Similarities Between 1976 Swine Flu and 2020 COVID
 August 11, 2020
By Makia Freeman#

Atc A Glance

It is always worth studying history closely for clues and patterns to help decipher current events. The 1976 swine flu pandemic follows a very similar pattern to the 2020 COVID pandemic.

If authorities like the USG and its CDC pulled off a similar scam before, why would we trust them now? What can the 1976 swine flu scam teach us about the engineered coronavirus crisis?

1976 swine flu
Fake Pandemic Re-Run: there are marked similarities between the 1976 swine flu and the 2020 COVID scamdemics.

The 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic

is interesting to look back upon now in the light of Operation Coronavirus. There has been a series of pandemics in recent history (take the last 100 years) with very similar blueprints, patterns and agendas to the manufactured COVID crisis. With the 1918-1919 flu pandemic, for instance, there is credible evidence that it was not caused by a “Spanish” strain of the flu, but rather by vaccinated American soldiers coming from a military base in Kansas, and/or increases in the Earth’s electrification as laid out by Arthur Firstenberg. As briefly touched upon in previous articles, German virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka exposed the 2005 H5N1 bird flu “pandemic” which resulted in under 300 deaths worldwide, despite “David Nabarro, the newly appointed Senior United Nations System Coordinator for Avian and Human Influenza, [warning] the world that an outbreak of avian influenza could kill 5 to 150 million people” according to Wikipedia. Let’s take a closer look at the 1976 swine flu pandemic and the staggering parallels between it and the current coronavirus scamdemic.

1976 Swine Flu Scared People into Getting a Vaccine for No Good Reason

Bill Gates has publicly signaled the endgame of the scamdemic – a COVID vaccine. We know it’s coming. Gates even recently admitted in a MSM interview (around the 12:00 minute mark) that “we don’t know if these vaccines will work.” Has there ever been a good reason to take a vaccine? This 60 Minutes clip exposes the horrific fallout from the 1976 swine flu vaccine. Interestingly, at around the 4:00 minute mark, the report talks of how the mysterious swine flu first emerged at a military base in Fort Dix, New Jersey … leading me to wonder: were US soldiers the victim of some kind of experimentation, just as they were in 1918 and probably countless other times? Were they chosen as the means by which to bring this new “pandemic” into the world, to meet the agendas of Big Pharma profits, governmental control and depopulation? The 60 Minutes report further reveals how the CDC rolled out the swine flu vaccine on the American people at a time where there were only reported but no confirmed cases (worldwide) and how they used deception on the consent form (stating they had tested the vaccine but refusing to reveal they tested a different vaccine than the one being administered). The CDC also didn’t disclose the true possible effects of the vaccine – neurological disorders like Guillain-Barré syndrome (similar to paralysis), which afflicted the woman featured at the start of the clip.

This article The Great 1976 Swine-Flu Caper by Pastor Sheldon Emry is incredibly revealing given what has been happening with COVID (the linked article is a little hard to read however if you can find the original print as I have, you will see it contains newspaper clippings to back up what Emry states. The newspaper excerpts show how the mass media was actively and shamelessly collaborating to hype the fear and sell the vaccine):

“Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, a noted Australian physician with extensive experience with flu vaccines in Australia, told an audience of doctors in Los Angeles in September of 1976 that the U.S. Government’s swine flu immunization program was “A plan for mass murder.” Dr. Kalokerinos had written a book on his findings in Australia that flu vaccine was killing half the babies in his district! … Dr. J. Anthony Morris, the government’s most experienced flu researcher has said, “The swine flu is not contagious and is not a killer.” He warned that the vaccine could induce greater diseases and, “We can predict that more and more tragedies related to the vaccine will come to light.” He called the inoculation program a “potential virological nightmare.” When Dr. Morris released a public warning to the Washington, D.C. newspapers in July, 1976, government agents entered his laboratory, killed all animals he used in vaccine research, destroyed the vaccine research records of him and his staff and fired him! The government then went ahead with the mass inoculation program, lying to the American people and saying there was “No evidence the vaccine was dangerous.”

The evidence that the “swine flu epidemic” was a total hoax, and that the vaccine itself not only is useless but actually infects people with other disease, is so overwhelming at this point that we can arrive at no other conclusion than that THIS WAS A WELL-PLANNED ATTACK ON THE HEALTH AND LIVES OF MILLIONS OF AMERICANS … Dr. J. Anthony Morris, 25 years of experience testing long-range effects of vaccines for the U.S. Bureau of Biologics: “The people who initiated the program used a man-made virus to produce the vaccine. We don’t know ANYTHING about it – yet they indiscriminately began pumping this POTENTIAL VIROLOGICAL NIGHTMARE already into the arms of 40 million innocent Americans. We’re already seeing examples of what tragic things can happen as a result.” … Dr. Ernest C. Herrman, Jr., professor of microbiology at the University of Illinois: “We have a vaccine which NO ONE CAN BACK UP AS SAFE.” Dr. Herrman, speaking of U.S. officials in H.E.W.: “They’ve lied from the beginning because they said it’s effective and they have no evidence of that. None of the people (in the tests) were ever infected by influenza virus – so they never proved its effectiveness.” Dr. Hubert Ratner, a Chicago area health official for 25 years: “The vaccine isn’t any good … The CDC knows it, and we know it.”

Dr. Cyril Wecht, chief medical examiner, Allegheny County, Pa., who performed autopsies on 3 victims: “The government is doing everything possible to make sure there are some cases labeled swine flu to justify their massive immunization program and the catastrophe associated with it.” … Dr. Archie Kalokernios, Australian physician who wrote a book on how mass immunization programs in Australia killed one-half of the Aborigine babies: “Immunization can cause sudden death. They say the serum [the swine vaccine] has been tested. I say that is bunk and my beliefs are backed by companies making the drug who refuse to sell it unless the government insulates them against death and damage claims.” Dr. Kalokerinos further stated that every undernourished or ill person would be especially susceptible to injury or death from the vaccine, and said inoculating individuals without a prior physical examination made the program “a plan for mass murder.” (As readers know, it was exactly the old and the ill who were urged to get the shots by government and news media!) Congressman Larry McDonald (D.-Ga.), who is a doctor: ’’Certain elements are trying to make this thing look like we’re in imminent danger, when the truth is that no proof of swine flu being passed from person to person exists” (i.e., it is NOT contagious!).”

Key Similarities Between the 1976 Swine Flu and the 2020 COVID “Pandemics”

The 1976 swine flu “pandemic” had many of the elements of the COVID “pandemic”, including:

 reports that a new strange virus has emerged which crossed species from animal to human (despite doctors such as Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Andrew Cowan stating there is no evidence that a virus can cross species like this);

– cases dubiously labeled as swine flu without much evidence;

– mass media amplification and fearmongering regarding the severity of the “problem”;

– the CDC (basically a giant vaccine company as Robert Kennedy Jr. put it) behind the rollout and promotion of the vaccine;

– reports of a shortage of vaccines as a slick marketing technique to project an image of artificial scarcity in the hopes of raising economic demand (‘you better get it while stocks last’).

All in all, around 46 million Americans took the vaccine (in a population then of around 218 million), which was about 21% of the entire nation. According to the aforementioned 60 Minutes report, there were at least 4,000 injuries reported which were awarded $3.5 billion of damages ($16.2 billion in US dollars in 2020). Of these 4,000 injuries, 2/3 were severe neurological damage or death.

Yale Study Analyzes How to Persuade, Shame and Trick Americans into Taking COVID Vaccine

The Yale study COVID-19 Vaccine Messaging, Part 1 started last month in July took the task of discovering which messaging would be most effective in convincing tricking people into taking the upcoming COVID vaccine. 4000 participants were divided into 15 groups, with 2/15 receiving the control group message (random info about bird feeding), 3/15 receiving a baseline vaccine message (the propaganda line that vaccines are ‘safe and effective’) and the other 10/15 (which is 2/3) receiving 10 different pro-vaccine messages, each one using a different method of persuasion to motivate people.

In  other words, they are testing 10 different manipulation methods, ranging from guilt to embarrassment to trust in science, to see what effectively motivates people the most to capitulate to the Gates-Rockefeller led vaccine agenda. The results have not yet been published. Look at the chart above. Ask yourself: are you susceptible to any of these lines of persuasion? Are you insecure about your knowledge of the vaccine issue or your courage? Rest assured, you and everyone you know will be psychologically targeted to take the COVID vaccine, so if you have any mental weak points, now is the time to look within and be aware of them, so this propaganda won’t work on you.

Final Thoughts

The stunning parallels between the 1976 swine flu pandemic and the 2020 COVID pandemic show not only that history repeats itself, but also that the NWO (New World Order) controllers have had a long long time to perfect the art of launching a manufactured crisis to bring about a desired result. In the age of supercomputers, the NWO conspirators can easily use previous “pandemics” to gather data, see what worked, plug all that data into their supercomputers and run simulations to prepare for their next grand exercise – exactly what we have been living through since the start of the year. Ever since the NCVIA (National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act) in 1986 in the US, Big Pharma vaccine makers have legal immunity for their vaccines, and thus no incentive to make a safe product. However, that is assuming there even is such a thing as a “safe vaccine.” Many vaccine experts such as Dr. Judy Mikovits have said there is no such thing since even if you removed the carcinogenic and toxic adjuvants, you would still be injecting foreign immortalized cells and weakened viruses straight into your bloodstream, which bypasses the protection of your digestive microbiome and shocks the body. Russian President Putin just announced the world’s first COVID vaccine. As we come towards the end of 2020 and the start of 2021, we must be prepared for the endgame of this sinister agenda and be prepared to stand in our unalienable natural rights to bodily autonomy and medical sovereignty, because it won’t be long until we will need to stand up to defend them.

Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and senior researcher at Makia is on Steemit and Parler.










Antibodies Don’t Equal Immunity: Busting the Antibody-Protection Paradigm
 August 13, 2020
By Makia Freeman


Are antibodies the same thing as immunity? Can immunity simply be measured by antibody titers?


What do Big Pharma and the Medical Establishment have to gain when you believe in the antibody-protection model?

Total Body Health is the Only True Immunity

We have to understand that true health is an all encompassing-matter. They are few shortcuts. We need to patiently build our microbiome, inner terrain and blood alkalinity levels by eating a healthy diet and living a healthy lifestyle. Cultivating this will sharpen our innate and specific immune systems, while simultaneously making us less susceptible to disease, because pathogens won’t be able to effectively invade or gain a foothold when our inner ecology is strong. The article Antibody titers and immunity: Are they related? posted on Vaccine Liberation ( emphasizes the importance of memory cells rather than antibodies, but even memory cells are not the true measure of immunity. Total body health is. Here is a quote:

“The most important factor in a fully-effective immune response is general good health characterized by a clean bloodstream coupled with a nutrient-rich diet. Immunity to pathogens is dependent upon a complex response of the body’s cells which may—or may not —include the production of antibodies. A titer test typically measures only one aspect of the immune system’s response. Considered essential for viral disease immunity are memory cells for specific viruses. There is no test for qualitative measuring of these memory cells. Memory cells are what prompt the immune system to create antibodies that are dispatched to an infection associated with the pathogen it “remembers.” Memory cells don’t need reminders in the form of re-vaccination to keep producing antibodies … It is clear that immunity does not come from antibodies or even ‘memory cells’, although memory cells may play a small part in the much larger processes of protecting health. If a person is healthy, first time natural exposure to a virus does not necessarily result in disease. In fact, the majority of first time exposures result in no symptoms but do result in ‘antibodies’ which ‘prove the exposure’ but also prove that immunity was present before the exposure.“

The topic of antibodies is becoming more important

again due to the manufactured COVID crisis. It is important that you grasp the nature and function of antibodies, as well as their limitations, since the New World Order (NWO) manipulators orchestrating Operation Coronavirus are counting on your ignorance as they continue to roll out their tyrannical agenda. Specifically, they are counting on most of the public buying into the antibody-protection paradigm. What does this mean? By that term, I mean that they want you to believe that if you have certain antibodies, or a certain amount of antibodies (measured by titer), that you will be safe and protected from a certain disease. This plays out in 2 ways: firstly, they want you to trust the accuracy and authority of COVID antibody tests (even though there are many flaws, at least 5 as I touched upon in this article), but secondly and more importantly, they want you to trust the pending COVID vaccine (and all vaccines), since the efficacy of every single vaccine is predicated on the idea that it induces antibodies and therefore immunity. This is the key assumption – and it is patently false. Antibodies do not equal immunity; they are merely one part of a complex system that we don’t fully understand. Immunity is far more broad, deep, holistic and mysterious than simply the presence of antibodies. If you buy into the idea that antibodies make you immune, for instance that if you have COVID antibodies you will be immune to COVID, you will be playing right into the hands of those running this despicable “live exercise.”

First Things First: The 3 Layers of the Human Immune System

Before we get into what an antibody is and what it can do, let’s revisit the human immune system. Did you know that, anatomically speaking, there is no separate and distinct ‘immune system’ as such (unlike other systems such as the circulatory system or the respiratory system)? Instead, there are several systems that possess immune function, the most important of which is the digestive system, as it is home to our microbiome or 2nd brain. Cell by cell, we have 10 times more bacterial than human cells in our body, and these bacteria live in symbiosis with us, helping to keep us healthy and prevent disease. The immune system has 2 parts (innate or non-specific immunity and acquired or specific immunity), and at least 3 layers that operate in a very specific order. I will quote from Peter Tocci’s wonderful article OK, Let’s Talk Immunity:

“The [immune] ‘system’ exists only in the wondrous cross-communication and coordination among immunity components of the various anatomical systems … There are two major phases of immune function: 1) “Innate,” and 2) “Humoral.” Innate immune function consists of two “layers” considered to be the first and second ‘lines of defense’. The first layer is physical and chemical barriers. The second layer of defense is called cell-mediated or non-specific resistance. Cells in the intestinal wall (protected by bacteria) thwart germs by signaling to innate cells, leading to the activation of white blood cells and release of protective chemicals. Humoral immunity (antibody-mediated), also called specific resistance and “acquired immunity,” is the third line of defense. Vaccine doctrine says it’s first, which is a ploy on behalf of artificial ‘immunity’. Specific proteins called antigens exist on the membranes of germs. Once the antigen/organism is identified as foreign, plasma cells make antigen-specific proteins called antibodies that attach to and deactivate them. Vaccines target humoral/antibody function. As physiology texts say, however, the first time immune function sees an antigen/pathogen, antibody response is comparatively mild, as innate immunity takes the lead.”

Innate Immunity Leads While the Acquired Specific Immunity of Antibodies Only Comes Later

So when the body recognizes something foreign inside itself, it will activate its innate immunity (including white blood cells) first. If that doesn’t work sufficiently, then the body will activate the 3rd layer of defense, specific immunity. Here’s where antibodies come into the picture. What is an antibody? The textbook definition is a protein (also known as an immunoglobulin) made by the body and produced mainly by plasma cells to combine chemically with (and neutralize) possible pathogens such as foreign substances and bacteria. The antibody recognizes a unique molecule of the pathogen, called an antigen, to which it binds.

Here’s the problem: the Medical Industry, driven by the dangerous half truth of Pasteur’s germ theory and driven by the extremely reductionist mindset of materialistic science (‘everything must be measured’), has propagated the false notion that antibodies can be stimulated and measured, and therefore can be equated to immunity. Perhaps this is because antibodies were the only part of the mysterious immune system that could be quantified, but whatever the reason, this false idea ignores the fact that many healthy people do not contract a disease even if they have low antibody titers, and conversely, there are people with high antibody titers who still get sick. In other words, a low antibody or titer count does not indicate susceptibility to a disease just as a high antibody or titer count does not confer immunity to a particular disease.

Vaccines Are Solely Based on Artificially Stimulating Antibody Production

It would be a disaster for Big Pharma if more people knew the truth that antibody counts had nothing to do with true immunity. After all, Big Pharma vaccines are solely based on artificially stimulating an immune response (particularly with toxic adjuvants like aluminum) by inducing the body to make antibodies. Then they turn around and say, “Look, we made you produce the antibodies to this disease, so now you are protected.” But if antibodies are no real measure of immunity, the artificial production of antibodies is irrelevant. Here are some more quotes from the VacLib article above:

“Dr. John March, a developer of animal vaccines, wrote, “Particularly for viral diseases, the ‘cellular’immune response is all important, and antibody levels and protection are totally unconnected.”

Dr. Glenn Dettman stated the following in an interview with Jay Patrick: “Just because you give somebody a vaccine, and perhaps get an antibody reaction, doesn’t mean a thing. The only true antibodies, of course, are those you get naturally. What we’re doing [when we inject vaccines] is interfering with a very delicate mechanism that does its own thing. If nutrition is correct, it does it in the right way. Now if you insult a person in this way and try to trigger off something that nature looks after, you’re asking for all sorts of trouble, and we don’t believe it works.” [“The Great American Deception,” Let’s Live, December 1976, p. 57]

Raymond Obomsawin, PHD wrote the following in his book, Universal Immunization: Medical Miracle or Masterful Mirage?:  “[W]e find that upon investigating unexpected and unexplainable outbreaks of acute infection among ‘immunized’ persons, mainstream scientists have begun to seriously question whether their understanding of what constitutes reliable immunity is in fact valid. For example, a team of scientists writing in the New England Journal of Medicine provide evidence for the position that immunity to disease is a broader bio-ecological question than the factors of artificial immunization or serology. They summarily concluded: ‘It is important to stress that immunity (or its absence) cannot be determined reliable on the basis of history of the disease, history of immunization, or even history of prior serologic determination.’

“Despite these significant shifts in scientific thinking, there has unfortunately been little actual progress made in terms of undertaking systematically broad research on the multiple factors which undergird human immunity to disease, and in turn building a system of prevention that is squarely based upon such findings. It seems ironic that ….[we] must still raise the following basic questions: Why doesn’t medical research focus on what factors in our environment and in our lives weaken the immune system? Is this too simple? too ordinary? too undramatic? Or does it threaten too many vested interests?”

Brandon Turbeville writes:

“With all of the evidence such as that compiled in this article, the underlying foundation of claims by the medical and pharmaceutical industries regarding vaccine effectiveness is clearly a shaky one. The evidence that vaccines work – without even taking into account the many studies which have demonstrated that they do not – is thus wholly unreliable even when demonstrating the “proof” claimed by the researchers. In short, neither vaccination nor antibody response equals immunity.”


This topic ties together many fascinating threads: germ theory, materialistic reductionist science, Big Pharma, vaccines, COVID, antibody tests and a lack of appreciation for the holistic and energetic nature of the human body and its immune system. There are clearly many many more factors at play in determining an individual’s immunity than just counting that person’s antibodies. We need to fully comprehend this, because in the months to come, you can be sure there there will be some governments that will bait their citizens with a ‘return to normalcy’ if they just take the COVID serological or antibody test, despite the fact that a result of COVID-antibody positive can be interpreted any which way, and is scientifically meaningless when it comes to determining actual immunity. Next, of course, the authorities will pitch the COVID vaccine™ that produces COVID antibodies™ as the only way to participate fully in society again, a la Mark of the Beast. This article has pierced that line of reasoning. Spread this far and wide.


Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and senior researcher at Makia is on Steemit and Parler.

Wikipedia Exposed Media - WEM


AstraZeneca Must Explain Spinal Ailment to Resume Vaccine TrialBy 
Robert Langreth and  Riley Griffin
September 9, 2020,
A day after pausing its Covid-19 vaccine trials due to a possible serious neurological problem in one patient, AstraZeneca Plcfaced numerous questions about what exactly caused the issue and whether it could be related to the vaccine.

On Tuesday, AstraZeneca and its partner, the University of Oxford, confirmed it had stopped giving patients the experimental shot after a person in the U.K. who was participating in one of their studies got sick, triggering a review of safety data.

U.S. National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins told a Senate committee Wednesday the trial had been halted due to a “spinal cord problem.” AstraZeneca is one of several drug companies taking part in the U.S. government’s Operation Warp Speed program to accelerate the development of a coronavirus vaccine.

Appearing before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions, Collins said the severe adverse event in the U.K. patient was transverse myelitis, a neurological disorder that causes inflammation of the spinal cord. If AstraZeneca’s review finds the adverse event is related to the vaccine, all the doses already manufactured will be thrown away, Collins said.
However, AstraZeneca Chief Executive Officer Pascal Soriot told investors on a conference call Wednesday there had been no final diagnosis in the case and there wouldn’t be one until more tests are done, according to company spokeswoman Michele Meixell.
“Those tests will be delivered to an independent safety committee that will review the event and establish a final diagnosis,” Meixell said in a statement.

The British drug maker’s vaccine has been considered one of the most likely contenders to reach the market in the near term, along with shots being developed by Moderna Inc. and the tandem of Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE. AstraZeneca and Oxford are seeking to enroll as many as 50,000 participants for late-stage trials underway in the U.K., U.S. and other countries.

Collins said that the trial halt was a sign that researchers were adhering to sound scientific practices. In recent weeks, questions about whether the vaccine-discovery process has been politicized by President Donald Trump, who is pinning his hopes for re-election in part on the delivery of a viable inoculation, have been increasing.
“This ought to be reassuring to everybody listening when we say we are going to focus first on safety and make no compromises, this is exhibit A,” Collins told the Senate committee Wednesday. “This is based on a single severe adverse event which may or may not have anything to do with the vaccine, but it is the best sort of cautious approach to quickly stop and look and see if there’s any other evidence to be concerned about.”

[Senate HELP Committee Hearing On Vaccines And Public Safety]
Francis Collins speaks during a Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee hearing in Washington, D.C.,on Sept. 9.
Photographer: Michael Reynolds/EPA/Bloomberg
The episode that triggered the halt is the second time a person taking part in the AstraZeneca study developed neurological symptoms, leading to a pause in research.
According to a participant information sheet dated July 12 that was posted on the ISRCTN clinical-trial registry, one volunteer in AstraZeneca’s U.K. trial had developed symptoms of transverse myelitis. The posting said the cause was being investigated.

An August update of the information sheet removed the reference to transverse myelitis and said the participant developed neurological symptoms that caused the study to be paused, and that the volunteer was later diagnosed with what was described as “an unrelated neurological illness.”
“There was a brief trial pause in July while a safety review took place after one volunteer was confirmed to have an undiagnosed case of multiple sclerosis,” Meixell, the AstraZeneca spokeswoman, said. She said that the independent panel monitoring the trial concluded the diagnosis was unrelated to the vaccine.

U.S.-traded shares of AstraZeneca declined 2% on Wednesday to close at $53.64, while the stock prices of rival Covid-19 vaccine developers, including Moderna and BioNTech, gained, climbing 4.7% and 4.2%, respectively. Pfizer shares advanced 0.7%.

— With assistance by Anna Edney, Michelle Fay Cortez, and James Paton

COVID Psychological Stress Being Applied to Break Resistance to VaccinePublished 4 hours ago on September 11, 2020
By Makia Freeman
All the COVID lockdown restrictions result in long-term, low-grade stress and fear – which takes a toll on people's mental health.
The Agenda is to deliberately apply pressure to people to make them crack and elicit their acquiescence to the pending COVID vaccine. However, awareness of this scheme itself can thwart it.

The Freedom Articles

COVID psychological stress is being coldly applied to maximize pressure on the masses, so as to break resistance to the coming vaccine.
COVID psychological stress

is being coldly and calculatedly applied to the entire world population as many nations enter their 6th or 7th month of coronavirus lockdowns and restrictions. Operation Coronavirus is, first and foremost, a psychological operation (psy op). It’s about fooling you with stories of a killer virus by exploiting the widely held but incomplete concept of germ theory. It’s about tricking you into thinking there are enemies out there – even tiny invisible enemies whose existence has never been proven – against which you need protection, kindly provided to you by Big Pharma and Big Government. It’s about conditioning you into accepting the horrific reality of current society – masks, social distancing, isolation, quarantines, lockdowns, deep fear, plus the violation of unalienable, sovereign, inherent human rights – as the New Normal. It’s about cracking you with COVID psychological stress until you break down, defeated, and acquiesce to the planned solution all along of surveillance and vaccines, in a desperate attempt to return to normal, healthy and free life of unconstrained social interaction.

COVID Psychological Stress

In recent months many free and powerful voices have pointed out that the draconian restrictions, resulting in what I am calling COVID psychological stress, are in fact akin to torture methods refined by organizations and agencies such as the CIA. All the lockdown policies – social distancing, quarantine, mandatory mask-wearing, isolation, fear of contagion, fear of everyone being a suspected asymptomatic carrier, being unable to visit elderly family members in person, and more – are forms of torture. By deeming things such as concerts, sports, pubs, bars, clubs and other forms of entertainment as “non-essential”, governments have been able to restrict, ban and/or permanently shut down businesses and organizations running such facilities and activities. The idea is to stop people from relaxing and blowing off steam, thus increasing the pressure and stress. Then, with everyone under this low grade stress, some people will inevitably crack, due to economic and psychological manipulation, and either commit crime, lash at those around them, commit suicide or come begging to the government to save them.

Munchausen Syndrome and Stockholm Syndrome

Along these lines, it is worth understanding the concept of Munchausen syndrome. This is a factitious disorder, a mental disorder in which a person repeatedly and deliberately acts as if he or she has a physical or mental illness when he or she is not really sick. This video introduces the idea that an aspect of Munchausen syndrome is the parent who gets so much attention from having a sick child that they deliberately make them sick. That is a fitting description of the COVID situation – government officials acting as though the entire population of citizens are contagious and dangerous, and pretending they are doctors and the rest of the citizenry are their patients. It’s a sick and twisted psychological game, and in fact, as Jon Rappoport points out in a recent article How Many People Have ‘Psychological COVID?’, may even lead to people ‘acquiring’ what they think is ‘COVID’ just through false belief, via convincing themselves that they have the virus when they don’t.

Munchausen syndrome is one thing, but Stockholm syndrome is something else. It describes the psychological phenomenon whereby captured, entrapped or enslaved people grow feelings of affection and appreciation for their captors. They develop an attachment to, loyalty for or even a perverse love for their oppressors. Why? One explanation is because they see no other option; on a subconscious level, the surreal world they inhabit makes no sense at all unless their rulers are omniscient and benevolent. So, they convince themselves that their leaders must be right. In many ways, we are suffering from societal Stockholm syndrome.

Hydrogel Biosensor: Implantable Nanotech to be Used in COVID Vaccines? Published 2 days ago on September 2, 2020 By Makia Freeman

An implantable hydrogel biosensor, made via a DARPA-Gates funded Silicon Valley company, appears to be slated to be used in the upcoming COVID vaccine. The US Department of Defense and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have partnered with Profusa, a Silicon Valley company, to develop a piece of nanotechnology made out of hydrogel (similar to a soft contact lens) that can be injected and implanted under the skin using a vaccine as a delivery system. This sensor (or more accurately a biosensor), less than the size of a grain of rice, would effectively merge with the body. As a piece of nanotech, it would link up with the wireless network (the 5G-driven IoT or Internet of Things) and it would both transmit information about you and your body to authorities, as well as receive information. This article from Defense One was already reporting in March 2020 that the biosensor was on track to get FDA approval in early 2021, which is around the same time we have been told to expect the rollout of the COVID vaccine.

-Part Hydrogel Biosensor Would Emit Various Signals
The DefenseOne article outlines the properties and capacities of the hydrogel biosensor:

“The sensor has two parts. One is a 3mm string of hydrogel, a material whose network of polymer chains is used in some contact lenses and other implants. Inserted under the skin with a syringe, the string includes a specially engineered molecule that sends a fluorescent signal outside of the body when the body begins to fight an infection. The other part is an electronic component attached to the skin. It sends light through the skin, detects the fluorescent signal and generates another signal that the wearer can send to a doctor, website, etc. It’s like a blood lab on the skin that can pick up the body’s response to illness before the presence of other symptoms, like coughing.”

Profusa is another of these Silicon Valley companies with ties to the US Military Industrial Complex. It boasts on its website that it “is pioneering tissue-integrating biosensors for continuous monitoring of body chemistries.” Whether it’s Big Tech companies Google, Facebook or Twitter, or smaller players like Profusa, the Military and Silicon Valley are joined at the hip and form an important part of the NWO (New World Order). DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), the agency tasked with dreaming up exotic new lethal technologies to enslave and kill more and more people, threw some money at Profusa in 2011, and continues to work closely with them. Profusa is also tied to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is not surprising, since eugenicist and depopulation advocate Gates has been almost single-handedly orchestrating this fake pandemic. You may recall that Gates funded the Imperial College in London whose ridiculous and ill-advised models forecast doom that never even got close to eventuating. According to this article, Profusa is currently conducting a study in collaboration the Imperial College. Profusa’s website states:

“Rather than being isolated from the body, the biosensors work fully integrated within the body’s tissue — without any metal device or electronics, thereby overcoming the body’s attempts to reject it. To date, the injected biosensors have functioned for as long as four years. Smaller than a grain of rice, each biosensor is a flexible fiber about 5 mm long and half a millimeter wide, comprised of a porous scaffold that induces capillary and cellular ingrowth from surrounding tissue. The hydrogel is linked to light-emitting fluorescent molecules that continuously signal in proportion to the concentration of a body chemical, such as oxygen, glucose, or other biomolecule of interest.”

Hacking the Human Body with Foreign Synthetic Nanotech Objects

Profusa wants to know your entire body chemistry – your oxygen levels, your glucose levels, your hormone levels, your heart rate, your respiratory rate, your body temperature, with the (unstated) capability of expanding into areas of knowing your menstrual cycle (if you are a woman), your sex life, your emotions and more – and then wants to transmit all that information to some kind of medical authority, although of course it is patently obvious this data would end up in the hands of the NWO conspirators who would use it to manipulate the masses. Profusa put out this press release Injectable Body Sensors Take Personal Chemistry to a Cell Phone Closer to Reality in 2018. They are perfecting the art of hacking the human body, fooling it into accepting synthetic materials and objects disguised so they won’t be recognized as foreign:

“Conventional sensors, such as those found in continuous glucose monitors, have a sensing electrode wire that penetrates the skin to measure a target chemical in the fluid that surrounds cells. But because the body “sees” the electrode as foreign material, it needs to be removed and replaced within several days at a different location to avoid the effects of inflammation and scar tissue that eventually prevents the electrode from functioning accurately. The team at Profusa is developing a family of tiny biosensors composed of a tissue-like hydrogel, similar to a soft contact lens, that are painlessly placed under the skin with a single injection. Rather than being isolated from the body, the biosensors work fully integrated within the body’s tissue — without any metal device or electronics, thereby overcoming the body’s attempts to reject it.”

This is more evidence we are hurtling headlong via The Synthetic Agenda towards a future of Transhumanism, where man is merged with machine to create Human 2.0. This modified human is planned to be made of synthetic metallic and plastic-like parts; the sales pitch is that we will be augmented and enhanced, however the truth is we will be destroying what makes us human. This recent article reported that the American Chemical Society (ACS) is getting closer to integrating electronics in the body:

“Traditional microelectronic materials, such as silicon, gold, stainless steel and iridium, cause scarring when implanted. For applications in muscle or brain tissue, electrical signals need to flow for them to operate properly, but scars interrupt this activity … “We started looking at organic electronic materials like conjugated polymers that were being used in non-biological devices,” says Martin, who is at the University of Delaware. “We found a chemically stable example that was sold commercially as an antistatic coating for electronic displays.” After testing, the researchers found that the polymer had the properties necessary for interfacing hardware and human tissue … So far, the team has made a polymer with dopamine, which plays a role in addictive behaviours, as well as dopamine-functionalised variants of the EDOT monomer. Martin says these biological-synthetic hybrid materials might someday be useful in merging artificial intelligence with the human brain. Ultimately, Martin says, his dream is to be able to tailor how these materials deposit on a surface and then to put them in tissue in a living organism. “The ability to do the polymerization in a controlled way inside a living organism would be fascinating.”“

This Hydrogel Biosensor Implant Scheme Would Only Work if the NWO Controllers Gain Access to Everyone’s Bloodstream
From the NWO point of view, for this scheme to succeed on a worldwide scale, they would need to gain access to every person’s bloodstream, which they could do if mandatory vaccination laws continue to be rolled out, as is already happening or being talked about in many nations, states and regions around the world. Massachusetts just passed a law mandating flu shot vaccines for schoolchildren; the Australian PM is talking about mandatory vaccination; however on the other side, states like South Dakota have introduced bills to ban mandatory vaccinations for schools. This will be the real battleground in the months ahead as Operation Warp Speed and other schemes are pushed to the hilt, with a desperate NWO trying to continue the charade of a pandemic in time for them to roll out their rushed and untested COVID vaccine – a new type of RNA vaccine with the capability to modify your genetics (RNA and DNA), and most likely the capability to implant you with a nanotech hydrogel biosensor. With Gates one of the funders of this technology, it shows his excuses are very weak when he says that he’s not trying to microchip humanity.

Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and senior researcher at Makia is on Steemit and Parler.
