangers to public health. Little research has been undertaken into the effects of 5G. We have to take people’s concerns seriously and investigate this.

Resolution opposing 5G by the municipality of Rome
The Rome resolution asks “the mayor to stop the 5G trial and not to raise the limit values ​​in the threshold of electromagnetic radiation avoiding the positioning of millimeter microwave antennas on homes, schools, day centers, recreation centers, street lamps and more.” Rome Councilor Massimiliano Quaresima stated, “I am in favor of technological progress but not on the experimentation of 5G technology in the absence of scientific data on the repercussions for health.”

Germans petition Parliament to stop 5G auction on health grounds
A petition asking the German Parliament to stop the award of 5G frequencies has reached 54,643 signatures, surpassing the quorum, reports ‘Diagnose: Funk’. The petioners request the German Parliament to suspend the procedure to award 5G frequencies based on scientifically justified doubts about the safety of this technology.

Debate in England on health related effects of electromagnetic fields and 5G.
A very powerful speech on the risks of 5G by MP Tonia Antoniazzi at Westminster Hall.
“We can no longer hide and pretend it is not happening and this cannot be swept under the carpet”
U.S. senator Blumenthal raises concerns on 5G wireless technology’s potential health risks

George Pell: Court quashes cardinal's sexual abuse conviction
The father of the deceased choir boy was in shock at the decision, his lawyer said.
"He says he no longer has faith in our country's criminal justice system," said Lisa Flynn.
7th April 2020 BBC 

Cardinal George Pell has been freed from jail after Australia's highest court overturned his conviction for child sexual abuse.

The former Vatican treasurer, 78, was the most senior Catholic figure ever jailed for such crimes.
In 2018, a jury found he abused two boys in Melbourne in the 1990s.
But the High Court of Australia quashed that verdict on Tuesday, bringing an immediate end to Cardinal Pell's six-year jail sentence.
The Australian cleric had maintained his innocence since he was charged by police in June 2017.

His case rocked the Catholic Church, where he had been one of the Pope's most senior advisers.
A full bench of seven judges ruled unanimously in Cardinal Pell's favour, finding the jury had not properly considered all the evidence presented at the trial.
t was the cardinal's final legal challenge, after his conviction was upheld by a lower court last year.
"I have consistently maintained my innocence while suffering from a serious injustice," Cardinal Pell said in a statement after the decision. He had served more than 400 days of his sentence and cannot be retried on the charges.
He was released from Victoria's Barwon Prison shortly after midday local time (02:00 GMT) and driven to a Carmelite Monastery in Melbourne, local media said.
Why was Pell jailed?
In December 2018, a jury found him guilty of sexually abusing two 13-year-old choir boys in private rooms of St Patrick's Cathedral in the mid-90s - when the cleric was Archbishop of Melbourne.
The convictions included one count of sexual penetration and four counts of committing indecent acts.
The trial heard testimony from a man alleged to be the sole surviving victim. Dozens of other witnesses provided alibis and other evidence.
Cardinal Pell appealed against the verdict in Victoria's Court of Appeal last year, but three judges upheld the decision by a 2-1 majority.
Why did his appeal succeed this time?
The cardinal argued that the jury, and previous appeal judges, had relied too heavily on the "compelling" evidence of the alleged victim.
The cleric's lawyers didn't seek to discredit that testimony, but rather argued that the jury had not properly considered other evidence.
The High Court agreed, ruling that other testimonies had introduced "a reasonable possibility that the offending had not taken place".
"The jury, acting rationally on the whole of the evidence, ought to have entertained a doubt as to the applicant's guilt," said the court in its summary judgement.
Analysis by Simon Atkinson, BBC News, Sydney
There had been scrums outside court on the biggest days of George Pell's trial, from his first appearance to the sentencing. Police had to keep back camera crews and fend off angry campaigners.
Once inside, the courtrooms were always packed to the rafters.
But on perhaps the biggest day of all - barely anybody was there to witness it.
Covid-19 restrictions meant just three people were allowed into the public gallery of the courtroom in Brisbane, the home town of the chief justice where the High Court sat.
While it was quiet inside, the decision to quash Cardinal Pell's conviction brought jeers, tears and some cheers across Australia as this massive case drew to a close.
What's the reaction been?
Cardinal Pell said an injustice had been "remedied", and said he held "no ill will to my accuser".
"I do not want my acquittal to add to the hurt and bitterness so many feel; there is certainly hurt and bitterness enough," he said in a statement.
"However my trial was not a referendum on the Catholic Church; nor a referendum on how Church authorities in Australia dealt with the crime of paedophilia in the Church."
The father of the deceased choir boy was in shock at the decision, his lawyer said.
"He says he no longer has faith in our country's criminal justice system," said Lisa Flynn.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said: "The High Court has made its decision and that must be respected."
He added his "thoughts [were] always with" survivors of abuse, for whom "mere discussion of these topics brings back great hurt".
Victoria Police said it remained "committed to investigating sexual assault offences and providing justice for victims no matter how many years have passed".
What now for Pell and the Church?
The Vatican will be relieved at the quashing of Cardinal Pell's guilty verdict.
On Tuesday, just hours after the court upheld the appeal, Pope Francis offered his morning mass for those suffering from unjust sentences, although he did not mention the cardinal by name.
He had refrained from stripping George Pell of his clerical titles while all legal avenues had not been exhausted.
But it remains unclear whether Cardinal Pell will return to his post as Vatican treasurer.
Before he went to trial he had started to institute reforms. He opened up the Vatican's sprawling finances to a degree of scrutiny never seen before and this was met with resistance from vested interests within the Church.

Debate in England on health related effects of electromagnetic fields and 5G.
A very powerful speech on the risks of 5G by MP Tonia Antoniazzi at Westminster Hall.
“We can no longer hide and pretend it is not happening and this cannot be swept under the carpet”
U.S. senator Blumenthal raises concerns on 5G wireless technology’s potential health risks 

5G Health Risks; The War Between Technology and Human Beings
 Paul Wagner  May 14, 2019  

Over 180 scientists and doctors in almost 40 countries are warning the world about 5G health risks. These scientists’ response to “Resolution 1815 of the Council of Europe” spells it out quite succinctly:

“We, the undersigned scientists, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry. 5G will substantially increase exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF)… and has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.”

If you’re not alarmed about 5G radiation dangers, you should be…
Learn more about the dangers of cellphone radiation. Watch this full-length video free…
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With download speeds up to 20 to 30X faster than 4G, 5G promises a new world, including becoming the foundation for self-driving cars while also causing a long list of potential health risks. “5G Cancer” may actually be a thing. The cities of Brussels and Geneva have even blocked trials and banned upgrades to 5G out of this concern.
The difference between 4G and 5G in terms of gigahertz, the unit of alternating current (AC) or electromagnetic (EM) waves that affect the transmission speeds of devices, is significant. 5G technology promises radio millimeter bands in the 30 to 300 GHz range, while 4G tops out at around 6GHz. When applied to video latency, this translates to speeds up to 60 to 120 times faster.

Before 2G, 3G, and 4G, radio frequencies were benign. We never worried whether or not our drive-time radio shows would fry our brains. Sadly, once the concept of wireless “G” technology was initiated, we began exposing the global public to frequencies akin to microwaves at 1 billion cycles per second.

Humans, animals and the environment have all been at risk for years. While 4G was bad enough, 5G takes the game to a whole new level of insanity.

#5G (or 5th Generation) refers to the latest advancement in wireless systems. 5G promises to bring larger channels, higher speeds, larger packets of data, exponential responsiveness, and the ability to connect a host of devices from a single location. At the start, 5G networks won’t all work the same. Some will be slow, and some of these networks will be super-fast, but with limited coverage. Eventually, they will form a global grid, unlike anything the Earth has seen.
While it would be fair to assume that 5G technology has been tested for risks, this is simply not the case. There is no compelling data on health risks. When 5G launches, it will be the first actual test on human beings ever performed. This is unprecedented for such a wide-scale, public tech launch.
While 4G’s wavelengths travel along the surface of the skin, 5G’s millimeter waves are more insidious. When 5G wavelengths are emitted, our skin will automatically absorb them, which will naturally cause the skin to rise in temperature.

Already live in three countries, 5G is the first global electromagnetic radiation test on human beings in the history of Planet Earth. While most wireless industry executives kibosh the long list of legitimate 5G health concerns, most scientists believe that the public is in danger and that further tests are needed.

Does 5G Cause Cancer?
Many scientists understand that the electromagnetic radiation leaking through the doors of our microwave ovens are carcinogenic, and therefore, can cause cancer. Most of these scientists also believe that these waves are mutagenic, meaning they change the DNA structure of living beings.
The launch of 5G will be similar to turning on your microwave, opening its door, and leaving it on for the rest of your life. There’s a good reason why hundreds of scientists are taking action against the wireless industry.

Are 5G Towers Dangerous?
For the past ten years, 5G technology has been in development. Originally planned as a layer atop 3G and 4G, 5G is fast becoming a world of its own.
Every cell tower in your neighborhood emits radio frequency (RF) radiation. Radiation causes cancer. By 2021, every city will have 5G towers and cell stations. These devices will be on the top or side of millions of buildings throughout the world.

The wireless industry is not just building an infrastructure that provides faster downloads; it’s building a global microwave oven.
Yes, 5G towers and mini-stations are extremely dangerous. Not only are the shorter millimeter waves more hazardous to human beings, because of the intensity of the technology, but it will also require millions of more mini cell towers than before, potentially one tower per 2 to 8 houses. This means a human being’s RF radiation exposure will not only increase, but it will also exponentially increase within months.

These towers are not only dangerous; they’re lethal – and should be considered a crime against humanity.

Health Risks of 5G Technology
While there is a lot of chatter against the anti-5G community, there are also a lot of compelling discussions between scientists who are waging war against the untested technology.
In general, radiation does one major thing to human beings and animals – it destroys our DNA, either by forcing the DNA to mutate or by killing specific groups of cells, all of which lead to cancer.

Here’s what to expect if you experience prolonged exposure to radiation:
Hair Loss
Decreased appetite
Low energy
General malaise
Damaged bone marrow
Damaged organs
Deep depression
Incapacitation and Death

How to Protect Yourself from 5G
Besides moving to Mars or the Moon, we are limited in ways to protect ourselves from this dangerous technology. Cell tower radiation health effects are real. Because there will be thousands of these towers and stations in every city, it will be almost impossible to avoid them. Given how addicted we are to our devices, the general public will tend toward risking life and limb to support our screen-related addictions.
That said, there are some things we can do to protect ourselves from radiation. The more we focus on our health and diet, the more our immune systems can defend against the challenges related to 5G radiation.
Spirulina, Wheat Grass, Vitamin C, and similar supplements are consumable forms of sunlight, which will always improve our health and raise our vibrations. Yoga, meditation, chanting, mantras and other forms of prayer can also be beneficial in protecting our life-energies.
While fear can weaken our electromagnetic fields, love, intimacy and social vulnerability can strengthen them. The most important thing we can do is focus on improving our health, states of mind and exposure to nature. We always have control of our future, even if the general public is headed in another direction.

Here are a few ideas to give you a fighting chance:
Do not live near a cell tower or mini station.
Purchase an EMF shield, and continue to measure the levels of radiation within 100 feet of your home.
Eat healthily and take immune-boosting supplements.
Spend lots of time in the forest.
Refrain from using your cell phone for long periods, including never keeping your cell phone in your bedroom.
When traveling with your cell phone, store it in an EMF protective bag.
Consider purchasing some Orgonite, which reportedly scatters electromagnetic fields and turns them into beneficial ones. Dr. Wilhelm Reich developed this unique composite.
Continually educate yourself about the wireless industry and the global government support of this insane endeavor.
Remain strong, stay out of fear and continue to improve your vibration through positive thinking, forgiveness, and increased attention toward your mental, emotional and physical health.

*Correction 6/24/19: A previous version of this article made it sound as though “Resolution 1815 of the Council of Europe” recommended the moratorium on 5G when it was the consortium of 180 scientists and doctors mentioned in the opening paragraph.

About the Author:
Paul Wagner is an Intuitive-Empath, clairvoyant reader, and a 5-time EMMY Award winning writer. He created “The Personality Cards,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love and relationships. Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events. Paul tours the world lecturing about spiritual liberation, and lovingly offers intuitive readings and inspirational coaching to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Learn more at

Coronavirus Australia: Explosive developments in Ruby Princess cruise ship saga

George Pell: Court quashes cardinal's sexual abuse conviction - The father of the deceased choir boy was in shock at the decision, his lawyer said.
"He says he no longer has faith in our country's criminal justice system," said Lisa Flynn. 7th April 2020 BBC 

Coronavirus Australia:  Criminal Investigation Into Explosive Developments in Ruby Princess cruise ship saga

​If you want to create a totally false panic about a totally false pandemic – pick a coronavirus. Please read more below.

​Trillions in coronavirus spending could explode deficits to World War II levels- Capitol Report Published: April 1, 2020

Please read full story further down this webpage 
 By  Jeffry Bartash The U.S. could add $5 trillion in deficit spending in the fight vs. COVID-19

Brussels and Geneva ban rollout of 5G for health reasons and call for investigation
May 9, 2019

In April 2019 Brussels and Geneva call for stop to 5G technology and questions the safety standards of wireless technology.

"I cannot welcome such technology if the radiation standards, which must protect the citizen, are not respected, 5G or not
Brussels, Environment minister Céline Fremault

Meanwhile last week, Antonio Hodgers, the head of Geneva’s executive, announced a ban on the erection of further 5G mobile antennas in the canton, according to an interview on RTS.
le News reported “motivated by uncertainty on the potential health effects of the new technology, the temporary freeze is the most the cantonal government can do to stop the rollout of the technology. The governments of both Geneva and Vaud have now put the brakes on 5G rollout in their territories by putting a freeze on permits to erect further 5G antennas.”
Other Swiss cantons are following the developments in Vaud. A similar parliamentary motion has been put forward in Geneva and the parliament of Valais will discuss the issue when it next sits.

The Brussels Times:
Le News:

Last month Environment minister Céline Fremault (CDH) told Bruzz that the people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health can be sold at a profit. She told Bruzz that “A pilot project is not feasible with the current radiation standards”. see The Brussels Times

Antonio Hodgers, head of Counsel of State Geneva
Meanwhile last week, Antonio Hodgers, the head of Geneva’s executive, announced a ban on the erection of further 5G mobile antennas in the canton, according to an interview on RTS.
le News reported “motivated by uncertainty on the potential health effects of the new technology, the temporary freeze is the most the cantonal government can do to stop the rollout of the technology. The governments of both Geneva and Vaud have now put the brakes on 5G rollout in their territories by putting a freeze on permits to erect further 5G antennas.”
Other Swiss cantons are following the developments in Vaud. A similar parliamentary motion has been put forward in Geneva and the parliament of Valais will discuss the issue when it next sits.
The Brussels Times:
Le News:

Comment by the NYT Coronavirus Investigation Team

The Swiss have stopped further roll out of G5 towers causing “covert 19” health issues to the public. 
This so called mystery “covert 19” illness is radiation poisoning causing the body to defend itself by flushing out poisons from cells, in turn causing lungs and kidneys to slowly fill up with fluid. 
Why can’t the Australian government do the same and stop the roll out of 
more G5 towers, than to destroy peoples health for greed and profit.
We can’t be all used as guinea pigs  over health? 

"The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation" -- Dr Devra Davis
The University of Melbourne

"The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation: what we know, what we need to find out, and what you can do now" Presented by Dr Devra Davis, Visiting Professor of Medicine at the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, and Visiting Professor of Medicine at Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey. The Lecture What are the health effects of mobile phones and wireless radiation? While Australia has led the world in safety standards, including compulsory seat-belt legislation, plain packaging on cigarettes, and product and food disclosure legislation, it falls behind in addressing the significant issues associated with mobile phone use. In this Dean’s Lecture, epidemiologist and electromagnetic radiation expert, Dr Devra Davis, will outline the evolution of the mobile phone and smartphone, and provide a background to the current 19 year old radiation safety standards (SAR), policy developments and international legislation. New global studies on the health consequences of mobile/wireless radiation will be presented, including children’s exposure and risks. The Speaker Dr Devra Davis is an internationally recognised expert on electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and other wireless transmitting devices. She is currently the Visiting Professor of Medicine at the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, and Visiting Professor of Medicine at Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey. Dr Davis was Founding Director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at The University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute —­ the first institute of its kind in the world, to examine the environmental factors that contribute to the majority of cases of cancer. In 2007, Dr Devra Davis founded non­profit Environmental Health Trust to provide basic research and education about environmental health hazards. Dr Davis served as the President Clinton appointee to the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board in the U.S.A. from 1994–­1999, an independent executive branch agency that investigates, prevents and mitigates chemical accidents. As the former Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Health in the Department of Health and Human Services, she has counseled leading officials in the United States, United Nations, European Environment Agency, Pan American Health Organization, World Health Organization, and World Bank. Dr Davis holds a B.S. in physiological psychology and an M.A. in sociology from the University of Pittsburgh, 1967. She completed a PhD in science studies at the University of Chicago as a Danforth Foundation Graduate Fellow, 1972 and a M.P.H. in epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins University as a Senior National Cancer Institute Post-­Doctoral Fellow, 1982. She has authored more than 200 publications and has been published in Lancet and Journal of the American Medical Association as well as the Scientific American and the New York Times. Dr Devra Davis is an internationally recognised expert on electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and other wireless transmitting devices.

Category: Education 

Iran finishes preparations to launch 5G internet: Minister

Iran’s telecoms minister has said that the country will kick off the fifth generation of internet communications, known as 5G, in the next Persian calendar year starting late March.

Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi said on Thursday that Iran had carried out all preparations needed for launching the 5G network.
“The regulatory is introducing the rules ... we hope we could implement a first version of the 5G network in Iran next year and start offering services,” said Jahromi.
The minister said super-fast internet services powered by the 5G technology is a need for businesses in Iran. He added that his ministry had issued a call on experts for contributing to the quicker implementation of the new network in Iran.
Despite facing a harsh regime of American economic sanctions, Iran has made huge strides in expanding the coverage of the fourth-generation of fast internet services, known as 4G, to almost all cities, towns and villages across the country.
Current government data shows nearly 70 million people, including the population in 1,242 Iranian cities as well as 80 percent of villages with over 20 households, have access to broadband services offered by three mobile operators.
That figure was about 300,000 in 2013 when the current administrative government led by President Hassan Rouhani came to office, said Jahromi on Thursday.
The announcement on Iran’s progress in internet communications come nearly a week after authorities reported a major cyber attack affecting services across the country.
Users experienced disruptions to the services last week as a result of the powerful distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack that began midday on February 8 and continued for hours.

Comments by the NYT Cononavirus Corvid-19-Pandemic Investigation Team:

There is every reason to believe that Iran's rolling out of 5G Technology has caused the large number of claimed Coronavirus cases and large number of claimed coronavirus deaths ...... doctors and biochemists have spoken out that the so called Coronavirus-Covid-19 is the human body creating a virus, which is also decribed as a solvent to help cells that have been contaminated by radiation through 5g Technology to try and clelan the originally healthy cells of the such radiation contamination.

Over 180 scientists and doctors in almost 40 countries are warning the world about 5G health risks. These scientists’ response to “Resolution 1815 of the Council of Europe” spells it out quite succinctly:

“We, the undersigned scientists, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry. 5G will substantially increase exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF)… and has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.”

5G Health Risks; The War Between Technology and Human Beings
 Paul Wagner  May 14, 2019  

Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D. discusses the Coronavirus - New Paradigm Astrology
Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D. hypothesizes that Coronavirus may be history repeating itself and caused by 5G. Shot at the Health And Human Rights Summit in Tucson, Arizona on March 12, 2020. Camera, sound and editing by Joshua Coleman.
Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D. discusses the Coronavirus -New Paradigm Astrology- hypothesizes that Coronavirus may be history repeating itself and caused by 5G. Shot at the Health And Human Rights Summit in Tucson, Arizona on March 12, 2020.- explains the introduction orf different radar and radiation introduced on planet earth   that has caused every major virus pandemic on plant earthHe explains the the new 5G Radiation from 5G 100,000 satellites in the blanket of the earth  and 5G Towers have created the corvid -19 coronavirus He makes a lot of sense- Please take the time to watch this video

​The  "Spanish Flu" killws an estimated 50-100 million people during a pandemic in 1918-19. 
What is the story we have told about this pandemic isn't true? What if, the killer infection was neither the flu not Spanisg in origin?

Dr. Steven Gundry
Dr. Steven Gundry - Why People Are Dying From COVID-19 & How To Protect Yourself From Coronavirus  

Author Of Four New York Times Best Sellers
Dr. Steven R. Gundry is an American doctor and author. He is a former cardiac surgeon and currently runs his own clinic, investigating the impact of diet on health. Dr. Gundry conducted cardiac surgery research in the 1990s and was a pioneer in infant heart transplant surgery, and is a New York Times best-selling author of books such as The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in “Healthy” Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain.
He is best known for his disputed claims that lectins, a type of plant protein found in numerous foods, cause inflammation resulting in many modern diseases. The Plant Paradox diet suggests avoiding all foods containing lectins.


Plandemic Documentary - The Hidden Agenda behind COVID19 Part 2 - Dr Judy Mikovits


Travellers at the Sydney International Airport pictured on March 27, 2020. (File) Credit: JAMES GOURLEY/AAPIMAGE

Labor needs t fight for democracy and a more radical plan
Damn the focus groups. Labor needs to act.
GUY RUNDLE - MAR 27, 2020
Well, my God, it has actually happened.

For years, it’s been clear that the collapse of institutions in Australia has turned us from Scotland of the south into an Anglo banana republic.
What was once a relatively robust politics has now been so hollowed out under the pretext of an emergency that we have a pseudo democracy.
We have an ex-military governor-general appointed by a prime minister who has advised him to suspend parliament until August, as this crisis reaches its height.
We have cabinet government displaced by a rolling COAG mashup. Now we have another “cabinet” of good ol’ boys, a bunch of CEOs, with Greg Combet along as a sort of willing hostage. 
Using the general public’s widespread disenchantment with politics, and relying on a supine mainstream media and parliamentary press corps, the Morrison government has de facto abolished processes of scrutiny, review and contestation. Guatemala down under.
Labor has made a huge error — strategic and moral-political — in not raising hell about all this. Yeah, I know they voted against the closing of parliament. But only in parliament.
We need the leader of the opposition raising this every time a TV camera is put in front of his face. The fact of an actual and vigorous opposition is now all that is standing between us and a functional soft junta. The absence of such, as Labor grandee Barry Jones noted two days ago (tweeted out by Philip Adams) ensures that such occurs.
Look, I get Labor’s strategic dilemma. Australia is such an atomised, anti-political country, and the political caste is so separated from everyday Australians, that it’s easy to suspend parliament and make that look like an in-touch response to an emergency, as if politics is something you only have when nothing’s at stake.
Labor played the bipartisan thing from the start, and has confined itself to criticising on specific issues, and playing the therapy card, wittering on about anxiety, etc.
There’s two reasons for Labor to change its approach.
The first is because it’s right. Yes, it’s hard yards to sell our dog of a parliament — the Australian House of Reps is the worst Westminster chamber in the world — as actual democracy. But it’s got to be done. The material effect of a de facto abolition of the legislature, by an executive within that legislature, makes the opposition the embodiment of such democracy as we have at the moment.
We have a hopelessly ad hoc spread-prevention process (letting, of all things, a death boat through, and only introducing airport temperature screening this week) a misdirected, business-directed economic rescue package (with a bit of scripture thrown in), and hundreds of thousands of people up in arms about it.
Meanwhile, the one person who could get big media time to say this is playing Baldrick to Scomo’s Blackadder. If you can’t imagine Morrison as Blackadder, yeah, that’s how bad it is.
But the second reason to throw away the focus group findings and just act is that Labor will soon find itself snapped between a rapidly radicalising population and a strategically superior Coalition ready to jump left at any moment. Labor’s now calling for official rent and mortgage suspension. At the start of this week it was making a plea for landlords to be kind to tenants.
The rent strike movement (which this publication was the first media outlet to call for) got beyond Labor, the Greens and even the radical left so fast that they had to play catch up.
Good god, Solomon Lew is now on rent strike. When Just Jeans has gone to the left of you, check your politics (thoough Just Jeans would be a great name for a 17th century pamphleteer. Justice Jeans “Light Shining in Brunswick”).
Having been left at the centre by radical social processes — and its worth considering that Australia’s early hoarding was a measure of radical action, albeit in an atomised, individualised form — Labor could now get body-slammed by Coalition economic nationalism.
What if, in two weeks, Scomo announces a huge further stimulus package and the nationalisation of Qantas? Without Labor having proposed a distinctly left program for the next stage of the crisis? Then it’s over for Labor. The Coalition will have become the whole of politics.
Labor needs to remind itself that, in mainstream terms, it has always been the democratising force in Australian life, against perpetually, imminently anti-democratic, anti-Labor forces. And always the nation-building force, against representatives of capital eager to keep us permanently underdeveloped, and subject to UK/US dominance.
Now is the time to stand for what’s left of our democracy, and our social solidarity, and bloody represent! History, to the defeated, is not going to ask what the focus group thinks.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Guy Rundle - CORRESPONDENT-AT-LARGE - Guy Rundle is correspondent-at-large for Crikey.  

Guy Rundle is a former editor of Arena Magazine and contributes to a variety of publications in Australia and the United Kingdom.

Of the 3711 passengers and crew members on board the Diamond Princess, 705 became infected. Credit: AP

Difference Between Danger and Fear ft. Dr. Buttar  -

Tucker: Big Tech censors dissent over coronavirus lockdowns

Iran committed to 5G rollout, ‘despite sanctions’

29 May 2019

The government of Iran says it plans to push ahead with the rollout of 5G mobile technology in the face of economic and trade sanctions imposed by the US. According to a report from Mehr News Agency, ICT Minister Seyyed Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi wrote on Twitter: ‘Despite sanctions, we plan to establish the fifth-generation of telecoms networks. We have held good meetings on the launch of the 5G network. It would be a great step forward for the country.’ He did note, however, that the sanctions could impact the speed of network deployments.

Earlier this year Hossein Fallah Joshaqani, the director of Iran’s Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA), said that preparations for 5G deployment were ‘high on the agenda’ for 2019, with preliminary work already underway to allocate bandwidth and update regulations for 5G mobile services.
The Iranian government has an interest in the country’s largest cellco by subscribers, Mobile Communications Company of Iran (MCI), via fixed line incumbent Telecommunication Company of Iran (TCI). The market is also home to two other national operators – MTN Irancell and Rightel – plus regional cellco Taliya Mobile.
Iran, Ministry of Information & Communication Technology (MICT), Wireless, 5G

Premier of Western Australia Mark McGowan. Credit: AAP

The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda  - CIA Involved in Hollywood deciding what film content people see The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda. This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat, and tears by a team of woke professionals. making a donation at Category: People & Blogs

Ruby Princess fiasco: how inadequate rules helped fuel a pandemic
Ruby Princess fiasco: how inadequate rules helped fuel a pandemicThe Ruby Princess is Australia's single-biggest source of coronavirus infections. Inq examines the rules that allowed it to dock in Sydney.
APR 02, 2020 


The federal government has made a key change to the information it seeks from cruise ships in light of the escalating scandal of the Ruby Princess.
The change is an apparent admission that insufficient detail was given on the health of passengers on board the ship, though who is responsible for the failure — the company or health authorities — remains unclear.
The ship, the single-biggest source of COVID-19 infections in Australia, accounts for more than 500 infections Australia-wide and for five deaths.
A week after the Ruby Princess docked, as confirmed cases of COVID-19 infections were spiralling across Australia, the federal government changed a key question on a standard pre-arrival form which ships’ captains are required to complete.
The information they declare matters because it shapes the assessment which health authorities make.
When the Ruby Princess docked on March 19 — two weeks ago today — the ship was asked to answer “yes” or “no” to the question of whether any passengers or crew had:

Persistent coughing and difficulty breathing with no apparent cause and no history or similar symptoms (but not persistent coughing and difficulty breathing caused by asthma, heart disease, obesity, chronic bronchitis or emphysema). 

The question was revised on March 25, a week ago, to ask whether any passengers or crew had:
New coughing illness which developed in the past two weeks (but not caused by an existing chronic disease e.g. asthma, heart disease, obesity, chronic bronchitis or emphysema).  Yes or No.
The Federal Department of Health told Inq the question was revised to “align” it with screening processes used for ill travellers on arrival, and to “address feedback from stakeholders” that the question as it was previously worded was not clear regarding reporting of COVID-19 symptoms.
“The decision to change the wording of the question was supported by the chief human biosecurity officers in each state and territory,” a department spokesman said. (The role of chief human biosecurity officer at the federal level is occupied by the chief medical officer Brendan Murphy.)

The change was clearly aimed at flushing out any new coughing illness developed over the past 14 days. 
 But medical practitioners see the change as being too little, too late. 

Dr Chris Moy, president of the Australian Medical Association of South Australia — a state which has been affected by a large number of cruise ship cases from NSW — said the change was “quibbling at the edges”.
“Although there is a clarification on the matter the far bigger issue is using common sense above nitpicking about individual criteria,” he said.

Yet why would a cruise ship docking at an Australian port on March 19 — with the virus pandemic gathering pace around the world — have any doubt at all about the intent of a question about the health of passengers?

The federal government’s change — as unnecessary as it may seem — lays bare the defence being adopted by international cruise lines to account for infected passengers leaving their ships: that the government didn’t ask the right question.

And it underscores the risks inherent in a self-reporting regime under which a cruise company is asked to volunteer information which is potentially damaging to its reputation and to its bottom line. 

Carnival Corporation, which owns the Ruby Princess, has refused to answer Inq’s questions on precisely what information it gave in answer to the health question as it appeared on the Maritime Arrivals Reporting System (MARS).

The system is designed to document biosecurity risks, carried by humans on board a ship or by a ship’s cargo. It is operated by the Federal Department of Agriculture which shares information with state health departments and the Australian Border Force. 

NSW Health has also refused to answer the question of whether or not Carnival provided full and accurate information on the risk on board the Ruby Princess. An elderly woman was removed from the ship shortly after docking at 2.30 on the morning of March 19 and was taken by a waiting ambulance. She died six days later. 

The silence from Carnival and NSW Health points to the breakdown of a system which has become riddled with conflicts of interest and which has seen a blurring of the lines between the regulator and the regulated. 

Medical judgments on board the Ruby Princess — which might or might not be prejudicial to the business — are in the hands of doctors employed by Carnival. Carnival’s chief medical officer, Dr Grant Tarling, is at the same time senior vice president of the multibillion-dollar Carnival Corporation, which is listed on the US and UK stock exchanges. 

It is unclear who can compel the production of medical information given the Ruby Princess is registered in Bermuda and subject to the law of Bermuda — a jurisdiction known for the favourable conditions it offers shipping owners. 

To date, Carnival has relied on the defence that it was acting on approvals from NSW Health, but did tell NSW Health that some of its passengers exhibited “flu-like” symptoms.

Yet in the case of the Ruby Princess — a leading “stakeholder”, to use the Federal Health department’s language — it is hard to see how there could be any doubt about the intention of the health question it was asked.  

Even before the Ruby Princess docked in Sydney on March 19, Tarling’s world had exploded with COVID-19 outbreaks on other ships.  

In Japan, the Diamond Princess had been forced to hold 2000 passengers in quarantine off the coast of Japan for more than a fortnight. 

In the US, on March 7, two crew members of Carnival’s Regal Princess had to be tested for COVID-19, leading to a delay in the ship docking.
In the US, on March 8, the Royal Princess was subject to a no-sail order after it was discovered a crew member had been transferred to the ship from the Grand
Princess cruise ship.

Off the coast of California, the Grand Princess had been sitting in quarantine after a passenger died due to COVID-19 infection.

That drama began on March 4 and continued through to March 16 when all passengers and more than half of the ship’s crew members were taken off the ship.

Perhaps most concerning, on March 17 (in the US), as the Ruby Princess was closing in on Sydney, the US Centre for Disease Control issued a preliminary report which pointed to staff involved in food preparation on board the Diamond Princess as hastening the spread of coronavirus on the ship.

The Ruby Princess entered Sydney Harbour on March 19, Australian time. Three crew have since tested positive to the virus and been brought ashore under police escort for treatment.

The cruise industry, led by Carnival, is a major profit spinner for the NSW Ports Authority, a corporatised government body which reports its financial results to the NSW Treasury. The authority makes no bones about the power of the cruise industry.

“Cruise is the fastest growing tourism sector in Australia. It is also a growing trend for Australians, with 1.35 million people, or 5.8% of the population cruising in 2018,” the Port Authority says, quoting from a report commissioned by the cruise ship lobby group, Cruise Lines International Association.

The Port Authority quotes the lobby group’s 2018 estimate that the cruise industry is worth $4.8 billion nationally, with 58% “attributed” to NSW.

The Port Authority regulates the movement of ships in Sydney Harbour. It is paid fees for providing navigation and pilot services. For passenger ships it is paid a $40-per-head berthing fee, which translates to around $110,000 for the Ruby Princess’ 2750 passengers who disembarked on March 19.

For its part, NSW has been investing in the cruise industry. The government released a Cruise Development Plan in 2018, setting out a long–term strategy to develop the industry in NSW, including a possible new terminal in Sydney, a joint project of the NSW Port Authority and the NSW Treasury.

Carnival Corporation is the biggest cruise industry player internationally and in Australasia.  
Last year it reported record total revenues of US$20.8 billion — an increase of US$2 billion over the previous year.

The glamorous image of cruising puts a lick of paint over a business model which relies on exploiting the legal and tax loopholes available in flag-of-convenience countries such Panama and Bermuda. The jurisdictions allow cruise companies to employ crew from countries such as the Phillipines while avoiding labour laws of the UK or Australia.
The revelation of the change to the key health question comes as Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton accuses some cruise ships of lying about the COVID-19 situations on board.

Carnival Corporation’s Australian head office has declined to answer these questions from Inq, provided Wednesday:
Ships — including the Ruby Princess — are required to self-report re illness on board.

Do you accept that on the face of it this is a conflict of interest, given that ships’ doctors are paid by the company?
In the case of Carnival, the chief medical officer, Grant Tarling, is a long-serving and now senior employee of the company.  What assurance does the public have that he is NOT acting in the interests of the company?
Can you shed light on who the on-board doctors are?

NSW Health said that cruise ship voyages into Sydney linked to confirmed COVID-19 cases in NSW were:

Ovation of the Seas, docked March 18 — 74 cases
Voyager of the Seas, docked March 18 — 34 cases plus five crew members
Ruby Princess, docked March 19 — 337 cases plus three crew members
Celebrity Solstice, docked March 19 — 11 cases

As of this morning the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Australia was 4976, with NSW accounting for 2298 of those.

Ruby Princess fiasco: how inadequate rules helped fuel a pandemic
The Ruby Princess is Australia’s single-biggest source of coronavirus infections. So why was it allowed to dock in Sydney? Read more…
Australia is staring down a cruise line problem
The fallout from the Ruby Princess disaster continues to haunt Australia, with a significant portion of our COVID-19 cases now connected with the cruise liner.
As several more ships circle Australian ports, governments face the challenge of what to do with passengers. COVID-19 has brought the cruise ship industry to its knees. But is that a bad thing?
In this special edition of COVID-19 Watch, we investigate.
The numbers

More than two weeks ago, the federal government put a 30-day ban on new cruise ships docking in Australia. But exceptions were made for those already headed to port.
One of those was the Ruby Princess, a name now synonymous with staggering incompetence and a communications breakdown between state and federal authorities that allowed hundreds of infections to spread across Australia.
As of Monday, over 440 passengers had tested positive to COVID-19, accounting for around 10% of Australia’s cases.
Cruise ships are also the source of eight of Australia’s 23 COVID-19 deaths (at the time of writing), with five coming from the Ruby Princess. Meanwhile, in Western Australia, 41 people with the virus have recently been medivaced off the Artania, a German ship docked in Fremantle — accounting for 10% of all cases in the state. There are 79 cases linked to Ovation of the Seas in NSW.
 Help us report on Coronavirus
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The standoff
The WA government and the crew of the Artania are at loggerheads over the ship. The state government and Australian Border Force want it gone, but the crew want to stay another two weeks.
Premier Mark McGowan is worried that letting it dock will encourage more boats. While the passengers have been evacuated, some 450 crew members remain on board.
There are reportedly 18 foreign cruise ships docked or floating in Australian waters, with 15,000 crew members still on board. Many have been docked for weeks, refusing to leave.
To break the deadlock, NSW is planning ($) to helicopter doctors onto ships docked in the state and test more than 8000 crew members, an operation which would involve the military.
Cruise operators argue that leaving people at risk on ships is a humanitarian crisis — most are highly underpaid foreign workers, who would need to be repatriated.
It’s big business, but for how long?
Before the pandemic, there was a lot of money in cruises. In 2018, the three biggest players earned US$34 billion in revenue. Australia’s tourism industry has also banked on letting the boats in.
Two years ago, then-federal minister for tourism Steve Ciobo described Sydney as “Australia’s cruise gateway”.
“More ships means more tourists which will help drive economic growth and create new jobs,” Ciobo said.
Cruise Lines International Association Australia claims the industry contributes $3 billion in direct expenditures with a flow-on of $1.3 billion in other services, and more than 10,000 jobs.
Many newspapers also lean heavily on the industry for advertising dollars. On March 14, when cruise cancellations were starting to pick up in Australia and coronavirus deaths in Italy were already in the thousands, The Sydney Morning Herald still ran more than 12 cruise line ads, even as headlines in the paper described the country as heading toward lockdown.
Now, cruise shares have fallen up to 80% and thousands of staff have been laid off. But should we be mourning cruise liners? As The Hustle points out, the industry is built on exploitation and tax evasion. Many ships are registered in Caribbean countries like the Bahamas to minimise tax and avoid Western labour laws.
Workers, largely from south-east Asia and eastern Europe, are paid a pittance — usually between $1-2 an hour.
It’s this structural feature of the cruise industry that makes demands by Australian authorities that the ships “return home” all the more complicated.
A company like Carnival is headquartered in Miami, incorporated in Panama, and has a workforce from across the developing world. Where is home for ships and their crew?
So amid all the finger pointing about stopping the boats, it’s worth noting that it’s underpaid workers, not middle class suburban boomers, who are suffering the most; stuck on disease-ridden ships in foreign waters with no clear way of getting home.
Lethal comforts

Maybe something can be gleaned from a classic piece of writing on cruise ships: “Shipping Out” by late author David Foster Wallace, published in Harper’s Magazine in 1996.
For a week Foster Wallace took a cruise around the Caribbean. His resulting slide into what the article dubs “the (nearly lethal) comforts of a luxury cruise” is one of the great pieces of writing on the subject:

“The vessel and facilities were, from what I now understand of the industry’s standards, absolutely top-hole. The food was beyond belief, the service unimpeachable, the shore excursions and shipboard activities organized for maximal stimulation down to the tiniest detail. The ship was so clean and white it looked boiled. The western Caribbean’s blue varied between baby-blanket and fluorescent; likewise the sky. Temperatures were uterine. The very sun itself seemed preset for our comfort. The crew-to-passenger ratio was 1.2 to 2. It was a Luxury Cruise.
“All of the megalines offer the same basic product-not a service or a set of services but more like a feeling: a blend of relaxation and stimulation, stressless indulgence and frantic tourism, that special mix of servility and condescension that’s marketed under configurations of the verb ‘to pamper’.
“This verb positively studs the megalines’ various brochures: ‘as you’ve never been pampered before’, ‘to-pamper yourself in our jacuzzis and saunas’; ‘Let us pamper you’, ‘Pamper yourself in the warm zephyrs of the Bahamas’. The fact that adult Americans tend to associate the word ‘pamper’ with a certain other consumer product is not an accident, I think, and the connotation is not lost on the mass-market megalines and their advertisers.”

By the numbers

The lack of accountability at Home Affairs is costing Australian lives

Stormy seas ahead as cruise lines are locked out of bailout

Outdated law makes doctors criminals, leaves dying patients anxious

Life on a block with an emergency morgue truck: ‘We hear the hum of the refrigerator going all night long’

No, Belgium didn’t ban group sex (and other debunked coronavirus misinformation)

Pandemic opens “Pandora’s box” of problems for Australia’s illicit drug market

Will big companies use COVID-19 to dodge tricky AGMs?

Trump is the virus: Australia pays the price for being the US’ best buddy

19aztecone74 - This interview with Dr. Vonderplanitz is from a 2009 interview on Super Human Radio. He died under mysterious circumstances in 2013.

​Dormant viruses and latent viruses can exist in our bodies all the time without causing disease. The mere presence of a virus in an organism doesn’t tell you anything about the health of that organism. It is quite possible that due to all the toxicity in our world (junk food, GMO crops, chlorinated and fluoridated water, poisoned skies), our body has to make a solvent to help us get rid of the toxins.​  If you feel sick and get a PCR test any random virus DNA might be identified even if they aren’t at all involved in your sickness which leads to false diagnosis. And coronavirus are incredibly common. A large percentage of the world human population will have covi DNA in them in small quantities even if they are perfectly well or sick with some other pathogen. Do you see where this is going yet?  If you want to create a totally false panic about a totally false pandemic – pick a coronavirus.

The COVID-19 coronavirus scam 
The COVID-19 coronavirus scam has been exposed. Massive hat tip to activist Julian Rose, whose work I have followed for years.

Julian’s account was just posted here at I will reproduce it in full below.

I believe it explains much of how the numbers were inflated and how this whole coronavirus crisis – make that coronavirus psy op – was pulled off. As someone wrote on a YouTube video comment recently, coronavirus = crowning achievement of the government’s psychological warfare operation (corona = crown). Make no mistake – this is a massive psychological operation. The entire alternative media and conspiracy research community – and the whole world – owe deep respect and gratitude to those have seen this coronavirus scam for what it is: people such as Jamie Lee (A Plane Truth), Jon Rappaport (, David Icke ( and others.
Now the job remains to inform and alert people as much as possible so together we can end this ridiculous shutdown and lockdown fiasco. Meanwhile, it remains as important as ever to watch Bill Gates (and all the other NWO manipulators who pulled this outrageous stunt) very, very closely.

The Insider Account from Julian Rose
[Some minor spelling changes made – Ed.]

“The below was sent to me by a widely respected professional scientist in USA. While we may know it’s a scam – this insider evidence on the methodology of the madness is second to none. Please use!! The following is from a medical forum. The writer prefers to stay anonymous, because presenting any narrative different than the official one can cause you a lot of stress in the toxic environment caused by the scam which surrounds COVID-19 these days.
I work in the healthcare field. Here’s the problem, we are testing people for any strain of a Coronavirus. Not specifically for COVID-19. There are no reliable tests for a specific COVID-19 virus. There are no reliable agencies or media outlets for reporting numbers of actual COVID-19 virus cases. This needs to be addressed first and foremost. Every action and reaction to COVID-19 is based on totally flawed data and we simply can not make accurate assessments.

This is why you’re hearing that most people with COVID-19 are showing nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. That’s because most Coronavirus strains are nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. The few actual novel Coronavirus cases do have some worse respiratory responses, but still have a very promising recovery rate, especially for those without prior issues.

The ‘gold standard’ in testing for COVID-19 is laboratory isolated/purified coronavirus particles free from any contaminants and particles that look like viruses but are not, that have been proven to be the cause of the syndrome known as COVID-19 and obtained by using proper viral isolation methods and controls (not the PCR that is currently being used or serology/antibody tests which do not detect virus as such). PCR basically takes a sample of your cells and amplifies any DNA to look for ‘viral sequences’, i.e. bits of non-human DNA that seem to match parts of a known viral genome.

The problem is the test is known not to work.
It uses ‘amplification’ which means taking a very very tiny amount of DNA and growing it exponentially until it can be analyzed. Obviously any minute contaminations in the sample will also be amplified leading to potentially gross errors of discovery. Additionally, it’s only looking for partial viral sequences, not whole genomes, so identifying a single pathogen is next to impossible even if you ignore the other issues.

The Mickey Mouse test kits being sent out to hospitals, at best, tell analysts you have some viral DNA in your cells. Which most of us do, most of the time. It may tell you the viral sequence is related to a specific type of virus – say the huge family of coronavirus. But that’s all. The idea these kits can isolate a specific virus like COVID-19 is nonsense.
And that’s not even getting into the other issue – viral load.

If you remember the PCR works by amplifying minute amounts of DNA. It therefore is useless at telling you how much virus you may have. And that’s the only question that really matters when it comes to diagnosing illness. Everyone will have a few virus(es) kicking round in their system at any time, and most will not cause illness because their quantities are too small. For a virus to sicken you need a lot of it, a massive amount of it. But PCR does not test viral load and therefore can’t determine if a(n) osteogenesis is present in sufficient quantities to sicken you.

If you feel sick and get a PCR test any random virus DNA might be identified even if they aren’t at all involved in your sickness which leads to false diagnosis.

And coronavirus are incredibly common. 

A large percentage of the world human population will have covi DNA in them in small quantities even if they are perfectly well or sick with some other pathogen.

Do you see where this is going yet? 
If you want to create a totally false panic about a totally false pandemic – pick a coronavirus.

They are incredibly common and there’s tons of them.

A very high percentage of people who have become sick by other means (flu, bacterial pneumonia, anything) will have a positive PCR test for covi even if you’re doing them properly and ruling out contamination, simply because covis are so common.

There are hundreds of thousands of flu and pneumonia victims in hospitals throughout the world at any one time.

All you need to do is select the sickest of these in a single location – say Wuhan – administer PCR tests to them and claim anyone showing viral sequences similar to a coronavirus (which will inevitably be quite a few) is suffering from a ‘new’ disease. Since you already selected the sickest flu cases a fairly high proportion of your sample will go on to die.
You can then say this ‘new’ virus has a CFR higher than the flu and use this to infuse more concern and do more tests which will of course produce more ‘cases’, which expands the testing, which produces yet more ‘cases’ and so on and so on. Before long you have your ‘pandemic’, and all you have done is use a simple test kit trick to convert the worst flu and pneumonia cases into something new that doesn’t actually exist.

Now just run the same scam in other countries. Making sure to keep the fear message running high so that people will feel panicky and less able to think critically. Your only problem is going to be that – due to the fact there is no actual new deadly pathogen but just regular sick people, you are mislabeling your case numbers, and especially your deaths, are going to be way too low for a real new deadly virus pandemic.

But you can stop people pointing this out in several ways.
1. You can claim this is just the beginning and more deaths are imminent.

Use this as an excuse to quarantine everyone and then claim the quarantine prevented the expected millions of dead.
2. You can tell people that ‘minimizing’ the dangers is irresponsible and bully them into not talking about numbers.
3. You can talk crap about made up numbers hoping to blind people with pseudoscience.
4. You can start testing well people (who, of course, will also likely have shreds of coronavirus DNA in them) and thus inflate your ‘case figures’ with ‘asymptomatic carriers’ (you will of course have to spin that to sound deadly even though any virologist knows the more symptom-less cases you have the less deadly is your pathogen).

Take these 4 simple steps and you can have your own entirely manufactured pandemic up and running in weeks.
They can not “confirm” something for which there is no accurate test.”
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at Makia is on Steemit and FB.

5G Technology: Potential Risks To Human Health: Excerpts From Scientific Conference

David Icke questions why Iran would have such a large amount of Coronavirus cases and called Corornavirus related deaths

Last updated: April 07, 2020, 16:50 GMT
Coronavirus Cases: 62,589
Deaths: 3,872
Recovered: 27,039

David Icke
Was 9/11 an inside job?

The Truth Behind The September 11 Terror Attacks
David Icke is the English writer and public speaker, known since the 1990s as a professional conspiracy theorist, calling himself a “full-time investigator into who and what is really controlling the world.”
David is the author of over 21 books, 10 DVDs and has lectured in over 25 countries, speaking live for up to 10 hours to huge audiences, filling stadiums like Wembley Arena.

What really happened on 9/11?
Known to some as a professional conspiracy theorist, David Icke is trying to get us to wake up and free our mind from what the government and media are trying to make us do.
In his latest book, “9/11, The Trigger: The Lie That Changed The World – Who Really Did It And Why”, David Icke takes a look back at the event that shook the World in 2001, the September 11th terror attacks in New York.
David looks at who was really behind it and why, what has happened in the years following 911, the increasing evidence he believes to show the official story doesn’t stand up to research and what has happened in the World since that day.

Was 9/11 an inside job?
David Icke has never been one to follow other people’s rules and impositions or bow to intimidation no matter what the source. He believes that with freedom being deleted by the day someone has to have the courage to call out those transforming human society into a global prison camp in which only the “right” opinions and information are allowed.
The central theme of The Trigger is what happened on 9/11 and the force that was really behind those horrific attacks.
The Trigger, however, is not only about 9/11. In exposing the network that he believes orchestrated and covered-up those attacks David Icke reveals the force that is dictating your life in increasingly fine detail and leading the world along a dark and dangerous road to total Orwellian global control.

Join us as we discuss:
The Spider’s Web behind 9/11
Larry Silverstein and what really happened to Building 7
Sabbatianism and The Illuminati
“Dancing Israelis” and the big ultra-zionist plot
Untold stories about the hijackers
Dick Cheney