Longman Warning
 Common Law Warnings in Criminal Trials

In Longman,[54] a complaint was made more than 20 years after the alleged offence. In general terms, the caserequires that the jury be warned that, because of the passage of a number of years, it would be ‘dangerous to convict’ on the complainant’s evidence alone unless the jury is satisfied of its truth and accuracy, having scrutinised the complainant’s evidence with great care.[55] The rationale for the warning is that a significant delay puts the accused at a forensic disadvantage because he or she has lost the ‘means of testing the complainant’s allegations which would have been open to him [or her] had there been no delay’
While it is beyond the scope of the present Inquiry to conduct a comprehensive analysis of common law warnings, submissions and consultations indicate that there are two aspects of the common law which are causing significant concern and warrant attention in the present Inquiry.
The first related to the Longman and Crofts warnings given in criminal trials which are commonly given where there has been a delay in the reporting of a sexual assault. The Longman Rule Warning requires the trial judge to warn the jury in relation to:
First, the forensic disadvantage to the accused arising from delay,
Secondly the effects of delay on reliability of the witness’ evidence.
While given most frequently  in sexual assault cases, the Longman warning maybe required In any case  where there has been a delay in report in reporting or prosecuting an offence. (139).
The Crofts warning which is given only in sexual cases, requires the trial judge, requires the trial judge to warn the jury that delay in complaint can be used to impugn the credibility of the complaint.

The second related area of concern is that the common law has effectively established rules of practice requiring warnings to be given   in relation to particular categories of evidence. (140) As a result, there has been a significant increase in the extent of appellate intervention into this area.


Longman warning

Uniform Evidence Acts approach

28.39 In ALRC Report 102, the ALRC, NSWLRC and Victorian Law Reform Commission (VLRC) identified two options for reform to address the concerns raised in relation to the Longman warning: to legislate to abolish the warning in its entirety; or to legislate to clarify, modify or limit its operation.[66]

28.40 Ultimately the ALRC and the VLRC, but not the NSWLRC, recommended that:

the uniform Evidence Acts be amended to provide that where a request is made by a party, and the court is satisfied that the party has suffered significant forensic disadvantage as a result of delay, an appropriate warning may be given.

The provision should make it clear that the mere passage of time does not necessarily establish forensic disadvantage and that a judge may refuse to give a warning if there are good reasons for doing so.

No particular form of words need to be used in giving the warning. However, in warning the jury, the judge should not suggest that it is ‘dangerous to convict’ because of any demonstrated forensic disadvantage.[67]

28.41 The recommendation was subsequently enacted as s 165B of the Evidence Act 1995 (Cth), Evidence Act 1995 (NSW) and Evidence Act 2008 (Vic).[68]

28.42 In its 2008 consultation paper on jury directions, the VLRC considered whether s 165B of the uniform Evidence Acts provided a satisfactory approach to warning the jury in relation to the forensic disadvantage because of delay and whether such a warning continues to be necessary, or the matter ought to be left to counsel to address.[69] The VLRC concluded that s 165B of the Evidence Act 2008 (Vic) appropriately deals with Longman warnings:

Section 165B provides that the judge must be satisfied that the accused has suffered forensic disadvantage because of the delay before giving the jury a warning. The judge is probably better placed than the jury to make this threshold assessment. If the judge makes this determination he or she must inform the jury of the nature of the disadvantage and instruct them to take it into account when considering their verdict.

Section 165B of the Evidence Act is activated by a request from counsel for a warning. The trial judge has a discretionary power to refuse to give a warning which has been requested when satisfied that ‘there are good reasons for not doing so’. This approach is consistent with our recommendations concerning all directions other than those which are mandatory.[70]

28.43 Cossins has identified a number of weaknesses and limitations in the operation of s 165B of the uniform Evidence Acts.[71] The limitations arise, in her view, because:

·         s 165B ‘does not affect any other power of the judge to give any warning to, or to inform, the jury’,[72] meaning that trial judges are still able to give a Longman warning; and

·         the Longman warning is mandatory in nature but s 165B warnings are dependent on an application by ‘a party’[73] or ‘the defendant’.[74]

28.44 The National Child Sexual Assault Reform Committee has identified a number of issues that may arise in practice as a result.[75] These are that:

·         a trial judge could give both Longman and s 165B warnings;[76]

·         a trial judge may be persuaded to give the Longman warning instead of a s 165Bwarning to ‘appeal-proof’ the case;[77] and

·         in the federal and Victorian jurisdictions, the defendant must request the s 165B warning before it can be given, and it is doubtful whether the defence would make such a request if the more advantageous Longman warning can be given in the alternative.

Options for reform

28.45 The Queensland Law Reform Commission (QLRC) and the TLRI have recommended the enactment of legislative provisions to override the Longman warning in terms which are broadly consistent with the uniform Evidence Acts approach.[78]

28.46 South Australia has pursued an alternative reform option by enacting s 34CB of the Evidence Act 1929 (SA). Section 34CB of the Evidence Act 1929 (SA) was enacted with the clear intention of abolishing the Longman warning.[79] Arguably, however, the drafting abolishes the trial judge’s obligation to give the Longman warning, without limiting the power to give the warning, providing that a ‘rule of law or practice obliging a judge in a trial of a charge of an offence to give a warning of a kind known as a Longman warning is abolished’.[80]

28.47 As a result, s 34CB of the Evidence Act 1929 (SA) differs from s 165B of the uniform Evidence Acts to the extent that it abolishes the trial judge’s obligation to give the Longman warning.

28.48 In practice, however, the provisions may differ little in the extent to which they regulate the trial judge’s general power to give a Longman warning.[81] The key distinction which emerges between s 165B of the uniform Evidence Acts and the South Australian provision is that under the uniform Evidence Acts, a judge may be obliged to give a Longman warning—irrespective of whether a s 165B warning is requested—whereas a judge under s 34CB of the Evidence Act 1929 (SA) is not obliged to give a Longman warning.

28.49 Other points of difference between s 165B of the uniform Evidence Acts and s 34CB of the Evidence Act 1929 (SA) include that:

·         a judge under the uniform Evidence Acts is not obliged to give a s 165B direction to the jury if it is not requested,[82] whereas a judge under s 34CB of the Evidence Act 1929 (SA) must do so if the court is of the opinion ‘that the period of time that has elapsed between the alleged offending and the trial has resulted in a significant forensic disadvantage to the defendant’;[83]

·         a judge under the uniform Evidence Acts provision has a discretion to refuse to give a warning relating to delay where the defendant is forensically disadvantaged if there are good reasons for doing so,[84] whereas no such discretion is available to a judge under s 34CB of the Evidence Act 1929 (SA); and

·         the uniform Evidence Acts do not explicitly require that the direction given must be specific to the circumstances of the particular case, whereas the South Australian provision makes this explicit.[85]

28.50 The National Child Sexual Assault Reform Committee has proposed an alternative provision to address the inadequacies of s 165B of the uniform Evidence Acts.[86] The Committee proposed that the defendant should have to show—on the balance of probabilities—‘actual forensic disadvantage’ before the court is required to give a s 165B warning.[87] The Committee also proposes that s 165B should prescribe the exact wording of the warning and prohibit any other form of words being used.[88] Section 165B should, in the Committee’s view, require the trial judge to give reasons for not giving a warning and explicitly abrogate the court’s power to give a Longman warning.

Consultation Paper

28.51 In the Consultation Paper, the Commissions proposed that federal, state and territory legislation should provide that:

(a) if the court, on application by the defendant, is satisfied that the defendant has suffered a significant forensic disadvantage because of the consequences of delay, the court must inform the jury of the nature of the disadvantage and the need to take that disadvantage into account when considering the evidence;

(b) the judge need not comply with (a) if there are good reasons for not doing so; and

(c) no particular form of words needs to be used in giving the warning pursuant to (a), but in warning the jury, the judge should not suggest that it is ‘dangerous to convict’ because of any demonstrated forensic disadvantage.

28.52 The Commissions also asked what issues arise in practice pursuant to s 165B of the uniform Evidence Acts and whether the abrogation of the trial judge’s obligation and power to give a Longman warning under s 165B(5) is sufficiently explicit.

Submissions and consultations

28.53 Many stakeholders supported the Consultation Paper proposal.[89] Some members of the NSW legal profession observed that s 165B of the uniform Evidence Acts works satisfactorily in practice and does not lead to trial judges giving Longman warnings in addition to, or instead of, s 165B warnings.[90]

28.54 National Legal Aid noted that the Longman warning has a strong effect on trial outcomes and that, before the uniform Evidence Acts were enacted, research suggested that judicial misdirection in relation to the Longman warning was a common ground of criminal appeal and a common basis for successful criminal appeals in NSW.[91] Nonetheless, National Legal Aid considered that it is appropriate that Longman warnings be given where the defendant is at a forensic disadvantage in, for example, locating witnesses, testing or adducing evidence, where there has been substantial delay.[92]

28.55 Cossins did not support the Consultation Paper proposal, because it would not abolish the Longman warning or the power of trial judges to give the warning. In her view, there is ‘no reason to think that [the proposal] will change the practice of giving the warning, particularly since trial judges know that the failure to give a Longman warning is an obvious and common ground of appeal’.[93] Cossins questioned the grounds on which a trial judge can refuse to give a Longman warning, if requested by the defence, and argued that very clear words of abrogation need to be included to remove the power to give a common law warning.[94]

28.56 In Cossins’ view, the preferred reform would replace Longman with an alternative warning and specify a particular form of words to describe the disadvantages suffered by the defendant because of delay in complaint. This alternative warning should only be given where the defendant can show that he or she has suffered an actual forensic disadvantage as a result of a delay in complaint. It is necessary, Cossins argues, to restrict the form of words used by the trial judge.[95]

Commissions’ views

28.57 In the Commissions’ view, s 165B of the uniform Evidence Acts provides a satisfactory approach to the problems raised by the Longman warning. In forming this view, the Commissions recognise that delay in complaint is a typical feature of reporting sexual assault and that the mere passage of time ought not to ‘count against’ a complainant in sexual offence proceedings.

28.58 Provisions consistent with s 165B should be adopted by all jurisdictions because a jury could fail to appreciate that delay can cause forensic disadvantage to a defendant. Where (and only where) a significant forensic disadvantage is identified and has an evidentiary basis, the court ought to inform the jury of the nature of that disadvantage and the need to take it into account when considering the evidence.

28.59 The Commissions acknowledge that, in some cases, the existence of a very long delay may satisfy the court that the defendant has suffered a significant forensic disadvantage such as to require a s 165B warning, but also consider that the provision makes it clear that the mere passage of time does not necessarily establish forensic disadvantage.

Recommendation 28–3 State and territory legislation should provide, consistently with s 165B of the uniform Evidence Acts, that:

(a) if the court, on application by the defendant, is satisfied that the defendant has suffered a significant forensic disadvantage because of the consequences of delay, the court must inform the jury of the nature of the disadvantage and the need to take that disadvantage into account when considering the evidence;

(b) the judge need not comply with (a) if there are good reasons for not doing so; and

(c) no particular form of words needs to be used in giving the warning pursuant to (a), but in warning the jury, the judge should not suggest that it is ‘dangerous to convict’ because of any demonstrated forensic disadvantage.

[54] Longman v The Queen (1989) 168 CLR 79.

[55] Ibid, 91. See also 108–109.

[56] Ibid, 91.

[57] See, eg, Victorian Law Reform Commission, Jury Directions: Final Report (2009); Queensland Law Reform Commission, A Review of Jury Directions: Report, Report 66 (2009); New South Wales Law Reform Commission, Jury Directions, Consultation Paper 4 (2008); L Chapman, Review of South Australia Rape and Sexual Assault Law: Discussion Paper (2006), prepared for the Government of South Australia; Tasmania Law Reform Institute, Warnings in Sexual Offences Cases Relating to Delay in Complaint, Final Report 8 (2006); Australian Law Reform Commission, New South Wales Law Reform Commission and Victorian Law Reform Commission, Uniform Evidence Law, Report 102, NSWLRC Report 112, VLRC FR (2005); Criminal Justice Sexual Offences Taskforce (Attorney General’s Department (NSW)), Responding to Sexual Assault: The Way Forward (2005); Victorian Law Reform Commission, Sexual Offences: Final Report (2004); Legislative Council Standing Committee on Law and Justice—Parliament of New South Wales, Report on Child Sexual Assault Prosecutions, Report No 22 (2002). See also A Cossins, Time Out for Longman: Myths, Science and the Common Law (2010) Forthcoming in vol.34 (1) of Melbourne University Law Review.

[58] Dyers v The Queen (2002) 210 CLR 285; Doggett v The Queen (2001) 208 CLR 343; Robinson v The Queen (1999) 197 CLR 162; Crampton v The Queen (2000) 206 CLR 161.

[59] R v BWT (2002) 54 NSWLR 241, [14]–[15].

[60] Ibid, [34].

[61] Ibid,[95]. See, eg, R v Heuston (2003) 140 A Crim R 422.

[62] Criminal Justice Sexual Offences Taskforce (Attorney General’s Department (NSW)), Responding to Sexual Assault: The Way Forward (2005), 89–90. See also, New South Wales Law Reform Commission, Jury Directions, Consultation Paper 4 (2008), [7.49]–[7.54]; Tasmania Law Reform Institute, Warnings in Sexual Offences Cases Relating to Delay in Complaint, Final Report 8 (2006), [2.1.1]–[2.2.1], [2.3.1]–[2.3.2].

[63] A Cossins, Time Out for Longman: Myths, Science and the Common Law (2010) Forthcoming in vol.34 (1) of Melbourne University Law Review.

[64] Ibid.

[65] See Tasmania Law Reform Institute, Warnings in Sexual Offences Cases Relating to Delay in Complaint, Final Report 8 (2006), [2.1.22].

[66] Australian Law Reform Commission, New South Wales Law Reform Commission and Victorian Law Reform Commission, Uniform Evidence Law, Report 102, NSWLRC Report 112, VLRC FR (2005), [18.100]. See [18.101]–[18.102] for the principal arguments in support of each of these options.

[67] Ibid,[18.116]–[18.129], Rec 18–3. See also [18.130]–[18.146] for the NSWLRC’s views in relation to this recommendation.

[68] Differences between these provisions include that in s 165B(2) of the Commonwealth and Victorian Acts, application must be made by ‘the defendant’, while in s 165B(2) of the NSW Act application must be made by ‘a party’. Also, the NSW Act is alone in providing a non-exhaustive list of factors that may be regarded as establishing a significant forensic disadvantage, see Evidence Act 1995 (NSW) s 165B(7). No such provision has been enacted in Tasmania, although it is a uniform Evidence Acts jurisdiction. For further discussion see, Tasmania Law Reform Institute, Warnings in Sexual Offences Cases Relating to Delay in Complaint, Final Report 8 (2006), [3.3.1]–[3.3.22].

[69] As discussed in the final report: Victorian Law Reform Commission, Jury Directions: Final Report (2009), 105.

[70] Ibid, 105–106, Rec 37: ‘The issue of delay in complaint in criminal trials should be governed by a provision in the legislation, substantially adopting s 165B of the Evidence Act 2008, in lieu of s 61 of the Crimes Act 1958’.

[71] A Cossins, Time Out for Longman: Myths, Science and the Common Law (2010) Forthcoming in vol.34 (1) of Melbourne University Law Review.

[72] Uniform Evidence Acts, s 165B(5).

[73] Evidence Act 1995 (NSW) s 165B.

[74] Evidence Act 1995 (Cth) s 165B; Evidence Act 2008 (Vic) s 165B.

[75] A Cossins, Alternative Models for Prosecuting Child Sex Offences in Australia (2010), prepared for the National Child Sexual Assault Reform Committee, 78.

[76] The Committee contends this may occur where the prosecution makes an application for a s 165B warning to be given and the defence reminds the judge of the mandatory nature of the Longman warning. The Committee also contends that in this situation, it would be more likely that the judge will refuse to give the s 165B warning (pursuant to Evidence Act 1995 (NSW) s 165B(3)) and give the Longman warning instead.

[77] The Committee explains that a s 165 warning is less advantageous to a defence case than the Longman warning. A defendant who is convicted by a jury who has been directed in the terms of Longman would therefore be unlikely to assert on appeal that the trial judge failed to give a s 165B warning. By comparison, a defendant who is convicted by a jury who has been directed in terms of a s 165B warning is more likely to assert on appeal that the conviction should be overturned because the trial judge failed to warn the jury in the terms of Longman.

[78] Queensland Law Reform Commission, A Review of Jury Directions: Report, Report 66 (2009), Rec 15–1; Tasmania Law Reform Institute, Warnings in Sexual Offences Cases Relating to Delay in Complaint, Final Report 8 (2006), Rec 2. At the time of writing, neither recommendation had been implemented.

[79] South Australia, Parliamentary Debates, House of Assembly, 25 October 2007, 1449 (M Atkinson—Attorney-General, Minister for Justice, Minister for Multicultural Affairs).

[80] A Cossins, Time Out for Longman: Myths, Science and the Common Law (2010) Forthcoming in vol.34 (1) of Melbourne University Law Review, 35.

[81] Cf Uniform Evidence Acts, s 165B(5).

[82] Ibid s 165B(2).

[83] Evidence Act 1929 (SA) s 34CB(2).

[84] Uniform Evidence Acts, s 165B(3).

[85] Evidence Act 1929 (SA) s 34CB(3)(a).

[86] A Cossins, Alternative Models for Prosecuting Child Sex Offences in Australia (2010), prepared for the National Child Sexual Assault Reform Committee, 79–82.

[87] Ibid, Rec 2.1.

[88] The proposed wording would require the judge to inform the jury that they ‘may’ take the forensic disadvantage into account in determining whether the prosecution has proved its case beyond reasonable doubt. Uniform Evidence Acts s 165B(2) provides the court must‘inform the jury of the nature of that disadvantage and the need to take the disadvantage into account when considering the evidence’ (emphasis added).

[89] National Legal Aid, Submission FV 232, 15 July 2010; National Association of Services Against Sexual Violence, Submission FV 195, 25 June 2010; J Stubbs, Submission FV 186, 25 June 2010; Women’s Legal Service Queensland, Submission FV 185, 25 June 2010; Confidential, Submission FV 184, 25 June 2010; Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service Co-operative Ltd, Submission FV 179, 25 June 2010; Canberra Rape Crisis Centre, Submission FV 172, 25 June 2010; The Central Australian Aboriginal Family Legal Unit Aboriginal Corporation, Submission FV 149, 25 June 2010; Confidential, Submission FV 130, 21 June 2010.

[90] Barrister, Consultation, Sydney, 10 June 2010; NSW Legal Assistance Forum, Consultation, Sydney, 10 May 2010.

[91] National Legal Aid, Submission FV 232, 15 July 2010.

[92] Ibid.

[93] A Cossins, Submission FV 112, 9 June 2010.

[94] Dr Cossins refers to Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) s 61(1E) and Evidence Act 1929 (SA) s 34B as examples of clear abrogation. Those parts of Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) s 61 which affect Longman warnings were displaced by Evidence Act 2008 (Vic) s 165B.

[95] A Cossins, Submission FV 112, 9 June 2010.

Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich has been publicly named as a suspect as being responsible for the Murder of Sarah Anne McMahon, but for some reason the Western Australian Police Service seem not to  have tried too hard or put much serious resources and effort into investigating Donald Victor Morey’s involvement if the abduction and murder of Anne Sarah McMahon.

​Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich confessed to Mrs Allen the wife of his boss Mr Gareth Allen, who owned the house in Marangaroo, were Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich lived at the material time that he had killed many times before and would be happy to kill her husband if she wished, after easedropping a big argument between his boss and his wife.

​Mrs Allen stated that Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich stated her “ … I was in the S.A.S that’s were I was taught to kill people. I have killed before…”

​Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich had access to a mechanical workshop at his boss Mr Gareth Evan’s trucking yard, where he worked maintaining his boss’s trucks that travelled between Western Australia and the Eastern States and between Perth and northern towns in Western Australia.

​As it seems clear on the evidence at Sarah Anne McMahon’s Inquest and from other evidence and information that Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich was selling Sarah Anne McMahon $10,000 lots of amphetamine, he would have had the cash for access to new vehicles and was able to cut and shut rebuild vehicles that he could set up himself and build a fake taxi and thus did not have to purchase a taxi plate.

​In the 1970’s Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich was convicted by murdering a prisoner in his cell with an axe, however his murder conviction was set aside by the High Court of Australia on a technicality and a retrial was ordered. However, before the conviction as set aside the only witness to seeing Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich murdering the other prisoner was also found dead in his cell. Thus with no living witnesses Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich was found not guilty at his retrial after making an unsworn statement in the dock stating it was the other prisoner in the cell that committed the murder and it was not him.

​Shortly after Sarah Anne McMahon disappeared on 8th November, 2000, Mrs Allen, the wife of Mr Gareth Allen, the boss of Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich rang the police to say that while cleaning the room of Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich, she found a bag, that she knew was regularly with Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich.

This bag that Mrs Allen saw looked like a bag a serial killer would have which had, which she claimed contained two grey rolls of dirty grey used gaffer tape, four lengths of ropes with knots in the ends about two feel long, two knives, one was Mr Allen’s pocket knife, two large rubber bands, one condom in a packet , two pornographic magazines with photos of deal females, between five and seven key rings and a map.
Mrs Allen stated that the porn magazines contained pictures contained pictures of men with blood on their genitals and women tied up who appeared to be dead,
At the material time the Police were actively looking for a person who could be the sort of person to be involved in the CSK, and thus should have come straight over in a 30 minute’s drive from the CIB office in Perth, to come and collect this bag belonging to Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich.
However, it took the police 4 days to come an collect this bag belonging to Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich.
This gave plenty of time of the female partner of Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich to come and collect this bag belonging to Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich. Any reasonable person would think it was extremely strange why the police took 4 days to come an collect this bag belonging to Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich, and could easily come to the conclusion that corrupt police rang the female partner of Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich to warn her to come and collect the bag before the police get there to collect the bag because Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich was in a corrupt involvement with corrupt police and had murdered Sarah Anne McMahon to stop her from coming forward as a witness to stay the a well off well connected business person and certain police were involved in The Clarement Serial Killings.
Evidence came out at Sarah Anne McMahon’s Inquest that Sarah Anne McMahon was selling and distributing $10,000 parcels of illegal drugs such as Chrystal Meth. Thus, it seems clear that Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich was involved with a much larger illegal drug dealer handing out $10,000 lots of Chrystal Meth to people for sale.

There in ample evidence that certain Western Australian Police have for a long time been involved with the supply and distribution of illegal drugs in Western Australia. For example in the 1980’s when well known illegal drug deal Paul Mausari was on trial for selling heroin, he yelled form the Dock and pointed at the Drug Squad Detectives sitting in the front row of the District Court stating to the judge … “ ,,,, your honour a admit that my business is selling heroine  …but the police officers sitting in the front row of the court who arrested my on these drug selling charges were my business partners for many years …. So what I can not understand is why are these police officers also charged with me for supplying and selling heroine?” …. Of course as the police are protected from arrest and prosecution the police were never charged and simply went on an find another person to sell the illegal drugs for them ,,,,, Of course the well-controlled Western Australian Media who attended this court case never reported what Paul Maussari said to the judge about the police being his business partners selling illegal drugs over many years.

Mr Edwards ‘Should be Acquitted’ of Killing Sarah’

Mr Edwards ‘Should be Acquitted’ of Killing Sarah’
Tuesday, 23 June 2020 2
Paul Yovich told the court Sarah Spiers was the victim of a grave crime, but Bradley Edwards didn’t commit that crime.
Making sure to tell the court he didn’t “intend to trivialise Ms Spiers’ death, or disrespect her. Quite the contrary”, he said Sarah Spiers was the victim of a grave crime — ‘a blameless victim’.
The 18-year-old called for a taxi at 2.06am in the early hours of January 27, 1996. A taxi arrived three minutes later, but she was gone, and was never seen again.
Previous witnesses have told Mr Edwards was at work early the next morning.

Paul Yovich said logic dictates that it couldn’t be possible for Bradley Edwards could have killed Sarah Spiers, because it would have left just a six-hour window for him to kill and dispose of his victim, then arrive at work at 7.30 the next morning.

How places and times add up to wrong man accused
RECAP: ‘Logic proves’ Bradley Edwards didn’t kill Sarah Spiers
‘No proof’ Bradley Edwards murdered Sarah Spiers

But another witness, who kept journals, told the court Mr Edwards may have got to work later that morning.
As far as what he did the night before, Alison Fan describes in this episode that Paul Yovich was quite blunt in some of his statements around Bradley Edwards’ the night Sarah disappeared, saying “We don’t know and you can’t speculate” and “You can’t fix the evidence to fit the case.”

He asked, why would he choose that night above all others? And as we know, the prosecution have abandoned the emotional turmoil evidence, which the State had previously relied on, saying that Bradley Edwards was abandoned by his first wife, who had left him for another man, that night she rejected him.

But that evidence can’t be used anymore.
Edwards’ defence lawyer questioned the timeline the prosecution mapped out for how they say Sarah disappeared.
In the early hours of January 27, 1996, Sarah Spiers made a phone call from a phone box in Claremont, to go to Mosman Park at 2.06am. 3 minutes later, the taxi arrived but she was gone.
Mosman Park resident, Wayne Stewart gave evidence that he heard a woman’s blood-curdling scream at around 3am that same morning, and he saw a car under a street light.
Mr Yovich pointed out that Mosman Park is around a 10-minute drive from Claremont, but the screams were heard at around 3am - around an hour after Sarah was last seen.

He also said Justice Hall could not find that this evidence could prove that the screams came from Sarah, or that the car belonged to Bradley Edwards.
Join Natalie Bonjolo, Tim Clarke and Alison Fan as they dissect the fourth day of the defence’s closing statements.
 If you have any questions for the Claremont in Conversation podcast team, send them in to claremontpodcast@wanews.com.au

The West Australian has also released a two-part video series, as Tim Clarke takes you through the areas which are key to the trial, from Claremont, where the women went missing, to Hollywood hospital and to the sites were Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon’s bodies were found.
To watch those videos, head to Part One and Part Two

Evidence of Claremont serial killings victim Sarah Spiers's final moments 'unreliable', defence says

Evidence about the supposed final hours of teenage receptionist Sarah Spiers, as she was allegedly attacked by accused Claremont serial killer Bradley Edwards in Mosman Park, was too unreliable to prove him guilty, the WA Supreme Court hears.
Evidence about the supposed final hours of teenage receptionist Sarah Spiers, as she was allegedly attacked by accused Claremont serial killer Bradley Edwards in Mosman Park, was too unreliable to prove him guilty, the WA Supreme Court has heard.

Key points:
 The marathon trial of Bradley Edwards is now entering its final days
The marathon trial of Bradley Edwards is now entering its final days Defence lawyer Paul Yovich says witness evidence is 'unreliable'

Defence lawyer Paul Yovich says witness evidence is 'unreliable' He says justice won't be served by convicting the wrong person

Edwards, 51, is in the final days of his long-running trial for the wilful murders of Ms Spiers, 23-year-old childcare worker Jane Rimmer and 27-year-old lawyer Ciara Glennon in 1996 and 1997.

Defence counsel Paul Yovich is summing up his case, and told the court that Edwards would barely have had enough time to have murdered her and cleaned himself up before starting work the next day at 8:00am and working a 13-hour shift.

"It leaves open a window during which he might conceivably have done all the things a killer needed to do," Mr Yovich said.

Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon all disappeared from Claremont in the 1990s. ( ABC News: Liam Phillips )
"But when considering whether it was the accused who in fact killed Ms Spiers, the defence submits that the logic of the situation militates against it."
Ms Spiers was last seen on Stirling Road in Claremont after telephoning for a taxi to take her to Mosman Park at 2:06am on Saturday January 27, 1996.

Witness testimony 'detracts' from case: defence
Several witnesses testified they heard a series of "blood-curdling" screams in the Mosman park area that night, which the prosecution says was Ms Spiers screaming in terror as Edwards attacked her
But Mr Yovich SC told the court the "cumulative defects" in the evidence of Mosman Park witness Wayne Stewart, who testified about a car he saw after hearing female screams on the night Ms Spiers went missing, meant his testimony "actually detracts" from the state's case.
Mr Stewart lived on St Leonard's Avenue in Mosman Park and said he went out onto his balcony after hearing a woman scream in the early hours of January 27, 1996, to see if he could see her.

He saw a car that he thought was probably a light-coloured Toyota Corona station wagon parked on the wrong side of the road with its headlights on near a phone box on Monument Street — a car that the prosecution says was Edwards's Telstra-issued Toyota Camry station wagon that he had used to take Ms Spiers from Claremont.
Edwards was allocated a Toyota Camry by his employer Telstra. The vehicle was later re-sold privately. ( Supplied: Supreme Court of WA )
But Mr Yovich said Mr Stewart was well acquainted with models of cars because he was a mechanic, and in any case there was nothing to link the screams with the car at the phone box.
Rape was 'calculated' and different to killings, defence says

He said Edwards's behaviour in raping a teenager at Karrakatta Cemetery in 1995, a crime to which he has confessed, was markedly different in the way the state says Ms Spiers was driven to Mosman Park and attacked, thereby discrediting its argument about propensity.
Defence lawyer Paul Yovich said evidence of Sarah Spiers's final hours was 'unreliable'. ( ABC News: Charlotte Hamlyn. )
"The circumstances that caused Ms Spiers's attacker to take her to Monument Street do not fit the propensity of the accused," Mr Yovich said.
In the Karrakatta rape, Edwards was "calculated, methodical and premeditated" in planning the attack, which took…

Bradley Edwards speaks for first time in police interview shown at Claremont serial killings trial - ABC News
May 2020 - www.abc.net.au

Accused Claremont serial killer Bradley Edwards is at the centre of the longest and most expensive criminal trial in Western Australia's history and yesterday was the first time the public heard from him.
He is the man at the centre of the longest and most expensive criminal trial in Western Australia's history, accused of one of the state's most shocking crimes — but the public has barely heard him speak a word.
Until now.
For the first time, the public has been allowed to see Bradley Robert Edwards give an account of himself in the WA Supreme Court, where he is standing trial for the wilful murders of three young women who vanished from an upmarket Perth nightspot in 1996 and 1997 — a series of crimes that became known as the Claremont serial killings.
Mild-mannered, calm and dressed in a red polo shirt, the now 51-year-old Edwards seems like any ordinary middle-aged man in the video recording of his interview with police following his 2016 arrest.
The video, filmed over a 12-hour period, is the first time the public has been allowed to see Edwards talking about the crimes, and provides a rare insight into his defence of the charges against him.

Polite denials that came undone
Initially he appears confused by what is happening to him, and when asked repeatedly if he would like a lawyer, Edwards demurs.
But soon he begins volunteering information on all aspects of his life.
The video of police interviewing Edwards was filmed over 12 hours. ( ABC News )
Seated at a small circular table with Detective Senior Sergeant Joe Marrapodi and Detective Sergeant Aaron Capes, Edwards alternately rests his elbows on the table and leans back in his chair as he responds to their questions and explains his personal and work history.

He is polite and quietly spoken when he repeatedly tells the pair he has no knowledge of the killings of Ciara Glennon, Jane Rimmer or Sarah Spiers, or of assaults on two teenagers in 1988 and 1995, including the violent abduction and rape of a girl in Karrakatta Cemetery.
Yet three years later, on the eve of his trial, he admitted to both attacks on the teenagers.
It is his denial of those crimes in the police interview that state prosecutor Carmel Barbagallo argues "casts serious doubt" on his denials in regard to the alleged Claremont murders.
In the interview, he tells police he has heard of the Claremont crimes.
"I think everyone's aware of that," he says, but he is "110, 120 per cent positive" he had no involvement in any of them.

He is not familiar with the Claremont area and had rarely been there, he says, and definitely has never been to popular local nightspots Club Bay View or the Continental Hotel — venues the three young women visited on the nights of their disappearances.
It is at this point, nearly two hours into the interview, Senior Sergeant Marrapodi informs him that his DNA has been associated with the crimes, and asks if he can explain why.

Edwards maintains his calm demeanour as he expresses his disbelief.
"I can't believe what you're saying," he says.

Soon after, when he is told DNA samples will shortly be collected from him, Edwards appears to become visibly distressed for the first time, running his hands through his hair and shaking his head as another detective prepares to take a mouth swab and hair sample.
His voice cracking with the strain, Edwards quietly tells the officer his name and date of birth before the samples are taken, but does not appear aggressive or angry.

Senior Sergeant Joe Marrapodi led the questioning of Edwards. ( ABC News: Charlotte Hamlyn )
Edwards's close bond with parents
Elsewhere in the wide-ranging interview, Edwards is asked about his family and upbringing, and the close bond he shares with his parents is readily apparent from his…

Final pitch for defence in Claremont serial killer trial

Final pitch for defence in Claremont serial killer trial
The accused Claremont serial killer's defence lawyer is making his final pitch, saying elements of the case that don't fit the prosecution's argument must not be glossed over.


 Jun 19, 2020
Claremont killings accused 'evolved', prosecution alleges
Bradley Robert Edwards escalated from sexual assaults to serial killings and may have claimed an earlier murder victim had his violent rape of a teenager not been interrupted, a court has heard.


8: Jun 16, 2020
Claremont killings: Prosecutor details 'extremely strong' scientific evidence against Bradley Edwards

The prosecutor in the Claremont serial killings trial has rubbished the defence team's DNA contamination argument as implausible and unfathomable.


8 Jun 15, 2020
Mammoth Claremont killings case nearing end
The Claremont serial killings trial will resume 24 years to the day since the second victim, Jane Rimmer, vanished after a night out in the affluent Perth suburb.


Jun 8, 2020
Accused serial killer won't testify at trial
The man accused of murdering threwomen at Claremont in the 1990s has decided against giving evidence at his trial.


 May 6, 2020

Court hears accused serial killer's police interview
The man accused of murdering three women in Claremont in the 1990s swore at police as they stormed his home. 


May 5, 2020
Accused killer's DNA samples 'unlikely to be contaminated'
A medical expert has told a court it is highly unlikely the DNA of accused serial killer Bradley Edwards "accidentally" ended up under murdered lawyer Ciara Glennon's fingernails.


 Mar 10, 2020
Two samples linked to Claremont serial killings weren't tested together
The court heard there were three possible explanations.


 Feb 4, 2020
Claremont killings forensic experts disagree 

There is no evidence Jane Rimmer was raped before she was murdered but her body was so decomposed that the possibility could not be ruled out, the Claremont serial killings trial has heard.


Jan 29, 2020
Forensic cop admits errors in crucial Claremont killings examinations
A forensic officer has described collecting nail clippings allegedly containing critical DNA evidence in the Claremont serial killings case, but admitted errors in a statement about another key exhibit.


Jan 22, 2020
Former detective gave lock of victim's hair to grieving family

Police witnesses continue to be questioned at the Claremont murders trial over their handling of evidence, as the defence argues it may have been contaminated


 Jan 14, 2020
Doctor who assessed rape victim recalls violent crime
The teenage rape victim of accused Claremont serial killer Bradley Edwards was left in significant pain after the 1995 attack, his trial has heard.


Jan 13, 2020
Claremont murders cop did not use gloves
A forensic supervisor has revealed the collection of a vital exhibit in the Claremont serial killings case was not filmed and also admitted he touched a separate piece of evidence without wearing gloves.


 Jan 10, 2020
Claremont trial: Graphic video of corpse examination shown in court
Another graphic video has been played out of view of the public gallery in the Claremont serial killings trial as a former policeman gave a narration.


 Jan 9, 2020
Detective who inspected Claremont body has 'never forgotten the smell'
A detective has told the Claremont serial killings trial he will never forget the smell of Ciara Glennon's dumped body, which he initially thought was a kangaroo.


 Jan 8, 2020
Retired detective testifies at Claremont serial murder trial

An experienced detective has told the Claremont murders trial he still clearly remembers seeing Jane Rimmer's body dumped in bushes as if it were yesterday.

MURDER9:38pm Jan 7, 2020

Police describe moment Claremont victim's body was found

The first police officers to attend the crime scene where Jane Rimmer was allegedly dumped by the Claremont serial killer have told a Perth court they never touched the body.


 Jan 7, 2020
Woman weeps recalling discovery of Claremont victim's body
The murder trial has heard from a woman who found a body while picking death lilies and a man who was looking for cannabis when he spotted another.


Dec 17, 2019
Claremont victim potentially seen on side of highway

The Claremont serial killings trial has heard from several people who saw a lone woman matching Ciara Glennon's appearance on a highway the night she was taken.


Dec 16, 2019
Traumatic voice heard by bystanders the night of Claremont killing
The night the second victim of the Claremont serial killer was murdered a couple heard a woman shouting in "a very high-pitched and traumatic voice".


Dec 12, 2019
Claremont victim's silver Guess watch provides timeline of killing
Jane Rimmer's watch was found in bushland which led to the discovery of her body.


 Dec 11, 2019
Claremont Trial: Victim's final hours played in Perth courtroom

Footage of the final hours of the Claremont serial killer's second victim has been played in court, showing her cheerily chatting on the entertainment strip.


 Dec 10, 2019
Teen rape victim of accused Claremont killer thought she would die
A Perth teenager raped by accused Claremont serial killer Bradley Robert Edwards feared she would be killed during the 1995 attack in Karrakatta Cemetery.


 Dec 9, 2019
Chilling tales of mystery driver emerge from Claremont trial
During week two of Perth's Claremont trial, women have recounted late-night encounters with a man who cruised the streets in search of "damsels in distress".


Dec 8, 2019
Claremont trial: Accused Claremont killer's victim faces him in court
A victim of the accused Claremont serial killer has faced him in court, telling of a terrifying bedroom sex attack years before three women vanished.


 Dec 6, 2019
Claremont victim's friend tells trial of last conversation in tearful testimony
Sarah Spiers' friend has told the Claremont serial killings trial she called it a night on Australia Day in 1996 just minutes after the 18-year-old vanished.


 Dec 5, 2019
Claremont trial sees face of mystery driver who 'stared at woman'
The never-before-seen face of a mystery driver, caught creeping on a young woman the night after Sarah Spiers disappeared, has been shown in the Claremont serial killings trial.


 Dec 4, 2019
Accused Claremont killer 'threatened wife's lover over affair'
A love rival has told the Claremont serial killings trial he had sex with Bradley Robert Edwards' first wife as the accused slept in another bedroom.


 Dec 2, 2019
Accused Claremont killer 'didn't show up' at friend's on night of murder
The accused Claremont serial killer "didn't show up" at a friend's holiday house as planned, the night one of his alleged victims disappeared, a court has heard.


 Nov 29, 2019
Claremont accused 'stood up sick friend' on night victim disappeared
The accused Claremont serial killer stood up his sick friend on the night the third victim was taken, claiming he tried to reconcile with his first wife, but she says it never happened.


 Nov 29, 2019
Claremont trial: Accused killer's second wife 'feared for her life'
The second wife of Bradley Edwards made hand-written copies of his bank statements.


 Nov 28, 2019
Accused Claremont killer's ex-wife testifies about 'messy break-up'
The ex-wife of accused Claremont killer Bradley Edwards was first to testify at his trial, saying he became disinterested in their marriage before it broke down.


 Nov 27, 2019
Bradley Edwards' lawyer begins defence in Claremont murder trial
Bradley Robert Edwards is not the Claremont serial killer and the scientific evidence prosecutors are relying on may be contaminated, his lawyer has told his Perth trial.


6, 2019
How a discarded Sprite bottle could expose the Claremont killer
A soft drink bottle thrown away by Bradley Robert Edwards and secretly tested by police could unravel the mystery of the Claremont killings.


 Nov 26, 2019
Claremont killings trial hears harrowing details of victims' injuries
Two bodies were dumped in bush at opposite ends of Perth, covered in foliage and left to "rot" in the hope they would never be found, a court has heard.


26, 2019
Claremont serial killings trial to begin
Almost three years after Bradley Robert Edwards was charged with the Claremont serial killings, his lengthy trial is due to begin.


 Nov 25, 2019
What the 'trial of the century' means for Perth
'I was growing up in the shadow of the crimes that became known as the Claremont serial killings – a series of murders that terrified a generation of women.'


 Nov 22, 2019

Accused should be acquitted of Sarah's murder: defence 
 9.42am – 23rd June 2020
Day 93 of the Claremont Serial Killer-Bradley Edwrds  Trial to commence at 10am 
Welcome to WAtoday's live coverage of day 93 of the Claremont serial killer trial in the Supreme Court of Western Australia. 
Bradley Edwards
Today, defence lawyer Paul Yovich will continue his closing argument for a fourth day. 
He has so far addressed the state's DNA evidence and Bradley Edwards' former crimes and whether his tendency to use violence to seek or obtain sexual gratification showed a propensity to murder. 
It is expected he will move on to the murders of the three women today, followed by the state's fibre evidence and then Mr Edwards' police interview.
Mr Edwards has pleaded not guilty to the murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon. 
The catch up on WAtoday'scovereage of the trial, click here.
Accused should be acquitted of Sarah's murder: defence 
Mr Yovich has begun today's proceedings by moving on to Sarah's murder on January 27, 1996. 
A missing poster on the public phone booth where Sarah Spiers called for a taxi before she vanished. CREDIT:9 NEWS PERTH
He has said Mr Edwards should be acquitted of the charge as the state's evidence in relation to Sarah's disappearance "provides no support" Mr Edwards was her killer.
Sarah's body has never been found and the state's case against Mr Edwards in relation to her death is circumstantial. 

Defence seeks to discredit evidence of lone witness who links Mr Edwards to Sarah's murder
Mr Stewart and his partner Jesse-Maree Munro said they heard screams around 3am the night Sarah vanished.
Wayne Stewart
Their evidence, given on December 5, is available herefrom the 2.43pm blog post onwards.
Ms Munro said she heard two screams, which prompted Mr Stewart to jump out of bed and run out onto the balcony to look for a woman in distress.
The pair said they then heard two car doors slam and a vehicle take off.
Mr Stewart said he saw a light-coloured station wagon parked on the wrong side of the road with its lights on, around 100 metres away by a telephone box.
Being a mechanic, he thought the car was a Toyota Corona due to the way its tail lights curved around the side.

Ms Barbagallo said a Toyota Camry station wagon, which Mr Edwards drove at the time, had similar tail lights. 
Mr Yovich said Mr Stewart's assessment the vehicle was a wagon was based on the height of the number plate light at the rear of the vehicle.
He is now showing a photo on the court screens showing a sedan and station wagon with the number plate being at a similar height. 
"The circumstances in which Mr Stewart made his observations are highly unlikely to give a reliable indication on whether the car he was talking about was a sedan or a station wagon," Mr Yovich said. 
"Your Honour cannot be sure of his observations ... at a distance of 100 or more metres at 2.30am in the morning that long ago."
He also argued the trees in between Mr Stewart's unit and the vehicle could have obscured his view, although there is no evidence of the streetscape in 1996 and Mr Stewart said he was confident in what he saw. 
Mr Yovich claimed the state took all of Mr Stewart's evidence to be correct, except for when he labelled the vehicle a Toyota Corona, not a Toyota Camry.
"Your Honour cannot fix up the evidence so it more closely fits the state's case," he said. 
"It would be unsafe to draw a conclusion that the car Mr Stewart saw was A, associated with Ms Spiers, and B, that it was the accused car."
Justice Stephen Hall has also pointed out a vehicle stopped by a public phone box at night may indicate someone was using the telephone.
The state alleges four witnesses heard screams the night Sarah Spiers vanished after calling a taxi and asking to be taken to Mosman Park.
Court has adjourned for morning tea
It will resume at 11.45am.
Sarah Spiers’ friends handing out missing posters in Claremont shortly after her disappearance.
Sarah's disappearance does not fit with Jane and Ciara's abductions: defence 
Mr Yovich has turned to what Sarah's intention was the night she left Club Bay View, rang for a taxi at 2.06am and asked to be taken to Mosman Park.
He said it was possible she was heading to a family friend's house at 2 Baring Mosman Park, who had earlier in the day told her she was welcome to stay the night.
The distance is less than a 10-minute drive from Claremont, however the timing of the screams heard in Mosman Park was around 3am.
The state's case is Sarah likely accepted a lift from Mr Edwards, who then drove her in the direction of her requested destination before attacking her at some point along the journey.
Mr Yovich has questioned why Sarah's attacker would take her to Monument Street – where screams were heard – and then attack her in a well lit area, by a phone box and near a block of flats.
He said Mr Edwards' 1995 abduction and rape of a teenager showed he was "calculated and methodical" in his planning of the attack.
"Why is he stopping there, why is he stopping precisely there?," he said.
"Perhaps Ms Spiers said, 'hang on, we're going in the wrong direction', and it went from there."
Mr Yovich said on the limited knowledge about Sarah's movements the night she disappeared, there is nothing to suggest Mr Edwards' previous crimes would link him to her murder.
He said if Justice Hall found Mr Edwards guilty of Jane and Ciara's murders, there was still no evidence to link Mr Edwards to Sarah's murder, adding the women's bodies were found around 45 kilometres away from Claremont.
"The circumstances that caused Ms Spiers' attacker to take her to Monument Street, assuming that's what happened, do not fit the propensity demonstrated by the accused or any propensity demonstrable by counts 7 and 8 (Jane and Ciara's murders) other than killing."
Defence outlines accused's movements around time Sarah vanished 
Mr Yovich has moved on to Mr Edwards' movements on the night Sarah disappeared, which was Australia Day 1996.
After recently separating from his first wife, he had visited her in Golden Bay at her parents' house on Saturday night unannounced and had dinner with them.
During her testimony, his first wife, whose name is suppressed, said the dinner was amicable but that she declined Mr Edwards invitation to go and watch the fireworks afterwards.
Mr Yovich said it was not clear when Mr Edwards left the house, but that it "may have been as late as 9pm or even later in the evening".
Mr Edwards then had a Telstra overtime shift the following morning for a job at Dumas House.
Mr Yovich is now going through some conflicting evidence given by witnesses at trial as to what time Mr Edwards began that shift.
Work colleague and friend Murray Cook recalled Mr Edwards, who lived in Huntingdale at the time, came to his Thornlie house that morning and the pair drove to their shift in West Perth together for an 8am start.
He could not recall whose vehicle they drove in, but his wife Brigita Cook claimed she recalled Mr Edwards was either dropped off or walked to their house that morning around 7.20am and her husband drove.
Ms Cook said she recalled the date as it was a very hot day and the air conditioner had broken, and Mr Edwards attempted to help fix it that morning with Mr Cook.
Mr Yovich's only evidence tendered in this trial is the weather recordings for January 27, 1996, which showed it reached a maximum of 27 degrees that day.
The other witness who testified about Mr Edwards' movements on that day was Telstra manager John Travis who was overseeing the Dumas House job and kept records of everyone's shifts in his diary.
He said his notes indicated everyone started at 8am that day, except for Mr Cook who started at 10am.
According to his records Mr Edwards finished his shift at 9.45pm that evening.
The timing leaves a six-hour window for Mr Edwards to have abducted and murdered Sarah, and arrive at work.
The state alleges Mr Edwards was then again in Claremont around midnight after his shift on the evening of January 27, leering at a woman out the window of a Telstra vehicle.
Links between Sarah's disappearance and Jane and Ciara's murders 'minimal and speculative': defence
Mr Yovich is now going through the state's theory of how Mr Edwards abducted and murdered Sarah, being that he offered her a lift from Claremont, subdued her in Mosman Park and then drove her to a remote location where he murdered her and concealed of her body in such a way it was never found. 
He said the timing of Sarah's disappearance and Mr Edwards turning up for work that morning left a six-hour window for the accused to murder the 18-year-old.
Mr Yovich said the state's case is Mr Edwards killed Sarah and went straight to work, or, killed Sarah, returned home and tidied up and then went to work.
"[He did this] leaving no obvious sign he'd gone a night without sleep or almost without sleep, let alone killed a stranger and disposed of her body".
Mr Yovich accepted the movement of Mr Edwards did not provide an alibi for Sarah's murder but that the logic suggested "very strongly against it".
The murder of Sarah Spiers was a grave crime and she is a blameless victim, but neither her memory or the interest of justice will be served by convicting the wrong person for this crime," he said.
"It defies belief that he would choose this night ... a night when he had driven down to Golden Bay ... and when he was due for an early start and a long day at work the next day.
"If the offender in each case is the same, then the offender was prepared to wait until the time was right. It makes no sense the offender would choose this night to act."
Mr Yovich said any similarities between Jane and Ciara's murders and Sarah's death was "minimal" and "speculative", being Sarah's cause of death was  unknown.
He said the state "simply cannot come close to proving" Mr Edwards was the person who murdered Sarah.
Court has broken for lunch
It will resume at 2.15pm.
Defence moves to night Jane was murdered 
Mr Yovich has moved on to the night Jane went missing in the early hours of June 9, 1996.
Jane Rimmer
He said Mr Edwards had played softball on the afternoon of the 8th, but could not remember his movements that evening, "given the lapse of time from that night to the arrest" in 2016.
He is now going through Jane's day.
She went to the hairdressers and got her hair washed and blow-dried, visited her mother at the Shenton Park hotel where she worked, before heading to the OBH to meet friends who she then caught a taxi with to The Continental Hotel around 10pm.
Two friends who caught the taxi with Jane gave evidence the vehicle had brown vinyl seating in the interior, excluding it as the source of critical fibres found in Jane's hair allegedly linking her to a 1996 Holden Commodore VS station wagon.
Mr Yovich said this evidence was "suspect" and the two women were not certain of their recollections some 20-plus years after the event.
Jane was last seen by friends and on CCTV standing alone outside The Continental Hotel around midnight.

Defence says there's no pathological evidence Jane was the victim of a sexual assault
Mr Yovich has moved on to Jane's cause of death.
Jane's naked body was found on August 3, 1996 in bushland in Wellard 55 days after she vanished. 
Mr Yovich said while the defect to her neck was consistent with being caused by a sharp implement, the level of decomposition to her body meant the final cause of death was determined as 'being consistent with a neck injury'. 
Mr Yovich said forensic pathologist Clive Cook was unable to rule out strangulation as a cause of death. 
He has also addressed the sharp force injury on Jane's forearm which Dr Cook said was typical of a self-defence wound when a person adopts a 'boxing stance' to protect their face.
He said while Dr Cook said the hyper-extension of Jane's wrist suggested her forearm tendon had been cut with a sharp implement, he could not be certain due to the level of decomposition.
Mr Yovich also said Jane's post-mortem could not determine whether or not she had been the victim of a sexual assault, due to the level of decomposition.

Screams heard on night Jane was murdered suggest she wasn't gagged or restrained
Mr Yovich has now turned to the four witnesses who gave evidence they heard a woman shouting or screaming the night Jane vanished from Claremont. 
The two husband and wife couples lived in Wellard. 
The first witness' evidence was Kenneth Mitchell. His evidence, given on December 12, is available here at the 10.11am blog post.
Mr Mitchell lived with his wife Judith on Johnson Road.
He testified he heard a woman screaming, "Leave me alone, let me out of here" in a "very traumatic" way before soon after noticing a car leave the area in the directions from where the shouting came. 
Ms Mitchell testified she woke to a woman yelling and screaming in an "agitated argument" and thought someone was "just having a row".
She thought she said the shadow of a sedan, and a person walking behind a bush, but that she couldn't be sure.
The third 'Wellard screams' witness was Ian Sturcke, who lived with his wife Cheryl on Arundal Drive - around 600 to 800 metres from where Jane's body was found. 
Their evidence, also given on December 12, is available herefrom the 11.55am blog post. 
During his testimony, Mr Sturcke said he thought the scream occurred on a Saturday night in June, as he didn't work Sundays and recalled not working the next morning, but couldn't put a date on it. 
"I've never heard a scream of that magnitude in my life, ever," he said.
Ms Sturcke said she was awoken by a scream "around 2ish" that she thought came from down near the riding school, which is where Jane's body was eventually found. 
She said it was "blood-curdling" and sounded like "a really serious domestic". She said she contemplated doing something, but then when she got up to listen, she heard no further noises. 
Mr Yovich said the Sturckes were unable to pin point a date the screams occurred. 
Mr Yovich said there was a possibility, if the woman was Jane, that the Mitchells heard an altercation which culminated in Jane being driven away in a car in the direction of Woolcoot Road where the Sturckes later heard Jane screaming as she was being killed.
Justice Hall has asked what the point of this part of Mr Yovich's closing is, and he has said to show Mr Edwards' propensity to subdue his victims was not proven in Jane's case. 
"Unlike [the Karrakatta rape victim], Ms Rimmer has been able to break free of any restraints, or was unrestrained," he said.
Mr Yovich has acknowledged Jane "did resist to a greater degree physically and vocally" than the Karrakatta rape victim, but there was nothing to indicate he had bound her hands or used a gag to subdue her.

Theory accused discarded Telstra knife at Jane's crime scene 'outlandish': defence
Mr Yovich has moved on to the Telecom knife recovered from the side of the road near where Jane's body was found.
The knife was found on the side of Woolcoot Road, near Mortimer Road on the same day Jane's body was found on August 3, 1996.
It was located about one kilometre from Jane's body. 
Between 1993 and 1996 there were 58,900 of the pocket-knives used by Telecom employees in Australia and 4200 were in Western Australia.
The trial heard evidence from Mr Edwards' Telstra colleague David Minchin that the accused had been assigned similar knives through his employment at Telecom.
Mr Yovich has pointed out there is no evidence that Mr Edwards was ever issued with the specific knife.
He also questioned why, if Mr Edwards was the killer, he would discard of the knife and leave evidence at the scene, describing the theory as "outlandish". 
If Mr Edwards accidentally dropped the knife, Mr Yovich asked, "how and when?". 
The state does not suggest the knife is the murder weapon and no forensic evidence was recovered linking it to the murder.
"Either it was used in the attack that led to Jane Rimmer's death, or it wasn't, if it was, then is it conceivable that her killer dropped it, not at the scene, but hundreds of metres away?," Mr Yovich said. 
"And if it wasn't the murder weapon ... then how did it get onto the road ... was it in the killer's pocket? If it was in his pocket, I can hardly imagine it was open, in our submission it makes no sense."
He said the evidence of the knife "at its highest" points towards a Telstra employee and the presence of it near the body could point to the culprit being "some other unidentified Telstra employee" as it was never established Mr Edwards was assigned the knife
Justice Hall also noted the fact the knife was found on the side of the road on the same day as Jane's body, may have made it appear more likely it was connected to that event, when it may not have been.

Bradley Robert Edwards who has been accused by Carmel Barbagello Carmel Barbagello SC, the Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia,, Amanda Foster SC The Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia,
and Ms T Payne & Mr B Hollingsworth prosecutors and solicitors for the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia and Chris Dawson, the Commissioner of Police for Western Australia 

on behalf of the State of Western Australia for  allegedly being the Claremont Serial Killer 

Lauriee Webb, for senior Scientist at PathWest, who was sacked for not following the proper protocols in DNA Research in Criminal Cases,

who had been named as a possible suspect in tampering with the DNA and Ciara Glennon and the DNA of Bradley Edwards.

There is an allegation is court documents that Laurie Webb may have been involved in deliberately adding Bradley Robert Edwards' DNA to Ciara Glennon's DNA,

using a deliberately left container of Ciara Glennon's DNA untested for many years so that the DNA of the person to be selected to be framed for the Claremont Serial Killings  could at the right time be added to Ciara Glennon's DNA.

Julie Cutler - Sarah Spiers - Jane Rimmer- Ciara Glennon - Sarah Spiers - Victims of The Claremont Serial Killers 

Whom will always be most loved and will always shine in all our memories

Fibres found in Ms Glennon's hair also matched three models of Ford Falcon from 1994 and 1995, a Lexan, 1996 Holden Apollo and a 1997 model Toyota Camry

ChemCentre fibre analyst Rees Powell said to the Bradley Robert Edwards Trial Supreme Court proceedings  that some of the fibres found in Ms Glennon's hair also matched a 1997 model Toyota Camry, and had similar properties to a 1996 Holden Apollo and three models of Ford Falcon from 1994 and 1995.
It was also stated by prosecution expert witnesses that the fibres found in Ms Glennon’s hair also matched a Lexan Station Wagon…. And not just a Vs Holden Commodore Station Wagon which was the type of Telstra Car that the prosecution claim that the accused Bradley Robert Edwards had access to and was driving material times when Ms Glennon was abducted and murdered.
The fact that ChemCentre fibre analyst Rees Powell said Fibres found in Ms Glennon's hair also matched three models of Ford Falcon from 1994 and 1995, correlates the material evidence that was deliberately withheld from the Bradley Robert Edwards CSk Trial, that was offered by bricklayer and his wife … who stated that the bricklayer saw a Ford Falcon grubby taxi without its lights on at about 4.30 am Sunday morning in March 1997 near where Ciara Glennon’s body was found ….
For the most obvious reasons, any reasonably minded independent person would be very likely to deduct and conclude that that this Ford Falcon Taxi seen by the bricklayer at 4.30 am was connected to the abduction and murder of Ciara Glennon. Then you have a prosecution witness Ian Stanford  that stated he was certain that he saw Ciara Glennon climb into the back of a Ford Falcon Ute while his wife was driving him down Stirling Highway around 12.30 am the morning she disappeared ….
Then you have the point that His Honour Justice Stephen Hall made when he wondered is was reasonable believe that Bradley Robert Edwards (BRE) abducted Ciara Glennon (CG)  at around 12.30 am , sexually assaulted her at some location …… and drove to the remote location  where her body was found ….  And murdered her there in a violent struggle with Ciara Glennon …. And then went home to clean himself up after being involved committing a violent murder …. Which BRE received deep human scratches from GC  Then drove down to the Cooks holiday home in Dawsville arriving at around 10.30 with having no sleep….
Then one adds the fact that the Cooks never saw any sign of scratches on BRE which he would have had to have been showing on BRE’s face ….  if BRE was meant to have been in a violent struggle with CG which was alleged t have happened ….
And the statement by Mr Silas that he noticed an employee at his work place the Tuesday after the abduction and murder of Ciara Glennon, with human scratches on his face, after not coming to work on the Monday … and after the employee reading a article in the newspaper about the disappearance of Ciara Glennin … bragged to Mr Silas that he was going to be famous…. And Mr Silas further stating that he saw a piece of jewellery in the possession of the employee’s girl friend that looked like it was CG’s Broach …. And saw what looked  light blood in his van …
The sworn statement by Sarah Anne McMahon that a well-connected powerful billionaire Perth Businessman and police were involved in the CSK and that Julie Cutler was the first CSK victim and the fact that is seems reasonable to conclude the Donald Victor Morey murdered Sarah Anne McMahon to stop her speaking and being a live witness as to who she stated was involved in the CSK and why they occurred and who was involved in protecting those involved in the CSK and why they were protected ..
The mountain of other material information, evidence, witness statements and witnesses that have been deliberately and/or accidently withheld by the prosecution, the police and the State of Western Australia from being presented at the BRE/CSK Trial …. Such as the last known sighting on Jane Rimmer who was sighted by four university students at around 12.30 am 8th June 1996 hitchhiking in the direction of the City of Perth along Stirling Highway near the corner of Loch Street, Claremont ….. with the prosecution, the police and the State of Western Australia … backed up by the mainstream WA Media who all perpetuated the most obvious lie and fabrication that the last known sighting of Jane Rimmer was talking to the Mystery Man just after midnight 9th June 1996 …. When there was an article in the Chronicle (Nedlands Edition)  Newspaper setting out the sighting of Jane Rimmer at around 12.30 am 9th June 1996 ….. with the Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions deliberately repeating the fabrication to His Honour Justice Stephen Hall in her closing submissions that the last known sighting of Jane Rimmer was talking to the Mystery Man just after midnight 9th June 1996 …. This was a complete insult to the integrity, honesty and experience of His Honour Justice Stephen Hall to think she could hoodwink His Honour with such deliberate fabrication ……. This points proves beyond any reasonable and/or possible doubt that the Carmel Barbagello SC. The Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia (DPP), Chris Dawson the Commissioner of Police for Western Australia, the Western Australian Police Service (WAPS) and the State of Western Australia  have been prepared to abuse their power, resources and influence to use money and resources owing by the people of Western Australia …. Using whatever method and tactic ,….. regardless of whether it be illegal, wrongful, immoral, unethical, and/or in breach of normal rules and guidelines police and the prosecution are expected to operate under ….. to try and convince the families and friends of the Victims ….Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimer and Ciara Glennon and the general public ….. that Bradley Robert Edwards is the CSK and was the person who stalked the Claremont Area for victims to abduct, sexually assault and murder defenceless vulnerable young female and was without doubt is the Claremont Serial Killer who was the sole person to plan  and execute the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon ….. regardless of the fact that a well -respected senior Perth Criminal Defence Barrister, Tom Percy QC…  who stated on the Claremont Serial Killer Trial Podcast produced by the West Australian Newspaper that ..  in the 19th June 2020 episode … in words of the following effect  …. “ I would not like to be convicted of the murder of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon on the alleged evidence as presented at the Bradley Robert Edwards/Claremont Serial Killer Trial …” ..  in other words even with a mountain of missing material information, evidence, witness statements and witnesses …. That have been deliberately and/or accidently not been presented at the trial ….. if he was the justice hearing the case …. Is his opinion we would be very likely to bring down a not guilty verdict on the three murder charges against the accused Bradley Robert Edwards ….
Carmel Barbaballo SC, the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia, Chris Dawson
“The bricklayer, now 62, said about 4.30am on a Sunday morning in March 1997 he was heading south on Wanneroo Rd, from Yanchep to his work site at Nollamara, when he saw the taxi begin turning out of Pipidinny Rd in front of him.
“I saw him and he obviously saw me and stopped,” he said. “I had to brake and pull towards the side of the road. It was definitely a Ford Falcon and it was a grubby thing too. I saw the front more than I saw the side. It was definitely a taxi.\
“I thought there might have been someone sitting in the back,” he adde

[Forensic police search for clues at Eglinton, where Ciara Glennon was found.] Forensic police search for clues at Eglinton, where Ciara Glennon was found. Credit: News Corp Australia

Claremont serial killer: Taxi clue to Ciara Glennon’s deathJOHN FLINTPerthNow
January 3, 2015 4 WA News

MORE than 17 years after Ciara Glennon’s body was found in dense bushland 45km north of Perth, a local man has come forward with information that puts a taxi at the scene.
The taxi had its headlights off as it turned off Pipidinny Rd, Eglinton, on to Wanneroo Rd in the pre-dawn darkness, the Two Rocks resident told The Sunday Times. He said he had to hit his brakes to avoid hitting it.
The man’s detailed account is supported by his wife, who insists she tried to inform police in the days after Ciara’s body was discovered in scrub off secluded Pipidinny Rd on April 3, 1997.
She claims she couldn’t get through to officers on a special hotline that was flooded with calls at the time. Her husband, Dave, who didn’t want the family’s surname published, said he’d made subsequent efforts down the years to relay his information to police, but never got a call back.
He contacted the newspaper after last weekend’s story about WA detectives reaching out to new people, in an effort to get a breakthrough in the marathon Claremont serial killings investigation. The Sunday Times has passed his contact details to the Special Crime Squad so that he can make a full statement.
The bricklayer, now 62, said about 4.30am on a Sunday morning in March 1997 he was heading south on Wanneroo Rd, from Yanchep to his work site at Nollamara, when he saw the taxi begin turning out of Pipidinny Rd in front of him.
“I saw him and he obviously saw me and stopped,” he said. “I had to brake and pull towards the side of the road. It was definitely a Ford Falcon and it was a grubby thing too. I saw the front more than I saw the side. It was definitely a taxi.
“I thought there might have been someone sitting in the back,” he added.
“I avoided him and carried on.
“I thought it was really unusual ... It was definitely unusual to have a near miss with a taxi with no lights on.”
Though the taxi was angled to turn south on Wanneroo Rd, the bricklayer said he didn’t see it behind him as he carried on down the road. “I didn’t see it again,” he said.
He said it was odd to see a taxi in Yanchep area at that time of a Sunday morning, when there was rarely any traffic around. But he said it was the fact that the taxi’s headlights were switched off on the unlit roads that made it a talking point with his wife that night.
“I had spoken to my wife about it that night, about how unusual it was to not only see a taxi come out of that road, but also without its lights on,” he said.
“Back then the only traffic you would see on a Sunday morning would be the odd crayfisherman coming up to Two Rocks.
“It has stuck in my mind so much because I’ve lived where I live now for 36 years and that was probably the first taxi I ever saw (that far up) Wanneroo Rd. You see them nowadays. But back then you just didn’t see them. You saw them when you got to Wanneroo or even when you got to Hester Ave, but not out there.”
When the news broke on April 3 that Ciara’s body had been found near a track leading off Pipidinny Rd, the bricklayer’s wife remembered her husband’s account of the strange taxi and tried to call the police hotline.
“I tried several times over the next few days but couldn’t get through,” she said. “I just gave it away in the end.”
The bricklayer said that in the intervening years he had mentioned the taxi to police officers he had built houses for and was told they would pass the information to the relevant detectives. And when his daughter became a police officer about seven years ago, he claimed she too passed information to her superiors. “No one got back to me, nobody seemed interested,” he said this week.
“When I’ve been reminded of it, it does bother me. In hindsight it’s a shame I didn’t hit him.”
He added: “I’m absolutely sure about all these facts. The only one I’m not as sure about is which Sunday, but it was around the time (Ciara went missing).”
In 1997, Pipidinny Rd was an isolated beach access road that petered out into a small track just short of the beach at Alkimos. Today, Pipidinny Rd connects with Marmion Ave.
When asked at a Sunday media conference, Assistant Commissioner of Traffic and Emergency Response Nick Anticich said he would not comment.
“Every unsolved homicide is an ongoing investigation for the WA Police,” he said.

ChemCentre fibre analyst Rees Powell has been on the stand for more than a week in the court, outlining the importance of each of the 98 critical fibres — which had been whittled down from more than 10,000 relating to the case — and how they were examined and compared to the others.
The result was an interconnecting web of matching fibres that the prosecution says puts Edwards squarely in the frame as the killer.
Scientists now had the opportunity to compare their fibres with control samples from the very car driven by Edwards at the time Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon were murdered.
Mr Rees told the court this week two grey polyester fibres found in Ms Glennon's hair corresponded with control fibres taken from the seat insert material in Edwards's old car, as did the 20 grey polyester fibres found in Ms Rimmer's hair.

Other polypropylene fibres found in both women's hair matched the carpet in the Commodore, he said.
In addition, a forensic search of the Telstra-issue station wagon had uncovered 13 blue polyester fibres in the metal bracket or railing underneath the driver's seat.
After Edwards's arrest, police were able to obtain samples of Telstra clothing worn by its technicians in the mid-1990s — specifically, dark blue-coloured trousers and shorts which were manufactured especially for the telco by Yakka, using a bespoke dye called Telstra Navy.
Mr Rees told the court the 13 fibres found in the car matched the Telstra clothing, the same type of clothing Edwards would have worn in the mid-1990s.
Mr Rees is continuing to give his evidence and defence counsel Paul Yovich SC is yet to cross-examine him.
The scientist said this week that some of the fibres found in Ms Glennon's hair also matched a 1997 model Toyota Camry, and had similar properties to a 1996 Holden Apollo and three models of Ford Falcon from 1994 and 1995.

Why tiny fibres tendered as evidence in the Claremont serial killings trial are so critical

By Andrea Mayes
23 April 2020

Key points:
Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon were found dead with similar fibres on them
Blue fibres were also found on a woman who was raped by the accused
Prosecutors say the fibres came from Bradley Edwards's car and clothing

Nearly 100 tiny threads, blue and grey in colour and so small as to be scarcely visible to the naked eye, have been centre stage at the trial of the alleged Claremont serial killer for several weeks.
As state prosecutor Carmel Barbagallo noted in her opening address, "fibre evidence forms a significant part of the case against the accused".

"This evidence comes chiefly from the exacting, meticulous and innovative scientific work undertaken by the expert forensic chemists at ChemCentre."

Who were the Claremont victims?
Sarah Spiers. Jane Rimmer. Ciara Glennon. Three women whose names were etched into Perth's consciousness more than 20 years ago.

When the bodies of 23-year-old childcare assistant Jane Rimmer and fledgling lawyer Ciara Glennon, 27, were discovered partially covered by branches in bushland on the fringes of Perth in 1996 and 1997, police finally had a trove of physical evidence they could use to try to solve the Claremont killings.
But there were limitations.
Both bodies had lain out in the open, exposed to the elements for weeks, after the young women went missing — 19 days in the case of Ms Glennon and 55 days in the case of Ms Rimmer.
The young childcare worker's body in particular had suffered from long exposure to rain and wind — typical Perth winter weather — and had also been subject to animal predation.
In both cases, the condition of the bodies made it more difficult for investigators to gather crucial evidence.
But thanks to painstaking work undertaken over two decades by police and scientists at WA's pathology and chemistry labs, significant evidence was recovered.
The evidence included thousands of tiny fibres, many of which were not found until more than 10 years after Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon were killed.
That work has been laid out in meticulous detail at the trial of Bradley Robert Edwards in the WA Supreme Court in the past few weeks.

Prosecution says fibres link Edwards to victims
Edwards, 51, a former Telstra technician, is charged with the wilful murders of Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon, as well as a third woman, 18-year-old Sarah Spiers, whose body has never been discovered.
All three women disappeared late at night from the Claremont nightlife precinct in Perth's wealthy western suburbs in 1996 and 1997.
Unlike the DNA evidence, of which there is a single sample apparently connecting Edwards to one of the murders, the fibres evidence is much more plentiful and prosecutors claim it links Edwards to two of the young women's murders.
It also links him to the brutal rape of a teenager at Karrakatta Cemetery in 1995 — a crime which he has already admitted — and potentially links that crime to the murders of both Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon.

Guilty plea rocks Claremont trial
Bradley Edwards has pleaded guilty to raping a teen girl in a cemetery and attacking an 18-year-old woman in her home.

ChemCentre fibre analyst Rees Powell has been on the stand for more than a week in the court, outlining the importance of each of the 98 critical fibres — which had been whittled down from more than 10,000 relating to the case — and how they were examined and compared to the others.
The result was an interconnecting web of matching fibres that the prosecution says puts Edwards squarely in the frame as the killer.

Car, trouser samples are key
The tiny fibres at the heart of the case fall into several broad categories.
Many of them were found in the head hairs of Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon, both young women with masses of lightly coloured, long, curly hair.
Ms Glennon's hair alone contained 50 of these critical fibres and a further 11 were found in the shirt she was wearing.
Most were blue polyester, but there were also blue rayon fibres, grey polyester fibres and both light and dark grey polypropylene fibres.
Ms Rimmer's long blonde locks were also found to contain a host of critical fibres — 22 of them in total, 20 of which were grey polyester, one blue polyester and one blue-grey polypropylene.
The problem was, the source of those fibres was not known at the time.

"And so those fibres were just parked up in the hope that some further evidence would come to light which may give them some significance," Ms Barbagallo said in her opening address.
Fibres connect murders and rape
The first breakthrough came in 2012, when a blue polyester fibre taken from Ms Glennon's shirt was matched to a blue polyester fibre from Ms Rimmer's hair, finally providing an evidentiary link between the murders of the two women.
But scientists still didn't know where the fibres had come from.
By this time, police had linked Ms Glennon's murder to the Karrakatta rape, after a tiny fragment of DNA found underneath the lawyer's fingernails was entered into the state's DNA database and found to match sperm samples taken from the 17-year-old victim.

The Claremont trial may come down to this
Two tiny scraps cut from the fingernails of a murdered lawyer and stored away in a freezer for more than two decades are at the heart of the Claremont serial killings case.

They believed the man who had brutally abducted and raped the girl was the same man who had killed Ms Glennon.
Examination of the shorts the 17-year-old had been wearing on the night she was attacked had already revealed the presence of one blue polyester fibre and fresh tape lifts taken from the garment in early 2014 then revealed another one.
Meanwhile, the shirt Ms Glennon had been wearing had been sent to the FBI in Washington DC for testing and officers there had scraped debris off it, sending the scrapings back to the ChemCentre, where 11 blue polyester fibres were discovered.
These blue polyester fibres were of the same type as the blue polyester fibres found in Ms Glennon's hair, in Ms Rimmer's hair and on the 17-year-old's shorts.

Link to Telstra car and clothing

Scientists continued their work behind the scenes and soon made another breakthrough.
Mr Rees told the court his team at ChemCentre had noticed the 20 grey polyester fibres found in Ms Rimmer's hair looked as though they may have come from the sort of fabric used in the interior of cars.
They then began an exhaustive search through car wrecking yards and compounds where police kept seized vehicles and in 2014 discovered that the grey fibres matched seat inserts from the 1996 VS series of Holden Commodore.
Now they were looking for a perpetrator who likely drove a particular model of car.
In December 2016 Edwards was arrested and on the same day the car he had been issued by his employer in late April 1996 was seized from its new owner in Chidlow, on Perth's outskirts.
That car was a 1996 Holden Commodore VS series 1 station wagon.
Scientists now had the opportunity to compare their fibres with control samples from the very car driven by Edwards at the time Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon were murdered.
Mr Rees told the court this week two grey polyester fibres found in Ms Glennon's hair corresponded with control fibres taken from the seat insert material in Edwards's old car, as did the 20 grey polyester fibres found in Ms Rimmer's hair.
Other polypropylene fibres found in both women's hair matched the carpet in the Commodore, he said.
In addition, a forensic search of the Telstra-issue station wagon had uncovered 13 blue polyester fibres in the metal bracket or railing underneath the driver's seat.
After Edwards's arrest, police were able to obtain samples of Telstra clothing worn by its technicians in the mid-1990s — specifically, dark blue-coloured trousers and shorts which were manufactured especially for the telco by Yakka, using a bespoke dye called Telstra Navy.
Mr Rees told the court the 13 fibres found in the car matched the Telstra clothing, the same type of clothing Edwards would have worn in the mid-1990s.
He said the blue polyester fibres were of the same type found in the rape victim's shorts, in Ms Rimmer's hair and in both Ms Glennon's hair and on her shirt — and all corresponded with the Telstra clothing.
Defence to call own expert fibre witness
Mr Rees is continuing to give his evidence and defence counsel Paul Yovich SC is yet to cross-examine him.
The scientist said this week that some of the fibres found in Ms Glennon's hair also matched a 1997 model Toyota Camry, and had similar properties to a 1996 Holden Apollo and three models of Ford Falcon from 1994 and 1995.

The Claremont serial killings
Three young Perth women disappeared in the mid-1990s. Two decades later, a man faces court.

This evidence is expected to be seized on by Mr Yovich, who flagged in his opening address to the trial that "the uniqueness or otherwise of these fibres, whether it can safely be said that they can only have come from the sources the state claims" would be of particular focus.
Possible contamination of the fibres was also raised at the outset by the prosecutor, who said the activities of both Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon in the hours before their murders may explain how particular fibres came to be found in their hair or clothing.
Additionally, the defence has engaged its own expert fibre witness, further suggesting it disputes Mr Powell's interpretation of the evidence.
The marathon trial, which began in November last year and is being heard by Justice Stephen Hall, is now into its final weeks.
After the fibre evidence wraps up, the prosecution plans to show Edwards's police interview, which spanned some six hours after his arrest, and then it will be the defence's turn to make its case.

Whether Edwards will testify in his own defence remains to be seen.

He said the blue polyester fibres were of the same type found in the rape victim's shorts, in Ms Rimmer's hair and in both Ms Glennon's hair and on her shirt — and all corresponded with the Telstra clothing.
Defence to call own expert fibre witness

Mr Rees is continuing to give his evidence and defence counsel Paul Yovich SC is yet to cross-examine him.
The scientist said this week that some of the fibres found in Ms Glennon's hair also matched a 1997 model Toyota Camry, and had similar properties to a 1996 Holden Apollo and three models of Ford Falcon from 1994 and 1995.

Claremont serial killings trial defence lawyer Paul Yovich outlines DNA contamination in final days
By Andrea Mayes 19-06-2020

"Contamination events in the laboratory are rare, they're even very rare, but they do happen," Mr Yovich said.
Crucial DNA evidence found underneath the fingernails of murdered lawyer Ciara Glennon may have got there through laboratory contamination or a chance encounter at a pub she was drinking at on the night of her disappearance, the Claremont serial killings trial has head.

Key points:
The defence has resumed summing up its case in the long-running trial
Lawyer Paul Yovich has pointed to 'significant' contamination of DNA
He said a chance encounter could explain his client's DNA on a victim

The WA Supreme Court trial of Bradley Robert Edwards for the 1996 and 1997 murders of Ms Glennon, Jane Rimmer and Sarah Spiers has been running for seven months and is in its final days.
Today defence lawyer Paul Yovich resumed summing up his case that Edwards should not be found guilty of the three murders, by homing in on the DNA evidence that is at the crux of the prosecution's case.
The DNA was found on a combined sample of two of Ms Glennon's fingernails, one of which had been mostly torn off.
The trial heard evidence that Ms Glennon's nails were all immaculately groomed, except for two of them, which had been badly damaged in what the prosecution says was a fight for her life as Edwards attacked her with a knife.
But Mr Yovich said the nails could have been damaged while Ms Glennon, 27, was at the Continental Hotel in Claremont on the night she disappeared in March 1997 "if she bumped into someone".
It was a "fraction of a nanogram" of DNA that was found on her fingernails, Mr Yovich said, and it was up to the prosecution to show how it got there.
Contamination by pathologists 'significant': defence
The passage of time and "manifestly imperfect" record-keeping in relation to the fingernail samples at a state pathology lab posed difficulties in relation to the DNA found, he said.
He said given the years that had elapsed, Edwards could not be expected to be able to recall any possible methods of secondary transfer of his DNA, whereby he had contact with someone who then had contact with Ms Glennon on the night she went missing, but this was one possible explanation for its discovery on her nails.
Mr Yovich said the number of times samples relating to the case had been contaminated by PathWest scientists was also significant.
He said the DNA of several different scientists had been discovered on samples, mostly many years after the contamination had taken place, and this contamination had not been detected by PathWest itself but by other laboratories conducting further tests on the samples.
In some of the cases, the scientists had not even touched the samples their DNA was found on, and in one case, DNA from a totally different crime scene had been found on a twig that had been removed from Ms Rimmer's body.
When Justice Stephen Hall asked whether some contamination could be expected given the 23-year span of the case and the thousands of exhibits involved, Mr Yovich agreed it could, but said "it only has to happen once" in a case involving a single piece of trace DNA linking the accused to the crime.

"Contamination events in the laboratory are rare, they're even very rare, but they do happen," Mr Yovich said.

Mr Yovich is expected to wrap up the defence's case next week.
It will then be up to Justice Hall to determine whether or not Edwards is guilty on the evidence presented, a process that could take some months.

Sarah Anne McMahon, who disappeared 8th November, 2000,

The Coronor hearing the Sarah Anne McMahon Inquest has ruled the Sarah Anne McMahon died from homicide.

Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich has been named by the police and a witness as being involved in the murder of Sarah Anne McMahon

Paul Yovich SC, the head ;legal counsel representing Bradley Robert Edwards at his murder trial

Paul Yovich's defense is simple.... "my client Bradley Robert Edwards is not guilty of thew murder of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon .,, because he did not commit these murders ...."

DPP Prosecutor Carmel Barbagello SC and the West Australian Media accused of lying to the public and the Supreme Court about The Truth of the Last known sighting of Jane Rimmer by 4 university students at 12..30 am hitchhiking on Stirling Highway in the direction of the City of Perth near the corner of Loch Street Claremont 

Carmel Barbagello SC The Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia accused in court application of presenting false information to His Honour Justice Stephen Hall and withholding material information, evidence and witness statements in the Bradley Edwards Claremont Serial Killer Trial to protect police and a powerful billionaire well connected Perth Businessman named by Sarah Anne McMahon for being involved in the Claremont Serial Killings 

Sarah Spiers, Ciara Glennon and Jane Rimmer

​“Claremont’s Darkest Secrets   . (They Have Blood On Their Hands) ...” .....  

 “The Truth Behind The Claremont Serial Killings Must Be Exposed..

In loving memory and dedication to the victims of the Claremont Serial Killers

.”Notice of Book Launch

“Claremont’s Darkest Secrets   . (They Have Blood On Their Hands) ...” .....  
The untold truth of the Claremont Serial Killings must be told ..:  so that the victims of the Claremont Serial Killers can have their final say .., the truth will shock the public of Western Australia, who may rather believe what the Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia... Prosecutor Carmel Barbagallo SC ..,, with a $100 million dollar budget paid by the people of Western Australia to prosecute Bradley Robert Edwards at a six month trial with over 200 witnesses and over 20,000 exhibits ... has desperately tried to convince His Honour Justice Stephen Hall ... “ ... that confessed rapist ....  Telecom Technician Bradley Robert Edwards is the lone Claremont Serial Killer ..., “ .... the readers of “Claremont’s Darkest Secrets (They Have Blood On Their Handsome )”  .... will be given the opportunity to make up their own minds .,,24-Year Investigation - The Untold Story Of The Claremont Serial Murders - Ciara Glennon, a much loved Irish-Australian Lawyer, and much loved Australian girls Julie Cutler... Sarah Spiers... Jane Rimmer and Sarah Anne McMahon ... all abducted near Claremont and the City of Perth .. which .is described by author Debi Marshal in her book about the Claremont Serial Killings as ‘"The Devil’s Garden’   ... believed to all have all been abducted and  brutally murdered right under the noses of the Western Australian Police ... with those involved in the Claremont Serial Killers hiding in plain site of the Western Australian Public  ... but their criminal activities well known by the Western Australian Police long before the abduction and murder of Irish-Australian Lawyer Ciara Glennon and the abduction and murder of young innocent vulnerable Australian girls Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Sarah Anne McMahon ...

For enquires for a pre-publishing release of a Collectors Edition of the book ....

 ​“Claremont’s Darkest Secrets   . (They Have Blood On Their Hands) ...” .....  
 “The Truth Behind The Claremont Serial Killings Must Be Exposed..

Email:  Book Publishing Manager at info@wikipediaexposed.org

Julie Cutler, who disappeared in 1988, has been named in Sarah Anne McMahon's sworn statement as being one of Claremont Serial Murders.

​Claremont Serial Killing Trial 
Bradley Robert Edwards is on trial for the alleged murder of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon

Accused should be acquitted of Sarah's murder: defence 
Mr Yovich has begun today's proceedings by moving on to Sarah's murder on January 27, 1996. 

​He has said Mr Edwards should be acquitted of the charge as the state's evidence in relation to Sarah's disappearance "provides no support" Mr Edwards was her killer.Sarah's body has never been found and the state's case against Mr Edwards in relation to her death is circumstantial. 

Defence seeks to discredit evidence of lone witness who links Mr Edwards to Sarah's murder
​Ms Munro said she heard two screams, which prompted Mr Stewart to jump out of bed and run out onto the balcony to look for a woman in distress.
The pair said they then heard two car doors slam and a vehicle take off.
Mr Stewart said he saw a light-coloured station wagon parked on the wrong side of the road with its lights on, around 100 metres away by a telephone box.
Being a mechanic, he thought the car was a Toyota Corona due to the way its tail lights curved around the side.
Ms Barbagallo said a Toyota Camry station wagon, which Mr Edwards drove at the time, had similar tail lights. 

Mr Yovich said Mr Stewart's assessment the vehicle was a wagon was based on the height of the number plate light at the rear of the vehicle.
He is now showing a photo on the court screens showing a sedan and station wagon with the number plate being at a similar height. 
"The circumstances in which Mr Stewart made his observations are highly unlikely to give a reliable indication on whether the car he was talking about was a sedan or a station wagon," Mr Yovich said. 
"Your Honour cannot be sure of his observations ... at a distance of 100 or more metres at 2.30am in the morning that long ago."
He also argued the trees in between Mr Stewart's unit and the vehicle could have obscured his view, although there is no evidence of the streetscape in 1996 and Mr Stewart said he was confident in what he saw. 
Mr Yovich claimed the state took all of Mr Stewart's evidence to be correct, except for when he labelled the vehicle a Toyota Corona, not a Toyota Camry.
"Your Honour cannot fix up the evidence so it more closely fits the state's case," he said. 
"It would be unsafe to draw a conclusion that the car Mr Stewart saw was A, associated with Ms Spiers, and B, that it was the accused car."
Justice Stephen Hall has also pointed out a vehicle stopped by a public phone box at night may indicate someone was using the telephone.

Carmel Barbagello SC, the Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia, 


Amanda Foster SC The Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia,

and Ms T Payne & Mr B Hollingsworth prosecutors and solicitors for the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia

and Chris Dawson, the Commissioner of Police for Western Australia 

have risked their reputations,  and their Legal Careers on the prosecution of  Bradley Robert Edwards to use every possible method to convince His Honour Justice Stephen Hall, the families and friends of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon, the media and the general public that Bradley Robert Edwards is the Claremont Serial Killer and the person who was solely responsible for the planning and execution of the Abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon ,,,,,,  the Bradley Robert Edwards trial has become a battle between Carmel Barbagello SC, one of the best prosecutors in Australia who is the Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions at the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia and Paul Yovich SC, one of the best criminal defense barristers in Australia.

There can no no doubt that the reward offered to Carmel Barbagello SC, if she is able to convince His Honour Justice Stephen Hall to bring down a guilty verdict that there is no reasonable doubt that Bradley Robert Edwards is the Claremont Serial abductor and killer that was the sole person who planned and executed the abductions and murders of Sarah Speirs, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon .... is that Carmel Barbagello SC, will end up with the top job as the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia.

Longman Warning- Common Law Warnings in Criminal Trials
In Longman,[54] a complaint was made more than 20 years after the alleged offence. In general terms, the caserequires that the jury be warned that, because of the passage of a number of years, it would be ‘dangerous to convict’ on the complainant’s evidence alone unless the jury is satisfied of its truth and accuracy, having scrutinised the complainant’s evidence with great care.[55] The rationale for the warning is that a significant delay puts the accused at a forensic disadvantage because he or she has lost the ‘means of testing the complainant’s allegations which would have been open to him [or her] had there been no delay’

Wikipedia Exposed Media - WEM www.wikipediaexposed.org


Marathon Claremont serial killings trial ends after seven months of hearings By Andrea Mayes
Key points:
The trial of Bradley Robert Edwards has run for seven months
The defence has raised doubts about fibre and DNA evidence
The prosecution says the combined evidence is overwhelming

The long-running Claremont serial killings trial is at an end, after defence counsel Paul Yovich SC wrapped up his closing argument to the WA Supreme Court this afternoon about why Bradley Edwards should not be found guilty of the triple murders that shocked Perth more than two decades ago.

Edwards, 51, has been on trial for the past seven months for the wilful murder of 18-year-old Sarah Spiers in January 1996, of 23-year-old Jane Rimmer in June the same year, and of Ms Glennon in March 1997.
Mr Yovich closed the defence's case by telling Justice Stephen Hall he could not be satisfied beyond reasonable doubt Edwards killed Ms Spiers, Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon.
He said it was not even even possible to conclude that the same person killed all three women "despite fact that community has been acting on that basis for the past 20 years".
It was "perfectly plausible that different offenders are responsible," Mr Yovich said.
Mr Yovich said although there were certain commonalities between the deaths of Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon, including the likely cause of their deaths from neck injuries and the concealment of their bodies by covering them in branches in bush locations, there was little to connect their deaths to that of Ms Spiers — whose body has never been found.
In relation to Ms Glennon and Ms Rimmer, Mr Yovich said "we accept those features in combination mean it would be open for Your Honour to find that the same person could be responsible beyond reasonable doubt".
He said Edwards's known movements on the night of Ms Spiers's death and the following day also militated against finding he killed the young receptionist.
"The accused's opportunity … to offend against Sarah Spiers is so tight as to make it highly unlikely that he was the offender," he said.
Acknowledging the importance of the case, Mr Yovich said there was no doubt the community and the families of the victims "yearn for closure".
"But a conviction or convictions founded on inadequate evidence and not by powerful satisfaction beyond reasonable doubt on any of the counts will not constitute proper closure," he said.
The marathon trial has been running since November and has recorded more than 10,000 pages of transcript encompassing more than 200 witnesses.


The case against Edwards

The prosecution has argued the combination of factors linking the murders to Edwards are too overwhelming for anyone else to be responsible.

This includes:

Edwards's DNA being found under the fingernails of Ms Glennon
Fibres matching Telstra clothing being found on the bodies of Ms Glennon, Ms Rimmer and a young woman Edwards has confessed to raping
Fibres matching the car Edwards drove at the time of the murders also being found on the two women's bodies
The behaviour he has previously exhibited in attacking vulnerable women not known to him or barely known

Defence relies on doubts

Mr Yovich has argued the prosecution cannot resolve all the doubt that exists relating to the evidence.

He has argued:

Critical DNA could have got there through accidentally being contaminated at the PathWest laboratories with a sample of Edwards's DNA being kept there from the 1995 rape
Fibres found on the bodies of Ms Glennon and Ms Rimmer and the teenager he raped could have got there from another source
Edwards's behaviour in attacking the the teenager was markedly different from the way the state says the three women were likely lured into his car and murdered
Edwards's known activities in the hours before and following Ms Spiers went missing meant he would barely have had enough time to kill her

Questions raised over car fibre evidence on final day

The trial had earlier heard the combination of automotive fibres found on the two women's bodies matched a VS series 1 Holden Commodore — the same type of car driven by Edwards in his work as a Telstra technician.

The combination of fibres did not match any other car on the state's Chem Centre database, but Mr Yovich said the database was not comprehensive and did not contain samples of every car on the road in WA in the mid 1990s.

He said it might be that "there is a vehicle type unidentified by the database that has all the fibre types."

Alternatively, Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon "might have been in more than one vehicle within the proximate period that would leave fibres in their hair", or that the fibres got there by way of secondary transfer.
Mr Yovich said evidence had been tendered that the Continental Hotel in Claremont, where both women had been drinking on the night of their disappearances, was a "fertile environment" for the transfer of fibres, and the car fibres on their bodies could have got there through secondary transfer.

Earliest evidence Edwards had Telstra trousers was after rape
Mr Yovich had earlier told the court there was no proof two blue polyester fibres found on the shorts of the 17-year-old girl raped by Edwards at Karrakatta Cemetery in 1995 were connected to Edwards.
He said the two blue polyester fibres, which corresponded to fibres used in the manufacture of Telstra work uniforms of the type that Edwards wore, could have been transferred onto the teenager's clothing at any of the four venues she visited on the night she was attacked.
Furthermore, there was no evidence Edwards owned any of this particular clothing at the time of the rape — the earliest evidence of Edwards ordering navy coloured Telstra trousers or shorts was August 1995, six months after the 17-year-old was raped.
Mr Yovich said it would be "unsafe to draw a conclusion that the accused or his vehicle was the source of those fibres" that the prosecution says are critical to the case.

Mothers of victims only attended first day
The families of the victims and two victims of earlier attacks by Edwards have been in attendance at various points throughout the lengthy trial, as have Edwards's parents.
Ms Glennon's father Denis has attended almost every day, except when the evidence has been particularly graphic and distressing, and her sister Denise has been a regular attendee also.
Noticeably absent from the courtroom, except for the opening day, have been the mothers of the three victims, who may have found listening to details about their daughters' murders too much to bear.
Edwards himself has been largely impassive throughout, often taking notes on a white pad of lined paper.
For the initial weeks of the trial he stared fixedly straight ahead or at the floor, but since then he has looked at the judge or his lawyer Mr Yovich as they have addressed the court.
Only when being escorted from the court has he occasionally looked across at the public gallery to smile at his parents. 
Neither a global pandemic nor the illness of the lead prosecutor were enough to permanently halt proceedings, although the court was forced to make certain adjustments to accommodate both.

Coronavirus limited the number of members of the public that were allowed into the courtroom and necessitated the provision of hand sanitiser and physical distancing at the court, while Ms Barbagllo's illness forced the postponement of her closing submission by nearly a week.

Justice Stephen Hall will now retire to consider his verdict, a process that could take months.
Justice Hall remanded Edwards in custody until September 24 at the latest, but said he may hand down his judgement earlier than that.
Claremont serial killings — more on this story
After 85 days and 200 witnesses, the Claremont serial killings trial comes down to four elements
Why tiny fibres tendered as evidence in the Claremont serial killings trial are so critical
The Claremont serial killings case hinges on DNA evidence — so here's everything you need to know
Ciara Glennon's last actions to fight off her killer may decide Bradley Edwards's fate
How a eureka moment in the Claremont investigation led police to Bradley Edwards
Jane Rimmer's teddy bear provides a rare glimpse into a life cut short 24 years ago
There's a big hurdle prosecutors must overcome to convict Bradley Edwards of Sarah Spiers's murder
The Claremont serial killer trial grapples with the many faces of Bradley Edwards

Jane Rimmer Last Seen Hitching by 4 Uni Students 12.30 am 9th June 1996 Hitching on Stirling Highway towards the City of Perth 

This fact was deliberately withheld by the Police, the State of WA, the  DPP for WA and the  Prosecutor Carmel Barbagallo SC from the Bradley Robert Edwards/Claremont Serial Killer Trial​ .. The Question Is Why Was This Important Material Fact Withheld?

Another important question to be answered is why the Western Australian Police and Telecom/Telstra did not flag up the name of Bradley Robert Edwards  in the 1995 and 1996 when the WA Police requested from Telecom/Telstra  to supply a list of drivers with access to Telstra vans and cars  in 1995 and 1996 ,,,,,, it is strangely claimed at the trial by the WA Police and Prosecution .... that the name of Bradley Robert Edwards was not flagged up in 1995/1996/1997/1998 as a suspect in the 1995 Karakatta Rape and/or the disappearance of Sarah Spiers in January 1996, the abductions andor murders of Jane Rimmer in June 1996  and Ciara Glennon  in March 1997 ...being the only Telecom/Telstra  employee with access to Telecom.Telstra vehicles who had a serious criminal record of a serious sexual assault conviction for the 1990 Hollywood assault, where the female victim stated she believed at the time that Bradley Robert Edwards was going to kill her.... how and why was the name of Bradley Robert Edwards left off the Telecom/Telstra List of Drivers that had access to Telecom/Telstra vans  and cars in 1995, 1996 and 1997, 1998 ..... one answer could that  the WA Police had already knew that BR Edwards had committed the Karrakatta Rape in 1995 but needed to add his DNA to one of the CSK Victim's DNA and take it the UK for Low Copy Type DNA Testing to help frame BR Edwards for all the Claremont Serial Killings ...  if the WA Police and the DPP for WA are right about BR Edwards being the sole Claremont Serial Killer  ... then if they had done their job properly in 1995 after the Karrakatta Rape happened the police would have  and should have immediately flagged up the name of Bradley Robert Edwards in 1995 by searching the police files for people with similar criminal sexual assault convictions in a nearby area . then the Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon would still be alive...... Hollywood is close to Claremont and Karrakatta and the 1990 Hollywood assault on a female  is a very similar crime to the 1995 Karratta Rape with BR Edwards only having recently  finished his tw year probation period... ... thus it is impossible for name of Bradley Robert Edwards would not have been on their radar and flagged up as a suspect in the 1995 Karrakatta Rape immediately the 1995 Karrakatta Rape was reported....Please take the time to read “Claremont’s Darkest Secrets   . (They Have Blood On Their Hands) ...” .....   “The Truth Behind The Claremont Serial Killings Must Be Exposed....  for some answers....

David John Caporn, former Head of the Macro Task Force and former Assistant Police Commissioner for Western Australia 

David John Caporn has been accused in court documents of deliberately investigating the wrong people for the Claremont Serial Killings ,

to help protect powerful police and a powerful well-connected wealthy Perth Businessman who Sarah Anne McMahon named in a sworn statement as being involved with the Claremont Serial Killings.

David John Caporm quickly resigned from the Western Australian Police Service after being named in the High Court of Australia for being involved with other police and former senior DPP Prosecutor, Kenneth Bates for conspiring ro pervert the course of justice for presenting false and misleading information and evidence at Andrew Mallard's  trial at which he was wrongly convicted for the murder of Pamela Lawrence and as a result spent 12 years in prison for a murder her did no commit. Andrew Mallard, was killed on 18th April, 2019 by a hit and run driveri on Sunset Bou;evard, in Los Angeles  California, United States  while he was using his $3 million compensation payout to pay a top Sydney barrister for issue a private prosecution for conspiracy to pervert the course of justice against David John Caporn, Kenneth Bates and others for conspiracy to pervert the course odf justice.

Bradley Robert Edwards and Carmel Barbagello SC, the Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia, 

Tome Percy QC a respected senior Perth Criminal Defence Barrister in Western Australia, …  stated on the Claremont Serial Killer Trial Podcast produced by the West Australian Newspaper that ..  in the 19th June 2020 episode … in words of the following effect  …. “ I would not like to be convicted of the murder of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon on the alleged evidence as presented at the Bradley Robert Edwards/Claremont Serial Killer Trial …” ..  in other words even with a mountain of missing material information, evidence, witness statements and witnesses …. That have been deliberately and/or accidently not been presented at the trial ….. if he was the justice hearing the case …. Is his opinion we would be very likely to bring down a not guilty verdict on the three murder charges against the accused Bradley Robert Edwards ….

Justice Stephen Hall who has to decide whether there has been enough evidence presented at the trial of Bradley Robert Edwards to be able to bring down a Beyond Reasonable Doubt Verdict that Bradley Robert Edwards is guilty for being the sole person responsible for the planning and execution of the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and\or Ciara Glennon,  

In the Supreme Court of Western Australia
164 of 2018
State of Western Australia
Bradley Robert Edwards

An Application and Request dated 18th June 2020 that this application and particulars in support, be read by His Honour Justice Hall before His Honour adjourns the case after closing submissions being presented by the Prosecution and Defense are completed. 

An Application and Request dated 18th June 2020 that:

1. This application and particulars in support, be read by His Honour Justice Hall before His Honour adjourns the case after closing submissions being presented by the Prosecution and Defence are completed, before an application is formerly filed and served for the following orders:
2 An Application dated 18th June 2020 for orders that an application for leave for an application for the following orders be heard before The Honourable Stephen Hall

3. An Application for leave to file an application on behalf of the State of Western Australia for Criminal Contempt of Court against the Prosecution solicitors and barristers in the trial of Bradley Robert Edwards 164 of 2018 in the Supreme Court of Western Australia known as the Director of Prosecutor for Western Australia known as  Carmel Barbagallo SC,  Amanda Foster SC the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia and prosecutors and solicitors for the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia known as Ms T Payne & Mr B Hollingsworth and the Commissioner of Police for Western Australia known as Chris Dawson for deliberately not fully investigating and gathering and presenting material information, evidence and witnesses in the preparation of prosecution’s case in the trial of Bradley Robert Edwards being 164 of 1998 in the Supreme Court of Western Australia
4.An Application for leave to present further material information, facts evidence and witnesses in the trial of Bradley Robert Edwards being 164 of 2018 in the Supreme Court of Western Australia relating to the disappearances and/or abductions and or the murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon
5. Application for leave to take out these applications on behalf of the State of Western Australia
6. Application for this application be heard via video link because of the Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Health dangers of attending court in person and because of the health risks of travelling to the court in person and the legal restrictions of travelling to the court in person

Filed on:   18th June 2020          
Filed In: The Supreme Court of Western Australia
Filed by Wikipeidia Exposed Media Group (WEM)
for and on behalf of the People of Western Australia and the State of Western Australia
18th June 2020
To be served of the following:
The Supreme Court of Western Australia
Level 11
David Malcolm Justice Centre
28 Barrack Street, PERTH WA 6000, Tel: +61 (08) 9421 5333
Fax: +61 (08) 9421 5353
Email: central.office@justice.wa.gov.au

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Australia
Email: associate.justice.hall@justice.wa.gov.au
The Honourable Justice Stephen Hall
A Justice at the Supreme Court of Western Australia
Email: associate.chief.justice@justice.wa.gov.au
Amanda Foster SC The Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia,
Carmel Barbagello, the Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia,
 Ms T Payne & Mr B Hollingsworth prosecutors and solicitors for the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia
Email: dpp@dpp.wa.gov.au and executivechambers@dpp.wa.gov.au
Chris Dawson, the Commissioner of Police for Western Australia
Email: executive.services@police.wa.gov.au
John Quigley, The Attorney General for Western Australia
Email: minister.quigley@dpc.wa.gov.au

Michelle Roberts, The Minister of Police for Western Australia
Email: minister.roberts@dpc.wa.gov.au

The State of Western Australia
Email: wa-government@dpc.wa.gov.au
Email: minister.cook@dpc.wa.gov.au
Of Level 1, International House, 26 St Georges Terrace, PERTH, WA, 6000
Tel: +61 (08) 9264 1750

Mr P Yovich SC & Ms G Cleary, the legal defence team for Bradley Robert Edwards of Francis Burt Chambers, Allendale Square, Level 12/ 77 St Goerges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia, 6000.
Tel: +61 (08) 9220 0476 M: 0423 778 451
Email: pyovich@francisburt.com.au
Email: glcleary@francisburt.com.au
Let All Parties Appear before His Honour Justice Hall on Monday
the    19th   of           June                                                         2020
for an application for orders that an application for the following orders be heard before The Honourable Stephen Hall:
The following proposed orders would be asked for:
An Application and Request dated 18th June 2020 that this application and particulars in support, be read by His Honour Justice Hall before His Honour adjourns the case after closing submissions being presented by the Prosecution and Defence are completed, before an application is formerly filed and served for the following orders:

1. An Application dated 18th June 2020 for orders that an application for leave for an application for the following orders be heard before The Honourable Stephen Hall

2.An Application for leave to file an application on behalf of the State of Western Australia for Criminal Contempt of Court against the Prosecution solicitors and barristers in the trial of Bradley Robert Edwards 164 of 2018 in the Supreme Court of Western Australia known as the Director of Prosecutor for Western Australia known as  Carmel Barbagallo SC,  Amanda Foster SC the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia and prosecutors and solicitors for the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia known as Ms T Payne & Mr B Hollingsworth and the Commissioner of Police for Western Australia known as Chris Dawson for deliberately not fully investigating and gathering and presenting material information, evidence and witnesses in the preparation of prosecution’s case in the trial of Bradley Robert Edwards being 164 of 1998 in the Supreme Court of Western Australia


3. An Application for leave to present further material information, facts evidence and witnesses in the trial of Bradley Robert Edwards being 164 of 2018 in the Supreme Court of Western Australia relating to the disappearances and/or abductions and or the murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon

4.Application for leave to take out these applications on behalf of the State of Western Australia

5. Application for this application be heard via video link because of the Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Health dangers of attending court in person and because of the health risks of travelling to the court in person and the legal restrictions of travelling to the court in person.

6.  For the Deputy Director of Prosecutions for Western Australia known as  Carmel Barbagallo SC,  Amanda Forrester SC Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia, other prosecutors and solicitors for the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia known as Ms T Payne & Mr B Hollingsworth and the Commissioner of Police for Western Australia known as Chris Dawson of Level 1, International House, 26 St Georges Terrace, PERTH, WA, 6000, to be committed to prison or otherwise be punished under O55 r7 of the Supreme Court Rules for this contempt of this Honourable Court for:

Wilfully deceiving the Court and,#
Wilfully deceiving the Court by refusing represent to all possible  material evidence to the court which would have a material effect of on the outcome of the trial of the Defendant known as Bradley Robert Edwards who is on trial for three murder charges of allegedly being the sole person responsible for the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon,
Wilfully refusing to investigative, obtain, look at, receive all possible  material evidence the court which would have a material effect of on the outcome of the trial of the Defendant known as Bradley Robert Edwards for three murder charges of allegedly being the sole person responsible for the abduction and murder of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon
That there be an inquiry as to costs and damages suffered by the State of Western Australia by reason of the said alleged criminal contempts.

8. That all the contemnors named in this application be jointly and severally liable for such costs and damages suffered by the State of Western Australia by reason of the said alleged criminal contempts

9.That the costs  of this application be paid for by the Deputy Director of Prosecutions for Western Australia known as Carmel Barbagallo SC,  Amanda Forrester, Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia, other prosecutors and solicitors for the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia known as Ms T Payne & Mr B Hollingsworth and the Commissioner of Police for Western Australia known as Chris Dawson of Level 1, International House, 26 St Georges Terrace, PERTH, WA, 6000

Initial Information, Submissions and Particulars in Support of this application

An Application and Request dated 18th June 2020 that this application and particulars in support, be read by His Honour Justice Hall before His Honour adjourns the case after closing submissions being presented by the Prosecution and Defence are completed. For this not to happen would indicate that the Supreme Court of Western Australia are prepared to help Amanda Foster SC The Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia, Carmel  Barbagello SC, the Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia, acting for and on behalf of Chris Dawson, the Commissioner of Police for Western Australia  and the Western Australian Police Service and the State of Western Australia hide material information, evidence, and witness statements from the Trial Proceedings of 164 of 2018 State of Western Australia V Bradley Robert Edwards …with the main reason for hiding material information, evidence, and witness statements from the Trial Proceedings of 164 of 2018 State of Western Australia V Bradley Robert Edwards is because with the evidence produced at the trial that Ciara Glennon was transported on the floor of  Vs Commodore because of fibres that matched that type of car found on the hair of Ciara Glennon, such missing material information, evidence and witness statements supports the information in the sworn statement of Sarah Anne McMahon that named police and one of the most powerful well connected wealthy businessman in Perth, Western Australia were involved in the planning and execution of the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon .. and thus the only information, evidence, and witness statements  that has been allowed to the presented at the trial that supports the story narrative that Bradley Robert Edwards was the sole person who planned and carried out the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon … the reality of the truth of the events surrounding abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon, supported by the hidden missing material information, evidence and witness statements supports the information in the sworn statement of Sarah Anne McMahon, that regardless of whether His Honour Justice Hall ends of coming to a ruling that Bradley Robert Edwards was beyond reasonable on the evidence produced at the trial was involved in one way or another in the abductions and the murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon …… the there is every reason to believe and conclude the sworn statement of Sarah Anne McMahon that missing material information, evidence and witness statements supports the information in the sworn statement of Sarah Anne McMahon is correct that the named police and the named person being one of the most powerful well connected wealthy businessman in Perth, Western Australia were involved in the planning and execution of the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon … which leads to a strong deduction that the DNA of Bradley Robert Edwards was deliberately and wrongfully planted with Ciara Glennon’s DNA that was tested in the United Kingdom …. For His Honour Justice Hall to decide the likely truth of the information on the sworn statement of Sarah Anne McMahon, His Honour would have to order all the possible missing material information, evidence ad witness statements to produced at the Trial of Bradley Robert Edwards .., as partly set out in the attached submissions and particulars …. In summary there could be no doubt it is reasonable for an independent unbiased ordinary person to conclude, for the most obvious reasons …. that if the named police and the named person being one of the most powerful well-connected wealthy businessman in Perth, Western Australia were involved in the planning and execution of the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon …. The Western Australian Police Service, the State of Western Australia would carry out any possible methods, and those with the authority and power within the employee of the Western Australian Police Service, the State of Western Australia to carry out such methods ….. regardless of the honesty, morality, and/or legality of such methods …. To find a suitable person to publicly name and shame and to frame as being the sole person that planned and executed of the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon …. For the most obvious reasons, Bradley Robert Edwards is the ideal person to publicly name and shame and to frame as being the sole person that planned and executed of the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon …. On one of a number of possible levels which could include:

 That Bradley Robert Edwards with others, did have some involvement with the planning and execution of the abductions of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon, but not in any way involved in the murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon;
That Bradley Robert Edwards, with others, did have some involvement with the planning and execution of the abductions of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon, and in the murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon;
That Bradley Robert Edwards did have an involvement, with or without others …. with the planning and execution abductions of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon, but not involved in any way in the murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon;
That Bradley Robert Edwards did have an involvement, without others …. with the planning and execution abductions of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon, and in the murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon;
That Bradley Robert Edwards did not have any involvement, without others …. with the planning and execution abductions of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon, and in the murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon;
That Bradley Robert Edwards (BRE) did have an involvement, without others …. with the planning and execution abductions of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon, but not had any involvement in the murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon;

Regardless of which of the above are true …..  or any other possible combination of the above from (A) to (F) ….. Bradley Robert Edwards, for most obvious reasons,  was the ideal person to be able to able to publicly name and shame  and arrest as being the sole person who had planned and executed of the abductions of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon, and in the murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon;

Such reasons include:
The fact that BRE would have been from 1990 onwards, to be on the police computers and general list of persons of likely interest of a person for been a possible suspect of any crime that involved the abduction, assault, sexual assault and/or murder for sexual purpose of a female in Perth, Western Australia, because of BRE admitting and being caught of a serious assault of a female at Hollywood Hospital in 1990, while working for Telecom now known as Telstra, where the female victim thought that BRE was going to murdered that day;
DNA and fingerprints belonging to BRE should have been taken as a result of the 1990 Hollywood conviction of BRE;
DNA and fingerprints of the person responsible of the 1988 Huntingdale breakin and sexual assault of a female should have been taken as a result of the of the Huntingdale breakin and sexual assault of a female, regardless if the police did not know who such fingerprints and DNA belonged to;
When BRE admitted and was caught carrying out a serious assault of a female at Hollywood Hospital in 1990, the fingerprints and DNA should have been able to be matched on the police data base with the DNA and fingerprints of the person responsible of the 1988 Huntingdale breakin and sexual assault of a female should have been taken as a result of the of the Huntingdale breakin and sexual assault of a female;
It seems that as a result of BRE only receiving a 2 year probation order in 1990 for a most serious crime of BRE admitting and being caught of a serious assault of a female at Hollywood Hospital in 1990, while working for Telecom now known as Telstra, where the female victim thought that BRE was going to murdered that day, and the fact the BRE kept his job with Telecom/Telstra and even received a promotion with no media attention of committing such most serious crime …indicates beyond any possible reasonable doubt that BRE received some sort of preferential and special treatment from the police, the courts, the media and his employer Telecom/Telstra ….. which one can conclude BRE, and/or his family and/or his associated/friends had powerful connections with powerful networks/organisations/people that almost gave BRE to have a “Green Light” to be able to effectively being able at material times to be free from any serious punishment for serious crimes such as a serious assault of a female while in a hospital working for his employee Telecom/Telstra ….. for example the father of BRE could be a Freemason .. plus is in understood that the father of RRE was a previous employee of Telecom ….. and thus may have pulled on favours for his son with senior people at Telecom, police and a magistrate from his Freemason Brothers … to ensure that his son did not receive a prison sentence, did not lose his job with Telecom/Telstra and even received a promotion from Telecom/Telstra after committing a most serious crime of BRE admitting and being caught of a serious assault of a female at Hollywood Hospital in 1990, while working for Telecom now known as Telstra, where the female victim thought that BRE was going to murdered that day ….. this preferential treatment of BRE could well be part of the cause of BRE abducting and raping a female in 1995 at Karrakatta Cemetery … which may have involved police and/or other another powerful person or persons, being at the Karrakatta Cemetery at the time of the rape … or having being involved in abduction and/or rape  …. Including the possibility that the whole abduction and rape event may have been for the purpose of making and filming an horrific sadist deviant film for sale ….. once can reasonably assume that had BRE been sent to prison for a period time for one to year years or more and the media given the crime a reasonable amount of attention…. BRE’s would have lost his job with Telecom/Telstra ….. and BRE would be well known by the general public and would not have the creditability of being a trusted reputable Telecom/Telstra employee … and would have not have access and possession of Telecom/Telstra vehicles to be able to use to commit further crimes as alleged by the WA Police, the DPP and the State of WA ….. there is would be almost no chance of the 1995 abduction and rape being committed by BRE;
As soon as the 1995 Karrakatta abduction and rape occurred, BRE’s name should have come straight up on the police radar as being a possible person of interest for being involved in the 1995 Karrakatta abduction and rape because of his prior assault conviction of a female in 1990 …it is a well known and accepted principle of police investigations that the first people of interest when a crime is committed … are people who have a criminal history that relates to the crime that has been committed…… thus there can be no doubt if there was normal and proper police investigations into the 1995 Karrakatta Rape then BRE should have been followed daily from 1995 onwards like Mr Williams was followed … and/or brought in for questioning over the 1995 Karrakatta Rape …… if the police, the DPP and the State of WA are right  …in accusing BRE as being the sole person responsible for the planning and execution abductions of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon, and in the murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon, then the police have helped allow BRE think if he can get away with the 1995 Karrakatta abduction and rape …. Then he will be able to get away with further abductions and/or rapes and/or murders ….. BRE would be even more confident of being able to get away with such crimes is he was involved with police in planning and committing such crimes and/or involved with a well-connected powerful person and/or people …. Who had powerful connections with senior police …. Such a Police who are senior Freemasons if BRE and/or his father was a Freemason … or just having some with powerful connections that have nothing to do with Freemasonry…. On this point …. A Freemason Police officer who used to work for the Western Australian Police, who was being groomed by his Freemason Brothers to be a Commissioner of Police .. has made a statement that all of the Western Australia Police Commissioners in the last 10 years has been a Freemason, except the Italian Catholic Mafia appointed Brian Bull, who was helped into the position of being the Commissioner of Police for Western Australia  by the Late Samuel Franchina, who was at material times the Italian Catholic Mafia Godfather … who was the Western Australian appointed Godfather by the later Abe Safron … who was the Australia wide Mafia Godfather who was appointed by the CIA/MI6 and was a CIA/MI6 asset ….operating on many different levels and purposes for the CIA/MI6 such as making illegal money for the CIA/MI6 through drugs and prostitution  and helping to lauder such cash ….. and to have a hotel/motel to be used as a honey trap people who were in powerful business, government, police, political, legal,  local council and media circles where they were invited to spend time for sex/drinking/drugs/rock and roll parties and get togethers where paid prostitutes  were provided to have sex with people who spent time at Abe Safron’s Hotel/motels .. with all such encounters video taped .. then used as a way of controlling such people in powerful positions … to make sure that they acted and made decisions is the way that Abe Safron and his bosses at the CIA/MI6 want…. There is ample evidence that the CIA/MI6 and Freemasonry have strong power in they way things are run in business, government, police, political, legal,  council and media circles in Western Australia …. Be believe otherwise would be completely nieve when one takes the time and effort to look at and investigate the facts…;
It is a reasonable proposition to believe that not longer after the Karrakatta 1995 rape occurred …. That BRE’s would have quickly been on the police radar as being a strong suspect of having committed and/or being involved in such crime… the Police had the DNA of the person responsible for this crime from an intimate swap done on the victim of the 1995 Karrakatta Rape ….  The police should have had the DNA of BRE from the 1990 Hollywood Assault …… however, even if the police did not have the DNA of BRE from the 1990 Hollywood Assault ….. The police have shown how easy it would be to obtain BRE DNA by having an undercover officer to follow BRE around and simply pick a used drink bottle and/or a used food container or wrapping  .. as an undercover officer did in around 2017 … by following BRE to a cinema and picking up a used Sprite Bottle ….. thus there is every reason to believe that shortly after the 1995 Karrakatta Rape the police knew that BRE was involved in such crime … and thus for whatever reason BRE was not formerly interviewed and/or arrested for the 1995 Karrakatta Rape …..  by 1996 .. the police decided hold back arresting BRE for the 1995 Karrakatts Rape till around 2016/2017 ….
It is a reasonable proposition that either the police and/or powerful connections with police, made sure BRE was not charged by 1996 with the 1995 Karrakatta Rape for either of the two following purposes:

So that pressure can be put on BRE to help police and/or a powerful well-connected wealthy business person abduct further females for their own reasons and purposes such as the abduction Sarah Speirs, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon; and/or
So that police and/or a powerful well-connected wealthy business person can eventually set up and frame BRE for the abductions and murders of Sarah Speirs, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon, once the powerful well-connected business person had died .. and the main police officer was no longer in the police service that Sarah Anne McMahon made a sworn statement were involved in the Claremont Serial abductions and murders which includes the abductions and murders of Sarah Speirs, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon  ….. and after Sarah Anne McMahon (SAM) has been murdered … the WA Coroner who heard Sarah Anne McMahon’s Inquest ruled be believes that Sarah Anne McMahon was murdered on or around about 8th November, 2000… however …. Those responsible for the ordering, planning and execution SAM in or around 8th November, 2000 did not know SAM had already made a sworn statement naming the names of police and a powerful well-connected wealthy Perth Businessman as being involved in the CS-Killings ….. and felt that with the death of SAM ,. There would be no chance that her evidence could be used to expose them as to their It is quite unbelievable that the police have not arrested Donald Victor Morey and Mr Gareth Allen for being involved with the murder of involvement with the CSK ….in any event …. even if they realised SAM had made such a statement  ….. it would be much harder for them to be exposed and found guilty of their involvement with CSK with SAM not being alive….  It is quite unbelievable that the WA Police have not arrested Donald Victor Morey and Mr Gareth Allen as being involved with the murder of SAM …. Considering the police had a statement of a witness who said she saw the dead body of SAM in Donald Victor Morey’s bedroom …. On 8th November, 2000 and could have taken every attempts to do forensic analysis on the bedroom of Donald Victor Morey, could have driven to the house belonging to Mr Gareth Evans within 60 minutes of the police being rung by Mrs Allen that she found a black bag belonging to Donald Victor Morey, in his bedroom, which contained items which a serial killer of females would be likely to contain ….  Instead the police took four days to come and retrieve such bag, giving plenty of time for the female partner of Donald Victor Morey to collect this black bag before the police have arrived to collect such bag … it is understood that the reason why neither Donald Victor Morey and/or Mr Gareth Allen have not been well investigated and arrested for being involved with the murder of SAM is because they work with corrupt police in criminal activity such a illegal drug dealing ….. and even murder when needed  ….. such as the need to murder SAM … because SAM knew too much about their illegal drug dealing which involve corrupt police and who was involved in the CSK which included police and a very powerful well-connected wealthy Perth businessman …. As named in the sworn statement made by SAM which was made by SAM before she was murdered  .,.. as according to a police witness by Donald Victor Morey and Mr Gareth Allen  who according to the police witness played a minor role in the murder of SAM …. To be able to completely nail Donald Victor Morey for the murder of SAM …. all the police have to do is taken Mr Gareth Allen in for questioning regarding the murder of SAM …. And offer his a deal … that he will be arrested along with Donald Victor Morey for conspiracy to murder SAM  and murdering SAM ….. unless he becomes a police and Crown Witness against Donald Victor Morey for the murder of SAM ….

The main point to provide a good reason to select BRE to be set up and framed for being the alleged person who was solely responsible for the planning and execution of the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon …. ASSUMING …. BRE had nothing to do with the abductions and/or murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon …. Is that because the police knew they had ample fingerprint, DNA, and fibre evidence to arrest and convict BRE of the 1988 and 1995 sexual assaults and has admitted and was caught for the 1990 Hollywood Assault …. Even if BRE did not admit such crimes as he now has …..  so there was no doubt with such convictions and the evidence of such horrendous crimes publicly exposed at a trial ,,,, that the court and the families and friends of the victims, and the general public would be convinced that BRE’s was the type of person that could and would be likely to be a strong suspect for the abduction and murdered of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon … so thus even though there has been no evidence at all produced at the trial ….that links BRE to the abduction and murder of Sarah Spiers  …… and not possible Beyond Reasonable Evidence produced at the trial to have a guilty conviction of BRE of the murder of Jane Rimmer …. And the only murder conviction that BRE is found guilty of is the murder of Ciara Glennon … mainly because of the alleged DNA belonging to BRE being found with the DNA belonging to Ciara Glennon … for LCN Typing DNA Tests performed at London, United Kingdom ….. then the families and friends of the victims and the general public  .. with the mainstream media backing the prosecution’s narrative story ,… will be fully convinced that BRE’s was the sole person to be responsible for the planning and execution of the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon  ….. even if BRE is found not guilty of all three murders ,,,, and is only convicted and sentenced for the serious rape and sexual assaults he has pleaded guilty of …. Then the family and friends of the three victims, and the general public will be fairly well convinced that BEB was the sole Claremont Serial Killer who stalked Perth, Western Australia in the late 1980’s and 1990’s …. However even though the police and the DPP spent over $100 million in investigations into the CSK and the trial of BRE ….. there unfortunately was no enough solid evidence to obtain a guilty verdict against BRE for all of the three murders before a experienced Justice such as His Honour Stephen Hall …. However the police, the State of Western Australia and their legal team, the DPP for WA, will be able to make a very believable public statement that they still believe that BRE is the sole CSK and that they can finally have the excuse to close the CSK investigation files with the public statement that “we are extremely confident that we have had the right man …. However he had one of the best defence barristers in Australia who was able to convince His Honour Justice Stephen Hall that there was enough reasonable doubt on the evidence as presented at the trial that  his client BRE was not guilty of the murder of either Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/ Ciara Glennon
The main purposes for the arrest of BRE for the murders of the being the alleged person for the planning and execution of the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon incudes to stop any investigation into the people named in the sworn statement of Sarah Anne McMahon (SAM) naming the names of police and a powerful well-connected well off Perth Businessman being involved in the Claremont Serial Abductions and Murders … so that the CSK Investigations can be finally closed;
The main purposes for the arrest of BRE for the murders of the being the alleged person for the planning and execution of the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon … a few months before the Western Australia State Election was to help the WA Liberal Party  win the State Election based on the fact that under their watch they had appointed a WA Commissioner of Police and help run and guide a police force which were able to arrest a person who the WA Police were certain was the sole Claremont Serial Killer;
The main purposes for the arrest of BRE for the murders of the being the alleged person for the planning and execution of the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon was so that the then about to retire WA Police Commissioner Karl O’Callaghan who is a well-respected high level Red Lodge Freemason was able to retire to leave it on public record that the CSK was caught, charged and convicted under his watch as WA Police Commissioner
The main purposes for the arrest of BRE for the murders of the being the alleged person for the planning and execution of the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon was so that the then about to retire WA Police Commissioner Karl O’Callaghan who is a well-respected high level Red Lodge Freemason was able to retire making sure that there was no chance that His Brother Freemason Police who Sarah Anne McMahon named in her sworn statement as being involved in the CSK were not investigated in the future by future WA Police Commissioners ….. and that the World’s mainstream media would make sure that the families and friends of the CSK victims and the general public were convinced the Bradley Robert Edwards was the sole person responsible for what the world knows as the Claremont Serial abductions and killings   ….. a long time before the final verdict is brought done by the trial justice ….  which would be fairly well assured by the arrest of Bradley Robert Edwards….

Some Further Initial Information, Particulars and Summary of Background of this Applicatio
Representation: Counsel:
Prosecution : Ms C Barbagallo SC, Ms T Payne & Mr B Hollingsworth
 Accused : Mr P Yovich SC & Ms G Cleary
The respondent (Bradley Robert Edwards) stands charged by an indictment alleging eight offences - three counts of murder; two counts of deprivation of liberty; two counts of aggravated sexual penetration without consent and one count of aggravated burglary. He has pleaded guilty to two counts of deprivation of liberty; two counts of aggravated sexual penetration without consent and one count of aggravated burglary and not guilty to - three counts of murder.

Attempts have been made since 1997 to provide the Western Australian Police Service with material information and evidence regarding what is publicly known as The Claremont Serial Killings (CSK).

The Claremont Serial Killings are publicly known and accepted to be the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon in 1996 and 1997

Further and or in the alternative there is information and evidence indicating that the abductions and murders of Julie Cutler in the year 1988 and Sarah Anne McMahon in the year 2000 are related to the Claremont Serial Killings (CSK) and thus should be included under the heading of “the Expanded Claremont Serial Killings (ECSK).

There is information and evidence indicating that ECSK were planned, organised and carried out by a number of people and not just one person. Besides the information and evidence that supports this claim, for so many different reasons, just the pure logic indicates that one person could not could not have been solely responsible for the planning, organisation, and carrying out of the abductions and murders of Julie Cutler in the year 1988,  Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon in 1996 and 1997 and Sarah Anne McMahon in the year 2000. For so many different reasons, to make such a claim on just the evidence that is publicly known and fairly well accepted would not make any logical sense. The full explanation of this statement will be provided at a full hearing of this application.
At all material times since 1997 the Western Australian Police Service has refused to properly and fully obtain, collect and\or investigate all material information, evidence and witness statement that was offered to the Western Australian Police Service regarding the CSK and the ECSK.

Attempts have been made since 2019 to provide the Western Australian Police Service, the Western Australian Government, the Attorney General for Western Australia, the Minister of Police for Western Australia, the Premier of Western Australia, and the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia with material information, evidence and witness statements regarding the CSK and the ECSK.

One of the material witnesses may not have long to live due to the Corona Virus Pandemic so if that witness is not placed on the witness stand in the near future the witness may die before the witness can be placed on the witness stand in the Court of Western Australia.

Paul Ferguson while he was the head of the Macro Task Force made a public statement that the person or persons involved in the CSK could be a publicly respectable person, a security guard, a taxi driver, a police officer and/or a person or people impersonating a security guard, a taxi driver, a police officer.
At a material time when material information and evidence regarding the CSK and the ECSK. which was offered to the Western Australian Police Service and to Paul Ferguson, the original head of the Macro Task Force in charge of the investigations into the CSK.
 Paul Ferguson was removed as the head of the Macro Task Force with a wrongful raid on his home at around 6am with wrongful accusations of corruption against Paul Ferguson.

As a result of such wrongful accusations of corruption against Paul Ferguson, he was removed from being the head of the Macro Task Force.
Paul Ferguson was replaced by David John Caporn, who was appointed as the new head of the Macro Task Force in charge of investigations into as the CSK..
David John Caporn as the head of the Macro Task Force spent his time as the head of the Task Force investigating and public accusing people who the Western Australian Police Service in the end made the decision that none of these people were involved in the CSK.

There is every reason to believe that the removal of Paul Ferguson from being the head of the Macro Task Force and being replaced by David John Caporn was arranged by the Commissioner of Police because Paul Ferguson was getting too close the into finding out that police officers and a well off powerful well connected business person in Perth, Western Australia were involved in the CSK..

Sarah Anne McMahon has provided a sworn statement that she could give information and evidence confirming that police and a well off powerful well-connected businessperson in Perth, Western Australia were involved in the Claremont Serial Killings which was supported by good reasons why she knew this. Sarah Anne McMahon made a sworn statement in which she named police and the name of a welloff powerful well=connected businessperson in Perth, Western Australia, who she stated to her personal knowledge were involved in the Claremont Serial Killings.

Sarah Anne McMahon was asked why she has not gone to the authorities to tell of what she knew about information and evidence confirming that police and a well off powerful well-connected businessperson in Perth, Western Australia were involved in the Claremont Serial Killings. The response by Sarah Anne McMahon was as follows: “ If I asked you to hand my sworn statement about information and evidence confirming that police and a well off powerful well connected business person in Perth, Western Australia were involved in the Claremont Serial Killings, I would be dead in a week .. these people are simply too powerful and well connected in the system and too powerful to try and expose …. They have powerful connections in the police, the government, the criminal world, the drug dealing world, business world, the legal and court world and their connections go as high as the Australian Federal Police, ASIO, MI6 and the CIA … no one can haver a chance of taking them on …. I mistakenly became involved with them …using illegal drugs and selling illegal drugs for them … I am desperately trying to break free from them and from this world and trying to get back to an ordinary life …. If anything happens to me then I want the truth in my statement to be exposed to the authorities, the courts and the world wide media … so that the truth is publicly known and so that a message is given to these and other similar evil people that they can not sweep such evil actions under the carpet and the truth will always eventually come out….”

On the 8th November, 2000 Sarah Anne McMahon disappeared, and the Coroner stated that he believes that Sarah Anne McMahon was murdered.

Information indicates that Sarah Anne McMahon was abducted and murdered by Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich, under orders of corrupt police, people involved in the criminal world and a well-connected wealthy businessman because of what she knew about who was involved in the Claremont Serial Killings.

There is every indication to have a reasonable belief that the Western Australian Police Service have not made every effort to investigate the likely involvement of Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich in the abduction and murder of Sarah Anne McMahon on or about the 8th November, 2000.

It is believed and understood that the Western Australian Police Service have not made every effort to try and obtain all possible forensic evidence from the room were Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich lived in the house in Marangroo, belonging to Mr Gareth Allen, who was at material times the boss of Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich, to see if there was any possible traces of blood that was anywhere is the room that could have been the blood belonging to Sarah Anne McMahon.

A witness came forward that he said she saw the dead body of Sarah Anne McMahon in the room where Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich and was asked by the owner of the house to help clean the room because Donal Victor Morey had killed Sarah Anne McMahon. It seems because of fear for the safety of her son, the witness withdrew her statement at the Sarah Anne McMahon’s Inquest.  

According to her statement give to the police, Mrs Kendrick, Mr Gareth Allen told her to come to his house in Marangaroo at about 9.30 pm on the 8th November, 2000 and Mr Gareth Allen stated words of the following effect: “ Don’s gone and killed Sarah”.
Mrs Kendrick, said she waked into Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich’s room and saw Sarah McMahon’s naked body on the bed.
Mrs Kendrick, stated that there was an old fashioned rope around Sarah Anne McMahon’s neck.

Mrs Kendrick, stated that later shea length of old fashioned rope on the bedroom floor and was around a yard long.
Mrs Kendrick, stated that she saw that Mr Gareth Allen’s right hand was swollen and that there were marks on his ankles.
Mrs Kenrick stated that Mr Gareth Allen stated her her “.. I punched Sarah in the head to shut her up but it didn’t.

Mrs Kenrick stated that she cleaned Mr Gareth Allen’s house.

Mrs Kenrick stated that she saw Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich carrying something wrapped in a quilt that she believed was the body of Sarah Anne McMahon  and saw Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich the body in the bed of a utility and Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich dove away with the body of Sarah Anne McMahon.
Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich has been publicly named as a suspect as being responsible for the Murder of Sarah Anne McMahon, but for some reason the Western Australian Police Service seem not to  have tried too hard or put much serious resources and effort into investigating Donald Victor Morey’s involvement if the abduction and murder of Anne Sarah McMahon.

Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich confessed to Mrs Allen the wife of his boss Mr Gareth Allen, who owned the house in Marangaroo, were Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich lived at the material time that he had killed many times before and would be happy to kill her husband if she wished, after easedropping a big argument between his boss and his wife.

Mrs Allen said that Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich made an effort to charm women.

Mrs Allen stated that Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich stated her “ … I was in the S.A.S that’s were I was taught to kill people. I have killed before…”

 Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich had access to a mechanical workshop at his boss Mr Gareth Evan’s trucking yard, where he worked maintaining his boss’s trucks that travelled between Western Australia and the Eastern States and between Perth and northern towns in Western Australia.

There is information and evidence that indicates that Mr Gareth Evans transported large quantities of illegal drugs in trucks coming from the Eastern States and also transporting them the towns north of Perth.

As it seems clear on the evidence at Sarah Anne McMahon’s Inquest and from other evidence and information that Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich was selling Sarah Anne McMahon $10,000 lots of amphetamine, he would have had the cash for access to new vehicles and was able to cut and shut rebuild vehicles that he could set up himself and build a fake taxi and thus did not have to purchase a taxi plate.

 In the 1990’s fake taxis were an excellent cash cow.

If Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich was an Ex-SAS or ex-military, he would likely to have been trained in cutting and shutting vehicles and as a mechanic, with mechanics being one of the core subjects for the SAS.

The SAS Barracks were a stone’s throw from Stirling Road, Claremont.

With Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich being Ex-SAS, with a station wagon set up with a LSD Diff, he could have easily driven up any of the back dirt roads off the main track to any of the body dump points with ease.

Police have made public statements that the CSK is likely to me someone who polishes his car a lot with car and detail

Some of these illegal drugs were sold to Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich to sell and distribute in commercial quantities of around $10,000 bundles, which smaller drug dealers were given to distribute to retain drug users.

In the 1970’s Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich was convicted by murdering a prisoner in his cell with an axe, however his murder conviction was set aside by the High Court of Australia on a technicality and a retrial was ordered. However, before the conviction as set aside the only witness to seeing Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich murdering the other prisoner was also found dead in his cell. Thus with no living witnesses Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich was found not guilty at his retrial after making an unsworn statement in the dock stating it was the other prisoner in the cell that committed the murder and it was not him.

Shorty after Sarah Anne McMahon disappeared on 8th November, 2000, Mrs Allen, the wife of Mr Gareth Allen, the boss of Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich rang the police to say that while cleaning the room of Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich, she found a bag, that she knew was regularly with Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich.

This bag that Mrs Allen saw looked like a bag a serial killer would have which had, which she claimed contained two grey rolls of dirty grey used gaffer tape, four lengths of ropes with knots in the ends about two feel long, two knives, one was Mr Allen’s pocket knife, two large rubber bands, one condom in a packet , two pornographic magazines with photos of deal females, between five and seven key rings and a map.

Mrs Allen stated that the porn magazines contained pictures contained pictures of men with blood on their genitals and women tied up who appeared to be dead,
At the material time the Police were actively looking for a person who could be the sort of person to be involved in the CSK, and thus should have come straight over in a 30 minute’s drive from the CIB office in Perth, to come and collect this bag belonging to Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich.
However, it took the police 4 days to come an collect this bag belonging to Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich.

This gave plenty of time of the female partner of Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich to come and collect this bag belonging to Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich. Any reasonable person would think it was extremely strange why the police took 4 days to come an collect this bag belonging to Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich, and could easily come to the conclusion that corrupt police rang the female partner of Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich to warn her to come and collect the bag before the police get there to collect the bag because Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich was in a corrupt involvement with corrupt police and had murdered Sarah Anne McMahon to stop her from coming forward as a witness to stay the a well off well connected business person and certain police were involved in The Clarement Serial Killings.

Evidence came out at Sarah Anne McMahon’s Inquest that Sarah Anne McMahon was selling and distributing $10,000 parcels of illegal drugs such as Chrystal Meth. Thus, it seems clear that Donald Victor Morey aka Matusevich was involved with a much larger illegal drug dealer handing out $10,000 lots of Chrystal Meth to people for sale.

There in ample evidence that certain Western Australian Police have for a long time been involved with the supply and distribution of illegal drugs in Western Australia. For example in the 1980’s when well known illegal drug deal Paul Mausari was on trial for selling heroin, he yelled form the Dock and pointed at the Drug Squad Detectives sitting in the front row of the District Court stating to the judge … “ ,,,, your honour a admit that my business is selling heroine  …but the police officers sitting in the front row of the court who arrested my on these drug selling charges were my business partners for many years …. So what I can not understand is why are these police officers also charged with me for supplying and selling heroine?” …. Of course as the police are protected from arrest and prosecution the police were never charged and simply went on an find another person to sell the illegal drugs for them ,,,,, Of course the well-controlled Western Australian Media who attended this court case never reported what Paul Maussari said to the judge about the police being his business partners selling illegal drugs over many years.

It is a publicly well-known fact that David John Caporn was accused as acting corruptly to stop an investigation into well known Perth Footballer regarding allegations that Barry Cable was involved in sexual assault of a minor.

It is a publicly well-known fact that David John Caporn, other police officers and former senior Director of Prosecution Prosecutor Kenneth Bates were accused as acting corruptly I the investigation and prosecution of Andrew Mallard regarding the murder of Pamela Lawrence. As a result the High Court of Australia set aside the murder conviction against Andrew Mallard because misleading evidence was presented at the trial and material evidence was withhold from the trial. The because of this High Court Ruling both David John Caporn and prosecutor Kenneth Bates had to quickly resign before internal investigations proceeded against them.

David John Caporn before he resigned from the Western Australian Police Service rose to the rank of Assistant Police Commissions for the Western Australian Police Service.
Andrew Mallard was given $3 million in compensation by the Western Australian Government for having to spend 12 years wrongfully in prison.

Andrew Mallard was spending a lot of his compensation money paying for an expensive Barrister to have David John Caporn and Kenneth Bates and others charged and arrested for a criminal charge of Conspiracy to Pervert The Course of Justice.

Andrew Mallards attempts to have David John Caporn and Kenneth Bastes and others charged and arrested for a criminal charge of Conspiracy to Pervert the Course of Justice came to an end when he killed by being run down by a hit and run driver in Los Angeles, USA. There have been allegations that the person that killed Andrew Mallard was paid by connections of David John Caporn and Kenneth Bastes to make sure the attempts to have David John Caporn and Kenneth Bastes and others charged and arrested for a criminal charge of Conspiracy to Pervert The Course of Justice came to an end.

It is noted that Jane Rimmer’s mystery man who seen talking to her on the Continental Hotel Security Video at around midnight the day she disappeared was wearing a white short and what looked like black pants. That is the standard work uniform for many occupations, including taxi drivers, hospitality staff, limo drivers, funeral staff, door men.

Turning up to talk to Jane Rimmer at midnight suggests that someone who may of knocked off from work at any of the venues that shut around midnight at the time. Even printers do night shifts and earned commensurate money for doing so.
After 85 sitting days encompassing evidence from more than 200 witnesses and tens of thousands of pages of transcript, the final evidence produced at the trial of Bradley Robert Edwards by the police and the prosecution has been summarised by the ABC News and newspapers in Western Australia as follows:

DNA Evidence
Fibre Evidence
The Telstra Living Witnesses
Propensity behaviour and lies
It is noted that parts of the prosecution’s argument relating to motive and patterns of homicides in Perth have been discarded by the prosecution

 The fibre evidence which involved many days of evidence and thousands of exhibits was in many respects is extremely difficult to be accepted by any judge, justice and\or jury panel to support a guilty verdict based on the well established criminal evidence standard of beyond reasonable doubt, simply because Bradley Robert Edwards was not the old person to have access to and or use of the type, model, make and year of production that the car fibres matched fibres found on two of the victims being Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon and Bradley Robert Edwards was not the only person to have use of the clothing that the blue type fibres that matched fibres claimed to have been found on two of the victims being Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon.
The DNA and Fibre evidence which is in reality is the main evidence that would help any judge to bring down guilty verdicts of the three murder charges
 There has been no real evidence at the trial on the that links Bradley Robert Edwards on the well-established criminal evidence standard of beyond reasonable doubt, that could obtain a guilty verdict against Bradley Robert Edwards for being the sole person who planned and carried out the abduction and murder of Sarah Spiers.

 In reality the main evidence produced against Bradley Robert Edwards to support the three murder charges is the DNA and Fibre Evidence.

Without the DNA and Fibre Evidence the three murder charges would be likely to have been dismissed by a magistrate at a preliminary hearing for these charges with the magistrate making a legal ruling that there was not enough possible evidence to take these three murder charges to trial.

There seems very strong legal and factual argument that if  the only charge against Bradley Robert Edwards, was the charge or being the sole person to plan and carry out the abduction and murder of Sarah Spiers, then a magistrate at a preliminary hearing would find t extremely difficult to rule to set such a charge to trial based on all the evidence produced by the prosecution at the trial of Bradley Robert Edwards.

 The DNA Evidence only relates to the charges against Bradley Robert Edwards relating to the murder of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon.

There is no DNA evidence linking Bradley Robert Edwards to the murder of Jane Rimmer, so the police and prosecution are really relying on the Fibre Evidence to convince His Honour Justice Hall the bring down a guilty verdict for the charge of murdering Jane Rimmer.

However, the Fibre evidence does not prove the case against Bradley Robert Edwards of murdering Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon because the various Fibres claimed to have been found on Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon can not be said to be only able to have come from the car that Bradley Robert Edwards had access to at the material time and can not be said can only have come from cloths that Bradley Robert Edwards would or could have owned and/or wearing at material times.

Thus in reality the only real substantial evidence to help a guilty verdict on any of the three murder charges is the alleged DNA evidence allegedly found under the fingernails of Ciara Glennon.

If His Honour Justice Stephen Hall rules that there is a reasonable doubt that the DNA of Bradley Robert Edwards ended up mixed with the DNA of Ciara Glennon from Bradley Robert Edwards having been scratched by Ciara Glennon at the material time of her abduction and murder, then it will be extremely difficult for His Honour to bring down a guilty verdict of the charge of Bradley Robert Edwards murdering Ciara Glennon. In making such a decision, His Honour will have to closely look at, analyse and think about whether such alleged evidence supports or does not support the alleged DNA Evidence.

 One of the serious issues His Honour will have to deal with on the information, evidence and witnesses presented to the Supreme Court up to date, before missing the information, evidence and witnesses offered to the court related to this application is presented to the court, is the two prosecution witnesses that gave sworn evidence that that Bradley Robert Edwards arrived at their home in the morning after Ciara Glennon was believed to have been abducted and murdered. Neither of these two witnesses stated that they saw any scratches on the face of Bradley Robert Edwards, which would have to have been there that morning on the face of Bradley Robert Edwards.  Thus these two prosecution witnesses help support a reasonable doubt that the DNA belonging to Bradley Robert Edwards ended up being found with the DNA of Ciara Glennon in the DNA Tests that were performed in London. This is one of the biggest holes in the prosecution’s DNA Evidence Argument that there can no reasonable doubt that the DNA of Bradley Robert Edwards ended up being found with the DNA belonging to Ciara Glennon in the DNA Tests completed in London, as a result of what the prosecution claim “….Ciara Glennon desperately trying to fight of the attempts of Bradley Robert Edwards trying to murder Ciara Glennon”.

This leads to an evenmore greater and important issue that His Honour will have to think about, analyse and decide on …. If the DNA Evidence of Bradley Robert Edwards did not end up under the fingernails of Ciara Glennon as a result of a desperate attempt by Ciara Glennon to fight of Bradley Robert Edwards to murder her … then His Honour has every reason to deduct that the DNA of Bradley Robert Edwards ended by with the DNA of Ciara Glennon in the DNA Test completed in London, ended up there either by accidental and/or deliberate contamination.

That is one of the many reasons why the new evidence that has not been put before the court that relates to this application, that claims that police and a powerful well connected wealthy Perth Business person was allowed to be put before the court, was put before the court. Because this new evidence shows and gives a solid reason why corrupt police and/or a corrupt person or persons would want to deliberately plant the DNA of Bradley Robert Edwards with the DNA belonging to Ciara Glennon to help frame Bradley Robert Edwards on the murder charges of allegedly being the sole person to plan and carry out the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon.
There is a lot of other material information, evidence and witnesses that is easily found out about by the police and prosecution which is publicly available that the police and prosecution have deliberately not presented to the Court at the Trial of the Defendant being Bradley Robert Edwards. The full particulars of such of other material information, evidence and witnesses will be provided at the full hearing of this application.

 With Laurie Web having so much authority at Path West and being in charge of taking the DNA of Ciara Glennon to London to have DNA Tests completed and the fact that Laurie Web was sacked from Path West for not acting properly at Path West and the fact that he did not want to go on the witness stand where he could be cross examined by the Defence Council gives a reasonable deduction that Laurie Web was not a trustworthy person who may have over the years worked with corrupt police to help them with desired results at Path West and had the motive and opportunity to plant the DNA of Bradley Robert Edwards with the DNA belonging to Ciara Glennon.

Application for leave to take out these applications on behalf of the State of Western Australia based on a number of legal principles which include:

being in the public interest for the public to have a say in the matter when over $100 million of money belonging to the people of Western Australia has been spent and/or being spent relating to investigations and prosecution relating to the disappearances and/or abductions and or the murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon and associated with the arrest and prosecution trial of Bradley Robert Edwards being 164 of 1998 in the Supreme Court of Western Australia;
being on the public interest for all the material information, facts, evidence and witnesses relating to the disappearances and/or abductions and or the murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon and associated with the arrest and prosecution trial of Bradley Robert Edwards being 164 of 1998 in the Supreme Court of Western Australia;
the State of Western Australia, the Police Commissioner for Western Australia and the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia have constantly refused to take note of, discuss, investigation, look at and present all the material information, facts, evidence and witnesses relating to the disappearances and/or abductions and or the murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon and associated with the arrest and prosecution trial of Bradley Robert Edwards being 164 of 1998 in the Supreme Court of Western Australia which has been offered to them by the applicant for a number of years, even though they all have been served notices that this application will be taken out if they continue to fail to take note of, discuss, investigation, look at and present all the material information, facts, evidence and witnesses relating to the disappearances and/or abductions and or the murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon and associated with the arrest and prosecution trial of Bradley Robert Edwards being 164 of 1998 in the Supreme Court of Western Australia

the law has been well established and accepted that it is a criminal contempt of court for a prosecutor and the organisations they present being the state and the police to ignore and refuse to take note of, discuss, investigation, look at and present all the material information, facts, evidence and witnesses  at the trial of an accused relating the charges the accused is being accused of and tried for the most obvious reasons which include that it would be if proved in the words of the previous Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Western Australia, the Honourable David Kingsley Malcom  at ab previous criminal contempt application against a senior barrister taken out in the Supreme Court of Western Australia…..”would be a amongst other serious wrongs would be a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and a breach of the duties of the police and prosecution to present all the material information, facts, evidence and witnesses  at the trial of an accused relating the charges the accused is being accused of and tried for..                                               

27.This application needs to be heard via video link because of the Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Health dangers of attending court in person and because of the health risks of travelling to the court in person and the legal restrictions of travelling to the court in person

28.  Some further and Better Particulars is support of application

A. The four Western Australian University students witnessed Jane Rimmer hitchhiking down Stirling Highway near the corner of Loch Street, Claremont looking drunk walking in the city of Perth direction at around 12.39 am the morning Jane Rimmer disappeared. This is well known public knowledge because this was information published in a local newspaper. Thus, the WA Police, the DPP and the mainstream WA Media such as the West Australian Newspaper, the Sunday Times Newspaper, the main TV News Networks such as channel 7, 9, 10 and ABC, would all know this pubic information. The serious question here is why have the Western Australian Mainstream Media, the Western Australian Police and the Director of Public Prosecutions continually ignored this most obvious material information, evidence and witnesses who can clarify the last publicly known sighting of Jane Rimmer time she was  last seen, where she was when she was last seen and whar direction she was heading at the tie she was last seen and whether see was last seen in a car or walking,


B. Sergeant James Stanbury appeared on a major TV Documentary and deliberately lied about the last known sighting of Jane Rimmer by saying the last known sighting of Jane Rimmer was when she was seen talking to the Mystery Man at around 12pm.

The mainstream WA Media were also involved in continuing for 20 plus years deliberately lying to the families and friends of Jane Rimmer and the general public over the last known sighting of Jane Rimmer

C. For many different reasons Sergeant James Stanbury should be called as a material witness by the DPP at the trial of Bradley Robert Edwards:

(a) he needs to be asked why he deliberately lied on national television about the last known sighting of Jane Rimmer?
(b) why did he allow the main suspect to the murder of Pamela Lawrence commit suicide in jail when it was published that he was now the main suspect to the murder of Pamela Lawrence?
(c) did he or Lawrence Webb or Forensic Services in London tamper with the Ciara Glennon’s fingernail DNA by adding some of Bradley Robert Edwards DNA to Ciara Glennon’s DNA before or after he and Laurie Webb took possession of Ciara Glennon’s DNA to take it to London?
(d) does he understand why people would be suspicious of whether he and or Laurie Webb  and or Forensic Services corrupted Ciara Glennon’s  DNA because there were so many powerful people and networks including a senior police officer and a well-connected wealthy powerful Perth businessman involved that desperately needed to set someone up to be falsely shown to be the sole person seen to be responsible for the abdication and murder of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glendon publicity known as the Claremont Serial Killings 

D. Laurie Webb needs to be placed on the witness stand by the DPP and asked if he has any knowledge of himself, Sergeant James Stanbury and or Forensic Services in London had any involvement in corrupting Ciara Glennon’s DNA by adding the DNA of Bradley Robert Edwards to Ciara Glennon’s DNA before or after he (LW) and Sergeant James Stanbury took possession of Ciara Glennon’s to take it to London?

E, The female witness that was on the witness stand on the morning of 29th April 2020 that accepted a ride from a male with dark brown curly hair should be asked to look at the photos of serial rapist and murderer Mark Phillip Dixie which can be viewed on the below website page 


To see if she recognizes if this looks like the male who gave her a lift and she jumped out of the car in fear in McNeil Street and hit behind a letter box until the man driving a white Japanese station wagon in 1995.

Research indicates that Mark Philip Dixie was involved in at least one of the abductions of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and or Ciara Glennon

Research indicates that Mark Philip Dixie was protracted by a Green Light arrangement in Australia, because he was a MI6 asset and was allowed to leave Australia on a false passport knowing he had committed serious criminal offenses in Australia using various false names

F. It has been well publicized in the Western Australian Media that a bricklayer who lives near where the body of Ciara Glendon was found, was driving to work on a building site to work as a bricklayer at around 4 am the morning Ciara Glendon disappeared at a time it was still dark... witnesses a Taxi with its lights off driving down a bush type road which would at that time would be rare to be used by the general public and it was extremely rare and odd to see a taxi driving down that bush type road at any hour... let alone at 4 am ... and even much more suspicious with the lights of the taxi off...

The bricklayer saw a person sitting in the back of the taxi at the time.
The bricklayer’s wife confirms her husband’s account ...
The bricklayer tried on a number of occasions to contact the police to provide a statement about what he saw.

Further comments regarding the above:
(a)  It is noted that a Ford Falcon model was stated as one of the types of vehicles that had the same fibres that the type of commodore car that it is claimed the accused Bradley Robert Edwards was driving or had access to during the time of the disappearance of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glendon.

(b) It is unbelievable and possibly a criminal contempt of court for the WA Police and the DPP for WA have not made the bricklayer and his wife prosecution witnesses because there can be no doubt from any point of view that the bricklayer and his wife are important material witnesses in the trial of Bradley Robert Edwards who has been accused of being the sole person that was involved in the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glendon.

© It is hard to come to any other conclusion from what the bricklayer witnessed as above described that the taxi he saw at around 4 am the morning Ciara Glendon disappeared had Ciara Glennon in it ... either dead or alive at that time.

(d) What this witness saw seems to be the last sighting of a vehicle which one can would easily come to the obviouss conclusion had Ciara Glennon in it and thus appears to be the last publicly known sighting of the last known whereabouts of Ciara Glennon the morning Ciara Glendon disappeared ...

(e) A witness has stated that a loud scream was heard the morning Ciara Glennon disappeared in the area where the body of Ciara Glennon was found, thus one would believe that Ciara Glendon was alive in that taxi and was murdered after the taxi arrived at it’s destination and thus was still alive when the bricklayer saw the taxi at around 4 am without any lights on driving down a lonely bush road that was rarely used at that time the morning Ciara Glennon disappeared.

(f). If what the bricklayer  witnessed is believed to be true by the trial judge if the witnesses was allowed to be placed on the witness stand at the trial of Bradley Robert Edwards .,, then it completely destroys the claim by the WA Police and the DPP for WA that Bradley Robert Edwards was the sole person involved in the abduction of Ciara Glendon and that the Telstra Holden Commodore that Bradley Robert Edwards had access to at the time of the abduction and murder of Ciara Glendon was the vehicle used in the abduction and murder of Ciara Glennon .,,

G.Thus it explains why the WA Police and the DPP of WA  deliberately withheld the information and evidence of these most material witnesses ... the bricklayer and his wife ... from the trial of Bradley Robert Edwards .,. Because the WA Police and the DPP have never spend the over $100 million on the CSK investigations and the prosecution of Bradley Robert Edwards to search for and obtain the truth .,, but to do everything to frame Bradley Robert Edwards to falsely claim that he was the sole person involved in abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon ... for so many different reasons which include:

(a) it has been publicly claimed in the world media that has never been objected to or denied that the original arrest of Bradley Roberts Edwards was because senior people in the Western Australian Liberal Party put pressure on the WA Police to arrest Bradley Robert Edwards for the murders of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glendon to help convince the Western Australian voting public that the police under their watch did an amazing job by finding and arresting the Claremont Serial Killer ... the idea was that it would help the WA Liberal Party re-elected in the WA State Elections that were about to be held at the time Bradley Robert Edwards was arrested,

(b) powerful connections in the WA Police, DPP and Government needed a believe-able were desperate to find a suitable and publicly believe-able scape goat for the CSK.. to show the public that they have solved  the CSK ... because a powerful well connected police officer and a powerful well connected wealthy Perth businessman were involved in the CSK 

(c) Bradley Robert Edwards was the perfect scapegoat to be framed as the CSK for obvious reasons and regardless of whether he was found guilty of one or more or the murders he has been charged for .. the main aim is to publicly convince the families and friends of the victims and the general public that Bradley Robert Edwards is the CSK ..  so they can close the CSK case so the well-connected powerful people that were involved in the CSK

(d) based on the previous criminal history of BRE which was his admitted involvement in the 1990 Hollywood serious assault and the fact that they had the DNA of BRE which they would have no doubt had not long after the Karrakatta Abduction and Rape ... BRE was the ideal person to frame for the CSK...

We have many examples on our research and investigation files of WA Police and other police around the world where the police choose a person to frame who has a history of being involved in the same sort of crimes that relate to the crime or crimes that the police and the DPP need to set up a scapegoat with. 

(e)  With knowing that the police and DPP  had enough evidence to arrest BRE on the Karrakatta Rape it was easy to add the murder charges knowing BRE was likely to have to be guilty or be found guilty of the Karrakatta Rape and publicly presenting all the evidence of the Hollywood serious assault with the victim stating in court she feared for her life and the Karrakatta Rape

Victim stating the same in court and other aspects of the personal life of BRE it would be extremely easy to publicly convince the families and friends of Sarah Speirs, 

Jane Rimmer, and Ciara Glennon and the General Public and hopefully His Honour Justice Stephen Hall that Bradley Robert Edwards was the sole person responsible for the abduction and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glendon 

H. It was reported in the Subiaco Post that Mr Silas has noticed an employee at his work place with scratches on his face which looked like made by a human 5mm apart when the employee came to work after the weekend that Ciara Glennon was abducted and also that the employee did hot come to work on the Monday after the weekend that Ciara Glennon disappeared, Nr Silas also stated that he noticed blood stains in this employee’s van.


Dr SallyAnn Harbison, who was on the stand for a second day, that when testing Ciara Glennon’s fingernail samples, four blank control samples were found to be contaminated with another woman’s DNA.
"We know the Claremont killer"
"​The apparent lack of media referral to anything to do with Frank Silas, CARK  (Citizens for Apprehension of the Real Killer) or this 2001 article, raises questions about the potential for a massive cover up of something about this case, and will do nothing to allay any suspicions or rumours of BRE potentially being falsely accused of some of the charges that have already been laid.""



​ Frank Silas and two other men who called themselves CARK (Citizens for Apprehension of the Real Killer)
 called a press conference because they weren't happy happy with Macro's inaction.

​​Claremont serial killings trial podcast: ‘Another Woman's DNA’ Kate RyanPerthNow- February 6, 2020

"We know the Claremont killer" The Post Newspaper 2001/09/01
Mr Silas said this week he believed " the scratches had been made by a person, because each scratch was about 5mm wide and they were spaced like human fingers."

​Mr Silas said that after Ms Glennon's body had been found, he had phoned Fremantle Police and Crime Stoppers to tell of his suspicions. He said detectives had not interviewed the man until eight months after Mr Silas' first call. 
Available at the State Library - 

...The three men said that on the Tuesday after Ms Glennon disappeared their fellow worker, a casual employee, had arrived at work very defensive about the four distinct scratches on his face, which they said appeared to have been made by fingernails. He had kept to himself at the back of the factory and attempted to hide his face behind his hair...
...Mr Silas said the casual employee had tried to conceal scratches on his face when the two came face to face in the factory kitchen on the morning of the Tuesday after Ms Glennon's disappearance. The man had been evasive about how he had received the scratches, finally saying his dogs had jumped up on him. 

Mr Silas said this week he believed the scratches had been made by a person, because each scratch was about 5mm wide and they were spaced like human fingers.
Frank Silas and two other men who called themselves
CARK (Citizens for Apprehension of the Real Killer)
 called a press conference because they weren't happy happy with Macro's inaction.

Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #10 P.5
If BRE was to plead not guilty to the 1997 murder of CG, ...
With Frank Silas and friends (if still alive) to be called as witnesses.

Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia webslueths.com P.60

The apparent lack of media referral to anything to do with Frank Silas, the CARK or this 2001 article, raises questions about the potential for a massive cover up of something about this case, and will do nothing to allay any suspicions or rumours of BRE potentially being falsely accused of some of the charges that have already been laid.

 He said he had called another supervisor, now aged 31, who sneaked a look at the scratches. Mr Silas said the casual employee man had frequently claimed to be famous, and some days after Ms Glennon was found the man had said he was "more famous than Christopher Skase". Mr Silas had been puzzled until he realised the newspaper that morning had the Claremont murders on the front page and a report about Christopher Skase on page three.

​Mr Silas said that after Ms Glennon's body had been found, he had phoned Fremantle Police and Crime Stoppers to tell of his suspicions. He said detectives had not interviewed the man until eight months after Mr Silas' first call. 

Mr Silas said police had later told him the man had said he could not remember where he had been that night in March. Mr Silas said police had said they'd checked security alarm records and they believed there had been no nightshift at the factory that night. This week, Mr Silas disputed this, saying he had proof. The casual employee's girlfriend had later got a job in the same factory. She once remarked that a factory process felt the same as stabbing someone.
Her boyfriend had been an excellent worker but had been sacked for assaulting a female worker at the factory. He had later been re-employed. Mr Silas had become frustrated at what he saw as lack of police action, and turned detective himself. He'd made excuses to call at the former casual employee's home and to check out his van. He said that once he had seen what appeared to be a pattern of blood spots on the inside roof of the van; they had gone brown after being treated with an organic cleaner. The man had once unbolted the front seat of the van and said he was looking for an earring. His girlfriend did not wear earrings. She began wearing a claddagh ring, but did not know what it was. Ciara Glennon had been wearing a claddagh brooch when she disappeared. It has not been found.
Mr Silas said the casual employee had been a craftsman who had the skills to convert a brooch to a ring...
...Mr Silas said he believed the couple was still together, and worked as a team. The man had phoned the factory three times recently trying to get a reference for jobs, once from Victoria, once from Queensland and most recently from Darwin...
"We know the Claremont killer" The Post Newspaper 2001/09/01
Available at the State Library - 
"We know the Claremont killer" -Christian, Bret. Index Entries | 2001.
Summary: Police say at least 12 people have been named repeatedly as suspects in the Claremont serial murders inquiry. Silas is convinced he knows the identity of the killer.
Subjects: Serial murder -- Western Australia -- Claremont. _ Silas, Frank. Found In Subiaco post, 1 Sept. 2001, p.1,55, (Battye newspaper), .b16826188.

Frank Silas and two other men who called themselves
CARK (Citizens for Apprehension of the Real Killer)
 called a press conference because they weren't happy happy with Macro's inaction.

Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #10 P.5
If BRE was to plead not guilty to the 1997 murder of CG, ...
With Frank Silas and friends (if still alive) to be called as witnesses.

Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia webslueths.com P.60

The apparent lack of media referral to anything to do with Frank Silas, the CARK or this 2001 article, raises questions about the potential for a massive cover up of something about this case, and will do nothing to allay any suspicions or rumours of BRE potentially being falsely accused of some of the charges that have already been laid.


With Frank Silas and friends (if still alive) to be called as witnesses.
With the ex-workmate (+female partner) that Frank Silas reported to police, and that the Police reportedly, and belatedly investigated, to be drawn into the case.
THE serial killer behind the 1994 Claremont murders may be leaving clues ... Page 192 - Apparently aman named Frank Silas and two other men who called themselves

CARK (Citizens forApprehension of the Real Killer) called a press conference because they weren't happy happy with Macro's inaction.

I. A news article in the Subiaco Post Newspaper ( a copy can be located on the http://www.wikipediaexposed.org/csk_p.9.html website) l shortly after the disappearance of Ciara Glennon stated that a police officer at the Claremont Police Station stated that the police were looking for a man and a woman who they believed were involved in the abduction of Ciara Glennon ad that there was a police car circling the streets around the part of Claremont where Ciara Glennon had last been seen on Stirling Highway by a number of witnesses All these police officers should be placed on the witness stand as to their memory of things that went on at the material time and be asked why they believed that a man and a woman were suspected of being involved with the disappearance of Giara Glennon,


J.The Taxi Driver Steven Ross who picked up Sarah Spiers, and a man and woman who seemed to know each other at the Conti Hotel in Claremont the night before Sarah Spiers disappeared. Steven Ross dropped the female in Nedlands and then drove Sarah Spiers and the man to the Windsor Hotel in South Perth, where the man virtually pushed Sarah Spiers to get out of the taxi with the an at the Windsor Hotel.


K. Noel Coward made public statement about a part time taxi driver living in Fremanlte who was well known as Taxi Tony who Noel Coward stated was involved with a girl named Michelle is helping to abduct Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon and he also stated these girls were abducted to be used in the making iof snuff movies to be sold overseas with a man flying out of Australia with the snuff movie that was made the morning after each girl disappeared wit. He also said that Michelle left Western Australia and went to the Eastern States for a a month after each girl disappeared. The police and the prosecution have never been interest in this information, which seems to tie in wit the fact that as shown at the trial in evidence that the neck bone of Jane Rimmer was cut out ,,, which would be be expected to happen is a man had abducted Jane Rimmer for sexual gratification ,,,, it would not make any sense ,,, it would make more sense that the neck bone was cut out of Jane Rimmer to be sold as a body part and/or the making of a snuff movie..

L. It is noted that Andrew Mallard stated that he sometimes stayed and smoked Grass with a girl named Michelle who lived in a flat in Monument Street, Mosman Park who was quite heavy into drugs, This may be important because Michelle was the name of the girl Noel Coward mentioned and she lived near the phone box in Mosman Park where witnessed said they heard screams coming from a car where two doors slammed and then the car drove off. It is also noted that there must have been two people in that car besides the girl that screamed because two doors slammed just before the car drove off ….

M. Girls who used to drink and party at the Continental Hotel and Club Bay View in Claremont have stated it was common knowledge among girls who drunk and partied at the Continental Hotel and Club Bay View in Claremont that police from the Cottesloe Police Station used to pick up girls drunk and/or high on drugs such as crystal meth between around 11 pm and 3 am in the morning as what was meant to be a public service to make sure the girls arrived home safely. However, sometimes a girl by herself were driven by police to parties at the Cottesloe Police Station and sometimes were driven by the police to parties at the Mosman Park home of a powerful well connected wealthy business person. It was at one of these parties that Julie Cutler died. To help destroy any DNA and fingerprint evidence the Fiat Car belonging to Julie Cutler was placed in the water at Cottesloe Beach, and Julie Cutler’s body disposed off in the Swan River…by police under orders of a powerful well connected wealthy Perth business person

N. Unfortunately, once the police at the Cottesloe Police Station were involved with the death and disposal of the body of Julie Cutler, even though it was not the intention of the police who were there at the party were Julie Cutler died, for her to die, the powerful well connected wealthy Perth business person had complete control of the police involved, to the point he could make them do and act in anyway he demanded for fear of them being exposed and blamed for the death and disposal of Julie Cutter…. Basically this helped this powerful well connected wealthy Perth business person obtain his “Green Light” status which meant that he was protected by the Western Australian Police from being investigated and/or arrested and/or charges for any criminal offences he was involved with regardless how serious they were. There examples on public record that show this powerful well-connected wealthy Perth business person committed serious criminal offences that were easily provable however he was never arrested for such criminal behaviour.

O. Because of the large volume complexity of the evidence that has been at the trial  and the length of the trial of the State of Western Australia v Bradley Robert Edwards being 184 of 2018 in the Supreme Court of Western Australia, is would virtually impossible for another justice to hear this application and it would be much more practical for His Honour Justice Hall to hear this application.

(P) More further and better particulars will be provided at a full hearing of this application.

29. Case(s) referred to:
Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union Mudginberri Station Pty Ltd (1986) 161 CLR 98

Channel Ltd v EGM Cosmetics (1981) ESR 471

Chilstern District Council v Keen (1985} 1 WLR 619

Harmsworth v Harnsworth (1987) 1 WLR 1676

Lynwood v Andrews and Moore (1988) 58 LT 615

Re Elson (1824) 3 LJ Old Series KB 75; 107 English Reports 855

The Queen v Pearse, unreported: FCt SCt of WA, Library No 920206, 30th March 1992

 Carew-Reid and Ors v Carew Corporation C 5 of 1993,

unreported: FCt SCt of WA, Library No 930354

Goldsmith v Sandilands [2002] HCA 31; (2002) 76 ALJR 1024 HCP v The State of Western Australia [2019] WASCA 38

R v Soma [2003] HCA 13; (2003) 212 CLR 299

The State of Western Australia v McBride [2015] WASC 275

LFG v The State of Western Australia [2015] WASCA 88

R v Glennon [1992] HCA 16; (1992) 173 CLR 592

Steele v The State of Western Australia [2018] WASCA 133

TVM v The State of Western Australia [2007] WASC 299; (2007) 180 A Crim R 183

Dated 18th June 2020
Signed: Wikipedia Exposed Media Group (WEM0

In The Supreme Court of Western Australia
164 of 2018
State of Western Australia
Bradley Robert Edwards

Further and better particulars dated 18th June, 2020 in support of:
An Application for orders that an application for the following orders be heard before The Honourable Stephen Hall

1.An Application for leave to file an application on behalf of the State of Western Australia for Criminal Contempt of Court against the Prosecution solicitors and barristers in the trial of Bradley Robert Edwards 164 of 2018 in the Supreme Court of Western Australia known as the Director of Prosecutor for Western Australia known as  Carmel Barbagallo SC,  Amanda Foster SC the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia and prosecutors and solicitors for the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia known as Ms T Payne & Mr B Hollingsworth and the Commissioner of Police for Western Australia known as Chris Dawson for deliberately not fully investigating and gathering and presenting material information, evidence and witnesses in the preparation of prosecution’s case in the trial of Bradley Robert Edwards being 164 of 1998 in the Supreme Court of Western Australia

2.An Application for leave to present further material information, facts evidence and witnesses in the trial of Bradley Robert Edwards being 164 of 2018 in the Supreme Court of Western Australia relating to the disappearances and/or abductions and or the murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon

3. Application for leave to take out these applications on behalf of the State of Western Australia

4. Application for this application be heard via video link because of the Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Health dangers of attending court in person and because of the health risks of travelling to the court in person and the legal restrictions of travelling to the court in person
Filed on:   18th June 2020 
Filed In: The Supreme Court of Western Australia
Filed by Wikipeidia Exposed Media Group (WEM)
for and on behalf of the People of Western Australia and the State of Western Australia
18th June 2020
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The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Australia
Email: associate.justice.hall@justice.wa.gov.au
The Honourable Justice Stephen Hall
A Justice at the Supreme Court of Western Australia
Email: associate.chief.justice@justice.wa.gov.au
Amanda Foster SC The Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia,

Carmel Barbagello, the Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia,

 Ms T Payne & Mr B Hollingsworth prosecutors and solicitors for the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia
Email: dpp@dpp.wa.gov.au and executivechambers@dpp.wa.gov.au
Chris Dawson, the Commissioner of Police for Western Australia
Email: executive.services@police.wa.gov.au
John Quigley, The Attorney General for Western Australia
Email: minister.quigley@dpc.wa.gov.au

Michelle Roberts, The Minister of Police for Western Australia
Email: minister.roberts@dpc.wa.gov.au

The State of Western Australia
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Of Level 1, International House, 26 St Georges Terrace, PERTH, WA, 6000
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Mr P Yovich SC & Ms G Cleary, the legal defence team for Bradley Robert Edwards of Francis Burt Chambers, Allendale Square, Level 12/ 77 St Goerges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia, 6000.
Tel: +61 (08) 9220 0476 M: 0423 778 451
Email: pyovich@francisburt.com.au
Email: glcleary@francisburt.com.au

Claremont Serial Killings Trial:
Murder in the Outback Viewers are convinced Bradley Murdoch is innocent
11th June 2020 Emmy Griffiths The Digital TV and Film Editor of the Hello Magazine
Murder in the Outback: The Falconio and Lees Mystery viewers are convinced that Bradley Murdoch, who

Presenting a prosecution case to try and convince a jury or a judge only criminal trial that a defendant is guilty is basically telling a story to convince the listener that the story is true regardless if the story is true or not … most prosecution lawyers will never telling the public this ….. the words of Andrew Fraser a former Melbourne Defence Solicitor, who presented John Kison, Allan Bond and Hells Angels Motor-Cycle Gang Members

Andrew Fraser has been believes that Bradley Murdoch was framed by the Police and Prosecution for the Murder of Peter Falconio in the Northern Territory and is determined to mount an appeal for Bradley Murdoch  … Andrews Fraser shows how the Police and the Prosecution did not fully investigate all the possible and known material facts, information, evidence and witnesses and did not produce at the possible  material facts, information, evidence and witnesses, and presented misleading and manufactured evidence and witnesses at Bradley Murdoch’s murder trial …. Andrew Fraser shows quite convincingly the reasons why he says Bradley Murdoch was wrongly convicted on 13th December, 2005 and was sentenced to life imprisonment with a non-parole period of 28 years…. If Andrew Fraser and many others witnesses and professionals who agree with Andrew Fraser that the Bradley was wrongfully convicted of murder and having to spent a minimum of 28 years in prison for a crime he did not commit, because the police, the prosecution acting on behalf of the Northern Territory Government, who were determined and desperate have someone convicted of the murder of Peter Falconio because the Government was concerned that without a murder conviction against someone, tourism in the Northern Territory would be badly affected .. so the those in charge of the Northern Territory Government which has the all-powerful Australian Federal Police as its police force … put pressure of the police and prosecution to do do whatever it took to find or create a suspect and make sure that subject was found guilty of the murder of Peter Falconio, even though the body of Peter Falconio was never found. ,,so the Police and the Prosecution did not fully investigate all the possible and known material facts, information, evidence and witnesses and did not produce at the possible  material facts, information, evidence and witnesses, and presented misleading and manufactured evidence and witnesses at Bradley Murdoch’s murder trial.
The police and prosecution knew that they needed to obtain the DNA of Bradley Murdoch so they could plant Bradley Murdoch’s DNA in various places to try and help secure a murder conviction against Bradley Edwards.
So the police and prosecution arrested Bradley Robert Edwards on a trumped up Rape Charge which they knew that Bradley Murdoch would be found not guilty of …

This served a few purposes which included the following:
The have Bradley locked up for a while so given the police and the prosecution time to work out the best plan to set up ad frame Bradley Murdoch of the murder of Peter Falconio
To have a chance to get a person in prison with Bradley Murdoch to be able to make up a story about what Bradley Murdoch was meant to have stated to this prisoner which would help set out a case for the arrest and conviction of Bradley Edwards for the murder of Peter Falconio
As a way of obtaining Bradley Murdoch’s DNA, so they could use it to plant DNA evidence on various items and see it matched the small spot of DNA found on Joanne Lee’s Tee Shirt. This is a standard way the police and prosecution can set up a person for a crime they have not committed …. All they have to do is obtain the person’s DNA in any way possible, then plant the person’s DNA on the victim of the crime, or the victim’s clothing or some other place which would indicate that person was at the scene of the crime  .. this is an extremely easy thing for the police and prosecution to do …. That is why alleged DNA evidence has to be extremely closely scrutinised and thought about by a jury or a judge at a judge only trial …. To make sure there is no other possible way that the accused DNA came to be where the police and prosecution say it was found … there are so many reasons why and how an accused DNA can end up where the police and prosecution say it was found …. That is why there should always be other collaborating undisputable evidence to back up the DNA evidence before a Beyond Reasonable Doubt Guilty Verdict can be made by a jury or a judge at a judge only trial … it is even much more important for a jury or a judge at a judge only trial to seriously question any alleged DNA of the accused being used by the prosecution to convince that a Beyond Reasonable Doubt guilty Verdict should be given when the government who is represented by the prosecution are clearly desperate for one or more reasons to convince the family of a murder victim and/or victims and the general public that they have arrested a person for the murder or murders and have a god DNA case against the arrested person …… one has to be prepared to look at the case from a starti8ng point of view that it is more likely the Government has asked the police and prosecution to do whatever it takes to make sure they have enough evidence, and witnesses ,,,. Even if they have to twig the evidence and get one or more of the witnesses to lie and/or provide misleading statements that are not entirely the whole truth … one can make a misleading statement by telling the truth … but  leave out some of the story ,,, this can change the effect the of the story provided by the witness without the witnesses actually lying…. A clever police and/or prosecution wordsmith can help twig a witnesses statement to achieve this aim ….

The reason why the murder conviction of Bradley Edwards is being mentioned and discussed in an analysis of the trial of Bradley Robert Edwards because the two case are very similar for many different reasons and any judge that is hearing a judge only criminal murder trial should research all aspects of the Bradley Murder Conviction along with al of the Andrew Fraser analysis of the reasons why he and many others are convinced that Bradley Murdoch was not only wrongly convicted ,,,, but they there is a strong argument that Bradley Murdoch did not receive a fair trial … and also that the police and prosecution as a result of pressure from the Northern Territory Government when out of their way to create and manufacture false and misleading evidence to  against Bradley Edwards to have enough alleged evidence to arrest Bradley Murdoch  and have a jury find Bradley Murdoch guilty of the murder of Pater Falcionio …

There is an undisputed media report that was publicly released in January 2017 that states that an insider of the WA Government claimed that the arrest of Bradley Robert Edwards was ordered by people running the Western Australian Government ,,, who put pressure on the Commissioner of Police for Western Australia as a way of trying to help the Liberal Government win the 2017 WA State Election by convincing the general public that the Liberal Government and the WA Police Commissioner under the Liberal Parties watch had done an excellent job in locating, and arresting the Claremont Serial Killer ..

Whether or not one believes what this WA Government Insider  is telling the truth that high level people in the WA Liberal Government ordered to make sure that Bradley Robert Edwards was arrested before the WA State 2017 Elections  ,,, one can see that there is every reasons why powerful people in the WA State Liberal Government would want Bradley Robert Edwards arrested for the Claremont Serial Killings before the WA State 2017 Elections  …. Even if the police and prosecution have to twig the evidence against Bradley Robert Edwards to make sure they have enough alleged evidence to arrest Bradley Robert Edwards for the Claremont Serial Killings and have enough alleged evidence to had a got shot of a convincing a jury or a judge at a judge only trial that Bradley Robert Edwards is guilty of the being the sole person responsible for the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon … WITH the main focus on having enough alleged evidence to initially arrest Bradley Robert Edwards for one or two of these abductions and murders … to help the Liberal Party win the WA State 2017 Elections …… regardless of whether a final guilty verdict was obtained a few years later  ….

A Police Insider also stated that there was a plan in place to try and have Bradley Robert Edwards murdered while in prison waiting for his murder trial and make such murder look like a suicide …. This method has been done before according to the police insider and can easily be done again…. the police insider said …. It was the media group that obtained the information about the planned murder in prison of Bradley Robert Edwards which saved the life of Bradley Robert Edwards by writing the WA Government and the WA Attorney General about the plot of murder Bradley Robert Edwards while in prison awaiting his, and also issued a public press release in international news and information websites telling the world of the planned plot to murder Bradley Robert Edwards in prison while he was awaiting his trial…

According to the police insider the plan was not to have to test the flimsy alleged evidence against Bradley Robert Edwards  at a trial ..in case there was a no guilty verdict which would have been extremely embarrassing to the State of Western Australia, the WA Police and the WA DPP after spending over $100 million dollars of money belonging to the people of Western Australian over the last 20 plus years o the investigation into the Claremont Serial Killings and the investigation, arrest and trial of Bradley Robert Edwards .. to end up with a not guilty verdict …. This would be a result that would be very damaging in so many different ways to the creditability of the State of WA, the WA Police, the WA DPP and the individual senior prosecutors in charge of the prosecution of Bradley Edwards …

Anyone can see the obvious … the consequences of a not guilty verdict against Bradley Robert Edwards would be absolutely publicly disastrous to the creditability of the State of WA, the WA Police, the WA DPP and the individual senior prosecutors in charge of the prosecution of Bradley Edwards … and even more disastrous to the legal career of Carmel Barbagallo SC, the deputy Director of the WA DPP , who no doubt has been promised the top job as the Director of the Public Prosecutions for Western Australia is she can obtain one, two or three murder convictions against Bradley Edwards … with the priority of three murder convictions against Bradley Robert Edwards …. So there is even more motivation for Carmel Barbagallo SC, the deputy Director of the WA DPP to do whatever it takes to obtain at least one murder conviction against Bradley Robert Edwards ,, even if the information, evidence and witness statements have to be twigged and/or presenting in a misleading way and/or withhold material information, evidence and information from the court that will be disadvantage in obtaining a Beyond Reasonable Doubt Verdict against the accused, Bradley Robert Edwards for one, two or three murder guilty verdicts ,,,

The Criminal Contempt application against Carmel Barbagallo SC and others which was prepared and sent to the Supreme Court of Western Australia for filing and served on all interested parties sets out a few grounds and information the criminal contempt application is based on.

These grounds and information include:

Misleading and/or false information, evidence and witness statements –

Missing material information, evidence and witnesses from being presented at the trial of Bradley Robert Edwards that the police and the DPP should easily know about because such information, evidence and witnesses are already in the public domain .. there can be not one possible excuse for not presenting this material information, evidence and witness statements

Missing material information, evidence and witnesses from being presented at the trial of Bradley Robert Edwards that the police and the DPP should easily have obtained because some of this material information, evidence and witnesses from 1997 was offered to the WA Police and from around January 2017 a lot more of this material information, evidence and witness statements were offered to the WA Police, the WA DPP, the WA Government, the WA Minister of Police, the WA Attorney General, however neither the WA Police, the WA DPP, the WA Government, the WA Minister of Police, the WA Attorney General have been at all interested in obtaining any of the details of such information, evidence and witness statements and have not been at all interested in investigating such information, evidence and witness statements …. there can be not one possible excuse for not presenting this material information, evidence and witness statements

It is noted that as former Defence Solicitor Andrew Fraser has stated…. the prosecution simply presents a story to a jury or a judge at a judge only criminal trial and tries to convince the jury or the judge at a judge only trial that the story presented is presented with enough force and clever wordsmithing to make the story as convincing as possible in the introduction statements to the court and the prosecution’s sunning up after all the evidence has been presented to the court …  very similar to a debate between two opposing parties ….. even though it is not meant to be like that but the reality is that often prosecutors use very convincing words and cleverly written words that barristers are very experienced at writing … to convince a jury in the prosecution summing up at the end of the trial to effectively try to brainwash the minds of the jury that there can be no doubt that the accused on trial is guilty of the charges the accused is on trial for …. Regardless of whether the evidence supports such Beyond Reasonable Doubt Guilty Verdict the prosecutor is pushing for … with a jury trial where the jury members are not legally trained or experienced in dealing with court cases and dealing with long trials with complex evidence presented at the trial …. And in the end can often just listen to an take notice of the prosecutors summing up words and be more susceptible to being confused and brainwashed by the prosecutors clever words in summing up the alleged evidence that that was presented at the trial .. rather that fully analysing the evidence themselves …

Sometimes the summing up of the alleged evidence presented at the trial …

That is why if is often better to a an experienced justice in the Supreme Court as a justice only trial in a long and complex murder trial, who can work out when the prosecutor is just using well-chosen words to summarise the evidence presented and the prosecutions, police and the government’s  case against the accused … who will not be fooled by the well closed convincing words of the prosecutor when they are not backed up by evidence that is capable of creating a solid reason for a Without Any Reasonable Doubt Guilty Verdict …. Against the accused …

It is wrongful and on verge of a criminal contempt for the prosecutor to try and convince a jury or a judge at a judge only trial in the words in the summing up that presents a false and/or misleading picture of the evidence that was presented at the trial in the story the prosecutor tells to try and obtain a Beyond Reasonable Doubt Verdict…

The below main points that Carmel Barbagallo has made as the main points to support the request that His Honour Justice Hall  brings down a Beyond Reasonable Doubt Guilty Verdict on all three murder charges are on the verge in part being misleading and trying to gloss over the reality of the alleged evidence to claim there is plenty of solid undisputed evidence presented at the trial to support a Beyond Reasonable Doubt Guilty Verdict on all three murder charges against the accused, Bradley Robert Edwards.

This point is made besides the fact that there is a large amount of material information, evidence and witnesses that were not presented at the trial…

In relation to the charge of Bradley Robert Edwards being accused of being the sole person to plan the abduction and murder of Sarah Spiers and being the sole person to be involved in the abduction and murder of Sarah Spiers …. Now all the police and prosecution has presented all the evidence they say they have against the accused .. there is simply no evidence whatsoever to support this charge …it seems that the police and prosecution’s only claim or argument to support the arrest and prosecution of Bradley Robert Edwards for the murder of Sarah Spiers is that .. well we are sure that the accused committed the murder Ciara Glennon because we have DNA evidence, and fibre evidence and we have circumstantial evidence to have a reasonable belief that the accused murdered Jane Rimmer with some fibre evidence ….   so it is the police and the prosecutions asks the believe that our suspicions that Bradley Robert Edwards was the sole Claremont Serial Killer of all three females even though have no evidence and never had any evidence to support laying a murder charge against BRE for the murder Sarah Spiers  …. But the police and the WA Government and the powerful people that Sarah Anne McMahon stated where involved in the Claremont Serial Killings …. needed to try and close these three murder investigations to satisfy the family and friends of Sarah Speirs and the general …

It is blatantly obvious to any independent observer that the game plan is to present all of Bradley Robert Edward’s sexual deviate criminal behaviour dramatic and seedy part of his life to the families and friends of the victims and the general public with all the information in the very public trial with the help of the mainstream media …. Repeating and in sometimes slanting what was presented in the court hearings that there can be no doubt that Bradley Robert Edwards is a sexual deviate person who is a person the families and friends of the victims and the general public will love to hate and is definitely a person who is capable of the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon …

So that even if the Honourable Justice Stephen Hall brings down a not guilty verdict against the accused Bradley Robert Edwards for all three murder charges ….. the police and the DPP acting as agents for the State of Western Australia will be able to make a public statement which will be likely to be fairly widely believed by the victim’s family and friends and the general public…. when presented with the right slant by the mainstream media ,, that we believe that we charged the right man for the murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon … and we gave it our best shot but failed in obtaining guilty verdicts ,,,, but at least the arrest of Bradley Robert Edwards forced him to admit his guilt of other sexual assaults and he will end up spending a long time in prison for such crimes …

Thus, the main purpose with have been achieved with the people of WA spending over $100 million in the prosecution of Bradley Robert Edwards …. To be able to close the Claremont Serial Killer Investigation Files so that the police and a powerful well connected Perth Businessman that Sarah McMahon stated were involved in the Claremont Serial Killings   will be protected from being investigated because the Claremont Serial Killer Investigation Files have been closed .. and never to be reopened…

It is noted that the Macro Task Force has a 20 plus year history in investigating people in a very public way with the mainstream media being there all the way publicly named the suspects which has completely destroyed their lives  ….. that have been proven not to have anything to do with the Claremont Serial Killings ….. which leads to a strong argument to claim that the accusing people who did not have anything to do with the Claremont Serial Killings and getting the mainstream media to play along with the game …. has allowed 20 plus years to pass to make sure the resources and efforts of the Macro Task Force were not used and pointed towards the actual people were Sarah Anne McMahon named in her sworn statement that police and a powerful well connected Perth Businessman were involved in the Claremont Serial Killings ….

It is noted that as the body of Sarah Spiers has never been found, it is possible she was abducted for breading purposes and/or as a sexual slave in a well secured environment and taken overseas from the secret airbase in the north of Western Australia run by a powerful group pf people and organisations which includes the CIA/MI6 which the general public know nothing about …. And because the CIA/MI6 are involved with the running of this airbase which is also used to bringing in and flying out illegal drugs … and other contraband  ,, the planes that fly ij and out of this airbase are free from in investigation or checks from Australian Authorities ..

Mark Philip Dixie was born on 24th September, 1970 and is a British serial rapist and murderer who after he left Australia, was convicted on 22 February 2008. Of murdering 18-year old singer and model Sally Anne Bowman on 25th September, 2005 in South Croydon, London. Dixie stated he had sex with the dead body of Sally Anne Bowman after he killed her…

Dixie was sentenced to life imprisonment at the Old Bailey, where Judge Gerald Gordon recommended that Dixie should not be released for 34 years, by which time he would be 70 years old. This is among the longest minimum prison terms ever imposed upon a single murder conviction,     

At Dixie’s Sally Anne Bowman murder trial, a Thai woman gave evidence that Dixie stabbed and raped her in Australia in 1998 …. Dixie has never been formerly charged with this serious physical attack and rape ,,even though a DN sample from the woman’s underwear has matched Dixie’s DNA.

In 2007, Dixie’s DNA was matched to the rape of a woman in Fuengirola, Spain, in August 2003. A Dutchman- Romano van de Dussen – had already been sentences to 15 years in prison for this rape and two sexual assaults that were committed nearby and I the same way as the rape. As late as 2015, van de Dussen was still in prison and Dixie has never been charged with this rape. In June 2015 the Dutch newspaper the Volkskrant reported that Dixie confessed to this rape but not to the two sexual assaults …. Van ger Dussen was finally exonerated and freed in February 2016 after spending over 12 years in prison.

Mark Philip Dixie has 17 other criminal convictions and has been known by various pseudonyms. Which include Mark Down, Mark McDonald, Steven McDonald and Shane Turner and is a former chef.

Dixie lived in Australia from 1993 and overstayed his Australian Visa was deported from Australia in 1999 after being convicted of a sex offense, for which he was only fines because he was a CIA/MI6 asset working in Australia for the CIA\MI6 and thus was fairly well protected from being given any custodial sentence for any crime he committed while in Australia.

In 2017, Dixie was also convicted in the UK of two rapes – one of which happened in 1986  and the other in 2002, Dixie received two life sentences which fairly stops him from being brought back to Australia to face his involvement in the Claremont Serial Abductions as murders…

Dixie/Turner was working in the Claremont area as a chef at the material times of the Claremont Serial Abductions and Murders …. During 1996 and 1997 … and has been named by the police as a suspect of being involved in the Claremont Serial Abductions and Killings and one of the most obvious suspects because of his sexual criminal background, his well-known ability to charm and seduce females and that fact that he was not from Australia and had overstayed his Australian Visitors Visa by the end of 1993  …. In fact, in 1994 he was arrested in Western Australia in around 1994 for overstaying his visa… however the CIA/MI6/ASIO instructed the Australian Federal Police to let him go free because he was one of their assets and was doing jobs for them …  it was also for this reason that there was never any serious investigation in Dixie suspected involvement in the Claremont Serial Abductions and Killings … because the WA Police were told that Dixie he was one of their assets and was doing jobs for them and was protected by the CIA/MI6/ASIO and the Australian Federal Police from any serious prosecution ….

Dixie has admitted he is a heavy illegal drug user of drugs such as marijuana, cocaine and crystal Meth etc

Mark Dixie who is a CIA/MI6 asset provided all the information to a girl friend of his while he was in Australia about this secret secret airbase in the north of Western Australia run by a powerful group pf people and organisations which includes the CIA/MI6 which the general public know nothing about. ..

Mark Dixie who used various names in his work in Australia for the CIA/MI6 included the surname of Turner was named by Sarah Anne McMahon as also being involved with helping to abduct the Claremont Serial Killer Victims for police and a powerful well connected Perth Businessman involved in the Claremont Serial Killings because of his ability to charm females. It is noted that it was stated by Sarah Ann McMahon that this a powerful well connected Perth Businessman and certain senior police were at material times assets of the CIA/MI6 and thus the CIA/MI6 operatives and assets were involved in the Claremont Serial Killings … and this is one of the many reasons why Sarah Anne McMahon requested that her sworn statement about who was involved with the planning and carrying out of the Claremont Serial Abductions and Murders  … unless she turned up dead   … was because she stated if her statement was presented to the authorities exposing who was really involved in the Claremont Serial Abductions and Murders …. She would be dead in a week …   Sarah Anne McMahon stated at the time that  …. “ these people were simply too powerful to try and expose and bring to account of their crimes ….. I am trying to break free from these evil circle of people who got me hooked on drugs and selling drugs for them ….  I am trying my best to become drug free and completely clean from the use of any drugs …. And get away from these evil circle of people ….  However, they keep trying to drag be back into their evil circle …”

Murder in the Outback Viewers are convinced Bradley Murdoch is innocent
11th June 2020
 Emmy Griffiths - The Digital TV and Film Editor of the Hello Magazine

Murder in the Outback: The Falconio and Lees Mystery viewers are convinced that Bradley Murdoch, who is serving a life sentence in prison for the murder of Peter Falconio, is innocent after the finale of the fascinating true crime documentary. Taking Twitter to discuss the Channel 4 show, which looks at the disappearance of Peter back in 2002, one person wrote: “Bradley Murdoch didn’t do it, Convinced. Poor Guy.

Another wrote: “ I think Peter and Joanne bought a joint from Murdoch as he was a dealer , that’s how a tiny fragment of his DNA got on Joanne’s top. The pair then drove into the outback to execute their plan to fake Peter’s death for a monetary reward (insurance).

Others even called for a retrial, with one person writing: “ the Man deserves a retrial: There’s no way someone can watch this and 100% without doubt think this is a fair conviction. Something sticks!”

Viewers recently suggested that Peter might be alive after a couple who worked at a service station near to the crime revealed that they were certain that they had seen Peter Falconio after his disappearance. Robert Brown explained: “I was reading the race results in the paper and I heard the  door squeak, and Melisa was on the other side and she’s yelling at me. She yelled at me again and then and then the next minute she turned the paper over and on the front page there was a picture of a gentleman down in the bottom right-handed corner and she tapped it. I put the paper down and walked around the corner and then bang I was looking straight at the bloke I saw in the paper. I was sort of in shock.”

The 25 reasons why the prosecution says Bradley Robert Edwards is the Claremont Serial Killer
With comments and responses to the Carmek Barbalallo’s reason given as to why the prosecution says Bradley Robert Edwards is the Claremont Serial Killer
The West Australian Newspaper
9th June 2020  by Tim Clark

Presenting a prosecution case to try and convince a jury or a judge only criminal trial that a defendant is guilty is basically telling a story to convince the listener that the story is true regardless if the story is true or not

Claremont Serial Killings:

The 25 reasons why the prosecution says Bradley Robert Edwards is the Claremont Serial Killer

With comments and responses to the Carmel Barbalallo’s reason given as to why the prosecution says Bradley Robert Edwards is the Claremont Serial Killer

Ms Carmel Barbagallo said “ a multitude  of facts taken one of on top of the other proved Mr Edwards was the killer of Ms Spiers in January, 1996, Ms Rimmer in June 1996 and Ms Glennon in March 1997. Those facts numbered more than two dozen, she said, included the fact Mr Edwards,

Admitted raping a young woman in Karrakatta Cemetery in 1995, and..

Was working for Telstra at the time

Comments to G1 and G2:
These two facts which are true in no way support the Beyond Reasonable DPP Claim against BRE of being guilty of being the sole person who planned and carried out the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon

“At the time of the disappearance and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon the accused man had a propensity to engage in sexually motivated assaults of females – including and in particular a female leaving the Claremont Nightlife Precinct alone in the early hours of a weekend morning” …. Ms Carmel Barbagello said.

Comments to G3:
Propensity to rape does now show propensity to kill and/or kill in an extremely sadistic violent way

There has been presented to the court that either Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon were sexually assaulted a/or sexually motivated crimes

There has been evidence presented to the court that there was body mutilation after the death of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon and in particular there was evidence that a bone was removed from the body of Jane Rimmer after her death … which indicates either a satanic sadist behaviour and/or the removal of the body part to be sold to a person on the black market and/or the making of a snuff movie etc

It is reasonable to conclude that the person or persons involved with the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon were into sexual gratification of various kinds with females that are dead ..such as Mr Dixie who was working as a cook in a restaurant near Claremont at the time of the abductions and murders of either Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon … and in fact it was just after the abduction and murder of Ciara Glennon, Mr Dixie was sacked from the restaurant he was working at for threatening a waiter with a knife ….. Mr Dixie was using another surname of Turner when he obtained the job at the Claremont Restaurant  … and was convicted of a sadistic murder of a female in London and stated he had sex with the female and was sexually gratified with a dead female … the photos and magazines found in Donald Victor Morey’s bedroom also show a propensity to having some sort of sexual gratification from dead females…

“ Fibres from Telstra Work Trousers Work Wear were found on Mr Rimmer and Ms Glennon, as well as the young woman he raped “ … Ms Carmel Barbagello said.

Comment to G4:
Such fibres were not unique to just BRE’s clothing … thousands of other Telstra workers and/or their friends, family and associates who may have been given or borrowed Telstra clothing  … and thus thousands of others could have been wearing such clothing at the material times when Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon were abducted and murdered ….

Such fibres could have come from other clothing made from the same fibre … evidence at the trial was presented that shows that the manufacturers this fabric and colour comes from sold some of this fabric and colour to other clothing manufactures for the making of other clothing

Even if one accepted that the fibres found on Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon came from clothing that BRE wore …. BRE have been involved in some way in the abductions of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon …. However, but that does not make a beyond reasonable doubt argument that BRE was involved in the murder of either Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon …. One cannot make a beyond reasonable doubt (BRD) argument that if BRE was in some way involved in the abductions and/or transport of either Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon on the day they disappeared … that BRE was involved in the murders of either Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon.

There is no BRD argument possible from this ground

“ BRE;s car at thee time was a Holden Commodore Vs Series Station Wagon and fibres from the same car were found in the hair of Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon.

Comment on G5:
The fibres found in the hair of Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon that is it claimed to have some from a Holden Commodore Vs Series Station Wagon does not create a BRD argument because there were many others in possession and/or ownership of a Holden Commodore Vs Series car regardless of whether if was a sedan or a station wagon at material times.

Police at material times drove Holden Commodore Vs Series cars as police vehicles and also vehicles used for personal use. It is understood that even David John Caporn who was the previous head of the Macro Task Force had an unmarked Holden Commodore Vs Series as his personal car.

Custom Credit the finance company belonging to the National Bank of Australia used to provide finding to police to drive and own Holden Commodore cars without having to pay for any interest or capital repayments as a favour to the police and in return the staff of Custom Credit asked for favours to be done from the police which included helping to collect bad debts owning by Custom Credit Customers. There was a very corrupt relationship between certain police and certain staff at Custom Credit.

evidence has been provided at the trial that showed that a Toyota Lexen also used the same fibres as a Holden Commodore Vs Series.

6. Ms Glennon was also seen talking to someone in the same make of car that BRE was in control of on the night Ms Glennon disappeared

Comments to G6:
The claim that says:

Ms Glennon was seen talking to someone in the same make and model of car under the control of BER at material times is not proven or concrete and is very vague and from the defences point of view is a disputed claim

One of the Burger Boys who uses the name of Frankie on the discussion website WebSleuths.com had stated that he and the other Burger Boys did no see the car actually stop, and did not actually see Ms Glennon leaning over talking to the driver of the car they  slow down when the car passed Ms Glennon.
The Burger Boys could not be fully certain what was the make, year and model of the car they said they saw slowing down when the car passed Ms Glennon and thus there is no solid proof that the car the Burger Boys say they saw that morning was a Holden Commodore Vs Series Station Wagon

There was no evidence that Ms Glennon entered this car proof that the car the Burger Boys say they saw that morning and allowed herself to be driven off in that car

There were other witnesses presented at the trial that stated they saw Ms Glennon further down Stirling Highway from where the Burger Boys were sitting and saw Ms Glennon that morning
Witnesses presented at the trial stated they saw Ms Glennon get into the back of a  Falcon Ute type vehicle and commented to each other that was a silly thing to do for a young girl into this   Falcon Ute type vehicle … one of the witnesses stated by he was sure that it was a Falcon and not a Holden vehicle.

A man and a woman were seen offering lifts to people travelling towards Fremantle from Claremont around Bay View Terrance and Stirling Highway, Claremont at material times that the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon.

The Claremont Police at material times as per newspaper article in the Subiaco Post stated they were looking to interview a man and a woman in connection of being suspected of being involved in the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon

7.There were “ horrific screams heard shortly after Ms Spiers was last seen alive, in the vicinity of a light coloured station wagon, Ms Spiers was threatened or attacked  in a way that caused  her to scream in terror

Comments to G7:
There was no solid evidence presented at the trial that the light=coloured station wagon BRE Holden Commodore Vs Station Wagon.

There was no solid evidence produced at the trial what the actual make, model and type of the light-coloured station wagon was that was seen as the screams were heard just before the car sped away after two doors were heard slamming.

There was no evidence produced at the trial as to who made such screams and whether they were the screams of Sarah Spiers

The witness that said he heard screams near a phone box in Monument Street, Mosman Park said he also heard two doors slam in the car just before the car sped off …this clearly indicates that there were at least two people plus the girl that made the screams in the car at this time … on the assumption that the screams were made by Sarah Spiers ..which is unproven….  this clearly indicates that there was  at least two people involved in the abduction and murder of Sarah Spiers …this puts a reasonable doubt on the prosecution’s claim that their whole case is based on  “ that BRE was the sole person that planned and executed the abduction and murder of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon”.

8. Ms Carmel Barbagello said ….
“ Ms Rimmer was also murdered or attacked in away that caused her to scream in terror”

Comment to G8:
There was no evidence produced at the trial that it was definitely Jane Rimmer that made these screams … this is just an assumption and/or proposition by Ms Carmel Barbagello and the DPP

There was no evidence proved that BRD was responsible for making the girl scream .. even if one assumes that the screams were made by Jane Rimmer…

BRE has shown a propensity to abduct and rape females to relieve his sexual frustrations and desires by have intercourse with a live living female then letting them go … as he did in the case of the rape of a female at the Karrakatta Cemetery in 1995 .. but has in no way shown a propensity to murder and/or murder in a violent sadistic way …

Evidence was produced at the trial that a bone was removed after the death of Jane Rimmer, from the throat of Jane Rimmer …. This is a strong indication there are other motives for the abduction and murder of Jane Rimmer other than sexual relief with a live living female such as:

The bone from the throat being removed for sale on the black market to someone who wanted that particular bone because they were in a accident and it needed to be replaced or they were having major plastic surgery to disguise their identity  and also the sound of their voice by having a new throat bone placed into their throat…. Billionaires will pay any amount of money for body parts to complete such operations.

The very violent and sadistic way Jane Rimmer was murdered with s bone from her throat completely removed … would make sense if this all part of the making of a violent snuff movie for sale for large money overseas …. A claim was made by Noel Coward that part time taxi driver known as Taxi Tony and a girl using the first name of Michelle were involved in the abducting of the CSK Victims so that their violent satanic murders could be filmed for the making of Snuff Movies for sale for large money overseas …. Noel Coward claimed that the Snuff Movies were on their way on an airplane overseas the morning after the abductions and murders were committed …. Noel Cowards claimed that Michelle went to the Eastern States for a month or so after each CSK victim was abducted and murdered. The violent and satanic murder of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon and the removal of Jane Rimmer’s main throat bone …. Was committed for some sort of perverted satanic sexual satisfaction the person or persons obtained with females after their death or as they are being murdered .. it is noted that Mr Dixie/Turner who was working in a nearby Claremont Restaurant as a chef at the material times when Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon were abducted and murdered  and only left the Claremont area just after Ciara Glennon was abducted and murdered because he was sacked for threatening a waiter with a knife, so he moved down to south of Western Australian in Dunsborough to live and work  has a long criminal record of sexual assaults and was convicted in London after he went back to the UK for the violent murder of a female who was a model is London and admitted having sex with the female he murdered after she was dead….. Donald Victor Morey seems to have the same perversion for violence and perverted violent sex and some sort of perverted sexual satisfaction with dead females when you hear about the perverted photos found in a bag in his bedroom by Mrs Allen, the wife of this boss, Mr Gareth Allen.

9. There was also a Telstra Knife found in the vicinity of where the body of Ms Rimmer was found

Comment to G9:

There was no evidence provided at the trial that proved BRD that this Telstra Knife belonged to BRE.

There was no evidence produced at the trial that to prove BRD that this Telstra Knife left or dropped at the scene by BRE

There was no evidence produced at the trial to show or prove when this Telstra Knife was left at the scene

It would not make sense that a murder would be so careless to drop  knife at the scene of the crime after the crime was committed … it would be more likely that a a murderer may drop something in the panic struggling with a victim before the murder was committed  … and if the Telstra Knife was dropped before the murder was committed .. then the murderer would not have the knife to complete the murder

It does not been logical or likely that such a small knife would have been capable to doing the physical damage of cutting a throat that was done to Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon … in particular with Jane Rimmer it would be unlikely such a knife would be sufficient to be able to cut out Jane Rimmer’s throat bone…
There is no basis for BRD from Ground 9

10. Both Mr Rimmer and Ms Glennon sustaining similar defensive injuries and neck injuries.

Comments to G 10:
BRE has not shown any propensity to kill or kill in a violent satanic way in the other sexual attacks and in particular the rape of a female in the Karrakatta Cemetery … he showed he only want to relieve is sexual urges and then let the female go …. BRE was not extremely violent to the female and did not hurt her, threaten to kill her or try to kill her ,… even though he had the opportunity to kill her at the time ,,, BRE admitted raping the girl in the cemetery and the letter her go … it is also noted the even though he pleaded guilty to raping this female twice …. One has to wonder if the second penetration of the girl was another male …  and that he is too scared to name the other make involved either way …. the evidence relating BRE being responsible for the 1995 Karrakatta Rape is evidence against the DPP’s claim that BRE has a propensity to murder and not just murder but murder in an extremely violent satanic way …
There was no evidence presented at the trial that the murders of Sarah Speirs, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon were committed for any sexual relief and satisfaction of a live female that a normal rapist commits ….. raping a live female In a reasonably normal way ….

The extremely violent satanic nature of the murders and physical damage of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon before and after their deaths does nit fit into the sexual criminal modus operandi of BRE looking at his previous criminal history.

The evidence indicates that it is very likely that there were two or more people involved in the abduction and extremely violent satanic murders Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon with the cutting of their bodies before and even after their death including the removal of the main throat bone from the dead body of Jane Rimmer .. one would think a doctor or person with an intimate knowledge of dissecting a body would have been involved in removing the main throat bone from Jane Rimmer not Telstra Telephone Repairer ,,,

11. She (Ms Carmel Barbagallo) said …. “Mr Edwards’s movements on the nights of all the three murders were unaccounted for …”

Comments to G11:

This ground does not help a BRD guilty verdict … the accused (BRE) not providing information and/or an explanation as to his movements and whereabouts on the nights of all the three murders …. Only makes it suspicious as to why he (BRE) has not been prepared to be open about his movement and whereabouts at these material times  … but does not help prove BRD that BRE committed any of the three murders ….

12. Their bodies disposed of in locations they were “very unlikely to be found “…

Comments to G12:
The body of Sarah Spiers was never found so if the same person or people who abducted and/or murdered Sarah Spiers ( assuming that Sarah Spiers is deceased and not been abducted and taken overseas to a secure compound for breading purposes and/or as a sexual slave or taken by the CIA/MI6 to an underground laboratory for various experiments and purposes such as DNA harvesting etc) … also were the same person or people who were involved in the abduction and murder of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon … they that person or people could have easily have made sure that the bodies of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon ….. the same goes with the body of Julie Cutler which was never found …..who Sarah Anne McMahon stated in her sworn statement that the abduction and murder of Julie Cutler should be considered as part of the Claremont Serial Abductions and Killings as she stated that some of the same people involved in the abductions and/or murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon  were also involved in the abduction and murder of Julie Cutler…
It makes more sense to claim and argue that the bodies of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon were deliberately left in ways and places so it would e likely that they were eventually found …. The person or persons involved could easily of deeply buried the two bodies and not left them lying on the ground with a few branches and leaved covering them … the bodies could easily be driven much further out of Perth to a much more remoted bush country area and buried in a deep or shallow grave ……. the person or persons involved could have easily disposed of the bodies out at sea or the Swan river with weights to make sure the body would never float to the surface ….. The person or persons could have easily placed the bodies in acid leaving only small parts left which could easily be buried or dropped in the ocean or the swan river ….. there seems no doubt that the bodies of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon were left is ways, positions and places above the ground so they would eventually be found

Further, as the body of Sarah Spiers and Julie Culter were never found  assuming the same person of people were involved in the abductions and murders of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon .. there can no very little doubt that the person or persons wanted the bodies of Jane Rimmer and Sarah Glennon to be eventually found by leaving them in areas close the suburban areas where people would be bush walked and\or riding horses through and/or picking Lillies etc … on top of the ground with only a few leaves and bushes placed on top .. so that some fibre and DNA evidence could be recovered from the bodies or the hair of the bodies …so that they could set up someone by planting DNA and/or fibre evidence ….

The alleged evidence against the accused Bradley Robert Edwards in the alleged DNA evidence mixed with the DNA of Ciara Glennon which is alleged to have been taken from under Ciara Glennon’s fingernails …. Is really the main alleged police and prosecution evidence holding the whole case against the accused Bradley Robert Edwards … because BRE does not dispute that it was his DNA that was found to the mixed with Ciara Glennon’s DNA …  however, BRE and his defence team dispute how such DNA ended up mixed with Ciara Glennon’s fingernail DNA …. And say it did not get there from any involvement of BRE being involved in the attack and murder of Ciara Glennon and/or the that the prosecution cannot prove beyond reasonable doubt that BRE’s DNA ended up being mixed with Ciara Glennon because BRE was involved in the attack and murder of Ciara Glennon …..

The cross examination by the defence council so far has used the cross examination of DNA prosecution witnesses and introductory submissions at the bar table, to support the proposition that the defence have a sensible argument,  that because of potential contamination from DNA belonging to BRE’s taken by the forensic scientists, that the prosecution cannot obtain the support of the trial justice, the Honourable Justice Stephen Hall, to rule that BRE’s DNA ended up with the DNA belonging to Ciara Glennon with no reasonable doubt because of BRE  being involved in the attack and murder of Ciara Glennon.

If Hs Honour accepts that proposition and argument from the defence counsel, then is will be very difficult for the prosecution to convince His Honour to a bring down a Beyond Reasonable Doubt Guilty Verdict for any of the three murder charges

What also needs to be emphasised to the court that there is a very strong further and alternative proposition and argument the defence can use and should use, which can not be ignored by His Honour in decided whether to bring down a guilty Verdict of one, two or three murder charges …. Is the proposition and argument that the DNA belonging to  BRE’s ended up in a Low Copy DNA Test, (which is a controversial DNA Test which some serious question marks as to whether any court should accept such a DNA Test to support a serious criminal conviction such as a murder charge or charges) …..  by way of deliberate contamination rather than accidental contamination

In looking at and considering whether it is a reasonable and/or sensible proposition and argument that the DNA belonging to  BRE’s ended up in a Low Copy DNA Test, by way of deliberate contamination rather than accidental contamination, His Honour must look at every possible angle that could support such a proposition and argument. To do this His Honour has to look at

All possible motives for the police and/or its forensic scientists and/or the State of Western Australia and/or the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia and/or powerful well connected well off people with strong connections to people in such organisations to arrange, encourage and/or carry out the deliberate contamination  contamination. There is a solid list of reasons why there would be those keen to have the DNA of Ciara Glennon deliberately contaminated with the DNA of BRE’s.

If there is anyone would be a person who could be untrustworthy and/or corrupt and/or have the potential to act in a corrupt manner for some benefit and/or because they those who would want that person to deliberately contaminate the DNA of Ciara Glennon with the DNA of BRE’s. A strong obvious suspects are Laurie Webb an ex PathWest senior Scientist who was sacked from PathWest for not following the proper protocols, standards and methods in doing forensic DNA type tests at PathWest …and WA Police Officer James Stanbury who deliberately provided false information to the families and friends of the victims of the victims and the general public by not telling the truth about the last likely sightings of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon  on a television program that was meant to be the likely and possible was things went on in and around the Claremont Nightlife Entertainment Precinct the nights and early mornings Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon disappeared …. Because of the unlimited resources, money and manpower that the Macro Task Force has to investigate the Claremont Serial Abductions and Killings and the high pubic profile of such investigations … there seems  no doubt that the presenting misleading and false information of the last possible and likely sightings of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon that James Stanbury presented on the TV show was a done in a deliberate and wrongful way and for corrupt, immoral and wrongful reasons, which was a severe hinderance to the request for the public’s help with any information that can offer to help locate the directions these girls headed, the type and transport they were is or whether they were walking and whom their where with ad what vehicle they could have got into before they disappeared.  Also James Stanbury has been under the spotlight as he was the officer on suicide watch duty at the prison on the person who was publicly named as the new main suspect for being the murderer of Pamela Lawrence at her business premises is Glyde Street, Mosman Park …James Stanbury has been publicly accused of being derelict in his duties by ignoring scraping noises from the cell of a prisoner at Albany Prison, named Rockford,  who was being questioned over the murder of Pamela Lawrence ..  the prisoner was found dead in his cell ….. after Andrew Mallard had his Pamela Lawrence murder conviction set aside by the High Court of Australia, after wrongfully spending 12 years in Prison ….. on the grounds ruled by the High Court that WA Assistant Police Commissioner David John Caporn, other police officers and senior DPP Prosecutor Kenneth Bates, conspired to withhold material information and evidence and presented false and misleading information and evidence at the trial of Andrew Mallard ….. it was publicly announced that this prisoner was the new main suspect of being the murderer of Pamela Lawrence  because of new evidence and it was important that there was a 24 watch on his cell  to make sure he didnot commit suicide ….. even though it was publicly announced that the prisoner Rockford had committed suicide  .. there is reasonable suspicion that Rockford was murdered because he could name powerful well-connected people who employed him to carry out the murder of Pamela Lawrence….

… former Assistant WA Police Commissioner and Former Head of the Macro Task Force is another strong suspect of being someone who could have being involved in arranging the deliberate contamination of Ciara Glennon’s DNA with the DNA belonging to BRE’s … David John Caporn is no doubt a corrupt police officer who is well connected to powerful people and networks in Western Australia,  based on his wrongful involvement of the wrongful murder conviction of Andrew Mallard as herein explained.

David John Caporn had to quickly resign from the WA Police Service when an internal police inquiry started into his involvement with the presentation of false and misleading evidence and withholding material evidence at Andrew Mallard’s murder trial …. It also very sad and seems rather odd and suspicious that Andrew Mallard was killed by a hit and run driver in Los Angeles the day after he rang his family to say he was happy ad getting married in Los Angeles  .. Andrew Mallard, who had received $3 million in compensation for wrongfully spending 12 years in prison for a murder her did not commit, was spending large funds with a senior barrister in Sydney to have a private criminal prosecution taken out against David John Caporn and former DPP senior prosecutor Kenneth Bates for a criminal charge of conspiring to pervert the course of justice for being involved with the presentation of false and misleading evidence and withholding material evidence at Andrew Mallard’s murder trial .. the hit and run death of Andrew Mallard was very convenient for David John Caporn and Kenneth Bates because this stopped the private criminal prosecution taken out against David John Caporn and former DPP senior prosecutor Kenneth Bates for a criminal charge of conspiring to pervert the course of justice for being involved with the presentation of false and misleading evidence and withholding material evidence at Andrew Mallard’s murder trial

The car of Julie Cutler ended up in the Ocean on at Cottesloe Beach so there can be no doubt that two or more people were involved in the abduction and murder of Julie Cutler and the placing the Fiat Car belonging to Julie Cutler because is would be very hard to imagine only one person was involved in arranging and carrying out the placing Julie Cutler’s Fiat Car into  the ocean at Cottesloe Beach.

13. She (Ms Carmel Barbagallo) said “Mr Edward’s movement on the nights of the three murders were unaccounted for”

Comments to G13:
By BRE’s not accounting for his movements and whereabouts on the three nights the three girls disappeared around 24 years ago even though it creates suspicions and leaves unanswered questions … this does not create a reason for a judge or jury to rule that there is a Beyond Reasonable Doubt that BRE’s committed one, two or three of such abductions and murders
The head DPP prosecutor Ms Carmel Barbagallo has implied in this ground an alleged fact that no alleged evidence was presented at the trial that the police and prosecution can prove to the court what nights and at what actual time either of these three girls were murdered … all that has been shown at the trial is that these three girls disappeared on certain nights and/or early mornings  and that the body of Sarah Spiers has never been locates to prove that Sarah Speirs was actually murdered …. And that Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon disappeared on a certain early morning and their bodies were found between 19 and 45 days after they disappeared .. there has been no solid evidence produced at the trial to prove conclusively what night that each girl was actually murdered … thus it is misleading and wrongful for The head DPP prosecutor Ms Carmel Barbagallo making the state in her summing up submissions that Mr Edward’s movement on the nights of the three murders were unaccounted for”  …. When she there is no actual solid evidence what actual nights each murder took place and until such murder date is proven beyond reasonable doubt … how can BRE account for his movements on these nights ?

14. He (BRE) had the “opportunity and demonstrated skill and capacity to abduct and murder them ..”

Comments to G14:
It can be said that BRE’s showed he had the opportunity, motivation and demonstrated the skill and capacity to abduct and rape a female, but has not shown with his previous crimes that he was prepared to, willing and capable of killings his victim after he satisfied his sexual desires of penetrating the female …. And even more particularly BRE’s has not shown an ability, willingness and/or motivation to murder his victim in a sadistic violent way that appears to be done to both Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon …. In a way the prosecution have shot themselves in the foot by having the evidence of the earlier BRE’s sexual and assault crimes ….at the murder trial  because the evidence of the Modus Operandi shows BRE has a sexual deviant personality and modus operandi and has been willing to abduct and rape a female and let the female escape having placed something over her head so she could not ID him …. But has not shown as history of the murder and the extreme sadistic violence committed on Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon.
15.  Then there was the DNA of Mr Edwards found on Ms Glennon’s finger nails.

Comments to G15:
This alleged evidence seems to be the key to the allegation that Bradley Robert Edwards was the sole person to plan to abduct and murder Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon. It seems without such evidence being considered as solid undisputable and unquestionable evidence Beyond Any Reasonable Doubt … it would be extremely difficult for His Honour Justice Stephen Hall ..even with the current alleged evidence presented at the trial and not taking into account all the deliberately missing material  evidence that the prosecution have deliberately held back from presenting at the trial ….. to rule that BRE is Guilty Beyond Reasonable Doubt Guilty of any of the three murders ( Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and/or Ciara Glennon) he is accused of by Ms Carmel Barbagallo SC, Amanda Foster SC, the WA Police Service, the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia and its other staff involved preparing and presenting the case against BRE Ms Carmel Barbagallo and the State of Western Australia.
However, it seems quite strange and  bizzare that such an experienced and knowledgeable senior prosecutor as Ms Carmel Barbagallo SC who is the Deputy Director of the Public Prosecutions for Western Australia, and Amanda Foster SC, the Director of the Public Prosecutions for Western Australia  and the WA Police Service, the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia and its other staff involved preparing and presenting the case against BRE are all risking their public and professional reputations to try and claim  to the court that alleged DNA belonging to BRE allegedly being transferred to Ciara Glennon at the time she was attacked and murdered adds any wait to the prosecution’s claim that the is a Beyond Reasonable Doubt that BRE was the sole person to plan the abduction and murders of Sarah Spiers and/or Jane Rimmer  … to claim this is trying to stretch the well established  rules of mounting a case, presenting evidence and the way opening and closing submissions at a criminal trial  ….. alleged DNA evidence relating to one alleged murder that happened in a completely different time frame with the time frames being spread out over about a year and a half ….. can not be used as alleged DNA evidence against the same accused for different alleged abductions, attacks and/or murders that have been committed around 12 months and 18 months previously …. Or at any other time frames at long times apart…
Thus this alleged DNA of BRE allegedly found with the DNA of Ciara Glennon in a Low Copy DNA Test completed in London, UK, which was only allegedly discovered in a Low Copy DNA Test around 20 years after the abduction and murder of Ciara Glennon . which was not discovered with DNA Tests in Australia before then ……can only be used in legal and factual argument to support the police, prosecution and State of WA’s claim that BRE was the sole person to plan the abduction and murder of Ciara Glennon and carry out such abduction and murder of Ciara Glennon.
However, there are a lot of issues that need to be very closely looked at, thought about and analysed by His Honour Justice Hall  before His Honour can rule a Beyond Reasonable Doubt Verdict that BRE was the sole person to plan the abduction and murder of Ciara Glennon and carry out such abduction and murder of Ciara Glennon based on such alleged DNA Evidence.
 It is suggested that the first thing that His Honour should do is decide if the alleged DNA evidence stands up to Beyond Reasonable Doubt scrutiny looking at all possible legal and factual angles to help support an overall Beyond Reasonable Doubt Verdict that BRE was the sole person to plan the abduction and murder of Ciara Glennon and carry out such abduction and murder of Ciara Glennon based on such alleged DNA Evidence without taking into consideration that BRE’s was deliberately planted by someone with Ciara Glennon’s DNA. In regards to this point there are many legal and factual points to consider:

The is a lot of scientific discussion and debate that puts the controversial Low Copy DNA Testing in serious dispute as to whether such Low Copy Number (LCN) DNA Testing is scientifically reliable enough to be use to help the police and prosecution obtain a Beyond Reasonable Doubt Verdict for murder against an accused. The jury seems to be still out in scientific circles of Low Number Copy DNA Testing (LCN) Reliability. It is understood that this is one of the reasons why the UK Government forced the closure of Forensic Services in the UK, because there were concerns by the UK Government  that Low Copy DNA Testing at Forensic Services were being used wrongly to as evidence to convict people of serious crimes. “ There is clear opinion in scientific circles that the issues relating to the use of LNC need further investigation and need to be discussed in an open scientific forum so that LNC typing can be scientifically reviewed critically to ensure that it can be used properly and effectively ….LCN may be more fit for some purposes than others. These should be sufficiently delineated and caveats defined. It is timely to discuss the state-of-the-art  of LNC typing and provide suggestions or recommendations for improving the methodology, developing appropriate interpretation guidelines, augmenting information contained within reports, and adequately communicating limitations ,, LNC Applications ….. The discussion on the “soundness “ of the science of LCN  typing should be properly begin with its application. Budowle et at (13)  were the first to suggest that the use of LCN typing be limited to providing investigation leads and the identification of human remains, Moreover they were not advocates of used LCN Typing in criminal proceedings as it is done currently with  STR Typing Data, Since LCN typing  does not produce reproduceable results i.e. the same result would not be expected if the same was analysed twice, it can not be considered robust by conventional standards.  When used to develop investigative leads, the loss of an extraneous allete(s) in a profile is not necessary detrimental in generating candidates as long as the limitations are understood and built into the evaluation process and other meta data are used to resolve the case. One area where LNC Typing could be of value is that of identification of missing persons is practiced no differently than evidence used in an investigative lead. The genetic information obtained often is used to make an identification. Moreover, in many analyses of human remains multiple samples (ie more than two) can be analysed.  ,,,, Recommendations for contamination prevention in laboratory controlled environments include pressurized facilities, appropriate laboratory gear, the analysis of a single sample at a time, DNA-free consumables, and decontamination practices (eg exposure to UV light and/or ethylene oxide) (29) . Unfortunately, similar constraints have not made their way into protocols for evidence collection and handling (16,20). Extensive training in proper collection procedure will be required for first responders and crime scene investigators   ” …. Issues associated with low template amounts ….. There are a number of issues which are raised by the analysis of sub-optimal amounts of DNA template in a PCR. These issues become more problematic as the amounts of DNA template decreases. In addition, mixture, interpretation has yet to be well-addressed and this will be alluded to in a number of sections. The topics are: Stochastic Effects, Detection Threshold, Profile Interpretation, Allele drops=out and heterozygote peak imbalance, Stutter, Contamination, Replicate analysis,   Appropriate controls, Application controls, Application limitations, ..” in summary the debate on the suitability and reliability of LCN Typing DNA Tests is a massively vast subject but there is a strong suggestion and belief within the scientific community that LCN Typing DNA Tests are not yet reliable enough to use used in serious criminal trials such as murder trials as deciding factor in deciding that there is a Beyond Reasonable Doubt that the accused was at the scene of the crime at the time the murder was carried out and that the accused was the murderer or involved in the murder. It seems that the scientific community  indicate that LCN Typing DNA Tests should only be used in the investigation process to help investigators work out an investigation direction rather than being used as the end result of the investigation direction
The use of DNA evidence by itself to try and have a conviction against an accused  in criminal prosecutions where there is a very high standard of evidence of having to be Beyond Reasonable Doubt to be able to obtain a guilty verdict against an accused, is still very controversial in the criminal trials and it is considered necessary to have other Beyond Reasonable Doubt Evidence to back up  and support the alleged DNA Evidence, plus the alleged DNA Evidence should be compared with other evidence presented at the trial see if it does in fact  support such alleged DNA Evidence   and does not contradict and/or put in doubt in any way such alleged DNA Evidence.
There is evidence, information and witnesses that was presented at the trial and evidence, information and witnesses that was deliberately and/or accidently presented at the trial of BRE that would show a contradiction to the alleged DNA evidence of BRE’s alleged DNA ending up under Ciara Glennon’s fingernails  at the time that Ciara was murdered. This is an extremely serious flaw and issue in the prosecution’s case against BRE is convincing a jury or this this particular case a justice in a justice only trial that His Honour be minded to bring down a No Reasonable Doubt Guilty Verdict that BRE’s was the sole person to plan to abduct and murder Ciara Glennon and carry out the abduction and murder of Ciara Glennon.
The evidence, information and witnesses that puts doubt on or oppose the genuineness of the alleged BRE DNA Evidence should be divided into that which was presented at the trial and that which was accidently and/or deliberately no presented at the trial by the prosecution.
Regardless of the importance a jury or a Justice at a Justice only trial would place in each individual piece of information, evidence and witness statement in putting a doubt on or oppose the genuineness of the alleged BRE DNA Evidence .. the other serious issue which supports the argument and proposition that BRE DNA was deliberately added to the Ciara Glennon’s DNA to set up BRE in the eyes of the court, the eyes of the victim’s families and friends and the general public  that BRE was the sole lone CSK that lurked the streets of Claremont and Cottesloe during the 1990’s looking to abduct, rape and murder unsuspecting females who had too much to drink or too many drugs and were thus much more vulnerable … is the fact that the police and prosecution under instructions from the State of Western Australia quite clearly deliberate have withheld material information, evidence and witness statements from the trial of BRE ….. which would not fit the story/narrative they have been trying to tell the world and the court that there can be no doubt that BRE is the CSK ….. there mere fact that they did this supports the argument that there was a deliberate desperation and need for so may different possible reasons that they needed all costs and methods, regardless of if such methods were wrongful, illegal and/or immoral ….. to make sure that there was presentable believable DNA evidence to support the arrest for the abductions and murders of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon and hopefully final conviction of BRE for at least one of these three murder charges …. One does not have to be a rocket scientist or a Rhodes scholar to work out many reasons why the WA Police and the WA Liberal Government wanted to have someone arrested and charged for the  CSK, before the WA State Elections due to held in March, 2017 and before the then WA Police Commissioner retired …….. and why the Director of Public Prosecution for WA and their senior prosecutor would want to make sure they at all costs and by any methods, regardless of whether such methods were wrongful, illegal and/or immoral … that they presented a story/narrative that helped their clients being the WA Government and the WA Police that which convinced the world and the court that there can be no doubt that BRE is the CSK…

For so many different reasons it is easy to see that there is a reasonable argument that to conclude that an alleged LCN Typing Test shows that BRE’s DNA turned up mixed with Ciara Glennon’s DNA ended up there because of accidental contamination or deliberate contamination
In deciding on whether the alleged BRE’s DNA Evidence was deliberately added to Ciara Glennon’s DNA and/or such alleged DNA Evidence should be used to support a BRD Guilty Verdict that BRE murdered Ciara Glennon, one has to closely examine and analyse all the information, evidence and witnesses presented at the trial  and all the material information, evidence and witnesses accidently or deliberately not present ed at the BRE’s trial ….
Material information, evidence and witnesses accidently or deliberately not present ed at the BRE’s trial include:

The fact that the witnesses that claim that they saw BRE the morning after Ciara Glennon disappeared did not mention that they saw an scratches of the face or arms of BRE ….. which would more likely to the scratches on the face if Ciara Glennon was desperately fighting of her attacker in the last minutes of her life….
Mr Silas has stated in statements made public by the media that an employee at his work place had what clearly looked like scratches on his face made from a human scratching him on the face on the Tuesday after the weekend that Ciara Glennon disappeared …
Mr Silas stated that this employee did not turn up for work on the Monday after Ciara Glennon disappeared ..
Mr Silas stated that he saw blood stains in the employee’s van just after Ciara Glennon disapeared
Mr Silas stated that he saw the employee’s girlfriend which a piece of jewellery that looked like it was from Ciara Glennon
Mr Silas stated that the employee stated he was going to become extremely famous when he saw the article in the newspaper about the disappearance of Ciara Glennon
Sarah Anne McMahon made a sworn statement before she disappeared ( Coroner has ruled that the evidence supports that SA McMahon died from unlawful homicide) ….that police and a powerful well connected wealthy Perth businessman were involved in the Claremont Serial abductions and murders
Sarah Anne McMahon stated that if her statement that police and a powerful well-connected wealthy Perth businessman were involved in the Claremont Serial abductions and murders was handed to the authorities … she would be dead in a week …. Because the people involved and their associates and networks were simply too powerful … and they it is not use to try and expose them …. They will just find a way to cover they tracks and have me murdered…. They have hitmen working for them ….
Noel Coward stated that a part time taxi driver who lived in Fremantle who was commonly known as Taxi  Tony (the police know who he is as the police admitted interviewing Taxi Tony), was working on the nights of the disappearances of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon, and was involved with a girl who was known as Michelle in helping to pick up Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon on the nights they disappeared
A brick layer and his wife offered important material evidence to the WA Police, which was reported in the West Australian Newspaper  ….to say that the bricklayer saw a Falcon Taxi with its lights off driving down a bush road near his home as he was driving at around 4am to a building site where he worked as a bricklayer … he nearly ran in the Falcon Taxi …. He said he saw a person sitting in the back of the taxi …. He stated that he saw the taxi close to where the body of Ciara Glennon was located.
It was common knowledge  amongst the girls that partied at in the Claremont Nightlife Precinct and in particular the Continental Hotel and the Bay View Night Club that police from the Cottesloe Police Station would often pick up girls who are extremely drunk and/or high on party drugs like chrystal meth  between the hours of round 1pm and 3 am as a supposed community service to help drive these girls home because of the difficulty of obtaining a taxi from Claremont at these hours … however sometimes the police would tale a girl who was by herself and drunk and/or high on party drugs and take them to private parties at the Cottesloe Police Station and sometime the girl was taken to  private party at the home of a powerful well connected wealthy Perth Businessman
There is ample evidence that some WA Police are involved in criminal activity and involved with criminals in help the carry out crimes and protect some criminals from being investigate and charged for their involvement with criminal activity….such as robberies, fraud, illegal drug distribution and even murder
Even the current Attorney General of Western Australia, John Quigley has stated in Parliament before he became the WA Attorney General, that there was about 15 to 25% of the WA Police Force are corrupt and, bad eggs and should be routed out of the WA Police Force ,…. And that even though the other 85% to 75% reasonably honest … that they will not expose the corrupt police officers because of the code of silence amongst the WA Police Force
Four university students have publicly made a statement which was published in the Chronicle Newspaper (Nedlands Edition) that they saw Jane Rimmer at around 12.30 am the night she disappeared …. Hitchhiking in the direction of the City of Perh on Stirling Highway near the corner of Loch Street, Claremont. They even stated the correct description of the clothes that Jane Rimmer before what Jane Rimmer was wearing at the time was released in a media release to the public. These four witnesses should have been put on the witness stand at the trial of BRE
Some Evidence presented at the trial of BRE by the DPP opposes the claim by the prosecution and the police and the State Government of Western Australia that BRE was the sole person to plan the abduction and murder of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon and the actual abduction and murder of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon such as:

Witnesses who were driving along Stirling Highway at on the night Ciara Glennon disappeared and saw Ciara Glennon climb into the back of a Falcon Ute type vehicle.

Witnesses who saw BRE the morning after the night Ciara Glennon disappeared did not see any scratches of the face or arms of BRE, which of the prosecution are right about BRE having murdered Ciara Glennon .. and that Ciara Glennon scratched BRE is a desperate attempt to fight her attacked by scratching him, to try and safe her life.

Even if His Honour accepts that there was no doubt that the DNA of BRE was genuinely on Ciara Glennon’s fingernails, another issue is that the defence can easily say that the prosecution have not produced any Beyond Reasonable Doubt (BRD) evidence as to exactly when and how exactly did BRE’s DNA become mixed with Ciara Glennon’s DNA. BRE’s DNA could have been there as a result of accidental or deliberate contamination or by some other social contact or by Ciara Glennon touching some item, or object or thing that BRE’s DNA was on. For example it may be that BRE’s was involved in picking up Ciara Glennon the night she disappeared by either just offering Ciara Glennon a lift or my some sort of forceful abduction similar to the abduction of the girl that BRE’s admitted abducting and raping in Karrakatta Cemetery, then BRE’s may have dropped the girl off somewhere where, such as the Mosman Park  home of the powerful well connected wealthy Perth businessman that Sarah Anne McMahon states was involved with police in the CSK, which had a fairly secret entrance and was like an inescapable  fortress once inside  the home  …or some boat, or underground bunker, and factory where a snuff movie was being made which need a female to be violently murder in as part of the snuff movie film script, then later others, other that BRE murdered Ciara Glennon and took her body where it was found, or the took Ciara Glennon alive but with tape on her mouth and ties on her hands and feet to the bush setting where her body was found and violently murdered Ciara Glennon there in a violent and sadist way …which all could have been part of the scrip for the making of a snuff movie, and/or some sadist ritual, and/or for some deviant sick sexual ritual or satisfaction.

Summary of the prosecution’s case by Carmel Barbagallo
“The case is not to be considered by each piece of evidence or each fact or circumstance in isolation or on a piecemeal basis.

They (the facts) must be evaluated in their entirety” …. Said Ms Carmel Barbagallo.

The four key planks of that case she said, were
The Clothing
The Car Fibres
The Propensity of Mr Edwards to abduct and Rape


Ms Carmel Barbagallo also intended to shoot down any suggestion that the DNA of Mr Edwards found on s Glennon got there by the way of contamination at the Pathwest Lab

“We will set out all the evidence that suggests against contamination and the relevance or more to the point the relevance of other contamination events …” … Ms Carmel Barbagallo said.

But that was as far as she got with the video link to the Supreme Court … coughing and spattering as much as Ms Barbagallo was … a video blackout was enough for Justice Hall to suggest time out… and after some consideration that (time out) was extended until Monday 15th June, 2020.
Article in the Australian Newspaper

“ Only Rational Outcome is Guilt”

Prosecutor says key evidence points to Claremont accused
By Paul Garvey – 10th June, 2020

The lead prosecutor in the murder case against former Telstra technician Bradley Robert Edwards has declared “The Only rational inference” that can be drawn from the state’s case against him is that he is the Claremont Serial Killer

Comments to this article
Article in the West Australian 10th June 2020
By John Flint
Top prosecutor soldiers on despite bug in throat and “less than optimal video link to home”
Where’s a good IT Technician when you need one?
Eion Musk can fire astronauts into space but the most important criminal trial in WA couldn’t maintain a video link between two buildings in Perth in the Trial’s resumption for closing arguments
Claremont serial killings trial podcast: ‘When the Normal Meets the Abnormal’ as closing submissions begin
Kate RyanPerthNow
June 9, 2020


The lead prosecutor - looking under the weather soldiered on during the beginning of her closing statements on day 86 of the Claremont Serial Killings trial, but it didn’t last long - just an hour, in fact.
As Tim Clarke said, the only thing in worse health than Carmel Barbagallo was the video link.
As it cut out an hour into her closings, the screen went black, and the court was delayed again.
But in the hour the lead prosecutor was delivering her statement, she outlined the 25 reasons why she says she can prove Bradley Robert Edwards is the Claremont Serial Killer.
They came in four key areas - DNA, clothing fibres, car fibres and propensity - the similar crimes of the Karrakatta rape in 1995 and Huntingdale attack in 1998, which Bradley Edwards has admitted too.

In front of a packed court room, which included all of the three victims’ families and well as the Karrakatta rape victim and the Huntingdale attack victim, as well as Mr Edwards’ parents, prosecutor Tara Payne asked for the trial to be adjourned again until Monday - to allow for Ms Barbagallo to get better.

Join Natalie Bonjolo, Tim Clarke and Alison Fan as they discuss day 86 of the Claremont Serial killings trial.

If you have any questions for the Claremont in Conversation podcast team, send them in to claremontpodcast@wanews.com.au

The West Australian has also released a two-part video series, as Tim Clarke takes you through the areas which are key to the trial, from Claremont, where the women went missing, to Hollywood hospital and to the sites were Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon’s bodies were found.

To watch those videos, head to Part One and Part Two.
Claremont Serial killings Trial: Tim Clarke takes you on a visual tour of Claremont
Tim ClarkeThe West Australian, Saturday, 11 April 2020

Claremont Serial Killings Trial: Tim Clarke takes you to Wellard and Eglington
Tim Clarke, The West Australian, Sunday, 12 April 2020
Dated 18th June 2020
Wikipeidia Exposed Media Group (WEM)

for and on behalf of the People of Western Australia and the State of Western Australia
18th June 2020

Claremont Serial Killings Perth WA News Courts & Justice Crime
Claremont serial killings trial podcast: ‘Mr Edwards ‘Should be Acquitted’ of Killing Sarah’

The West Australian - Tuesday, 23 June 2020 
Paul Yovich told the court Sarah Spiers was the victim of a grave crime, but Bradley Edwards didn’t commit that crime.
Making sure to tell the court he didn’t “intend to trivialise Ms Spiers’ death, or disrespect her. Quite the contrary”, he said Sarah Spiers was the victim of a grave crime — ‘a blameless victim’.
The 18-year-old called for a taxi at 2.06am in the early hours of January 27, 1996. A taxi arrived three minutes later, but she was gone, and was never seen again.

Mr Edwards ‘Should be Acquitted’ of Killing Sarah’
Mr Edwards ‘Should be Acquitted’ of Killing Sarah’
Tuesday, 23 June 2020 
Paul Yovich told the court Sarah Spiers was the victim of a grave crime, but Bradley Edwards didn’t commit that crime.
Making sure to tell the court he didn’t “intend to trivialise Ms Spiers’ death, or disrespect her. Quite the contrary”, he said Sarah Spiers was the victim of a grave crime — ‘a blameless victim’.
The 18-year-old called for a taxi at 2.06am in the early hours of January 27, 1996. A taxi arrived three minutes later, but she was gone, and was never seen again.
Previous witnesses have told Mr Edwards was at work early the next morning.
Paul Yovich said logic dictates that it couldn’t be possible for Bradley Edwards could have killed Sarah Spiers, because it would have left just a six-hour window for him to kill and dispose of his victim, then arrive at work at 7.30 the next morning.

Carmel  Barbagello SC, the Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia, acting for and on behalf of Chris Dawson, the Commissioner of Police for Western Australia  and the Western Australian Police Service and the State of Western Australia

Fibres found in Ms Glennon's hair also matched three models of Ford Falcon from 1994 and 1995, a Lexan, 1996 Holden Apollo and a 1997 model Toyota Camry
ChemCentre fibre analyst Rees Powell said to the Bradley Robert Edwards Trial Supreme Court proceedings  that some of the fibres found in Ms Glennon's hair also matched a 1997 model Toyota Camry, and had similar properties to a 1996 Holden Apollo and three models of Ford Falcon from 1994 and 1995.
It was also stated by prosecution expert witnesses that the fibres found in Ms Glennon’s hair also matched a Lexan Station Wagon…. And not just a Vs Holden Commodore Station Wagon which was the type of Telstra Car that the prosecution claim that the accused Bradley Robert Edwards had access to and was driving material times when Ms Glennon was abducted and murdered.
The fact that ChemCentre fibre analyst Rees Powell said Fibres found in Ms Glennon's hair also matched three models of Ford Falcon from 1994 and 1995, correlates the material evidence that was deliberately withheld from the Bradley Robert Edwards CSk Trial, that was offered by bricklayer and his wife … who stated that the bricklayer saw a Ford Falcon grubby taxi without its lights on at about 4.30 am Sunday morning in March 1997 near where Ciara Glennon’s body was found